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George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying very very hard one year, and when he passed all his exams, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him.

“You've never been to a dance, George, ” he said. “It's boring always studying and never enjoying oneself. Come out with me this evening.”

“Maybe you're right, Jim,” replied George after a moment's hesitation.

So they went to a dance and had a very good time. But George drank more than he was used to, and by midnight Jim had become worried about him, so he said, “ now we'll walk home in the cool air.”

On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river below very carefully, the stars were reflected in its surface.

“What are those lights down there?” George asked.

“They're the stars, George,” Jim answered.

“The stars?” George said. “Well, then, they should be above in the sky. How did I get so high up here? They are now at my foot!”

1. According to the passage, when did Jim go to see George?

A. After George had passed all his exams.

B. Before George had taken the exam.

C. After they had an earnest talk.

2. Which is true according to George?

A. It's good always studying without enjoying oneself.

B. It's good always enjoying oneself without studying.

C. It's good to study hard and enjoy oneself in a while.

3. What did George ask Jim to do that evening?

A. To have a good rest at home.

B. To work hard as ever. C. To go out with him.

4 What did they talk about on the way home?

A. Bridge. B. Water C. Stars.

5. Why did George say the stars are then at his foot?

A. Because he and his friend were high in the sky.

B. Because he was looking down at the reflections of the star on the surface of the water.

C. Because he was very happy to have passed the exam.


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