ࡱ> '` Rbjbj2-"""6RRR8RT*SD6 gzTzTzTzTzT Z Z Zeeeeeee$ghgj:e"[X0 Z[[ezTzT`f\\\[8zT"zTe\[e\\:a, "DbzTnT `F)oR[a bf0 gaRj\XjDbj"Db` ZZ\,Z 8Z Z Z Zeef\^ Z Z Z g[[[[6661:6d666:6666 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar USCQYef[RgUSCQYePgRgTf[u] g4ls^Rg ,gUSCQv-N_݋/fЏ(u``R͋](WgNeb@bwQ gvR0te*NUSCQvQ[/fV~``R͋ can U\_v0Ǐ,gUSCQvf[`N Of[uYЏ(u``R͋can h](WgNeb@bwQ gvMb ]vU}YNa?a YPbSRTyYOPN v^6R\Owmb Nf[OQQbX^JT.v^f[u(W[-Nf[OTO(uvh Rf[uygSRTyY;mR W{Qf[uvYebMbSV|^y0 Yef[vhNZPNHNegc  wƋvh Af[`N͑p͋Gldance, swim,sing,play,chess paint,speakJapanese, play the guitar,art music,guitar, drum,piano,,trumpet,violin Bcc``R͋ can v[ST&T[S0``R͋can vN,uS0yrkuSS&T[VT{ Cf[O6R\ObX^JT Rvh Af[OЏ(u``R͋]vU}YNa?a BЏ(u``R͋can ](WgNeb@bwQYvMb Cbz Tf[N]U1rvTyOPNv^:NvQ6R\Owmb0 `avh Ǐ[f[uSOf[`N틄vPN v^RNU\:y]vMb Ǐ\~;mR|_dkvyrN1r}Y0c[f[`NygNNNNAm vNf[`N vN.^R W{QV|^y0 eRR ,{Ne Section A 1a-1c ,{Ne Section A 2a-4 ,{ Ne Section B 1a-3c ,{Ve Section B Self-check 3 Period 1 SectionA N0Yef[vhvh 1.Can use the verbs of activity such as sing, dance, swim ... and verb phrases expressing abilities. 2.Can express personal abilities 3.Can master the usage of the modal verb "can" indicating ability N0wƋNb 1.Ƌ8^vPNhV(guitar piano& ) 2.f[O]vR.( swim sing dance & ) N0Ǐ zNel [݋ \~;mR egnNs[u;m f[`N,gN /TSf[u(WYOW{QvQ[ebvR0 V0͑pSW 1.-Can you dance ? - Yes ,I can ./No ,I can t . 2.-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. 3.-What can you do ? -I can play the piano. 4-Why do you want to join the club ? -Because it s interesting . N0Yef[Ǐ z Period 1 Step1 Leading-in 1. Present the new language . A: I like playing basketball. I can play basketball. Can you/your sister /your friends play basketball? B: Yes, I /she/they can. No, I /she/they can t. Perform actions or show cards to present some other verbs such as dance ,swim ,play the guitar .paint ,speak English , play chess etc . 2.Let the students practice the conversations in groups. Talk about their abilities. A: What can you do? B: I can Step2 exerice Task 1 : What can they do ? Match and listen( 1a ,1b) Task 2 :Memory game : What can he do ? Step3 presentation Present the target language . T:I can swim ,so I want to join the swimming club . And also I find there are a lot of different clubs here , Can you name them ?N HTsQT{|OPN萄v Ty0 Such as. Art club ,English club,Swimming club ,Chess Club ,Dancing Club ,and Guitar Club .(write the clubs on the Bb ) T: What club do you want to join ? (helps the Ss answer ) Ss : I want to join the music club T: Can you sing ? Ss: Yes, I can / No ,I cant 2. Let the students practice the conversations in pairs . 3. let the Ss act 4. Listen to the tape. Circle the clubs. 5. Listen to the tape again ,Fill in the blanks. Step4 1. If you want to join a club ,what questions can you answer /can they ask? a. Whats your name ? b. What club do you want to join ? c. What can you do ? d. Why do you want to join the club? 2. Divide the class into several groups .They stand for different clubs .Every group chooses two students as club leaders ,the others are volunteers who want to join the clubs . Homework Make a survey with the drill Can you& ? Can Sing Dance Swim Paint Play the chessPlay basketballSpeak English Father Mother gfN Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? Section A u͋guitar, dance, swim, sing, chess, speak, can t, job, children, kid, summer, camp ͑pSWCan you swim/paint/sing? Yes, I can./No, I can t. Can you/he/she/you dance?