ࡱ> _ Rbjbj65\5\^8S\. 4;;;;;ikkkkkk$b!$Y;;6;;ii-;XLU0. %$L$-$-(. $I :  Unit 1 What s the matter? The First Period (Section A 1a-1c) Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Function: `$Learn to describe and talk about the health problems and accidents. a$Learn to give others some right advice according to their problems. (2)Key Vocabulary: matter, sore, throat, stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, fever, lie, rest, cough, toothache, headache, have a sore back, have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, see a dentist, get an X-ray, take ones temperature, have a fever, have a headache, take breaks, in the same way, go to a doctor (3)Target Language:`$What s the matter? I have a stomachache./ I have a sore back. / I have a cold.a$She has a very sore throat. b$My head feels very hot.c$What should I do?d$I think you should lie down and rst. (4)Structure:`$have a+ the names of the illnessa$should+verb 2. Ability Objects Enable students to talk about health problems and give advice with the language points. 3. Moral Objects (1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing. (2)Students care more about themselves and their family members health. Teaching Key Points 1. Learn and master the parts of the body, the names of the illness and the expressions of giving advice. 2. Learn to talk about health problems by using Whats the matter? I have a and give advice by using should. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Learn to talk about health problems by using Whats the matter? I have a. 2. Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems. Teaching Methods Task-based language teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and multimedia-assisted teaching and learning method. Teaching Aids The picture about illness; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up (about 2 minutes) Sing the English song If youre happy. Step 2 Presentation (about 6 minutes) T: This is really a beautiful song. What can you do if you are happy? Ss: Clap our hands and stamp our feet. T: Yes. Hands and feet are parts of our body; do you know other parts of our body in English? Ss: Eye, head T: Youre great. Today, lets learn the names of thee body parts. The teacher touches the parts of the body one by one and says them. While teaching each one, let students touch or show it. Present a picture of Pan Changjiang on the screen. Let students say each part of the body. Work on Section A 1a. Play the game: Touch the parts of your body. Let the whole class touch the parts of their body when teacher say: Touch yourAsk eight students to come to the front and do as the teacher tells them: Touch yourIf one does wrong, let him or her go back, the last one whos in the front is the winner. Step 3 Presentation and Practice (about 8 minutes) The teacher mimes having a stomachache with an action of touching his stomach, and asks, Whats the matter? (Write it on the blackboard), then says, Im not feeling well, I have a stomachache. (Students repeat with teacher.) Then show some pictures on the screen and ask students to practice. Have students look at the picture and ask: What can we say to him? Ss: Whats the matter? T: Yes. And what should the boy say? Ss: I have a stomachache. Let students repeat with other pictures about other illness. Ask some students to use gestures to show the illness, and have others to guess. Make a model dialogue. (S1 does an action to express an illness.) T: Whats the matter? Ss: He/ She has a headache. Let students practice other illness. A: Whats the matter? B: He/ She has a headache/ toothache/ a sore back/ a sore throat/ a cold and a cough. Show other pictures, and ask students to talk about health problems of the persons in the pictures in pairs. Step 4 Listen and Say (about 8 minutes) Work on Section A 1b, listen and number the names [1-5]. Have students look at the picture and read 1c, and tell students that the girl talked too much yesterday and she has a very sore throat now. Then ask them look at the picture, practice saying other problems. For example: The boy eats too much ice cream and has a stomachache. Have students work in pairs according to 1c and ask some pairs to act out their conversations. Step 5 Presentation1c (about 5 minutes) Teacher pretends to cough