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Get the students to learn different reading skills, especially reading and understanding beyond lines. Yef[p Know the meanings between lines and beyond lines. Learn different reading skills for different reading purposes. Yef[Am z:ya Step 1. Pre-reading Free talk. Show the students some pictures about some transports on the screen and then ask them Some questions or Let student talk about them. Step 2.While reading A. Skimming a)This text is mainly about Li Qiangs future journey. Ask the Ss read the text quickly and find the answers for the following questions b).Ask several Ss to say his/her answer c).help them to find the answer in the text. B. Scanning a) Ask the students to read the passage carefully. b) Ask the students to answer following question. (Show some questions on the screen.) (1) How did Li Qiang feel before his journey to the future? (2) How did he feel in the time capsule? Was he still nervous? (3) What would Li Qiang experience in his journey to the future? Would he experience what you have described? (4) What else would he find? What is the purpose of the strange design? Step 3. Post-reading Now please listen to the reading passage. Then ask some questions. a) What are the things that are different from the present time according to the mails? b) Are these changes good or bad? c) What caused these changes? Step 4. Discussion Four Ss a group discusses Whats the writer(024 l n v x z | ۼnWn;nWn;nWn;nWnWn6hjEhjE5B*CJKHOJQJ\^JaJo(ph,hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^Jo(ph0hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph0hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph6hjEhjE5B*CJ KHOJQJ\^JaJ o(ph<hjEhjE56B*CJ KHOJQJ\]^JaJ o(phhjEhjECJKHaJ-hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph4 n x | T {{{{{$d$1$4$If`a$gdjE $$1$Ifa$gdjE $$1$Ifa$gdjECkd$IfK$L$TF-6-34aytjET$$1$Ifa$gdjEK$// R T fh~&( HJXZbd  ддКК2hjEhjE5B*CJKHOJQJ\^Jo(ph6hjEhjE5B*CJKHOJQJ\^JaJo(ph0hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph,hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^Jo(ph< h( JZd$$1$4$If`a$gdjE$h$1$If`ha$gdjE $$1$Ifa$gdjE$d$1$4$If`a$gdjE 5gum&$$1$4$If`a$gdjE$h$1$4$If`ha$gdjE$$1$4$Ifa$gdjE45fgtulm&r&t&&&&&F'H'''''''''''''жжжИжЁЁ-hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph6hjEhjE5B*CJKHOJQJ\^JaJo(phU2hjEhjE5B*CJKHOJQJ\^Jo(ph0hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph,hjEhjEB*CJKHOJQJ^Jo(ph2s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic? How do you know? Step 5. Homework Retell the passage and just try to imagine an object which can help you change the world for a better future Yef[Ǐ z Yef[s Ye^;mR f[uL:N aV 1.Pre-reading 2.While-reading A. Skimming B. Scanning 3.Post-reading 4. Discussion 5. Homework 1. Use multiple media to show some pictures. 2. Divide the passage into four parts and then give the main idea of each part. 3.Answer some questions 4.Give students some suggestions 1f[uhsQ_'YvtQ yg0WSN0 2f[uop ~QT\O vN.^R0 33.Rf[uX[(WN[v v.^R04f[uW,g N[b0 1f[uNُv;NQ[ v^N[atQ0 2W{Qf[uvbTU\:yR 3ۏNek:_Sf[uveuTgR0 4]VXQ[W{Qf[uv]RKbcvzvR gfN Unit 30Life in the future Period 20Reading Difficult sentences 1. I still cannot believe that I am taking up my prize that was won last year. 2. Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air. 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