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威廉希尔app 应用文档频道为大家整理了2014感恩节活动策划:感恩节传统游戏,敬请关注。

find refreshment for the body and soul of kids and adults alike on this thanksgiving in the shape of games and activities, which can rejuvenate your mind and give exercise to your limbs. here are some games that are on top of our list:

bird, beast, or fish

a circle is formed and one person is chosen as the den. the den points out to the players one by one and calls him as a bird, beast or fish randomly and the person has to come up with a word related to the name given to him before the den can count to 10.

the person who cannot come up a word immediately loses and has to leave the group. person who can stick to the last is the winner. though it seems easy, people and children soon tend to run out of words and only one with the biggest stock of vocabulary can remain to the last.

hide and seekwith a twist

one participant is chosen as the hunter and sent out of the room. a toy turkey is hidden somewhere. hunter comes in the room and has to find it. the only clue he gets is that when he or she is far from the turkey, all the others gobble like a turkey but in whispers and when he is nearer to the hiding place, others start to gobble louder. the person who takes least time to find the toy is the winner.

cranberry spoon race

all the kids stand in a straight line. a spoon with real cranberries is put in their mouths from the handle side. they have to run to the finishing point without letting the cranberries fall. if it does, they have to put it back in the spoon and start afresh.

wear the feet of turkey

put turkey footprints all over the room and children have to try to stand on the footprints when the music turns off. during the party, music is turned off randomly and anybody who is not standing on the turkey footprint is out of the game.

2014感恩节活动策划:感恩节传统游戏就为大家介绍到这儿了,希望对大家有所帮助,更多精彩内容尽在威廉希尔app 。



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