VI. Read and write.(根据划线部分的发音, 为下面的单词找家。)
see meat hand feet who whose
VII.Choose the different word.(读单词,选出不同类的一项)
( ) 1. A. bus B. taxi C. subway D. slow
( ) 2. A.sled B.washed C. stayed D. cleaned
( ) 3. A. gym B. ferry C. dining D. hall
( ) 4. A.cycling B. ice-skate C. badminton D. traffic
( ) 5. A.door B. quiet C. floor D. phone
( ) 6. A.doctor B. nurse C. cousin D. driver
( ) 7. A.yellow B.yesterday C.last weekend D.last night
( ) 8. A.stronger B. bigger C.longer D. shorter
VIII. Look and match.(读一读,连一连。)
IX. Read and choose.(选择。)
( ) 1. A: How was your weekend? B: .
A. It was good B. I don’t think so C. It’s OK
( ) 2. A: ______ do you come to school? B: By bus.
A. How B. Where C. When
( ) 3. A: How _______are you? B: I’m 55 kg.
A. taller B. thinner C. heavy
( ) 4. A: How did you ______ there? B: We ______there by plane.
A. Went; went B. Go; go. C. go; went.
( ) 5. I was short, so I couldn’t ______ my bike well.
A. rode B. ride C. riding
( ) 6. My uncle works on a car company. It’s far from his home. So he goes to work _______ .
A. by plane B. on foot C. by subway
( ) 7. Sarah’s feet is _______ than _______
A. biger; my feet B. bigger; mine C. biger; mine
( ) 8. I usually go to work______. That’s a good exercise.
A. by bus B. by ship C. on foot.
( ) 9. A: What size are your shoes? B: .
A. Size 8 B. I’m 48 kilogram C. I’m 1.61 metres
( ) 10. A: What did you do last weekend? B: .
A. I’m going to school. B. I ride a horse. C. I went camping.
X. Read and choose the correct answer. (选择正确的单词或词组补全短文。)
Sarah is from Canada. She is ______________(1.60metres/160kilograms)tall. She likes _______________ (does word puzzles/doing word puzzles) and going hiking. She usually comes to school ____________(walk/on foot). Her school is big and _________(small/beautiful). She likes the _________(gym/park)very much. Because she likes sports. Her father likes sports, too. He likes ____________(winter/summer). Because he can ______________(ice skate/went shopping). Sarah’s cousin Lily is twelve years old. She is 1.68 metres. So she is __________(taller/older) than Sarah. She likes ______________ (comic book/taking a trip). She went to Turpan last weekend. She _______________(study Chinese/took pictures) and rode horse.
XI. Read and answer the questions.(阅读短文,回答下面的问题。)
Hello, I’m Lingling. I had a good time last weekend. My parents and I went to a park and took many pictures. Kate is my new friend. She’s going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, she’s going to the science museum. It’s next to the library. In the afternoon, she’s going to play games with Amy.
On Sunday morning, she’s going to do homework at home. In the afternoon, she’s going to the bookstore. It’s near the school. In the evening, she’s going to write an E-mail to her pen pal. Her name is Mary. She lives in Australia. What a busy weekend!
1. How was Lingling’s weekend?
2. What did Lingling do last weekend?
3. What is Kate going to do on Sunday morning?
4. Is Kate going to watch TV on Sunday afternoon?
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