/ Yes, I /he/she/we can. No, I/he/she/we can t. What club do you want to join? I want to join& club. l͑p``R͋canv[S0&T[STuSvgb0 Period2 ݋ Your ability vh 1. Can use  can to describe one s ability 2.Can communicate with classmate to improve the ability of talking . 3.To be the manage of one club ͑p 10BlccN NS_ 1 ---Can he /she paint /speak English? ---Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she can t. (2) ---What can you do? ---I can play the guitar. (3) ---Can you play it well? ---No, I can t. 20BlccN N͋Gl T͋kid b_[͋'`ir;NN͋our Step1 warming up Activity 1:(1) Daily greetings to the studentse8^P Activity 2(2) Revision Y`N T: N Y`N-Neg What can you do?/ Can you sing? S: I can play the guitar. T: What club do you want to join? S: I want to join the music club. T: What about you?(to the other students) Ask individual students. Step 2Presatation T: Today we are going to be the manager of the club . We have to inlarge our member of our club . 1.To tell what we can do in different clubs 2.Interview 3.good hearing Step 3Group work. (Work on 3b)[bP61,3bv[݋R T: Work on groups of four. Make up similar conversations. Please write down the answers in the form. (First do a sample with a student) Namecanwell not well Li Leiswim"Marysing"Step 4Groupwork T: Now you are middle school students. You can swim You can sing. You can do many things. But they can t. They are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the students) They are going to Beidaihe. But there aren t enough teachers. Are you good with kids? Do you want to join them? Can you help them? Please look at the ad on page 61 part 4. Suppose one of you are the headmaster of the kindergarten Please make an interview with your partner. Then take turns. (Give them five minutes) Then ask some pairs or groups to act out their interviews. Ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. Such as: Have they found someone for the job? Why? What can they do? What can t they do? Step6;`~ Grammar Focusl;`~ Use the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar focus. ``R͋can\~:Tb;`/fcR͋Sb_,l gNyTpevSS.a`/f ,O .(ulS: `RcanhR,TL:NR͋ NRy. N{;N틂YUOS, canv!j7h8l NS. SQs`Rcan,R͋Sb_Tbz. N,ucancMR,&T[canTnotm. pSb 1.They can play basketball after class. (9e:NN,uS,v^\O[T&T[VT{.) _______they_____ basketball after class? ______,they______. ______,they______. 2.Liu Lin can sing in English.(9e:N&T[S) Liu Lin_____ ______in English. Homework: Make a survey after class according to 4 on page 61 Period3 Section B ݋R vh+RN(WPNhVebwQYvMb +RN(WPNeb@bwQYT NwQYvMb :Nf[!h;mRQ{wmb ͑p Blq~Џ(uN NS_ --Can you & ? --Yes, I can./No, I can t. --Can sb. do sth.?  