ࡱ> q` RbjbjqPqP2::Vrrrrrrrnnnn. EEE$h:̺qrW#"EWW̺rr =WZ r r Wr~Trr~ r=nҴS0S2S~~SrpE`W\EEE̺̺ EEEWWWWdDG=Grrrrrr Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents? Section A (1a-1c) Period 1 N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋allow, wrong. ccN NSW  What s wrong?  I m really tried because I studied until midnight last night. 2) NN Nl YЏ(u@bf[wƋTV0cQ^v^ZPQ b 2. `a`^N\0 instead of /fN͋w Tc T͋0N͋0R T͋I{0 OY 2) whatever pron. NUOeNHN vS_N no matter what e.g. Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees. ebcNHN^ N N Ta0 3. If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. offer v. ;NRcQ?a~N offerO͑;NRb?aa~N ;NRcQZPgN08^(u~goffer sb. sth. boffer to do sth. e.g. She offered me a cup of tea. yY~bzNog60 He offered to go instead of me. N;NRcQNfbS0 4. Secondly, why don t you sit down and communicate with your brother? communicate v. NAml communicate with sb. NgNNAm e.g. Li Mei can easily communicate with foreigners in English. Ngh(uNYVN{~gNAm0 5. Can you explain to me how to do this math problem? explain v. ʑf explain + that / what/ why I{NS explain sth. (to sb.)TgN ʑgN e.g. Can you explain what this means? `OʑN Nُ*Nva`T Please explain it to me. `OTbʑN N'T0& Step 6 Homework 1. Read the article several times after school. 2. Make sentences with these words: argue; whatever; instead; nervous; explain; offer to do sth. ; communicate with& Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents? Section A (Grammar Focus-4c) Period4 N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) f[`Ncc NR͋Glcopy, return 2 ۏLNek Y`N]Vf[`NSection A R@bf[vu͋T͋~0 3 [VScQv^vSW ccvQĉR0 4) Ǐ N Te_v~`N egq~Џ(uSc^vhe_0 2. `a`^N  "(*BDFTҲҲңҲҐҐҐҐҐҐh8CJ\o(h86CJ\]h8CJOJQJ\^Jo(h86CJ\h8CJOJQJ^Jo(j h8CJU h8CJ\ h8CJo(h8CJQJo( h8CJh85CJ\ h85CJ8&5r!;| X dhWD`gd8 8dhWD`8gd R dhWD8^` gd8dhgd\ hdhWD`hgd8 dh`gd8XDpX| h{ XdhWD`Xgd R dhWD,`gd8 hdhWD`hgd8 dh`gd8$dh`a$gd R$dh`a$gd R xdhWD2`xgd\dhgd\ dh`gd8 dhWD`gd8$BV^`nXnptx  jl&,<LZ\»xh85CJ\j8h8CJU h RCJh RCJOJQJ^Jo( h RCJo( h8CJ h85CJh85CJo( h8CJo(h Rh8CJo(h R5CJo( h R5CJh R5CJ aJ h86CJ\]h8CJ\o( h8CJ\-h&>XhzDbdhgdf dh`gd R hdhWD`hgd8 dh`gd8 dhWD`gd8 dh`gd8 dhWDd`gd8 hdhWD`hgd R dh`gd RVX\fnx@DHbnptv|~BDJ˲vle[T h RCJo(h RhfCJo( hfCJo(h R5CJ\o(hf5CJ\hf5CJ\o(h R5CJ\ h R5CJh R5B*CJo(phh R5B*CJphh R5CJo( h\CJo(h85CJo( h8CJo("h8CJQJfHo(q h8CJh85CJ\h85CJQJ\o(D +8Bku& = dhWD`gd8dhWD^`gd8 dh`gd8 xdhWD2`xgd8hdhVD9WD^h`gd8dhgdfdhgd\JZ qvz& + , 7 ; = !!"!G!H!c!d!!!!!""E"q"r"$ $^$z$~$$$$$$%$%&%ȿȿϹϹϯϹܦȝȔȔȔȔȔȔh8B*CJ\phh8CJ\o(h\CJ\o(h85CJo(j(h8CJU h\CJh86CJ\ h8CJ\ h8CJ h R5CJhf5CJo( h85CJ h RCJo( hfCJo( hfCJ4 !!c!!!"E"r""#!#&$N$6%0&dhVDV^`gd8 dhVDVWD8^` gd8 hdhWD`hgd8 xdhWD2`xgd8dhgdf dh`gd8dhgd\&%*%,%2%4%%.&&&N'~'''D(\(((((((2*4*6**********,,,,d-n-4.ƿ~~rdr~~hwlhU5CJQJ\hwlhU5CJ\hwlhUCJ hUCJo(hU5CJo( hU5CJhwlhU5CJhU5CJ aJ hUh8 h8CJ h85CJhf5CJo( hf5CJh8CJ\o( h8CJ\h8B*CJ\phh8B*CJ\o(ph'0&&&N''''6(`((())*2*4*gd8 dh`gd8dhgd\dhgdf dhWDd`gd8 dhWD,`gd8 hdhWD`hgd8VxdhVDWD2^V`xgd8X dhVD9WD8^X` gd84******,F,j,,,`-p---- .4.\.j. hdhWD`hgdU dhWD`gdU dhgdUdhgdU$dh`a$gdU $dha$gdU$dh`a$gdU4.:.\.j......./D/F////6080:0<0R000000011111111111H2d2x2úѣїрttthttthjwhU5CJ\hjwhUCJ\o(hjwhUCJ\hjwhU6CJ\]hjwhU6CJ\hwlhU6CJ\]h\hUCJo(hUCJ\o( hUCJ\ h\CJo(hwlhUCJ\hwlhU5CJ\hwlhU5CJhwlhUCJ hUCJ(j...F///$0H0001111f2223H33 dhWD`gdl XdhWD`XgdU QdhWD`QgdU dhWD,`gdU dhWD`gdUdhgd\dhgdUx2222222334%4}4446t6v666677888888999 ;";<;;;j<l<<<<<ƽƭ~r~rhkIhU>*CJ\hkIhUCJ\hhUCJhhUCJ\o( hUCJo(hGhUCJhGhUCJo( hUCJhwlhUCJhwlhU5CJhwlhU5CJ\hjwhUCJ\o(hjwhUCJ\hjwhU6CJ\])33G4z4}4444555F66778"8`8889";<;; XdhWD`Xgdl xdhWD2`xgdUdhgd\dhgdU dhWD`gdl;;<D<l<< =~==^>>???H@@@PAXAAAA*BB dhWDd`gdU dhWD`gdU dhWD`gdldhgdU<< =>>>?