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小升初是每位家长和孩子人生的转折,为了帮助考生更好的备考小升初,威廉希尔app 为你整理小升初英语模拟考试试题


( )1.Hello,____ Andy.

A. My B. I C.I’m

( )2.--What ____ is your new bag?--It’s yellow.

A.color B.name C.many

( )3.-John,___ are you?--I’m ten.

A.How B.What C.How old

( )4.It ___two small ears.

A.have B.has C.had

( )5.2014年小升初英语模拟考试卷:--Let’s buy some flowers.--_____.

A.Bye-bye B.Excuse me C.Good idea

( )6.____pupils are there?

A.How B.How many C.Who

( )7.____they swimming?

A.Is B.Are C.Do

( )8.Today is ______(星期天)

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday

( )9.Look ____ this picture.

A.at B.on C.to

( )10.--Do you have Social studies ?

--______.We have Social studies on Friday.

A.No,you do. B.Yes,we are. C.Yes,we do.


( )1.This is my

A.ruler B.pencil C.eraser

( )2.How many

A.eggs B.grapes C.apples

( )3.You must

A.turn left B.turn right C.go straight

( )4.He is a

A.teacher B.doctor C.policeman

( )5.I’m from

A.USA B.Japan C.China


Hi, I am Susan. I am from the U.K.(英国). But now I’m studying(学习) in China. I’m going to do many things(事情) in the winter holiday. First, I’m going to finish my homework. Then I’m going to take a trip. I’m going to Beijing. It’s snowy in Beijing. There is white snow everywhere (到处). So I’m going to make a snowman. I can ski. My parents will come to China and go with me. We are going to have a nice trip by plane.

( )1. Susan is from China .

( )2. Now Susan is in England

( )3. There is white snow everywhere in China.

( )4. Susan is going to play with the snow in Beijing.

( )5. They are going to Beijing by plane


1.Today is Teacher’s Day.


2.How is the weather?


3.I’m doing my homeework.


4.My pencil is black.


6.He is a new teacher.


7.May I use your pen?


8.I can run fast.




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