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Where does the woman want to go? A. To Oxford. B. To Liverpool. C. To London. 2. How many people will go to the tennis game? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. 3. What does the woman ask the boy to do after school? A. Put away his school bag. B. Move the kitchen table. C. Hang up his coat. 4. What do we know about Linda Rivera? A. She went traveling. B. She started a company. C. She was fired. 5. What does the man mean? A. He prefers cold weather. B. He has had a difficult week. C. The temperature was good last week. ,{N qQ15\k\1.5R nR22.5R ,T Nb5k[݋br}v0kk[݋br}vT gQ*N\ N-N@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,Tkk[݋br}vMR `O\ geT*N\ k\5y,T[T T\\~Q5yv\OT{e0kk[݋br}v$NM0 ,T,{6kPge VT{,{6070 6. How will the man choose the music? A. By letting a person decide on it. B. By asking people for their advice. C. By allowing everyone to bring a piece. 7. What is the woman going to do? A. Help prepare for the party. B. Tell the man a phone number. C. Ask Sonia for some information. ,T,{7kPge VT{,{8090 8. What will the woman do first? A. Wash a car. B. Go shopping. C. Do her homework. 9. When does the conversation take place? A. On Monday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. ,T,{8kPge VT{,{10120 10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Schoolmates. C. Brother and sister. 11. What does the woman think of the show? A. Inspiring. B. Unusual. C. Cool. 12. Which part did the woman like best about the show? A. Designer wear. B. Clothes recycling. C. Live models. ,T,{9kPge VT{,{13160 13. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. French music. B. French clothes. C. French teens. 14. What does Veronique like to do in her spare time? A. Collect albums. B. Visit music stores. C. Enjoy French songs. 15. What does Veronique usually have for lunch? A. Hamburgers. B. Sandwiches. C. Chips. 16. Why does Veronique like the silver jacket? A. It s up-to-date. B. It s classic and lovely. C. It s unique. ,T,{10kPge VT{,{17200 17. What is being held in the new sports stadium? A. A match. B. A concert. C. A meeting. 18. What is the disadvantage of the City Theatre? A. It has limited space. B. It s too old to look good. C. Its air-conditioning doesn t work. 19. Which place is normally out of the route of the Cititours bus? A. Victoria Park. B. The City Theatre. C. The Market Place. 20. What does the speaker recommend visitors do in the end? A. See animals in the city centre. B. Go to the High Street. C. Visit some shops. ,{NR tqQ$N nR 40 R qQ 15 \k\ 2 R nR 30 R  NRwe Nk@b~vV*N yA0B0CTD -N QgsO y0 A Poteet Strawberry Festival Poteet, Texas, USA April 11 - April 13 Description: The Poteet Strawberry Festival is one of the oldest, most popular events in the state and is recognized as the largest agricultural festival in Texas as well as one of the most exciting, dynamic festivals in the Greater Southwest. The 100-acre site, which is located on Hwy. 16, 20 minutes south of San Antonio, offers free parking, clean public restrooms, handicapped accessibility, complete RV facilities, and tent covered activities during the fun filled Festival Weekend. The Poteet Strawberry Festival includes fourteen areas of continuous, family entertainment featuring concerts with nationally known Country Western and Tejano stars, dancers, gunslingers, clowns, puppets, regional bands, various contests, and rodeo performances. These activities are included in the price of a $10.00 admission ticket. Children aged 12 and under are admitted free of charge as well as active, reserve and retired military with proper ID. Performers: Craig Morgan, Pam Tillis, Rick Trevino Location: Poteet, Texas Directions: 30 miles south of San Antonio on Hwy. 16 Times: The Festival Grounds will open at 6:00 pm Fri. and at 10:00 am both Sat. & Sun. Admission: Adult $10.00 Children 12 & under / active, reserve, and retired military personnel with proper ID are admitted FREE Website: http://www.strawberryfestival.com Telephone: 830-276-3323 Email: nitaharvey@sbcglobal.net 21.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The position of Poteet Strawberry Festival. B. The open time of Poteet Strawberry Festival. C. The price of parking cars. D. The price of taking a train there. 