ࡱ> U@ 0cTM 2010 *4W4W,2 =7vv8\n  X0 @@?*v8 Cv Unit 5 Water yvNt^~ cYe^ Unit 5. Water -----Reading A e,{1eYef[vhǏYyb__v;mRNNR .^Rf[ute0f[uNNHN/f4l N oSNNSwƋvo`0 f[uN{sQN4lvwe N4lv_sǏ z0 f[`N1uN|RR\Ob;mRgbvAm zvhel0YePgRg͑pc[f[uۏL gvvv NS[e-N gsQwƋۏL gvvvsKm0pf[`N1uN|RR\Ob;mRgbvAm zvhel0Yef[elNt:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1. Pre-reading 1 .Look at the two pictures in the page 82. Then do the exercise A1. 2 .Ask students to do a brainstoring. Ask them where we can find water. 3 We can find water in the lake/ in the rivers/ in the see/ in the stream/ in the ponds/ in the air& Step 2.While-reading Tell the students that they are going to read a dialogue between Daisy and a drop of water. Tell to stukedents not to read the passage. They should guess the answers and then confirm the correctness of their guess during their later readings of passage. The answer should be checked with students after they complete. Ask the students to read the whole dialogue carefully. Pay attention to the coloured words in the passage and guess their meanings. Tell the students that they can read the words around each coloured word to find our its meaning. It s not necessary to use a dictionary at first. Tell students to look at the picture and reread the passage to complete the diagram A3 and Exercise A4. Students can find the answers from the passage. Ask the students to complete the following sentences. a) At first, the drop of water was comfortably in a in Yunnan. b) Next the cloud it into a and it down the mountain into the Zhujian River. c) Then the river it to a . It there for a few says. d) After that, it got a cleaning in a water words. And people a few to it. e) Finally, it travelled in the under the streets. The aswer is floating, cloud dropped, stream, sped thorough, treatment, added, chemicals pipes Step 3.Post-reading Ask students to write a summary about water cycle. Step 4.Homework(Optional) Copy the new words.S`  yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit 6. Water -----Reading B e,{2eYef[vh10f[uN{sQN4lDnTu;m(u4lvpencvwe0 20f[`NO(uY50 liters of0 a glass of I{ϑ͋egϑSYwaterُ7hv NSpe T͋0YePgRg͑pf[`NO(uϑ͋egϑS NSpe T͋0pYUO_vt gsQezv'Yia`0Yef[elt:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1.Revision Ask the students to read A2 and then answer the following question. Then check the answers orally. a) Why was the voice imptortant? b) Why did Daisy nod her head? c) Why did the water go to a treatment works? d) Why did the watersay, I will go back into the sea again. e) Why did Daisy s brother say,  sometimes you re really strange, Daisy. Step 2.Pre-reading 1) Ask students to do Exercise B1 and check the answe orally. 2) Ask the students how to save water in our daily life. Step 3.While-reading 1) Ask the students to read the passage, try to match the words and their meaning.  2) Ask the 6Dd    0e0e   ??? !#VGr!j_1QP"% HHP??????????students to read the passage again. Then complete the sentences after passage. 3) Ask students to read the passage for the third time and answer the following quwtions. a)How does ocean water taste? b)How much water will be wasted each time if you brush your teeth under a running tap? c)How long does a shower usually take? d) Why should you fix a dripping tap? e)Is there enough drinkable water on the Earth? f)Is water precious or not? 4) Play the recording. Students listen and repeat aloud. Step 4.Post-reading 1) Ask the students what they can do to save sater? 2) Ask students to discuss with their classmates and draw a poster  Save water . Step 5.Homework(Optional) 1) Copy the new words. 