and asks: T: Whats the matter with me? Ss: Do you have a cough/ a sore throat? T: Yes, I have a sore throat. Can you give me some advice? What should I do? Ss: You should drink hot tea with honey/ shouldnt talk too much/ go to a doctor(Students can give different advice as they like) Show different pictures to students, have them practice in pairs. S1: Whats the matter with him/ her? S2: Yes, he/ she has a/ an toothache/ fever/ headache(Teach the new words)What should he/ she do? S2: He/ She should go to see a dentist/ lie down and rest/ drink a lot of water./ see a doctor He/ She shouldnt drink cold water/ play basketball Work in groups, and have students role-play between a doctor and a patient. Ask them to talk about the health problems and give advice in groups. Step 6. Summary and homework (about 3 minutes) Ask students to sum up the parts of a body and the names of illness. The second period 2a-2d Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Function: `$Learn to describe and talk about the health problems and accidents. a$Learn to give others some right advice according to their problems. (2)Key Vocabulary: matter, sore, throat, stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, fever, lie, rest, cough, toothache, headache, have a sore back, have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, see a dentist, get an X-ray, take one s temperature, have a fever, have a headache, take breaks, in the same way, go to a doctor (3)Target Language:`$What s the matter? I have a stomachache./ I have a sore back. / I have a cold.a$She has a very sore throat. b$My head feels very hot.c$What should I do?d$I think you should lie down and rst. (4)Structure:`$have a+ the names of the illnessa$should+verb 2. Ability Objects Enable students to talk about health problems and give advice with the language points. 3. Moral Objects (1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing. (2)Students care more about themselves and their family members health. Teaching Key Points 1. Learn and master the parts of the body, the names of the illness and the expressions of giving advice. 2. Learn to talk about health problems by using Whats the matter? I have a and give advice by using should. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Learn to talk about health problems by using Whats the matter? I have a. 2. Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems. Teaching Methods Task-based language teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and multimedia-assisted teaching and learning method. Teaching Aids The picture about illness; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 .Warming-up Step 2 .Presentation (about 6 minutes) Step 3 .Practice (about 7 minutes) Do 2a. Have students listen and number the picture [1-5]in the order they hear. Then check the answer. Play the tape again for the students and let them do 2b by themselves. Have students listen again and match the problems with the advice. Then play it again and check the answers. Do 2c. Pair work. Let students read the conversations in 2c first. Then work in pairs, make a new conversation according to 2a and 2b. For example: A: Whats the matter? B: My back feels terrible. A: Maybe you have headache. You should see a doctor and get an X-ray. B: Thats a good idea. Show more pictures and let students make more conversations. Step 4 .2d (about 5 minutes) Role-play the conversation. First, have students to role-play the conversation in 2d in groups and choose the best. In groups, students discuss the language points and solve the problems. The teacher walks around and gives them some help if they need. Work in groups. Have students do a survey in groups about their health problems, then discuss in groups and give some right advice and make a new conversation. Ask each group to report their conversations. Step 5. Summary (about 3 minutes) Help students to sum up how to give advice by using should and shouldnt, then ask them to give the right advice about different problems. Step 6. Homework (about 1 minute) Give advice to the following problems as much as possible: sore throat, toothache, headache, cold. Then choose one to make a dialogue with your partner. Search on the internet about more advice of different health problems and