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Dictionary    bus         bike          train          plane


1. There are many w_____ to go somewhere.

2. - How much are the bananas?

- Let me s________. Oh, they’re 4 yuan.

3. - How do you go to school?

- Sometimes by bike, sometimes by car, but n_______ by train.

4. - How can I get to the zoo?

- You can go by s________.

5. Mary is from C____________. She’s a Canadian.

6. I don’t go to school on f_________, I go to school by bike.

7. Tom, I’m 15 years old. How a________ you?

8. I u_________ go to school by bike.

9. Usually I go to school on foot, b_________ my home is near.

10. The traffic l_________ are the same in every country.


火眼金睛 找出划线部分发音不同与其他三个的单词。

(   ) 1.  A. speak       B. team        C. deal       D. bread

(   ) 2.  A. pig         B. bike        C. dish       D. tin

(   ) 3.  A. how         B. now         C. window     D. cow

(   ) 4.  A. there       B. here        C. where      D. somewhere

(   ) 5.  A. go          B. stop        C. no         D. home


(   ) 6. If we go to Australia, we should go there __________.

A. on foot      B. by bike     C. by plane    D. by train

(   ) 7. Look at ________ pictures.

A. this         B. those       C. that        D. I

(   ) 8. You can ________ the No.12 bus to go there.

A. take         B. by          C. in          D. on


(   ) 9. My home is _______. Usually I go to school on foot.

A. near         B. far         C. not near    D. big

(   ) 10. Sarah, let’s _______ to the park this afternoon.

A. to go        B. going       C. go          D. goes

(   ) 11. How _______ we go to the park? xK b1. Co m

A. does         B. do          C. are         D. is

(   ) 12. My home is on _________ floor.

A. the five     B. fifth       C. the fifth   D. five

(   ) 13. See you _______ 2 o’clock this afternoon.

A. on           B. at          C. in          D. /

(   ) 14. We should stop ______ a red light.

A. in           B. at          C. on          D. for

(   ) 15. How can we get to ________ Zhongshan Park?

A. the          B. a           C. an          D. /

(   ) 16. In China, drivers drive on the _______ side of the road.

A. left         B. right       C. both        D. each

(   ) 17.          means _______.

A. One way       B. No entry     C. No bikes     D. No left turn

(   ) 18. Can we walk _______ there?

A. to           B. for         C. on          D. /

(   ) 19. Let’s go to a fast food restaurant _______ lunch.

A. for          B. to          C. have        D. eat

(   ) 20. Red means “_________”.

A. Stop         B. Wait        C. Go          D. Run


Zoom   1   Zip go to the restaurant. They decide to go there   2__   bus. At last they go there   3__ foot. Zoom asks, “ Do you know the traffic __4   ?” Zip says, “Yes.   5   light means stop. Yellow    __6__  wait. Green means __7__.” They get there. And they have _ 8 _ good lunch.

(   ) 1. A. and          B. but         C. with         D. or

(   ) 2. A. on           B. by          C. in           D. at

(   ) 3. A. on           B. by          C. in           D. at

(   ) 4. A. rule         B. rules       C. light        D. lights

(   ) 5. A. Red          B. Yellow      C. Green        D. Black

(   ) 6. A. mean         B. means       C. meant        D. meaning

(   ) 7. A. stop         B. wait        C. go           D. leave

(   ) 8. A. a            B. an          C. the          D. /



There are many people on a bus. A woman with a boy gets on the bus. She gives the conductor two yuan and says,“Please give me a ticket to the zoo.”

The conductor looks at the boy. He asks him,“How old are you?” The


boy says, “I’m six at home, and I’m three on a bus.” All the people laugh. At last, the womam gives one yuan again for her son’s ticket.


1. There are many p_______ on the bus.

2. The boy is six y________ old.

3. The b________ ticket to the zoo is one yuan.

4. The w_______ is dishonest(不诚实).

5. The woman gives one yuan for her son’s t__________.


It is a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on the bus. It’s a big dog and it’s feet are not clean.

The conductor doesn’t want the dog sit on the chair. But the woman wants the dog to sit on it. So the woman says to the conductor,“Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?”

The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam, but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”


(   ) 6. It’s a ________ day.

A. rainy       B. sunny       C. windy       D. cold

(   ) 7. The dog is __________.

A. small       B. wet         C. dirty       D. white

(   ) 8. The woman __________ the dog to sit on the chair.

A. wants                      B. doesn’t want

C. hates                      D. carries

(   ) 9. _________ likes the dog.

A. The woman                  B. The conductor

C. Everyone                   D. Nobody

(   ) 10. At last the dog ____________.

A. doesn’t sit on the chair     B. sits on the chair

C. gets off the bus            D. runs home


1. I go to school on foot .(就划线部分提问)

______ _____ ______ go to school?

2. You can go to the park by bus.(改一般疑问句)

_____ ______ go to the park by bus?

3. I go to school on foot because my home is near.(就划线部分提问)

_______ ______ ______ go to school on foot?

4. Remember the traffic rules!(同义句)

_______ ________ the traffic rules!

5. The traffic lights are the same in every country.(同义句)

The traffic lights are ______ __________ in every country.

6. How about by taxi?(同义句)

______ _______ by taxi?


7. There are no people here.(同义句)

There _______ _______ people here.

8. I know the traffic rules.(改一般疑问句)

______ ______ _______ the traffic rules?



每个人都有自己最亲密的朋友,你的朋友是谁呀,以“My Friend” 为题,说给大家听听。



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