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SP[-NIt was... that^\N_______ 1). HSv:_SWIt is/ was + :_R8^/f;N0[br + that/ whoS_:_;NN;NcN + vQNR0 e.g.________those familiar strangers ____ mark where we are. 2). N,uSv:_SW T N S/fbis/ wasc0RitMRb, sS___________________________. e.g.________________________ 3). yrkuSv:_SW:_R8^/fuN͋buoR͋ + is/ was + it + that/ who + vQNR e.g. When and where ________you were born 4). :_SOS I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. :_;N__________________ :_[__________________ :_0Wpr_____________ :_er_____________ 5).:_SV(u_______ It was because I forgot to turn on the alarm clock that I was late for work. 6) not & until & SWv:_S a. SW:NIt is/ was not until + :_R + that + vQNR e.g. nfSHe didn't go to bed until/ till his wife came back. :_S____________________ b. ladkSWS(uuntil N(utill.FOYg N/f:_SW till untilS(uV:NSW-NIt is/ was not & & ]~/f&T[SN tha  P f j l  &(fr|&026Hհp[)hGhGCJ4QJaJ4fHq "hGCJ4aJ4fHo(q %hGhGCJ4aJ4fHq 5hGhGB*CJ4QJaJ4fHo(phq &hGCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q hGhGB*CJ4aJ4o(phhGCJ4aJ4o( hYhYB*CJ4aJ4o(phhYCJ4aJ4o(hYCJ4aJ4":< < r h P , j  D f (fgdY & FgdY$a$gdY0f&B @`X,$%%%&'F'''''0(gdRWD^`gdG`gdGgdG & FgdGHblBDFJlz~  Pιιyyyyeyyyyyyyy&hGCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q %hGhGCJ4aJ4fHq "hGCJ4aJ4fHo(q hGCJ4aJ4fHq hGhGCJ4aJ4)hGhGCJ4QJaJ4fHq 2hGhGB*CJ4QJaJ4fHphq .hGhGB*CJ4aJ4fHphq 'rt| 6>@BDF`b~*,28@nƲۧvvaƧƏ(hGhGCJ4aJ4fHo(q 1hGhGB*CJ4aJ4fHo(phq .hGhGB*CJ4aJ4fHphq hGhGCJ4aJ4&hGCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q )hGhGCJ4QJaJ4fHq %hGhGCJ4aJ4fHq "hGCJ4aJ4fHo(q %nx (PVXZ`pz$$*$,$.$2$@$B$濬zzzxo[&hGCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q hGCJ4aJ4o(U"hGCJ4aJ4fHo(q hGhGCJ4aJ4)hGhGCJ4QJaJ4fHq %hGhGCJ4aJ4fHq hGhGB*CJ4aJ4ph.hGhGB*CJ4aJ4fHphq 2hGhGB*CJ4QJaJ4fHphq #tTbvNS(u[S RRQ(u&T[SN0 7)틨R͋v:_ :_ (uRR͋do/ doesbdid. e.g. Do sit down. R_PW0 NhTNnx[~`OQNO0 ________________________. Ǐle R_CSN \_JU _____________________________. ladky:_S(udo/ doesTdid l g+Rvb__ǏSe(udid Tbv틨R͋(uSb_0 8 $Re 4.I began to realise that an important part of our daily life consists of such encounters with familiar strangers:... 1) consist of ..._____________ consist in... ________________ consist with...___________ t^N[Ev&{0 ________________________. cknxv(WNcknx0WO(uUS͋Tw0 ______________________________. 2) encounter.v&n She ecountered an old friend on the road. ( ) We encountered so many difficulties in our work. ( ) I will not forget my encounter with the professor last summer.( ) 5.Sometimes I wonder, am I a familiar stranger to someone? familiar.adj. She is familiar with customs in the western countries. ( ) This perfume is familiar to everybody . ( ) She has two familiar friends.( ) Don t be too familiar with him;he is dishonest.( ) 6.Perhaps, a shopper at the ...without noticing my presence. without. Prep. __________________ He looked at me without_______(express). He lay till evening without_____(move). You cannot in the town move without everybody ______(know). 7.Ah, I thought, seeing the familiar stranger, I m home at last. seeing the familiar stranger: s(WR͋w\O________, ;NSv;;N틌TR͋KN/f________, see vR\OT;NS틨R͋__________. uuN Nl gS Nf[0 __________________________. Having been praised too much, he became proud. =____________________________. B$H$Z$j$l$r$t$v$$$$$$$$$% %,%.%j%l%~%%%%%%%%V&׿ךךךt`&hRCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q &hGCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q "hGCJ4aJ4fHo(q hGhGCJ4aJ42hGhGB*CJ4QJaJ4fHphq .hGhGB*CJ4aJ4fHphq )hGhGCJ4QJaJ4fHq %hGhGCJ4aJ4fHq V&n&x&& ''"'$''Z((((()h))*(*v**+ +8+T++++++, ,4,,,------v.....//0l0ооеhRhRB*CJ4aJ4phhRhRCJ4aJ4o(hRCJ4aJ4 hRhRB*CJ4aJ4o(phhRCJ4aJ4o(#hRCJ4QJaJ4fHq &hRCJ4QJaJ4fHo(q 5hRhRB*CJ4QJaJ4fHo(phq 10(T((D))R*n**+p+++z,,8---T..///D00gdRl000hGhRCJ4aJ4o(hRB*CJ4aJ4o(ph0182P. 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