( )1.Wu Yifan’s weekend at the hotel was _______
A. good B.bad C.OK
( )2. How was the room? It was _______
A. big and new B.small and new C. big and old
( ) 3.His mother wanted to _______
A. watch TV B. read a book C. listened to music
( ) 4._______ got some hamburgers from the kitchen.
A. Wu Yifan B .His dad C. His mother
( ) 5. They didn’t enjoy ______ very much.
A. the room and the food B.the loud music and the lamp C.A and B
( )1.Wu Yifan’s weekend was good.
( )2. Their room was big but everything was old.
( )3.His mother got some hamburgers from the kitchen.
( )4.His mother wanted to watch TV
( )5.Wu Yifan listened to loud music
( )6.They enjoy the stay very much.
1.Our room was _______ but everything was very _______.
2.My mother wanted to _____ _____ ______.
3.My dad got some __________ from the kitchen but they cold and ____ bad.
4. I wanted to ______ _______ but the TV ______ ______.
5. I’m sorry, but we ______ ______ our stay very much.
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