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Through reading this passage, the students can learn many new words and expressions, improve their reading skills and know more information about different body languages. Aspect 2: Teaching aims and demands. The overall aim of the English New Curriculum is to develop students comprehensive language abilities, such abilities are grounded in the development of language skill, language knowledge affects, cultural awareness and learning strategies. So based on this theory, I choose the three-dimensional teaching targets as my aims. The knowledge aims are to guide the students to mater the important words and expressions in the text, on this basis, to have a further understanding of the passage. The ability aims are to develop the students 4 basic skills, especially reading skills. Through practicing students predicting, skimming, scanning and concluding skills to improve their reading ability. Meanwhile, to encourage them to express their own opinion and learn to cooperate with others. The emotional aims are to make them learn to use different body languages to communicate with others and overcome communicative obstacle. Aspect 3: Teaching important point and difficult point The important point is how to get the students to mater the words and expression and use them flexibly, and on this basis to have a better understanding of the passage. The difficult point is how to enable the students to master the reading skills and improve their reading ability. Aspect 4:Teaching aids In this class, multimedia classroom, blackboard, color chalks will be used. So much for the teaching material, now, lets go on with the analysis of students. The New Curriculum advocates the students are the main body of learning, so analyzing the students is very important. After junior studying, my senior students have basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but their abilities of using English to process information and solve problems are still to be improved. So in this class I will focus on students reading skills and problem-solving ability. In the teaching process, I find most students rely on teacher to learn, so practicing students self-learning ability is important. Since the content of the passage is closely related to Ss real communicative life, so their overall language abilities can be improved through learning by doing. After the detailed analysis of teaching material and students, Lets continue to Part 2, teaching methods and learning methods. As is known to all of us, a good teaching method can develop the students good English sense. For achieving the above teaching aims, Ill use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories.(sN>yONEYef[) To improve students reading ability and information-obtaining ability, I use Skimming and Scanning Method. To enable my students to read and learn more efficiently and with more curiosity, I use Task-based teaching method. To enable my students to be more active and creative in the class, I use Situational approach. To encourage my students to express ideas and communicate with others, I use Communicative teaching method. All these methods can stimulate students learning enthusiasm, guide them to actively participate in the class, and thus make sure my class goes smoothly. Apart from teaching method, the learning method is also very important. According to the New English Curriculum, the students nowadays shall transform their studying method to develop their cooperation spirit and self-learning ability. In the class, the students are asked to fulfill their tasks by pair or group work to practice their cooperative method. After the class, the students are asked to complete their written work on their own to improve self-learning method. Now, lets come to the most important Part, teaching procedures. The above-mentioned teaching theories will be reflected in the following teaching procedures. In this part, I will divide into 5 steps, that is, warming up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, summary and homework. Step 1: Warming-up. In this step, it includes two discussing works and takes 6 minutes. Interest is the best teacher, therefore, at the very beginning of the class, I should spark the students focus on the centre topic Body language, I will show some pictures of body languages to attract their attention and then bring 2 questions: Q1: Do you the meaning of the pictures, discuss your ideas with your partner. Q 2: Do you think the same body languages have the different meaning, if yes, give some examples. The purpose of the step is to stimulate their interest and naturally lead to Step 2. Step 2: Pre-reading In this step, it includes one prediction work and takes 4 minutes. I will guide them to guess the content by looking the title and picture, they will be divided into group of four to discuss. The activity is to inspire the students to read actively, not passively. Active reading can raise the students interest and reading efficiency, Other purposes are to develop their predicting skills and encourage them to think and express in English. Step 3: While-reading, it is the most import one in the procedures, so it takes 25minutes. Firstly, I will guide them to read for information by skimming and scanning the text. The students are asked to skim the whole text to answer the following two questions by pair work. Q1: Whats the general idea of the whole passage? Q2: Whats the main idea of each section? Then I will ask them to scan the passage again and finish the activities in group of four. Activity 1: Find out the different body languages of different people in the text and list out. Activity 2: Do some multi-choice work to find out some detailed information. To improve the students skimming and scanning skills is the difficult point of the class. So I will arrange the above questions and activities to practice and improve their reading skills to get general ideas and detailed information. Meanwhile, the cooperative learning can raise their studying interest and develop their cooperation spirit. Secondly. I will ask the students to listen the tape and read after it. After listening and reading the text, students find out the difficult words and sentences, try to analyze and memorize them. Mastering new words and expressions is the important point, so I will assist my students to master them. Thirdly, The class will come to the period of solving problems. This time belongs to students and I just play an assistant role. The students can ask any questions they come across in the process of learning, and the whole class all solve them. This purpose is to improve their questioning spirit and dealing with difficulties. Step 4: Post-reading, it includes two tasks and takes 7 minutes So far, the students have known the basic knowledge of body language, according to the principle of the New English Curriculum, language is learnt to communicate and solve problems. So I will provide 2 tasks by pair work to let them conform their language knowledge into language use: Task 1: Suppose two friends, one from America, the other from Japan meet at the first, make a dialogue and act out the possible funny thing. Task 2: I will list several new words and expressions, and tell the students to think a new story and share with other students. The both tasks provides the students with the opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know. In addition, the tasks can enable students to produce language based on what they learned. Step 5: Homework, This step needs 3 minutes Ill give them two piece of homework. Written work: I ask students to write a summary about different body languages and the possible reasons by collecting different information. Optional work: Surf the internet and find out more information about body language. The two homework mean to train students writing ability and self-learning ability. By searching various information resources, the students can widen their view and continue to inspire their learning enthusiasm. Up to now, my presentation is almost to the end, please patiently go on with Part 4 blackboard design. As for the blackboard, I will design it as outline type and list the main idea of each paragraph on the middle of it, and analyze them by writing down the reading skills to enable them have a overall understanding of the passage. Whats more, I give the new words and phrases on the left to attract them. All these designs conform to the important and difficult point of the text. After analysis of the whole task, lets come to Part 5. 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I firmly believe the whole class goes smoothly with the clear teaching aims. Te various activities all enable students to improve their learning ability. However, if time is not limited, I shall give more time and opportunity for students to practice what they have learnt in this class. Improving the students comprehensive language using ability is my ultimate goal. So much for the presentation. Thanks for your patient and kind listening. Thank you very much. fY?zDe kbcN~x      PAGE  PAGE - 4 - ]]^ ^"^$^(^*^.^0^4^6^:^<^H^J^L^P^R^^^`^j^l^n^r^t^v^ξh{0JmHnHuhgc hgc0Jjhgc0JUho)jho)Uh]=hmA5OJQJ^Jo(!jhmA5OJQJU^Jo(&hmAhmA5CJ,OJQJ^JaJ,o(hmA5OJQJ^Jo(4^8^:^L^N^P^n^p^r^t^v^$a$gdmA &`#$gdm 909182P:pt.. 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