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(1)—How far is your school from here?

—Not very far. It’s about twenty ______ walk.

A. minute’sB. minutes’C. minutesD. minute

(2)It is about ______ from the school to my home.

A. ten minutes walkB. ten minutes’ walk

C. ten minutes’ s walkD. ten minute’s walk

分析:上述两题考查名词所有格的构成及用法。由句意可知空格处所填内容是表示距离的名词,选项中的名词minute和walk存在所有关系,因此必须用名词的所有格。名词所有格的’s也可以加在一个短语之后,若该短语最后一个名词的词尾是-s,则只加“’”。如:an hour’s ride, two weeks’ time。因而(1)、(2)小题答案均为B。




1)This isn’t _______ (I) book, it must be _______ (you).

2)Is there any milk in the bottle? Yes, there is ______ (little).

分析:第1小题第一空要用形容词性物主代词my,用于修饰名词book,第二空则要用名词性物主代词yours,相当于your book。第2小题应用a little表示肯定:“有一点儿”。




1)Give me_______, please.

A. a cup teaB. two cup of teaC. two cupD. two cups of tea

2)The teacher passed me _____ paper.

A. a pieceB. a piece ofC. piece ofD. a pair of

分析:第1小题主要考查学生对可数名词与不可数名词的掌握情况,tea是不可数名词,不能用数量词直接修饰,但可以用容器表示量,表容器的名词可变为复数形式,即可以说two cups of tea,此题选D。第2小题答案选B。paper一词是不可数的,要表示“一张纸”,英语应为a piece of paper,不能说a paper。



1) ______ books must he produced for the children.

A. Many thousandsB. Many thousands of

C. Many thousand ofD. Many thousand

2) We’ve planted ______ trees in the centre of our city this year.

A. hundredB. two hundredsC. hundred ofD .hundreds of

分析:本题考查数词的用法。当 thousand或 hundred做数词时,前面一般加数来修饰,其本身没有数的变化,且其后不跟of。当它们做名词时,其复数形式为thousands和hundreds,且构成thousands of和hundreds of,后接可数名词的复数形式。 答案分别为 B、D 。



In the exam, the ______ you are, the ______ mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful; littleB. more careful; less

C. more careful; fewD. more careful; fewer





1)The little girl is looking________ her mother.

2)Thank you ________ your help.

3)Don’t read ________ bed.

4)Tom comes ________ the USA.

分析:第1小题要填for,因为look for是一个固定词组,表示寻找的行为。第 2小题填 for,既可说 Thanks for…也可以说 Thank you for…,for后接名词。第3小题填 in。表示“在床上”in bed,一般不说 on bed。第 4小题come from是一个固定短语,意思相当于be from,表示“来自……”。


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