22. Jack, a soldier, together with his two children (one is 10, the other 18) wants to take part in the activity. How much should they pay? A. 10 dollars. B. 5 dollars. C. 30 dollars. D. 20 dollars. 23.The passage most probably comes from ________. A. the news report in a newspaper B. the advertisement in a newspaper C. the entertainment section of a magazine D. the program of a radio B About 150 years ago, a village church priest, Patric Bronte, in Yorkshire, England, had three lovely, intelligent daughters but his hopes fell entirely on the only male heir, Branwell, a youth with remarkable talent in both art and literature. Branwell s father and sisters saved their pennies to pack him off to London s Royal Academy of Arts, but if art was his calling, he dialed a wrong number. Within weeks he hightailed it home, a penniless failure. Hopes still high, the family landed Branwell a job as a private tutor, hoping this would free him to develop his literary skills and achieve the success and fame that he deserved. Failure again. Still, the selfless sisters squelched their own goals, farming themselves out as teachers and governesses in support of their increasingly indebted brother, convinced the world must eventually recognize his genius. As failure multiplied, Branwell turned to alcohol, then opium, and eventually died as he had lived: a failure. So died hope in the one male  but what of the three sisters? During Branwell s last years, the girls published a book of poetry at their own expense (under a pen name, for fear of reviewers bias against females). Even Branwell might have laughed: they sold only two copies. They didn t give up. Instead, they continued in their spare time, late at night by candlelight, to pour out their contained emotion, writing of what they knew best, of women in conflict with their natural desires and social condition, in reality, less fiction than autobiography! And 19th century literature was transformed by Anne s Agnes Grey, Emily s Wuthering Heights, and Charlotte s Jane Eyre. But years of sacrifice for Branwell had eventually ruined their health. Emily took ill at her brother s funeral and died within 3 months, aged 29; Anne died 5 months later, aged 30; Charlotte lived only to age 39. If only they had been nurtured instead of sacrificed. No one remembers Branwell s name, much less of his art or literature, but the Bronte sisters tragically short lives teach us even more of life than literature. According to the passage, what can we learn from the story of Branwell? A. Gift is not necessarily a guarantee of success. B. Gift is a burden for a person. C. A person s success is largely due to the support of his family. D. Too many choices may lead to success in none. What might lead to the tragedy of the three Bronte sisters? A. That to be a writer was a really tough road to go. B. The social prejudice against women in those days. C. Their poor family. D. The failure of their brother. 26. Which word is the closest in meaning to the underlined word  squelched in paragraph 4 ? A. carried out B. lived out C. set aside D. stuck to 27. Were Patric Bronte alive, what might he regret most? A. Not taking good care of his children. B. Intending his son for an artist or a writer. C. Putting all of his eggs in one male basket. D. Sacrificing too many pennies for his son. C The wallet is heading for extinction. As a day-to-day essential, it will die off with the generation who read print newspapers. The kind of shopping, where you hand over notes and count out change in return, now happens only in the most minor of our retailers (.UFU), like buying a bar of chocolate or a pint of milk from a corner shop. At the shops where you spend any real money, that money is increasingly abstracted. And this is more and more true, the higher up the scale you go. At the most cutting-edge (MRlv) retail stores, Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance, you don t go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay. The staff are equipped with iPads to take your payment while you relax on a sofa. Across society, the abstraction of the idea of cash makes me uneasy. Maybe I m just old-fashioned. But earning money isn t quick or easy for most of us. Isn t it a bit weird that spending it should happen in half a blink ((w\]~Q FO NeQ;`͋pe0 