2) Write a composition about  How to save water S`  yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit 6. Water-----Listening A & B e,{3eYef[vhf[u,TNglx^v:NVGrc^ f[`NǏsQ.R͋TeoR͋egƋ+R gHQTz^vN|RR\O0 f[u,TNksQNwm4lՋvU_ cؚ$ReOo`ckvR N㉀{USyf[Ջvek0YePgRg͑pW{Qf[uǏsQ.R͋TeoR͋egƋ+R gHQTz^vN|RR\OvR0pW{Qf[uǏsQ.R͋TeoR͋egƋ+R gHQTz^vN|RR\OvR0Yef[elN,TRt:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1. Ordering the pictures Explain the fantasy situation, and tell students that the coin is speaking directly to the girl. If necessary, play the first item, stop the recording, and help students find the right picture. Students must use clues and references in the text to select the pictures in the right order. After you have finished and checked students work, you can use pictures as the basis for an oral task. Ask students to work in pairs and tell the story to each other, in English, in their own words. Ask students to do Exercise A2. Answers: A1: a-4, b-7, c-1, d-5, e-8, f-2, g-6, h-3 A2: 1 one-yuan, lovely, other coins bank & a few days gave & customer & his shop cake & cake shop & her change pure road & happy food & pocket money washed & clean Step 2.Ocean water Suzy is reading a passage to her friend about ocean water. Listen to her and write T or F, or DK if the information is not in the passage. Answers: F 2- F 3-F 4-T 5-DK Step 3.Language points: 1. add...to b......R0R She added sugar to her tea. 2. break up Rce The meeting broke up at eleven o clock. 3. be made of 1u......~b The group is made up of seven members. Homework(Optional) Do the related exercises of Book B. S`  yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit6. Water -----Language e,{4eYef[vhf[uf[`NYUOpeϑ N~8^(uegh:ySpeT NSpe T͋peϑv͋Gl0wSb|nxvpeϑliter, gramT'Yivpeϑa lot of , too much 0YePgRg͑pSpeT NSpe T͋peϑ͋Gl0wSvQ:S+R0pSpeT NSpe T͋peϑ͋Gl0wSvQ:S+R0Yef[el/TSf[u R_~wƋ0Yyb~T~ N~`N:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1.Leading-in 1) Tell students that we use a lot of, a little, much, no, a few and many to talk about amounts. Step 2.Explaining the language 1) Explain to students that a substance can be uncountable (e.g., slices of bread, cups of tea, pieces of chalk ). Ideas and feelings can be either countable or uncountable (e.g., She has much love in her heart means she is a loveing person, but she has many loves means she loves many things / people. ). 2) Tell students that a lot and no can be used with both countable and uncountalbe nouns. When the noun is uncountable, there is is uses with no (e.g., There is no water.). However, when the noun is countable, there are is used with no and the noun must be changed into its plural form (e.g., there are no swimmers.). Step 3.Exercise 1) Ask students to do Exercise A Answers: 1 There is no water in the pool. 2 There is a lot of water/ much water in the pool. 3 There are a lot of/ many swimmers in the pool. 4 There are a few/ not many swimmers in the pool. 2) Explain to students that we use the word too when we are not satisfied with the quantity of something. Then ask students to so Exercise B1 and B2. Answers: B1: 2 She has enough 3 She has too many 4 She has too few 5 She has too much 6 She has too much 7 She has too little 8 She has enough B2 : & Step 4.Language points: 1) Countable: a few, few, many, a number of 2) Uncountable: a little, little much, an amout of 3) Countable or uncountable: some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, no 4) How many for countable nouns, and How much for uncountable nouns Step 5.Homework(Optional) Do the exercises in Book B.S`   yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit 6. Water -----Speaking e,{5eYef[vh10f[uf[`N+T g/ l /T/ r /vvSel0 20f[uۏL҉rnbo 9hnccOvSWTsQ.͋T*NLN[4lvBl \Ջ[ gPv4lDnۏL~y{RM0YePgRg͑pcc󗅏/ l /T/ r /vSel0pcc/ l /T/ r /vvSel0Yef[el_[f[uۏLS4Yc zc~TQv~`N zQ:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1. A Tall time /bl/ /kl/ /gl/ /fl/ /br/ /kr/ /gr/ /fr/ 1 Exaggerate your mouth movement and ask students to look at your mouth when you read the words with these phonetic symbols. Then have students read them aloud with the recording. 2 Read the sentences in Exercise A1 and ask the class torepeat them chorally. Then call on a few students to read them individually to the class. 