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When do people usually eat dinner? ͋ Gl1. ͑p͋Gl run, get, up, shower, take, always, busy, morning, so, , because, o clock, work, hour, after, put, bus, leave, listen, early, news, tired, happy, man, am, , evening, homework, letter, around, start, wish, late 2. ͋Gl schedule, oldest, longer, practice, jacket, hotel, exercise, survey, Jerry, Alicia, Selina, Jennifer 3. w go to school, get up, take a shower, put on, go to work, get to, listen to, go to bed, do homework, go home, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening lWhen questions What time is it?formulaic Adverbs of frequency݋Daily routines and timesa!. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging YePgRgN͑~ 1. YePgRg ,gUSCQNDaily routinesand times:N݋ qQN N*NRvQ[0e(WǏUSCQYef[Of[uf[Oe8^L:N0v^T{ Y gsQev0v^VT{NN(Wyr[e@bNNv;mR0 Section A f[`Ne8^\Oo`e0 1a, 1b, 1c ͑pf[`NTf[uo`o`vsQvQye8^L:Nveh:yel f[OTT{ Ye8^\Oo`e0 2a, 2b, 2c 2d~~f[`N]bNNve8^\Oo`e0͑pf[`NYUO ُ_N/f,gUSCQvl͑p0 3a, 3b, 3c f[OSNNve8^;mR[c Tef[`NeTehl ۏNek]V+RNve8^\Oo`evhl0 Section B ~~f[`NT+RNve8^L:N0 1a, 1b, 2a, 1c,1d,1e,f[OTN)YQT*Nekv;mR[c0 2a,2b 3a 3bf[OǏ$N*NNv[kN~eg$Rev^{Qb}Yv\Oo`e0 Self check ͑pUS͋SW Y`N 2. WNeRM Period 1 Listening and speaking I (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c) Period 2 Listening and speaking II (Section A 2a, 2b, 2c,2d) Period 3 Integrating skills (Section A 3a, 3b, 3cSection B: 1a, 1b,1c,1d,1e) Period 4 Reading and writing (Section " 2a, 2b, 2c,3a,3b) Period 5 Self check b!. Teaching plans for each period Period 1 Listening and speaking(`!) Target languagevh 1. Words && phrasesu͋Tw Up,get up,dress,get dressed,brush,tooth,shower,take a shower,usually,forty, what time, 2. Key sentences͑pSP[ When do people usually ...? People usually ... What time do you usually ...? I usually ... Ability goalsRvh Enable students to learn to talk about daily routines. Learning ability goalsf[vh Help the students learn how to talk about daily routines. Teaching important / difficult pointsYef[͑p How to talk about daily routines. Teaching aidsYewQQY A tape recorder and a model clock. Teaching procedures and waysYef[Ǐ zNe_ Step `! Warming up In this procedure, motivate students to learn some words and phrases by singing the songs theyve learned before. T: Good morning, everyone. (sing) Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Good morning, dear children. Good morning to you. This song is easy to learn. Who can sing it to us? Encourage students to sing the song. T: Well done. Thank you! We sing Good morning to you in the morning. Then what do we sing in the afternoon and in the evening? S: We sing Good afternoon to you in the afternoon and Good evening to you in the evening. T: Thats right. I know all of you are very good at singing. Does anyone want to sing Good afternoon to you or Good evening to you to us? Step a! Talking and reading (1a) In this procedure, ask students to finish the required task and learn some key phrases about daily actions. T: As we all know, time is very important and in English there is a famous saying "An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening." So what do you do in the morning? S1: I read English. S2: I do morning exercise. T: And what do you do in the afternoon and in the evening? S1: I play basketball in the afternoon. S2: I watch TV in the evening. T: Im very glad to hear that. You use your time very well. And therere many daily things we can do. Now lets read these phrases in 1a and match these actions and the time of day. Step b! Practice In this procedure, students will learn how to talk about actions and the time of day. T: I know you re very clever. Now I want you to tell if my statements are right or wrong. First, I usually eat dinner in the morning. S: Wrong. T: When do I usually eat dinner? S: In the evening. T: Second, she gets up at 19:00 in the morning. S: Wrong. T: What is the correct way of saying the sentence? S: She gets up at 7:00 in the morning. T: How clever you are! Now lets read the conversation in groups and see which group reads better. Ask students to do pairwork. T: Please ask your partner when people usually do these things: do homework, eat dinner, eat breakfast and go to bed.Write  When do people usually ... on the blackboard Sample dialogue: S1: When do people usually do homework? S2: People usually do homework in the afternoon. Interest the students in going on practicing the conversation using a new way of reading. T: Now lets try a new way of reading. First I name one student to ask a question, and then ask all of you repeat this question together. After that, I name another student to answer this question, and all of you repeat the answer together. Sample dialogue: S1: When do people usually go to bed? S: When do people usually go to bed? S2: People usually go to bed in the evening. S: People usually go to bed in the evening. Step c! Talking about time (1c) In this procedure, students will learn how to ask about and say hour times and learn some key phrases about daily routines. 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