Yes, he/she can, but he/she can t& ./ No, he/she can t, but he/she can& . cc͋Gldrums piano trumpet violin musician, rock band, Chinese Kungfu, festival p:SRplay the PNhV Tplay t{| :Ng*N;mRQwmb Step1 Revision I can& , but I can t& I want to join the& (Ask some students to make a sentence.) sing music club dance dancing club swim swimming club speak English English club play the guitar guitar club paint art club play chess chess club play basketball basketball club play ping-pong ping-pong club Step 2Presentation f[u,TPNhVX sKm/fTyPNhV ۏeQ0R[eUS͋vf[`N0 (play the guitar, play the trumpet, play the violin, play the drums, swim, do Chinese kung fu Step 3Pairwork. (Work on 1b on P.62.) T: OK, you know the names of the these instruments, I want to know if you can >@BDrt      $    2 : ` d t v   "  B J hlhh7g;QJaJhMh7g;5B*aJph hMh7g;5B*QJaJphhlhh7g;aJ'hMh7g;5B*CJQJ\aJph h^5B*CJ\aJo(ph#hMh7g;5B*CJ\aJph6BDt   b v gS;WD`;gd7g;l9.VDWD^9`.gd7g;lVDWDj^`gd7g;l & Fgd7g;lgd7g;l;WD`;gdMlgd7g;l$a$gd7g;l$a$gd7g;l v  "  B | ~ $a$gd7g;WDd`gd7g;lgd7g;lgVD^ggd7g;l;WD`;gd7g;l & Fgd7g;l TdfjxBDRT$&248xKL^_ʶhlhh7g;B*QJaJphhlhh7g;5aJ hlhh7g;B*KH\aJph33hlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;QJaJhlhh7g;aJhMh7g;5aJhMh7g;5QJaJhM5B*CJaJo(ph hMh7g;5B*CJaJph. TfDT:f iWD2`igd7g; WD`gd7g; WDd`gd7g;gd7g; ;WD`;gd7g;gd7g;lWDd`gd7g;l.VDrWD^`.gd7g;l&8\hm%L_gd7g;l xVD9^xgd7g; iVD2^igd7g; WD`gd7g; iWD2`igd7g; TVD(^Tgd7g;$a$gd7g;$a$gd7g;gd7g; ;WD`;gd7g;_~ RQd(LaVD9WDj^`gd7g;gd7g;gd7g; iWD2`igd7g; xVD9^xgd7g;xVD9^xgd7g;l & Fgd7g;lpr2Rp$Ifgd:lgd7g;l iWD2`igd7g;iWD^i`gd7g; prkd$$Iflִ          t06    44 layt:r$Ifgd:lkd$$Iflִ          t06    44 layt:$Ifgd:lkdb$$Iflִ          t06    44 layt: v2oagd7g;lekd$$Iflg ! !0 !64 lalyt: $Ifgd:$IfVD^`gd:VD^`gd7g; v|(< D H Z ` b d f !!"""$"8":"f""""""##$$$,&.&^&d&p&|&*(,(.,4,6,P,\,,,,,,,------ɾھھھھھھھھھڴڴھھھھھھڴھھھھھھhlhh7g;QJ\aJhlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;QJaJ hMh7g;5B*CJaJphhlhh7g;aJhlhh7g;B*QJaJphhlhh7g;B*aJphBt< F \ !D!x!!!,"P" WD^`gd7g;gd7g;WD^`gd7g;l.VDWD^`.gd7g;lgd7g;lgd7g;l$a$gd7g;P"""T###$f$$$%%& &~&`gd7g;lgd7g;lUDWD]`gd7g;lUDWD]`gd7g;lgd7g;lWD^`gd7g;l~&H''''''$IfUD]gd:iUDWD2]`igd7g;lxUDVD9]^xgd7g;l''''''cTTTT$IfUD]gd:kd$$Ifl\d* 064 layt:''''''cTTTT$IfUD]gd:kdU$$Ifl\d* 064 layt:'(((((cTTTT$IfUD]gd:kd $$Ifl\d* 064 layt:( ( ((((cTTTT$IfUD]gd:kd$$Ifl\d* 064 layt:((((((cTTTT$IfUD]gd:kdq$$Ifl\d* 064 layt:((@(H++cU;;xUDVD9]^xgd7g;lgd7g;lkd%$$Ifl\d* 064 layt:++++$,6,^,,2-X-----,.V....xUDVD9]^xgd7g;lgWD1`ggd7g;lUD]gd7g;liUDWD2]`igd7g;l- -"-&-.-2-6-<-B-D-T-X-f-p-|-----------------..<.>.P.4/>/040B0D0h0j00000000111111 2 222x22222222222D56hlhh7g;\aJ hMh7g;5B*CJaJphhlhh7g;>*\aJhlhh7g;>*QJ\aJhlhh7g;QJaJhlhh7g;aJH.B////040D0j000001uuUD]`gd7g;lvUDWD,]`vgd7g;l$a$gd7g;gd7g;liWD2`igd7g;lUD]gd7g;liUDWD2]`igd7g;l 111x2222334C4wlgggd7g; iWD2`igd7g;gWD1`ggd7g;lgd7g;liUDWD2]`igd7g;lUD]gd7g;l UDVDWD ]^`gd7g;lUD]`gd7g;l C4n44445D56V67f7.vvvwWDd`gd7g;l.VDrWD^`.gd7g;lgd7g;l xVD9^xgd7g;iWD2`igd7g;lgd7g;lgd7g; iWD2`igd7g; @ iWD2`igd7g; 666T6V6777"7$7d78vLvNvTvvvvvvw4wHwwwxfyyyyzz||||}}2~4~~~~l>@LȻ챥쌀hlhh7g;5QJaJhlhh7g;5aJhlhh7g;QJaJmH sH hlhh7g;>*\aJhlhh7g;>*aJhlhh7g;6>*]aJhlhh7g;6]aJUhlhh7g;QJ\aJhlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;aJhlhh7g;QJaJ2 play the instruments. T: Can you play the piano? S: Yes, I can./No, I can t. Can you play the drums? S: & Don t forget the before the intruments.) Pairwork: Students ask and answer questions about the instruments. Step 4 Listen and finish 2a-2b on P 62. 