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1、你过了三一12级,那你的口语怎么样?You have a GESE-12 certificate,so how is your spoken English?

答:我的口语,在我们班里是前50%吧,不算最好的,因为有些女生特别在意英语。说实话,我没有花费太多时间练习,就是按部就班过来的,过了十一级,然后过十二级。I feel my spoken English ranks in the top half of my class. I am not the best; some students really focus on English study. I,honestly speaking,just follow the normal steps,you know,GESE-11,and then GESE-12.

2、你的英语很好,你是怎么学的?Your English is very good,and how did you learn English?

答:我练习得特别多,坐公共汽车的时候我都经常自言自语,有时候别人都以为我神经病呢!I speak a lot.I even talk to myself in English when sitting on buses.Sometimes other passengers think I must be crazy,hehe.

3、你的简历里写自己擅长英语,你能现场关于书桌做一个演讲吗?You said you are good at English,and can you give me a presentation about desk?


1、你喜欢弹钢琴呀?喜欢什么风格的歌曲?You are good at playing the piano,what kind of songs do you like best?

2、你喜欢画画呀,现在还坚持吗?You like drawing,do you do it everyday?

3、计算机用得怎么样?How about your computer skills?



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