S͋Gl^y]ASNS Shenzhou j! manned spacecraft; S\launch; )Y[NS Tiangong a! space laboratory; [cdock with Dear Peter, How are things going? I m more than pleased to learn you are interested in what has happened recently in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua F0F0D0[V0WN!hՋTv 2017J\ؚ N,{N!kTՋST{HhN ,{NR ,TRqQ$N nR 30 R 1-5 AB ABC 6-10 ABABB 11-15 ABCCB 16-20 CCAAC ,{NR tqQ$N nR 40 R 21-23 DAB 24-27 ABCC 28-31 ACDD 32-35 CADB 36-40 FDAGB ,{ NR wƋЏ(u qQ$N nR 45 [b_kXzznR30R 41-45 BBCAD 46-50 DCAAB 45D g*NUS͋bQ 9ee~R 51-55 ACCDB 56-60 ABDDC lkXzznR15R 61. However 62. that 63. considered / should consider 64. better 65.you 66. becoming 67. to 68.the 69. is involved 70. toget ,{VR Q\O qQ$N nR 35 ,{N we9enR10R Recently the students in our class have had a heated discussion on if people should whether keep pets at home in cities. We have two different opinions. Some students thought it s a good idea to keep pets because many old people  think who will live alone at home can get some comfort from them. Besides, get along getting well with animals will make our life interesting. However,  other students are the against the idea. In their opinions, if too many people keep pets at home, it s harmful for opinion to the environment. What is worse, pets may make too many noise and even attack much people. As for me, I m in favor of the former. I don t think it s bad for us to keep pets at home. But you must take some measures to prevent them from serious polluting our we seriously environment. if---whether thought----think Sc liveMRvwill get----getting (WotherMRbR Nthe opinions----opinion for----to many---much you----we serious---seriously ,{N fNbhnR25R One Possible Version Dear Peter, How are things going? I m more than pleased to learn you are interested in what has happened recently in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center . Now I will tell you something detailed about it. After years preparations, the Shenzhou j! manned spacecraft, carrying two male astronauts, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, was launched into space on Oct.17, 2016. The mission, which will last 33 days, aims to dock with the Tiangonga!Space Laboratory, where a series of scientific experiments are to be conducted. The two astronauts will work and live in the lab for a month, making it China s longest space stay ever. You can t imagine how excited I was for it means much to us. The milestone success lays a strong foundation for China s future exploration and more importantly, it will open a new chapter for China s space industry. Best wishes. Yours, LiHua Tch!kv~RVTBl ,{Nch21-25R [hQ[bNՋĉ[vNR0   v@b gQ[p0   ^(uNYvl~gT͋Gl0   l~gb͋Gleb gN FO:N=\RO(u YBg~gbؚ~͋Gl@b0   gHe0WO(uNSvޏcbR OhQe~g'}Q [hQ0RNgvQ\Ovv0 ,{Vch16-20R [bNՋĉ[vNR0   }ocN$N*N!k͑p FOv@b g;NQ[0   ^(uvl~gT͋GlnNRvBl0   l~gb͋Gleb^(uW,gQnx N;N/fV\Ջ YBgl~gb͋Gl@b0   ^(u{USvSޏcbR OhQe~g'}Q0 ,{ Nch11-15R W,g[bNՋĉ[vNR0   }ocNNQ[ FOv@b g;NQ[0   ^(uvl~gT͋GlnNRvBl0   gNNl~gb͋Glebv FO Nq_Tt0   ^(u{USvSޏcbR OhQeQ[ޏ/0 teSO W,g0RNgvQ\Ovv0 ,{Nch6-10R *gp`S_[bՋĉ[vNR0   ocb*gcnZiNN;NQ[ QNNNesQQ[0   l~gUS ͋GlwƋ gP0   gNNl~gb͋Glebv q_TN[Q\OQ[vt0   \O(uSvޏcbR Q[:\ޏ/'`0 Oo`*gnZi0W O~0 ,{Nch1-5R *g[bՋĉ[vNR0   f>fWo;NQ[ QNNNesQQ[ SVS/f*gtՋBl0   l~gUS ͋GlwƋ gP0   Yl~gb͋Glebv q_T[Q\OQ[vt0   :ONSvޏcbR Q[ Nޏ/0 Oo`*g O~0 0R *g O~NUOOo` Q[*Y\ elċ$R@bQQ[GWN@bBlQ[esQb@bQQ[el wn0 D,TRU_?z Text 1 M: Let me see your ticket. Umm & This ticket is for Oxford. W: Yes, that s right. M: But this train doesn t go to Oxford. It goes to Liverpool. W: Oh no! Then I ll have to get off and change at London. Text 2 W: Hi, Luke. Pad and I are going to watch the tennis game this evening. Do you want to come? M: Great! I know Thomas really enjoys watching tennis. Can he join us? W: Well, I m afraid I don t have an extra ticket for him. Text 3 M: Mum, have you seen my school bag? W: It s hanging up here, with the coats. I moved it because it was on the kitchen table. Tom, remember to leave it in the living room when you come home from school. Then it won t be in my way. Text 4 M: I haven t seen Linda Rivera for a long time. Has she been away on a holiday? W: Oh, you haven t heard. She set up her own travel agency. Text 5 W: I can t believe how hot it is here today. M: If you think this is bad, you should have been here last