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不经历不经历地狱般的磨练,怎能拥有创造天堂的力量;不踏踏实实走过学习的坎坷路,怎能拥有考试的辉煌。  下面是为大家收集的2016年小升初分班考试英语答案,供大家参考。


二. 1 June 2. South 3. April May 4. big 5. heavy 6. health

7 expensive 8. leaves 9 your 10 refrigerator

三. 1-5 Fifth girls taller f armers has

6-10 wants-- want singing swimming her went

四. 1-5 AAACA 6-10 BBCCA 11-15 CACBB


六. 1-5 that ill sorry see way

6-10 off walk on turn i t

七. 1. I usually go to school on foot.

2. What are you going to do on the weekend?

3. What is your address?

4. Does your sister like hamburgers?

5. Could you please help me?

6. There is a monkey on the T-shirt.

7. Her birthday is in June.

8. What time is it?

9. Mr. Wang was a teacher last year.

10. I want to learn English i n Canada.   八. 1. Mona doe sn't like her bag.

2. Did they go to the gym yesterday?

3. Do you like spring or fall?

4. What is Emma doing in her bedroom?

5. There are some bottles of water on the table.

6. Don't come to the front.

7. Which woman is your tea cher?

8. What a pretty girl she is!

9. What 's the time?

10. She is an English girl.

九. 1-5 DCADC 6-10 BACBA


( B) 1. Mary is a worker.

2. She works in a glass factory in London.

3. No, she doesn't.

4. After breakfast.

5. Their jobs, their families and their friends.


1. northeast southeast northwest southwest

2. Y

3. Because he is a foreigner and he is in China now.

4. Sixty or sixth.

5. Hainan province.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的2016年小升初分班考试英语答案,希望对大家有所帮助。





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