Happy Women‘s Day!
On this happy festival,you can have a happy and nice holiday!Enjoy yourself,take easy,and have a rest!
Hope you can happy every day ,always have a good temper!Look up to the blue sky,and find the happiness in your life!
May you be young forever and be happy every day!
On this happy festival,you can have a happy and nice holiday!Enjoy yourself,take easy,and have a rest!
Hope you can happy every day ,always have a good temper!Look up to the blue sky,and find the happiness in your life!
May you be young forever and be happy every day!
He’ll never broke his hour that has kept his day.
He who shows the value of life today dom-inate the fight of life.三八妇女节英语祝福语范文由精品信息网整理!
“He who does not love his country is meant to be disqualified from being a human being,no matter when it is and where he is.”
He who honors himself is esteemed by others.
Heartfelt congratulations on your winning a scholarship from the university.May you make more complete in the future!
“How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams with its fantasy,aspirations and vainly hope!”
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