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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了小升初毕业考试英语试卷,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!

一. 按顺序默写26个英文字母。

______ _______ Cc _____ _____ _____ _____ Hh _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ Oo _____ ____ Rr Ss Tt ____ Vv ___ ___ ____ Zz

二. 找出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个,将其标号填入题前括号内。

1. ( )A. bag B. bad C. make

2. ( )A. bed B. pen C. he

3. ( )A. box B. close C. home

4. ( )A. bike B. cinema C. time

5. ( )A. this B. swim C. like

6. ( )A. sail B. may C. park

7. ( )A. girl B. turn C. tea

8. ( )A. warm B. car C. star

9. ( )A. but B. us C. use

10. ( )A. match B. fish C. short

11. ( )A. horse B. tall C. meet

三. 给下列英文单词选择中文意思。

1. hard ( )

A. 公园 B. 努力地

2. wait ( )

A. 等待 B. 航行

3. room ( )

A. 房间 B. 凉快的

4. mine ( )

A. 我 B. 我的

5. father ( )

A. 妈妈 B. 爸爸

6. a bottle of ( )

A. 一瓶 B. 一杯

7. look up ( )

A. 寻找 B. 查寻

8. watch TV( )

A. 看电视 B. 打开电视

9. go to bed ( )

A. 去睡觉 B. 起床

10. horse( )

A. 房子 B. 马

四. 根据中文填入所缺字母。

1. b__s 公共汽车 2. __ __ina 中国

3. fr__m 从 4. r_ _d 读书

5. g__ __l 女孩 6. y_ _ng 年轻的

7. d__nce 跳舞 8. r__dio 收音机

9. b__k__ 自行车 10. c__p 帽子

五. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。

1. ( )当你想知道对方是否喜欢学英语,问:

A. What do you like best ?

B. Do you like English ?

C. I like English very much

2. ( )当你想知道小云的爸爸是干什么的,问:

A. What do you do ?

B. What does your father do ?

C. What does she do ?

3. ( )当你想知道对方正在干什么,问:

A. What’s he doing ?

B. What are you doing ?

C. What do you do ?

4. ( )当你想知道对方是否有字典,问:

A. Have you got a dictionary ?

B. How much is the dictionary ?

C. I like this dictionary.

六. 联词组句。

1. day is today what


2. on the I turn radio may


3. like swimming do you


4. will what do you this Sunday


七. 填空

1. A:_______ _____ make a kite ?

B:No , I can’t

But I can make a toy car .

2. A:_______ ______ _______ ________?

B:I’m going to the doctor .

A:What’s wrong with you ?

B:I’ve got a _________. (牙疼)

3. A:_______ _______ _______ ________

B:I’m Jane.

A:______ ______ your father ________?

B:He’s a dentist .





四、bus China from read girl young dance radio bike cap


六、1.What day is today?

2.I may turn on the radio.

3.Do you like swimming?

4.What will you do this Sunday?

七、1.Can you 2.Where are you going teethache

3.What is your name? What does do






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