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Lesson  1

(   )1、I _____a football match last night.

A. watch   B.  watches   C.  watched   D.  am watching

(   )2、During the Spring Festival we _______in a hotel in Beijing.

A. stayed   B.  stays   C.  are stay    D.  stay

(   ) 3、He _______ very happy ________ the e-mail last night.

A. is, to read  B. was, read  C. is, to read  D. was, to read

(   ) 4、Our parents ____________ in America last year.

A. live       B. lived      C. lives      D. living

(   )5、 _______ your teacher _________ to the cinema with you yesterday?

A. Does; go   B. Does; went  C. Did; go  D. Did; went

(   ) 6、A: Did you have a good time last night?   B: _________

A. Thank you! B. Sure! C. You're welcome. D. That's great!

(   ) 7、A: _______did you go to Sanya?   B:  By plane.

A. What      B. How    C. When  D. Where

(   ) 8、A: _________  B: We went there by plane.

A. What did you do ?         B. How do you get there?

C. Did you have a good time?  D. How did you get there?

Lesson  3

(   ) 1、A: Where did you go during your holiday,linda?

B: I _______ to Sanya with my family.

A. go       B. goes   C. went   D. to go

(   ) 2、Spring Festival is coming. We can see ______ people in the shop.

A. a lot    B. a lot of    C. a few     D. much

(   ) 3、Mary _______ to learn music five years ago. .

A. begin   B. begins   C. began   D.  to begin

(   ) 4、A: Can the students  _______tasks in English ?   B: Yes, ______ can.

A. do, they     B. did, they   C. do, them  D. do, their

(   ) 5、A:  You are a good student.     B:  _______

A. Me too.      B. It's Ok.    C. Thank you.  D. You're welcome.

Lesson  4

(   ) 1、Peter _________ me something about the activity.

A. say    B. says    C. told    D. speak

(   ) 2、I often ____ a walk after dinner. But yesterday evening I____ at home.

A. take;  stay   B. take, stayed  C. took, stayed  D. took, stay

(   )3、 He has _________ some new words and ________ them in class.

A. learns, uses   B. learn, use   C. learned, use   D. learned, used

(   )4、We can _________ tasks in English.

A.  speak    B. sing    C. do    D. go

(   )5、The boy with his parents _________ to England last summer.

A.  go       B. goes   C. going    D. went

(   ) 6、A:  Did you go to school together?     B:  _______

A. Yes, we do.  B. Yes, we are.  C. Yes, we can.  D. Yes, we did.

Lesson  5

(   ) 1、A:_______did you go yesterday?  B:I went to the library.

A.  When     B. Where   C. What    D. How

(   )2、They __________ learn English five years ago.

A. begin   B. begin to   C. began   D. began to

(   )2、 the eve of the Spring Festival we usually up late.

A. In; stayed B. At; stays C. On; are stay D. On; stay

(   )3、They often go there their friends.A.and B.with C.of D.at

(   )4、We Shanghai last month.

A. went to visit B. visit C. go to visit D. are visiting

(   )5、---How was your holiday?--- .

A. Very well B. Yes, it is C. It was fantastic D. That’s OK.

(   )6、Our parents in America last year.

A. live B. lived C .lives D. living

(    )7、 your teacher to the cinema with you yesterday?

A.Does;.go B.Does;went C.Did;.go D.Did;.went

(    )8、Did you enjoy lasr night?

A.themselves B.ourselves C.yourself D.yourselves

(    )9、The children had a good time Christmas Eve.

A.on B.in C.at D.to

(    )10、Mr.Brown liked the eighth floor.

A.lived in B.living in C.lived on D.living on

(    )11、I was too excited last night.

A.got to sleep B.fell asleep C.to go to bed D.to get go sleep

(    )12、You looked very tired.stop to have a rest?

A.Are you B.Do you C.Why not D.Whst about

(    )13、They had a meeting Tuesday morning.

A.on B.in C.at D./



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