@@@@:ANAPAAAAAAAAAABBBBDCFCHCJC4D:D6E:EF F(Fɿtgt`` hUCJ\hkIhU6CJ\]hkIhU6CJ\hUCJ\o(hwlhUCJh[\hUCJ\o(h[\hUCJ\hx.hUCJ\hwlhU6CJ\]hwlhUCJ\hwlhU5CJhkIhUCJ\o(hkIhUCJ\hkIhU>*CJ\hU>*CJ\o(%BB8C^CC.DDEHEEF*FFFFyOsav wl0 N0Yef[Ǐ z Step1 Greeting Greet to the whole class as usual. Step 2 Talking Work on 3a: A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions. List the main views: 1. After-school classes can help kids get into a good university. 2. I want my child to be a successful person. 3. It s good for children to start learning from a young age. Ss talk with their partners about these views. Step 3 Asking and answering 1. Ss say if they agree or disagree with the views above. Then give their reasons. 2. Let some Ss say their reasons: S1: I disagree. Many factors may influence in one s life. Even though one goes to a good university, he may still not be successful. S2: I agree. Many great people learn things from a very young age. If the child is gifted in some area, it s helpful to learn it from a young age. S3: I disagree. People shouldn t push their kids so hard. Parents shouldn t send their small kids to all kinds of classes. They shouldn t always compare their children with other children. I believe it s better to let the kids be kids. 3. Let some more Ss to tell their opinions. Step 4 Writing Work on 3b: 1. Ask Ss what s the common problem for Chinese and American families? Ss: They have to go to many after-school classes. 2. OK. What s your opinion about after-school classes? Now think about it and write a short article about to a magazine. 3. Ss try to write a short article by themselves. 4. Walk around the class and give any help Ss may need. 5. Let some Ss read their letters and correct them. One possible version I don t agree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. It s not good for a child s development. In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. I think it s better that parents shouldn t compare their children with other children. It s crazy and not fair. Step 5 Self check Work on Self check 1: 1. Fill in each blank using until, so that or although. 2. Fill in the blanks and try to say the meaning of it. 1. You should eat more now ______ you won t be hungry later. 2. ________ you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house. 3. You could save more money ____ you can buy a gift for your friend s birthday. 4. Kids shouldn t play computer games ____ late at night. They should rest early. 5. ________ many people like to eat junk food, they should really eat more fruit and vegetables ______ they can be healthy. 3. Check the answers with the Ss. Answers: so that, although, until, until, although/so that Work on Self check 2: 1. Tell Ss to read the short conversation. Then think and discuss with your partners. 2. Tell Ss to try to give their advice. 3. Ss work and write about their own advice. e.g. S1: Why don t you call him up and say you re sorry. 4. Check the answers with the class. Answers: 1. Why don t you call him up and say you re sorry. 2. You should study for the exams because you can go to many parties later. 3. Why don t you tell him that you are studying and he should be quiet? 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