2a 2b: T: Now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. Let s see what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can do, and what they can t do. Answers cancan tBillplay the guitarsingJennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianoVictorplay the pianodance, singStep 5. Work on 2c on P 62. Task one: Pairwork. T: Now, you look at the chart and I don t, please ask me questions about Bill, Jennifer or Victor. S: Can Bill play the guitar? (possible question) T: Yes ,he can, but he can t sing. possible answer T: It s your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then I will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books closed. Task two: Answer the questions Step 6 Task one Read and underline. (Work on 3a on P63) TWe have learned what Bill Jennifer and Victor can do and can t do. Who can be in school music festivalHQf[u1u N v^f]vt1u 6qTۏeQ[[3vf[`N1.What things do they want people to do for the school music festival Task. two. Finish the poster. (Work on 3b on p63.) Step 7Writing 9hncMRbf[`Nv$N{wmb QǏƖSOf[`N;mR4-NvlQowmb gT]QN{ЏROvwmb0Yge NY \O:N[^\ONV[[b0 Step 8Homework 1.Finish writing the poster for a sports day. 2.Get ready for the diction for the whole unit. gfN Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? Section B 1. music musician 1. Can you play the guitar? 2. guitar Yes, I can.\No, I can t.  drums 2. Can he\she play the trumpet?  play the piano Yes, he\she can.  violin No, he\she can t. trumpet Period 4 self-check ݋ Revision of Unit10 vh 1.hgv^ċk(f)Yvwmb0 2.YUOReQN*NOPN*NNOo`kXQ{vh0 3.Ǐ\Kmeg Y`N,gUSCQ@bf[Ǐv͑pQ[0 ͑p Review the key words presented in this unit and add five new words to the vocab-Builder. Step 1 Revision 1)Show some pictures ,then ask and answer. What s this? It s a& Do you have a & ? Yes,I do./No,I don t. Can you play the& ? Yes,I can./No,I can t. play SNh:y Sb , N , 9_OYPNhV 0S_[Nt{|͋Th{|͋ޏe NRthe ,FO/fNPNhVޏ(ue_{R the0 2)Talk about super stars. -Can he play basketball ? (Yao Ming can play basketball, -Yes,he can.He can play it well. but he can t sing) -Can he sing? -No,he can t. (Let students ask and answer like this) 3)Some super stars are going to our school.0They want to join our clubs. Let's have a look!NNffegb!hSROPN .^R Tf[N0N[YOu;m0 A:What club does he/she want to join? B: He/She wants to join the & club. Step 2. Group work. g`OhTVv Tf[?aaSRNHN7hvOPN ^SWA: What club do you want to join? B: I want to join the & club. A: Can you & ? B: Yes, I can. / No, I can't. NAMECLUBTALENT(Mb)Marythe music clubsingReport: My name is Mary. I want to join the music club. I can sing. Jim wants to join the art club. He can paint. John wants to join the& . Step3 (Work on 3 on p64) [bp64 3 Read the conversation and fill in the card.  