3 Have students listen to the dialogue in Exercise A2 and circle the sounds that they have learnt above. Choose a few students to read the dialogue. Step 2. Speak up 1 Start by askng students to think of the various uses of water in these four places, and write some of the uses on the board. Home drinking, washing, clothes, cooking food, bathing, washing hands and faces, cleaning dishes and the floor, watering plants, toilets& Restaurant: cooking, cleaning dishes/kitchen/floor, sercing to customers, toilet& Hospital: cleaning equipment/floors/bedding, cooking food for the patients, bathing patients, toilet& Factories: manufacturing and industry (e.g., dyeing industry ), cleaning machinery and floors, toilets 2 Now arrange students into groups of five, and tell them which set of people they must represent. Do Exercise B2. 3 Continue with Exercise B3. S1, after listening to the explanations from the other four in the group, must decide how many minutes or hours of water each type of people can have. (This can still be done within the froups, and other group members can give their comments on S1 s decision.) There is no  right answer, and the froups will vary in their decisions. 4 Finally, if time permits, fo Exercise B4. Ask some of the students who were in the role of S1 to report their decisions to the whole class, and compare the results of different froups. Step 3.Homework(Optional) Do the related exercises of Book B. S` yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit6. Water ----- Writing  e,{6eYef[vhf[ukXQAm zVS f4lv_sTNugN6kv͑'YNN0cf[uAm zV-NN, NO(u[tevSP[ FO bTR͋_͑0YePgRg͑pbU\f[uvwƋbNeSƉΑ_[f[u\~R_~,gUSCQ@bf[͑pwƋ0pQ\O0Yef[elTQ~T NfNbQ\O:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1. Flow charts are used to show the sequence or order of things so that we know how things are done step by step. Ask students to do Exercise A and B. Students may need to refer to the order of the water s journey. Step 2. Remind students to find a title for their flow charts. They do not need to write start and end on the flow charts. Step 3. Do Exercise C. Students only need to record the more important theings in their life from their birth up to their 30th birthday. Students can decide how many steps they want, but you may like to give them guidelines. Step 4 Homework (Optional) Write a passage about  water .S`7BYeHh yv Nt^~ cYe^ Unit6. Water----- More practice & Project e,{7eYef[vh10Ǐ,TRT~ bU\f[uvwƋbNeSƉΑ0 20_[f[u\~R_~,gUSCQ@bf[͑pwƋ0YePgRg͑pbU\f[uvwƋbNeSƉΑ_[f[u\~R_~,gUSCQ@bf[͑pwƋ0p_[f[u\~R_~,gUSCQ@bf[͑pwƋ0Yef[elTQ~T N~`N:N;N0YewQQYU_:g bq_N \ўgI{ Ye f[ Ǐ z Step 1. More practice Ask students to complete these exercises, which briefly revise some key items from the unit. Step 2. Using English 1. Before starting to do Exercise A, draw students attention to the words on the line graph. They should look at the tittle first, and then look at the vertical and horizontal axes to see what they represent. 2. Ask students to use a ruler to help them complete the graph in Exercese B. The line fraph is used to show us trends and to help us compare things. Step 3.Homework Make a line gragh to show the rainfall in students hometown.S` I II A drinkable 1) can be drunk B leaky 2) taste like saty C broken 3) damaged D litre 4) dripping E over 5) 1,000 millilitres F salty 6) more than "bN ~    6 8 : B D T V X ` b z | ~ ȹᎣᎎ(5KHOJQJfHq ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ56KHOJQJo(^JaJ56KHOJQJ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ$5B*CJKHOJQJph^JaJ0  *   h4F\p 2DN\&8FZj2f*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ56KHOJQJ^JaJ5>*KHOJQJ^JaJ(5KHOJQJfHq ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ8  DFNPXZ\df  <>@DFhjltvӷӢߢӢ(5KHOJQJfHq ^JaJ56KHOJQJ^JaJ5>*KHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJKHOJQJ^JaJ82< V!!T""#l##$$L$$f%%%*&,&.&2&4&@&B&H&N&&&&&&&&&&&'͸56KHOJQJ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ(j5KHOJQJUmHsH^JaJ j5KHOJQJU^JaJ(5KHOJQJfHq ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ*''''''''((((((\(^(`(h(j(z(|(~((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))) )))))))T)+$-f-5KHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJPf-*/N/P/f0h0z000001@1^111.2T222222222233333P3R3Z3\3d3f3h3p3r3444"4$4(4*4R4T4V4X4\4^444444444444444444KHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ56KHOJQJ^JaJF4556 6:6x66X778(8\8b88888999"99999:0:::::;R;X;x;;;<|<<J=v>>>>?4?