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备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了英语培优试题


1. It’s a ________ (sun) day today.

2. Little water drop goes _________ (high) and ________ (high).

3. Hello, Mr. Wind. Nice _____________ (meet) you again.

4. Can you help me ________ (go) up to the sky again?

5. You can see a sprout in several ________ (day).

6. What should you ________ (do) then?

7. I can see a sprout. I’m so __________ (excite).

8. My plant has two green ___________ (leaf).

9. Do you know how __________ (make) it?

10. Is he still ___________ (make) popcorn?


vapour        lovely       sprout          fall        cloud


1. sprout, several, you, see, the, can, days, in.

2. tree, you, a, how, plant, do

3. some, pot, I, into, a, put, seeds

4. sun, it, now, the, is, in

5. is, lovely, it, so

6.does, the, come, where, rain, from(?)

7.comes, the, vapour, from, the, cloud(?)


8.the, can, water, how, become, vapour(?)

9.shines, sun, and, the, becomes, water, the,vapour(?)

10.in, can, the, what, see, you, picture(?)

11.that, how, you, do, do(?)

12.do,  what,  should, you, then(?)

13.plant, how, do, you, a, peach, tree(?)

14.are, you, going, what, to, this, do, afternoon(?)

15.sleeps, in, little, the, water, river, drop(.)


1.I put in some water, too.

2. I water it again and put it in the sun.

3. My plant has two green leaves.

4. I make sure it gets lots of sun.

5. I can hardly wait!


1. I’m going to water the flowers this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)

are you going to             this afternoon?

2. Rain comes from clouds. (对划线部分提问)

does rain        from?

3. The cloud comes from the vapour. (对划线部分提问)

the cloud come from?

4. How do we save water?(写出答语)

_______,do not          water. Then,           water.

5.I can see some birds in the picture. (对划线部分提问)

you see in the picture?

6.We are going to the Science Museun tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

__________ are you going to the Science Museum?

7.She likes swimming.(变成一般疑问句,并做出否定回答)


8.He is a policeman. (变成一般疑问句,并做出否定回答)


(   ) 1. Sarah: Where does the rain come from?

Lucy: _____________.

A. It comes from the clouds.

B. Yes, it is.

C. No, it isn’t.

D. What can you see in the tree?

(   ) 2. John: How can the water become vapour?

Teacher:           _________ .

A. I’m going to the sky.

B. I’m going to the park tomorrow.

C. The sun shines and the water become vapour.

D. He can go by the No.13 bus.

(   ) 3. Amy: What are you going to do this afternoon?

Sam: ______________________________ .

A. You can see the sprout.

B. Then put the plant in the soil.

C. My plant has two green leaves.

D. I’m going to plant flower seeds in our garden.

(   ) 4. Tom: Is your aunt an accountant?

Jim: _________________________.

A. Yes, he is.              B. Yes, she is.

C. No, he isn’t.              D. No, she hasn’t.

(   ) 5. Amy: Does he go to school on foot?

Jim: __________________.

A. Yes, he is.               B. No, he is.

C. Yes, he does.             D. No, he does.


1. Where does the cloud comes from?   (    )  ___________

A    B         C       D

2. I can sees the sprout.             (    )  ___________

A  B   C       D

3. what should you do then?           (    )  ___________

A     B     C   D

4. How does she goes to work?         (    )  ___________

A   B    C    D

5. She goes to work in car.           (    )  ___________

A   B      C      D


1.Where        (do,does)the rain come from?


2.The sun         (shine,shines)and the water         (become,becomes)vapour.

3.Can you help me              (go up, goes up) to the sky again?

4.First,we          (has, have)the seed.

5.Wait for the flower        ___________  (grow, to grow)


Sue: What are you going to do this weekend?

Ben: I am going to plant a tree in my garden.

Sue: A tree?

Ben: Yes, just a small one.

Sue: How do you do that?

Ben: First, dig the soil, then put the plant in the soil.

Sue: That’s all?

Ben: Then you have to water it and wait for it to grow.

Sue: That sounds interesting!

Ben: Come to my house this Saturday afternoon, we’ll do it together.

Sue: That’s great.

1. Does Ben want to plant a tree in this garden?

2. When is Ben going to plant the tree?

3. Does Sue know how to plant a tree?

4. What does Ben do to plant a tree firstly?

5. Is Sue going to plant the tree, too?


威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了英语培优试题,预祝大家好运,考上理想的学校。


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