The world is like a mirror: Frown at it and it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.
二 、单项选择,将答案标号写在题前括号内。(每小题1分,共10分)
( ) 1.The hot dog_______ good. A. look B. looking C. looks
( ) 2. ----How much is it?
----It’s one five . A. dollar;cent B. dollars;cent C. dollar;cents
( ) 3. What do you want________ eat? A. at B. to C. for
( ) 4.It will _______ in Hangzhou..
A.be rain B. rain C. raining
( ) 5. ---- ____ are you going to the park?
---- At eight. A.What B. How C.When D. Where
( ) 6. The sun is ______. A.shine B. shines C. shining D.shone
( ) 7.The ducks ______our sandwiches now. A.are eatting B.are eating C. is eating
( ) 8. The birds are singing ______the tree. A.on B. in C. at D.of
( ) 9.A beautiful bird is fiying _______ . A. down B. away C.on ( )10. ( )10.Simon is a birthday card. A. make B. making C. makeing
三 选择配伍,从右边栏中找出左栏句子的恰当答语,把答案写在题前括号内。(10分)
( ) 1. What do you want to eat ? A. Yes,I am.
( ) 2.What are you going to do tomorrow? B. Sorry, I can’t.
( ) 3.Can you help me? C. No,it’s cloudy..
( ) 4. When are you going to school? D. I’m reading a book..
( ) 5.What are you doing? E. At seven o’clock..
( ) 6.Where is your brother? F. A cola,please.
( ) 7.What do you want to drink? G. It’s five o’clock.
( ) 8.Is it sunny today? H. I’m going to the park.
( ) 9.Are you going to go to the zoo? I. I want some rice..
( ) 10.What time is it? J. He’s in the mountains.
四 补全对话,并将答案序号写在相应空白处(10分)
Waiter: ________________________
Girl: I want a hamburger,please.
Girl: : Some milk ,please.
Waiter:That’s a hamburger and some milk.
Girl: : Yes.
Waiter: It’s eight dollars.
Girl: : _______________
Waiter:Thank you.
五 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断,正确的为T,错误的为F(10分)
Dear Lingling,
How are you? I had a very funny day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park. Look at these photos. In the first photo, it’s shining. We’re looking at some ducks. In the second photo, it’s raining. We’re under a tree. In the third photo, the ducks are eating our sandwiches.
I miss everyone in China. Please write soon.
( ) 1. The letter is from Daming.
( ) 2. They had a funny day on Sunday.
( ) 3. In the first photo, it’s raining..
( ) 4. In the second photo, they’re under a tree.
( ) 5. In the third photo, the ducks are eating.
六 单词拼写。根据汉语提示和图片填写适当的单词。(10分)
1、The are eating our sandwiches.
2、I want two (可乐).
3、It will be (刮风的)in Xi’an.
4.The (气球) are flying away.
七 连词成句(7分)
1. want to what do eat you (?)
2. soon it going is rain to (.)
3. will in cloudy be Beijing it (.)
4. it is a dog really (?)
5. the jumping are rabbits (.)
6. I everything carry can’t (.)
7. are when going we to eat (?)
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