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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小升初英语模拟试卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

一. 按顺序写出24个大写字母。


二. 按顺序写出所缺的小写字母。

p___ r f ___ h ____ mn v__ x

三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用"Y",不同的用"N",表示在括号内。

( ) 1. five thin

( )2. use usually

( )3. lake wait

( )4. phone bottle

( )5. me he

四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。

( ) 1. A. fan B. today C. table

( ) 2. A. star B. party C. wall

( ) 3. A. week B. ready C. sea

( ) 4. A. glue B. much C. under

( ) 5. A. he B. we C. time

五. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。

beside  cold  play chess " in bed … speak to

1. The desk is _______ the bed.

2. Could I ________ Peter, please?

3. Don't read ____________ . It's bad for your eyes.

4. Today is ________.

5. I will _______ with Tom this afternoon.

六. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。

( )1. 当你想知道钢笔放在哪儿时,问:

A. Where is the eraser?

B. Where is the pen?

C. Where is it from?

( )2. 当你提醒小明不要关窗户时,说:

A. Don't read in bed, Xiao Ming!

B. Don't be late for school, Xiao Ming!

C. Don't close the windows, Xiao Ming!

( )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几把尺子时,问:

A. How many rulers can you see?

B. How much is the ruler?

C. I can see five rulers.

( )4. 当你最喜欢那辆红汽车时,说:

A. I like the red car best.

B. I have got a red car.

C. I'm looking for a red car.

( )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑自行车时,问:

A. Can you make a bike?

B. Can you ride a bike?

C. Can you play cards?

( ) 6. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问:

A. What are you looking for?

B. What do you like best?

C. Would you like a glass of tea?

( )7. 当你想了解物品的颜色时,问:

A. What is this?

B. What's that?

C. What colour is it?

( )8. 当你想知道别人是否有收音机时,问:

A. Have you got a dictionary?

B. have you got a radio?

C. May I use your recorder?

( )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:

A. Do you like swimming?

B. Do you like running?

C. Do you like pingpong?

( )10. 当你想知道这星期六的天气如何时,问:

A. It's Saturday today.

B. What does the Saturday like?

C. what is the weather like this Saturday?

七. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。

( )1. I'v got a toothache. I'm going to the _______ .

A. nurse B. dentist C. teacher

( )2. -May I _____ your story book?

-No, I'm reading it.

A. read B. reading C. ride

( )3. -Whose jacket is it?

-It's ______

A. tom B. Toms C. Tom's

( )4. -Where are you going?

-I'm _____ to the park.

A. going B. doing C. do

( )5. - ______ are you going to do?

-I'm going to play cards.

A. When B. What C. Where

八. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。

A                                    B

( ) 1. What does she do?   A. She is going to the library.

( ) 2. what does he do?     B. He is old and fat.

( ) 3. What is she like?       C. She is a doctor.

( ) 4. What is he like?        D. He is a worker.

( ) 5. Where is she going   E. She is young and tall.

九. 将下列对话补充完整。

A: _________ are you ______ ?

B: I'm from America.

A: ________ 's your _______ ?

B: ________ name is Tom.





五、beside speak to in bed cold play




九、Where come from What name My

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