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一、请按照字母表顺序选出排列正确的一项    4%

(     )1、 A. b F k O W          B. C F J M L         C. H L O Q J

(     )2、 A. c f j m h            B. l Q t v x           C. k n q R j

(     )3、 A.H n R V k            B. j k G r v          C. e H s V W

(     )4、 A. C l o L y            B. j K m N O         C. N t u w z

二、找出下列每组单词划线发音不同的一项    5%

(     )1、A. writer     B. purple       C. her           D. learn

(     )2、A. heavy      B. meat       C. tea           D. cheap

(     )3、A. many      B. desk        C. bag           D. left

(     )4、A. cooked     B. worked      C. cleaned       D. watched

(     )5、A. down      B. now         C. brown        D. slow

三、读一读,找出每组中不同类的一项    5%

(     )1、A. friendly       B. funny       C. kind         D. friend

(     )2、A. sixty         B. third        C. ninth        D. fourth

(     )3、A. pilot         B. drive        C. dancer       D. doctor

(     )4、A. Australia      B. Sydney      C. UK         D. Germany

(     )5、A. want         B. visit        C. went        D. talk

四、按要求写单词    6%

1、 twenty-two(序数词)________        2、get (现在分词)__________

3、 ride (过去式)_________          4、you (名词性物主代词)________

5、 children (单数)________          6、their(同音词)_________

五、单项选择    8%

(     )1、Your hair is longer than ________.

A. his          B. my           C. her

(     )2、Don’t make noisy in the library. You should talk ________.

A. quickly         B. quiet          C. quietly

(     )3、Are there _______ flowers on the desk?

A. lot of          B. many         C. any

(     )4、He didn’t ____ his bedroom, his mother was so ____ with him yesterday.

A. clean   angry      B. cleaned   angry      C. clean   worried

(     )5、There is a picture ________ BeiJing.

A. of             B. in            C. to

(     )6、_______ he like playing football and _________.

A. Does    sing         B. Is    singing       C. Does    singing

(     )7、Yesterday my sister ______to the library and _______ many books.

A. goes     read        B. went    readed      C. went    read

(     )8、Turn right ______ the hospital, then you can see it ______ your left.

A. in   on            B. at   on            C. at    at

六、根据句意及首字母写出完整单词    5%

1、We can read books there also can buy, it’s  b_________

2、It’s always very hot, but I like it, because I can eat ice-cream. It’s  s_________

3、If you want to be strong, you should do more  e_________.

4、It’s the seventh months of a year , it’s  J__________

5、My father works on a boat, he always catches many big fish, he’s a  f_________

七、按要求完成句子    5%

1、John has lunch at school every day. (划线部分提问)

________ does John ________ lunch every day?

2、He took many pictures last summer holiday in XinJiang.(改为否定句)

He didn’t ________  ________ picture last summer holiday in XinJiang .

3、 some  I  shows  on  watched  TV  children’s  (连词成句)


4、 That red bag is Mike’s. (改为复数句)

________ red bags ________ Mike’s.

5、She often visits her grandparents on the weenkend.(用 next weekend改写)

She ________  ________ to visit her grandparents next weekend.


John: Hi, Mike!  __________

Mike: It’s Wednesday.

John: Oh, let’s go to the zoo this weekend .

Mike:Good idea! __________

John: We can see mokeys and elephants. They are so smart.

Mike: OK! __________

John: We’ll go by bike.

Mike:But I have no bike. Let’s go by bus, OK?          A. What’s the date?

John: OK! __________                             B. Great !

Mike: What about eight thirty ?                      C. When are we going?

John: _________.                                 D. What day is it today?

Mike: See you this weekend.                        E. How are we going there?

John: See you.                                   F. What can we do there?

九、改错,下列每句中有一个错误,请找出并改正    5%

(    )1、He lives on the twelve floor of the building.__________

A         B       C

(   )2、Is Tom clean the window now?   No, he isn’t. _________

A      B                    C

(   )3、Kate and Sarah’s room are so big, there are lots of books in it.

A             B                C

(   )4、Are these your books?  Yes, these are. ______

A       B               C

(   )5、The RenMin Park is next to the cinema at DongFang Street. ________

A           B          C

十、选择合适的单词将短文补充完整(答题卡上写序号)   7%

A. doing    B. were    C. him    D. lives

E. was        F. have        G. from

Mr. Green _______ a doctor before. He was ______ America. He got up early and went to work by car. There _______ many sick people in the hospital.  Mr. Green was very busy in the day time. Sometimes he had no time to ______ lunch. He liked Chinese food  and _______ Chinese kung fu. Now he is an English teacher, and ______ in Beijing. He often plays games with us. He speaks Chinese so well, but my English is pool(差的)so I sometimes learn English from _______. He is also my good teacher now!

十一、读阅读,选择     5%

I’m Alice. I live in Shanghai. It is a busy city. My mom is a police officer. My father is a businessman. He works in YuYao. His hobby is listening to music. Usually my father goes to work by car. He likes driving, but he doesn’t like driving to work. Why? Because it takes too much time. There is always a lot of traffic. His car is very slow. He goes home very late every day. And he is very tired. He doesn’t like playing with me after work. But today he is very happy. “There’s going to be a train stop near our home! I am going to work by train next year. It’s fast. I can read magazine on the train, I can listen to music too”. “Then you can come back early and cook meals.” I say, “you can play with me after work.”

(    )1、What does Alice’s father do?   He’s a ________.

A. police officer          B. businessman         C. factory worker

(    )2、Alice’s father usually goes to work ________.

A. by train              B. on foot              C. by car

(    )3、How does Alice’s father feel when he goes home ?

A. He feels tired.         B. He feels happy.        C. He feels angry.

(    )4、Where is Alice from ?

A. She’s from China.     B. She’s from YuYao.      C. We don’t know.

(    )5.Why doesn’t Alice’s father like driving to work ?

A. Because he likes to listen to music.   B. Because he feels tired.

C. Because it takes too much time.



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