accidents. Yef[S` ,g(WYef[-Nla)R(uVGrTYe^vR\O Na[ N:Rof[u __0WbOOf[uvlaR QǏf[u\~ho ~f[uEQRhs]v:gO EQRSOsf[u(WYef[-Nv;NSO0WMO0;SuTuNv8nbNeb]VN@bf[wƋ SNeb~Nf[uKNT\O㉳QvR v^Ǐ~+RNcQTt^ f[uEQnb1\a0 YZSORYef[SNcؚXYef[[ϑ Rf[uY*Na[[wƋvaw [sOo` OvY nSS FOlaHTsv^ ZP0R _p~T0 ,gTYef[sKNT|k'}[ FOeRM N z_ gpMR~gT'} VdkYe^^la9hncf[uvXS^bcYef[OY0 Unit 1 What s the matter? The third Period (Section A 3a-3c) Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Objects (1)Function: `$Learn and master how to talk about the health problems and accidents. a$Learn and master how to give some right advice to others with the target language. (2)Key Vocabulary: passenger, trouble, herself, get off, to one s surprise, agree to (do sth.), thanks to, in time, think about, get into trouble, fall down (3) Target Language: `$What s the matter with Ben?  He hurt himself./ He has a sore back. a$-Do you have a fever? -Yes, I do./ No, I don t. b$-Does he have a toothache? -Yes, he does. c$You shouldn t eat so much next time. d$What should she do? e$She should take her temperature. f$-Should I put some medicine on it? -Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn t. (4) Structure: `$ should/ shouldn t + verb for suggestion a$Reflexive pronouns. 2. Ability Objects (1)Enable students to understand the passage about the accident. (2)Enable students to practice reading and writing with the language points. 3. Moral Objects Educate students to care about and help the people in trouble. Teaching Key Points 1. Be able to understand the passage about the accident. 2. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give advice by using should/ shouldnt. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give appropriate advice. 2. Learn how to get information from the passage and train students reading and writing skills. Teaching Methods The activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the task-based language teaching method. Teaching Aids The pictures about health problem; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up (about 5 minutes) T: Greet the class as usual, then point to a student and say: You look pale. What s the matter? Help the student answer I have a cold. and give him/ her some advice like You should drink more water. Show some pictures about health problems and ask students to work in pairs like this: S1: Whats the matter? S2: I have a S1: You should (Help them use You shouldnt ) Have three pairs act out their conversations in class. Step2 .play the tape. Read the passage. Do you think it comes from a passage or a book?How do you know? Step3 Read the text again and check the things that happened in the story. Step4. Discuss the questions with a partner. Step5. Difficulties. see sb. doing sth. See sb. do sth. on the side of 3.go along ,go down 4. shout for help 5. what happened? 6. without thinking 7.to one s surprise 8. expect sb. to do sth. 9.think about saving a life 10.[NS0 11. need to do sth. 12. agree to do sth, agree that 13.get into trouble Step 6.Summary and Homework. The fourth period 4a-4c Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Objects (1)Function: `$Learn and master how to talk about the health problems and accidents. a$Learn and master how to give some right advice to others with the target language. (2)Key Vocabulary: passenger, trouble, herself, get off, to one s surprise, agree to (do sth.), thanks to, in time, think about, get into trouble, fall down (3) Target Language: `$What s the matter with Ben?  He hurt himself./ He has a sore back. a$-Do you have a fever? -Yes, I do./ No, I don t. b$-Does he have a toothache? -Yes, he does. c$You shouldn t eat so much next time. d$What should she do? e$She should take her temperature. f$-Should I put some medicine on it? -Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn t. (4) Structure: `$ should/ shouldn t + verb for suggestion a$Reflexive pronouns. 2. Ability Objects (1)Enable students to understand the passage about the accident. (2)Enable students to practice reading and writing with the language points. 3. Moral Objects Educate students to care about and help the people in trouble. Teaching Key Points 1. Be able to understand the passage about the accident. 2. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give advice by using should/ shouldnt. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give appropriate advice. 2. Learn how to get information from the passage and train students reading and writing skills. Teaching Methods The activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the task-based language teaching method. Teaching Aids The pictures about health problem; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up (about 5 minutes) T: Greet the class as usual, then point to a student and say: You look pale. What s the matter? Help the student answer I have a cold. and give him/ her some advice like You should drink more water. Show some pictures about health problems and ask students to work in pairs like this: S1: Whats the matter? S2: I have a S1: You should (Help them use You shouldnt ) Have three pairs act out their conversations in class. Step 2 Grammar Focus (about 7 minutes) Have students to read and remember the sentences of Grammar Focus by themselves, and then have them work in groups to sum up how to talk about health problems and give right advice. T: (Show a picture of the boy that has a sore back, and say to the class) This is Mark. He hurt himself playing soccer. Now make a conversation to talk about his problem and give him some advice. (Practice using should/ shouldnt) A: Whats the matter with Mark? B: He has a sore back. A: Does he have a fever? B: No, he doesnt. A: What should he do? B: He should lie down and rest./ He shouldnt exercise, etc. Show some pictures about other health problems and ask students to work with their partners. Have two pairs talk about different problems in class. Step 3 Practice (about 6 minutes) Ask students to go through each conversation in 4a quickly, and then complete the conversations individually. Move around the classroom and help them if necessary. Check the answers. Ask some students to practice every conversation in pairs. Step 4 Circle and Write (about 4 minutes) Have students choose and circle best advice for the health problems in 4b. Then ask students add their own advice about these health problems. Have some students to report their own advice in class. Step 5 Group work (about 5 minutes) Have students read the conversation in 4c, and then ask them to work in groups. One student mimes a problem. The other students in his/ her group guess the problem and give their advice. Step 6 Reading practice (about 14 minutes) Pre-reading: Show the picture in 3a to students. Teach the new words passenger and trouble. Then have them talk about the picture. While-reading: First, ask students to read the passage and answer the question: Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? Have students read the sentences in 3b. Then ask them to read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story. Check the answers with their partners. After-reading: Have students pay attention to the questions in 3c, and then read the passage again and try answering them. Have students discuss the questions in 3c with their partners. Then ask some students to say their answers in class. Encourage them to say their own opinions. Step 7Summary (about 3 minutes) Help students to sum up how to talk about health problems and give right advice. Ask one or two students to sum up the key phrases in the passage, and help them to make up more sentences with them. Step 8 Homework (about 1 minute) Have students make up conversations to talk about sb.s health problems and give them some advice. Have students read the passage and practice retelling the story. Yef[S` ,gHQN^u`of[݋_Q Nf[`NQ[ 6qTf[u9hncVGrۏL Y`N _6q0WۏeQ NNR[Grammar Focusv;`~ QǏ~`NT\~;mRRN]V Of[u_[f0WccYUOeP^TcQTtv^0Yef[f[u[VGrv 6q0WۏeQ gsQNEevwe Neb~Nf[uv݋R SNeb:NZPW0Tf[uVT{ ۏL ُ7hOQNv~vNteT e~`NNS4Yh _N[HegRN]V0 ,gv;mRY laXOYvbc NOz)R[bf[`NNR 0Rt`vYef[Heg0 Unit 1 What s the matter? The Fifth Period (Section B 1a-1d,) Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge Objects (1)Function: `$Learn to talk about different accidents and health problems. a$Learn to give some right advice according to different accidents and put them in order. (2)Key Vocabulary: bandage, knee, nosebleed, hurt, hit, nurse, put on, get hit, hurt oneself (3) Target Language: `$Put a bandage on it./ Run it under water. / Rest for a few days./ Put your head back./ Put on a clean T-shirt. a$Someone felt sick./ Someone cut his knee./ Someone had a nosebleed./ Someone hurt his back./ Someone got hit on the head. (4) Structure: the way of talking about accident; should/ shouldnt +verb 2. Ability Objects (1)Enable students to describe different accidents and health problems. (2)Enable students to give some right advice according to different accidents. 