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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了分类复习题

一.语音  区教研试卷


1. date         cave     (      )

2. fresh         next    (      )

3. exciting      thick    (      )

4. hole         strong   (      )

5. dug         usually  (      )

6. travel       across   (      )

7. decide      clever   (      )

8. topic       drink    (      )

9. one        front     (      )

10. subway   supermarket (      )


1. (     ) A. eat          B. ready        C. peach       D. meat

2. (     ) A. week        B. meet         C. beef        D. coffee

3. (     ) A. food        B. look         C. good        D. book

4. (     ) A. beach       B. heavy        C. weather     D. breakfast

5. (     ) A. head        B. really        C. sweater      D. ready

6. (     ) A. great        B. speak        C. meat        D. easy

7. (     ) A. too         B. school        C. food        D. foot

8. (     ) A. because      B. Australia     C. daughter     D. sausage

9. (     ) A. rain         B. mountain     C. train         D. main

10. (     ) A. ready       B. weather       C. leave        D. bread

11. (     ) A. room        B. food         C. foot         D. afternoon


A. 写出下列单词的适当形式  1—6单元练习册

1. back(反义词)_____________________ they(反身代词)________________________

2. family(复数)______________________eat(现在分词) _________________________

3. do(过去式) ______________________ go (第三人称单数) _____________________

4. red(同音词) ______________________ enjoy(过去式) _________________________

5. movie(同义词) ____________________ four (序数词) _________________________

6. parents(所有格)____________________ two(序数词) __________________________

7. enjoy(第三人称单数) _______________write(现在分词)_______________________

8. was not(缩写)______________________also(同义词)___________________________

9. have(过去式)_______________________much(最高级)_________________________

10. in(反义词)_________________________many(近义词)_________________________

11. begin(过去式)______________________ interest(形容词)_______________________

12. talk(过去式)________________________wonderful(名词)_______________________

13. sound(第三人称单数)________________ buy(过去式)_________________________

14. dancing(动词)______________________have(第三人称单数)____________________

15. begin(现在分词)____________________ninth(基数词)__________________________

16. act(过去式)________________________there(同音词) _________________________

17. task (复数)_________________________good(最高级)_________________________

18. sing(过去式)_______________________practise(名词)__________________________

19. snow (形容词) _____________________tell (过去式) __________________________

20. bring(过去式)______________________slow(反义词)__________________________

21. study(第三人称单数)________________beautiful (比较级)_____________________

22. sun (形容词) ______________________many (比较级)_________________________

23. by(同音词)_______________________ brought(原形) __________________________

24. much(最高级) _____________________will not (缩写) _________________________

25. take(过去式) _______________________it(反身代词) __________________________

26. begin(现在分词)___________________hour同音词)___________________________

27. cut(现在分词)______________________should(否定形式) ______________________

28. there(同音词) ______________________ too(同音词) __________________________

29. for(同音词) _______________________ come(现在分词)_______________________

30. one(序数词) _______________________ tree(复数)____________________________

31. six(序数词) ________________________ put(现在分词)________________________

32. live(现在分词) _____________________ glass(复数)___________________________

33. come(过去式) ______________________ short(反义词)_________________________

34. close(现在分词) ____________________ paper(复数)___________________________

35. three(序数词) ______________________ swim(现在分词)_______________________

36. mouse(复数) _______________________ country(复数)_________________________

37. family ( 复数 ) ______________________body ( 复数 ) _______________________

38. small ( 反义词 ) _____________________visit ( 名词 ) _______________________

39. those ( 单数 ) ______________________ north ( 对应词) ______________________

40. know ( 同音词 ) ____________________see ( 同音词 )_______________________

41. meet ( 同音词 ) _____________________write ( 同音词 )____________________

42. friend (形容词) ______________________real(副词) __________________________

43. teach (名词) ________________________ do(过去式) _________________________

44. study (同义词) _____________________carefully (形容词) ______________________

45. same(反义词) _____________________swim(现在分词) ________________________

46. people (复数) _____________________go(第三人称单数) ______________________

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空   1—3单元练习册和单元测试小卷

1. The book is very ____________ (interest) and ____________ (excite).

2. You should do it by _____________ (you).

3. He felt __________ (happy) during his holiday.

4. Each of the ___________________ ( dictionary ) is very useful.

5. The children was very ___________, because the story was so __________ ( excite ).

6. There is a lot of paper _____________________ here. (money)

7. I want my house more beautiful than ____________________. (you)

8. There are two Chinese ________________________ on the desk. (dictionary)

9. This is ___________ (my) book.______________ (your) is in the bag.

10. The classroom is (our) __________________________.

11. Are these watches ____________ (her)? No, ____________ (her) watches are at home.

12. They aren’t ______________ (his) teapots. They are ___________________. (their)

13. The big mirror is (his) _____________________.

14. That is not ________________ (my) comb. It’s ______________________ (her).

15. Is this calculator __________________ (your)?

16. The hairdryer isn’t my sister’s. It’s _______________ .(my)

17. Give ____________ (she) a piece of paper, please.

18. Tianjin is one of the ___________ (big) _______________(city) in China.

19. I think the ___________ (nine) unit is easy.

20. Each of __________________ ( they) has a dictionary.

21. Thank you for _________________ (you) help.

22. There are two __________ (library) in the school.

23. There are many new_________ (bus) in our city.

24. Li Lei is sitting between Zhang Jun and ___________ (I).

25. There are a lot of____________ (interest) places in Beijing.

26. The___________ (one) student he knew here was Gao Wei.

27. There are many big__________ (city) in the world.

28. The people around__________ (we) are very friendly.

29. This is a map of_________ (Chinese).

30. This is an __________ (interest) book.

31. Mary is a careful girl, and she does her work __________ (careful).

32. The question is _____________ (easy) of all.

33. The children are playing___________ (happy) in the park.

34. Tom, help _____________ (you) to some fish.

35. I live on the____________ (five) floor.

36. This is an ___________ (excite) news.

37. This is a _______________ (wonder) performance!

38. Tianjin is one of the __________ (big) ___________(city) in China.

39. We began to learn three _______________ (year) ago.

40. The ___________ (topic) are very interesting.

41. This is a __________ (wonder) programme.

42. We must make our planet             . (green)

43. Confucius was the greatest           in Chinese history.(teacher)

44. Confucius let his students ask questions and he answered         (they) wisely.

45. We should keep our         (river) and        (ocean) clean.

46. Tianjin is one of the __________ ( big ) ________ ( city ) in China .

47. Each of ___________ (they) has an English-Chinese dictionary.

48. The CN Tower is ________________ (tall) tower in the world.

49. Yesterday, our English teacher told us an ________________ (interest) story in class.

50. I’m very _______________ (please) to see you again.

51. Please answer my ________________ (four) question.

威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了分类复习题,希望大家抓紧时间冲刺考试。


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