`?????@P@R@t@@@@PAXAhAAAABLBNBPBVBXBZBKHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ56KHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJHZBbBdBpBBBBBBBBCC CCCCC CbCCCCCCCC D DDDDDHDJDLDTDVDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD56KHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJKHOJQJ^JaJFDSSSSSSSSSSSTT TBTJTLTTTVTXT`TbTTTTTTTT,U.U0U2U6U8U>U@UBUJULUhUjUlUtUvUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUpWfX(Z^ZZZ56KHOJQJ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJDZZZZZZZZ[ [[[h[j[r[t[|[~[[[[[[[[[[[[<\>\@\B\F\H\l\n\p\x\z\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]]]]]_```56KHOJQJ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJ*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJF``jalanaratavaxaza|aaaccccCJKH 5CJKHKH*0J CJPJmH sH nHtH_HphaJ5KHOJQJ^JaJKHOJQJ^JaJN sV & F hedh^e`$Ifo1$$$Ifl\ (<K 644 l $dha$$Ifdh dh` N ~ dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 l & F hedh^e`$If   8 : 3\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$If $a$$If\1$$$Ifl F?K 6    44 l: D V X b | ~ I1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$If $dha$$If  *   & F wwdh^w`$Ifhdh^h$If dh$If dh$If $dha$$Ifhj L2fdh`$If dh$If & F WWdh^W`$Ifwdh^w$If & F wwdh^w`$Iff $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If FPZ $dha$$Ifdh$dha$I1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 lZ\f va4dh^4`$If dh$If $dha$$Ifo1$$$Ifl\ (<K 644 l  <>@OF $a$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 l@FjlvCI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l $dha$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$If $dha$$If <DX2dh^`$Ifdh`$If dh$If $dha$$If2 V!!T""#l##$$L$$f%%%,&dh`$If/dh^`/$Ifedh^`e$If,&.&4&6&8&:&<&>&@&B&_I1$$$IflG0 ?K 644 l $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l B&H&&&&&'' 'h'v[ & F ggdh^g`$Ifo1$$$Ifl\ (<K 644 l $dha$$Ifdh$dha$ h'''''( dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 l & F ggdh^g`$If((((^(`(3\1$$$Ifl,F?K 6    44 l dh$If $a$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l`(j(|(~(((((VI1$$$Ifl@0 ?K 644 lI1$$$IflO0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$If((((((((((((((((((((((((((( $dha$$If((((((((((((()))) )))))))T) dh8$If $dha$$IfT)+$-f-x--*.N..... /*/P/f0z0 dh$If & F dh^`$If dh$If dh88$If dh8$If & F wwdh8^w`$Ifz0001@1^111.2T222 dh$If & F hhdh^h`$Ifdh^$If dh$If & F dh^`$If 2222222222_I1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l 2233R3\3f3h3r34~s dh$Ifo1$$$Ifl\ (<K 644 l $dha$$Ifdh 44$4*4T4V4X4OF $a$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 lX4^44444 $dha$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$If dh$If4444444444555 5 555 dh$If $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l555555 5"5$5&5(5*5,5.505254585:5<5@5B5D5H5J5L5P5 $dha$$IfP5R5T5x5:6x68X;x;;;<|<<J=v>6dh^6`$If dh$Ifgdh`g$If dh$Ifgdh^g`$If1dh^`1$If $dha$$Ifv>>>>?4?`?????R@@PAABNB6dh^6`$If dh$If dh$IfNBPBXBZB\B^B`BbBdBVI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 ldBjBBBC CCC CbCC~s`4dh^4`$If dh$Ifo1$$$Ifl\ (<K 644 l $dha$$Ifdh CCCC DDDOF $a$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 lDDJDLDVDDDCI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l $dha$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$IfDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEE EEE $dha$$IfEEEE@EEG*HTIVIxIvJK\@\B\OF $a$$If\1$$$IflF?K 6    44 l dh$IfI1$$$Ifl;0 ?K 644 lB\H\n\p\z\\\CI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l $dha$$If\1$$$Ifl|F?K 6    44 l dh$If\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l dh$If $dha$$If\\]]]]_```lanatava $dha$$IfI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 l 4dh`4$If 6dh`6$If dh$If vaxaza|a~aaaaaa&b~bbclcccccdhI1$$$Ifl0 ?K 644 lccdh(S. 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