3. Moral Objects Be kind to others and give others more cares. Teaching Key Points Learn to talk about different accidents and health problems. Teaching Difficult Points Learn to give some right advice according to different accidents and put them in order. Teaching Methods The activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the situational teaching method. Teaching Aids The pictures about health problem; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up. Greet the class as usual, then have students play guessing game. T: (Ask one student to choose a card of illness and do an action, then asks) Whats the matter with him/her? The other students guess according to the actioin. T: Whats the matter with him/ her? S2: Did you have a toothache? S1: No, I didnt. S3: Did you have a headache? S1: Yes, I did. Show a picture of the body. Ask students to say each part of the body. T: (Touches his own head and says) I have a headache, then write headache next to the head. Then point to the teeth and asks: Whats the matter with his teeth? Help students to answer: Oh, His tooth has a hole. He has a toothache. Then have students to finish Self Check 1 alone. Check the answers and have them say more health problems. Step 2 1a When these accidents happen, what should you do ? Put the actions in order. Check the answers. Step 3 1b play the tape ,let ss listen to the tape and check the problems you hear. Step 4 1c Listen again , write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above. Check the answers. Step 5. 1d. Role play a conversation. Use the information in 1b and 1c. Step 6. Summary and homework. |h j    $ & , 0 2 ct =>BCQRY[.<\qſпппſſппппппппппппп h5)CJh5)CJOJQJo( h5)CJo(h5)CJfH`o(q h5)5CJh5)5CJo(hd 5CJo(K6|j 1 z ct ].<\pqd4$d4a$$da$q(O|R9 _,Sk2Zd4aiopzR" &.\]2Z 4cd%&EFGOth5)>*CJo( h5)CJ h5)CJo(h5)5CJo( h5)6CJh5)6CJo(RZ 4ZzxHst,A !  d4WDL` d4,A   ""####F$J$$$$$$$$$$:%>%L%N%V%|%%%%7&H&&&&&''''''''''''''((((%(&(-(/(u(((())0)D)V)W)ľľľ h5)CJh5)CJOJQJo(h5)CJfH`o(q h5)CJaJo( h5)CJo(h5)5CJo( h5)5CJK!#"%%%7&H&&&&U'''1(u(())0)D)W)~)) *S**X+p+++d4W))**a+b+++-,J,.7.>.@.S.V.v.w.}.~.........2@2V2X2t2222233"333|4444555555@6B6~666666666677H7J7r7t7777h5)CJOJQJo(h5)CJfH@o(q h5)CJaJo( hd 5CJ h5)5CJ h5)CJ h5)CJo(h5)5CJo(H++-,J,h,,L--.@...// 0*11222 2"2$2&2(2*2,2.202$da$d40222426282:2<2>2@2t22233V45B666J7t77P889 dHWDd` dHWDb`dH$dHa$$da$77H8J8l8p8r88888888999:-:l:: ; ;;;;;!;;;;;;;;<q<<<<<6=7=^=_=m=n=o=p=====>>1>2>D>E>U>V>a>b>d>f>>>? ??T?\???F@H@vAAAh5)6CJo(h5)CJfH@o(q h5)5CJo(h5)CJOJQJo( h5)CJo( h5)CJM99:+:l:::!;;;;;<q<<<<<= >">3>h>> ?T???dH dHWDd` dHWDb`?? @@JAvAAAABBB6B`BCCDEFXFFFG dHWDd` dHWDb`  dHWDL` gdd dHWD`dH & FdHABB6B`BxB|BCCCC.D0DEEE ENEPEEEEEEEEEEFVFXFpFrFFFFFGG$G&GGGGGGGGGGH HHHnHHHIIJ.JJJJJJJJJRK]KKKKKL,LVLjLL h5)CJh5)CJOJQJo(h5)5CJo(h5)CJfH@o(q h5)CJo(h5)CJaJo(NGGHHnHHIIJ.JiJJJh~h5)CJOJQJo( hd 5CJ h5)5CJh5)5CJaJo( h5)CJh5)CJfH@o(q h5)CJo(h5)5CJo(H:Ӗ/7ј%;aڙ v " dHWDd` & FdH dHWDd`dH">hԜdDZ ßן ao4 dHWD2` dHWDb` dHWDd` hdHWD`h dHWDb`dHԜbdDZpy jußן؟ޟ `bo4E RW ݣߣ"XzӰ hd hd CJ hd CJ hd CJo(hd hd CJo(U h5)5CJh5)5CJaJo( h5)CJh5)CJfH@o(q h5)5CJo(h5)CJOJQJo( h5)CJo(94Hݣ"WzѰ`a &dPd4dHStep 6 Practice (about 6 minutes) Ask some pairs to role-play their conversations. Step 7.Summary (about 3 minutes) Ask one or two students to sup up what they learned in the class. Then teacher adds. Step 8 Homework (about 1 minute) Choose one of the problems or the accidents. Frist, write down your advice, and then make a conversation. TS`,ghTf[`NvNUnit1What sthematter?,,gUSCQ݋/feP^N%`Qe ;Nf[`N gsQ$OuSYt^vh0f[uQv \wgR _N/fV~݋U\_ 'YR/f1\hoNuuNaYNEeNSYtRl (WhovǏ z-N f[uR '`NU\:yNTyu_ur v^~NNyf[v^ ,gUSCQ NNN/fvf[`N Ǐho f[u_Nf[0RNe8^u;m-Nv gNNYtuuTaYNEev8^Ƌ ُ1\/ff[N(u'T0     h5)CJo(h5)hajhaU d4 4182P/R . A!S"S#S$S%S s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A $ ؞k=W[SOFiF 0nfh-\".B-?7}>FTlon77Ԝx?|+NST2 XiEꭶ?j]m^_^+P[wD+PW-W_YW ͶW5 R ~,VAFXuVKsKTCV]rŦZ-t  ;b6#42% qv8›q. 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