week. Text 6 W: Have you chosen the music for the party yet? M: I was going to just let people bring their own. W: Oh, I don t think you should do that. One person needs to be in charge otherwise people will start disagreeing. Sonia s really good at music. You could ask her. M: OK, have you got her number? W: Yeah, it s on my mobile. I ll text it to you. Text 7 M: Tracey, I want some new shoes for the party tonight. Shall we go and buy some later? W: OK, but I promised to help my granddad wash his car today. M: Why don t you do that immediately? We ll go as soon as you re finished. W: OK. And I suppose I can do my homework when we get back. I m surely doing that before we go to the party  I don t want to do it tomorrow! M: Yeah, I don t like doing it till the last day of the weekend, either. So I finished all my homework after school yesterday. Text 8 M: That was a cool exhibition. W: I knew you d like it! I believe it ll help us with our school cloth project. I ve got lots of ideas now. M: I was really interested in the designer wear section. It s totally special. W: Yes, it d be great to wear something so special. But what impressed me most was the part that showed you how to recycle clothes. M: Yeah, but I can t see myself wearing any of my dad s old things just now! I didn t expect the show to be so interesting. W: I enjoyed seeing the live models, though I m not sure whether it lived up to my expectations. Text 9 M: Veronique, when you are not studying, what do you like to do? W: I like listening to music by French singers. Go into any French music store, and you ll find the top 10 albums by US, German and English artists. It s good to have variety, but I love French music. M: Do French teens like fast food, you know, hamburgers, chips, and things like those? W: Well, we don t really like that. We usually have quick breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a family dinner at around 8 to 8:30 in the evening. The younger teenagers like to eat hamburgers at McDonald s. M: Paris is well known for popular clothes, so I m sure it offers French teens the most up-to-date clothes to choose from. W: Exactly. I like to wear clothes by Agnes B, a popular French designer. I think Agnes B clothes are kind of classic, but they can also be very lovely. One of my favorites is a silver jacket because it came from one of the shows and most importantly there is no other like it. Text 10 W: Welcome everybody to this Cititours bus. I hope you re having a good time here in the West of England. Our tours usually last about one hour. The bus is now turning into Queens Road. From this road we can see a very modern building. This is the town s new sports stadium. All the big matches happen there but at the moment, an international company is using it for a conference. Now look to your left. We re now passing the City Theatre. This building is one hundred years old. It s very pretty, as you see, but it doesn t have enough seats for big shows. We ve got a new entertainment centre in VictoBC>BC>/O/OWW^TW^TWO9jO9jxO|xO| H^H` Ho(,{H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .h^h`o(.H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\.h^h`o(.H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\. 9^9`o(,{H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\.^`^J.^\`\^J)^\`\^J.D^D\`\^J.^\`\^J) ^ \`\^J.0 ^0 \`\^J. ^ \`\^J)x^x\`\^J. H^H`o(,{H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\.BC>/OWxO|^TWO9j &, 6604>66666 0@P`p6666 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`ria Park. We don t pass it on the bus, but you may be interested to know it s got a cinema and a concert hall. Most people prefer it because it s got air-conditioning. Now, on your right, is the High Street. This Cititours bus normally goes along the High Street into the Market Place. But at the moment some musicians are practicing for an outdoor concert there. We re driving round a different route because the roads into the Market Place are closed. The market was an important local trade centre until about 1970. Farmers bought and sold their cows and sheep there. However, we don t see animals in the city centre these days. The market area s got some good shops. Why don t you have a walk round there later on? 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