备考期间,考生可以适当放松,同时也要静下心来做好接下来的复习。下文是威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了毕业复习卷
六、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共10分,每小题2分)
A: I have some fish, cabbage and chicken. B: Are you helpful?
C: Pass me a plate, please. D: What time is it now?
E: Can you wash the vegetables? F: What did you do after school.
G: I’d like some fish ,tomatoes and chicken.
Amy: Mommy, I’m home. I’m hungry.
Mommy: ?
Amy: I sang and danced after school. I’m hungry and tired now.
Mommy: ?
Amy: It’s 7:00
Mommy: What would you like for dinner?
Amy: .
Mommy: Let’s cook dinner together.
Amy: OK, Mom.
Mommy: ?
Amy: Yes, I can. I’m going to wash the vegetables.
Mommy: Good girl! .
Amy: Here you are. xK b1. Co m
Mommy: Thanks. You are helpful. Tonight we can enjoy a special dinner.
七、 阅读,选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里(10分)
( 1 ) A young mother and her little girl get on a bus and sit down. The bus conductor comes to ask them to buy the tickets. “I want one ticket to Children’s Park.” The conductor looks at the little girl and says to her, “How old are you?” The girl answers, “Mother says I am four years old at home, but I’m two years old on the bus.” The young mother’s face turns red, very red. Then she buys a half(一半) tickets .
( )1. Where do they go? A. Home. B. The park
( )2. How do they go there? A. By train. B. By bus.
( )3. How old is the little girl? A. 4 B. 3
( )4. Why the mother’s face is red? A. She feels hot.
B. She teaches her daughter (女儿) to tell a lie (谎言).
( )5.What’s the meaning of “ticket”? “ticket”的意思是什么?
A.方便面 B. 车票
( 2 ) Mr. King has a car. In the morning he takes his children to school in his car. Then he drives to work. Mr. King and his children do not have lunch at home but Mrs. King does. She doesn’t go to work. She stays at home, does some shopping and does some cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. Then she cooks supper for her family. Mr. King comes back home much later than his children. The children do not come back in their father’s car. They take a bus home. They usually come back home before five.
( )1. Mr King goes to work by car.
( )2. Mrs King doesn’t have lunch at home.
( )3. Mrs King is a housewife.
( )4. The children go back home by car.
( )5. They children come back home late.
(going, thinner, friend, do, swimming, Sunday, go, shorter, friends, were, went, younger, did)
Mike and John are good _______. Mike is 164cm. He is 4cm ________ than John, and_______. John is 14. Mike is only 12. Mike is _______. Usually they ________ homework together on Sundays. Last _________, they _______ hiking and _______. They ________ happy. Next weekend, they’re _______ to the zoo.
1. A: ___________________________________________?
B: It’s Tuesday today.
2. A: ___________________________________________?
B: My nose is sore.
3. A: ___________________________________________?
B: You can go to Songshan Lake by bike. It’s not far.
4. A: ______________________________?
B: They are watching folk dances.
5. A: ___________________________________________?
B: Mike is going to Dongguan Science Museum.
Height Weight Favoutite colour Hobby
163cm 45kg 白色 洗衣服
威廉希尔app 中考频道为您准备了毕业复习卷,希望大家抓紧时间复习,在考试中取得好的成绩。
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