Step 4. Key words check. (Work on 1&2 on P64.) T: Let s do key words check of Part 1. If you know the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of the word, please tick it. Try to remember the words you don t know. And you can ask questions if you have any. TAfter you have checked the words on Part 1, please add five new words to your Vocab-Buider on Page 95. (New words for reference) draw, musician, rock band, festival, Chinese Kung fu, harmonica, cornet,etc. Step 5. Dictation: (,TQ NRUS͋T͋~ e:N5R) T: Well, let s have a dictation and a quiz for this unit. I hope you can do a good job. 1. music 2. swim 3. play the piano 4. the art club 5. speak Jananese 6. join 7. dance 8. paint 9. play the guitar 10. drums Step 6.Exercises Design an ad for our Christmas party:Nb!h#WދZfONR^JT Actors Wanted for Christmas party ________________________________ ________________________________ Please call _____ at_____. Step 7.;`~ (ulS: `RcanhR,TL:NR͋ NRy. N{;N틂YUOS, canv!j7h8l NS. SQs`Rcan,R͋Sb_Tbz. N,ucancMR,&T[canTnotm. Step 8. Homework: Review this unit. gfN Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? Self check Words: guitar, dance, swim, sing, chess, speak, play, paint, join, music, art, club, piano, drum, trumpet, violin, can, can t Sentences: Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can./No, I can t. he he he she she she they they they     Name:_______ Sex: boy/girl Age: ________ Class:__________ E-mail address:________________ What can you do?________________________ Why do you want to join the club?______________________ v4wwxfyyyyy $$Ifa$gd:vVD8^vgd7g;lgd7g;liWD2`igd7g;lWDd`gd7g;lyyyzzvg^^ $Ifgd:$IfWDd`gd:kd$$IflFA8U 0e6    4 la yt:zz$zNzlzvmmm $Ifgd:kd$$IflFA8U 0e6    4 la yt:lznz|zzzvmmm $Ifgd:kdE$$IflFA8U 0e6    4 la yt:zzz{{`||}vhhT@@TWDd`gd7g;lVDr^gd7g;lgd7g;lkd$$IflFA8U 0e6    4 la yt:}&~8~~BȀLlȁ(46x gd7g;$a$gd*$a$gd7g;gd7g;;WD`;gd7g;lVDr^gd7g;lgd7g;lVD^gd7g;lgd7g;lLȀJXZ(26prRT"JPVpv҅ԅ܅TȭȭȡȭȭȘxh;5B*CJaJo(ph h;h7g;5B*CJaJphhlhh7g;aJhlhh7g;>*\aJ'jhlhh7g;U\aJmHnHu h*h7g;hlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;QJ\aJhlhh7g;5QJaJhlhh7g;5aJhlhh7g;5\aJ*pRJrԅޅ2;WD`;gd7g;l gd7g;l  FVD^Fgd7g; WD^`gd7g; $ a$gd7g; gd7g;Tއ &.8:PZ\҈PrTVVXҋԋދNP\^畇~~~hlhh7g;aJhlhh7g;5aJmH sH hlhh7g;5\aJhlhh7g;56aJ'jhlhh7g;5UaJmHnHuhlhh7g;5>*QJaJhlhh7g;5>*aJhlhh7g;5QJaJhlhh7g;5aJhlhh7g;5aJmHsH0ԇ^v8ԋ"r $Ifgd:WDb`gd7g;l gWD^g`gd7g;l gd7g;l ;WD`;gd7g;l &DNmkd $$IfF 0"6    34ayt; $Ifgd:NPTX\vmmm $Ifgd:kdk $$IfF 0"6    34ayt;\^n؍RBDFvhhhhhTTTWDd`gd7g;l gd7g;l kd% $$IfF 0"6    34ayt; ʍ$BLRZȎʎFH\NP.04d裙thlhh7g;>*QJ\aJhlhh7g;QJaJhlhh7g;QJ\aJhlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;aJ'jhlhh7g;5UaJmHnHuhlhh7g;5QJaJhlhh7g;5QJaJmH sH hlhh7g;5\aJhlhh7g;5aJhlhh7g;56]aJ(FJLNPRTL8ʓlWD`gd7g;lnWD`ngd7g;lgd7g;lgd7g;l "d.Z~sngd7g;gd7g;lgd7g;l iUDWD2]`igd7g;lxUDVD9]^xgd7g;lUD]gd7g;l>WD`>gd7g;lWDL`gd7g;l Ėʖ̖ܖ*.6<@BFLNTVb~fĚ Ĵh7g;h:jh:UhBxhlhh7g;CJhlhh7g;B*aJphhEz^h7g;5B*\aJph#hEz^h7g;5B*QJ\aJphhlhh7g;\aJhlhh7g;aJhlhh7g;QJaJhlhh7g;>*\aJ6 h &dPgd7g;gd7g;lVD^`gd7g;kVD&WD ^k`gd7g;$VD^`a$gd7g; NΛ gd:gd7g;hBxh:h7g; h7g;o(0182P. 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