ࡱ>  Rbjbj2uD[4ID4jjjAAAAAAA$}EHDBE*jjE*E*BDg9g9g9E* Ag9E*Ag9g9V@@Aӟ=?7A AD0ID AxcHO7cHAcHAHj g9|\m jjjBBQ9jjjIDE*E*E*E*cHjjjjjjjjj : Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Teaching objectives USCQYef[vh Skill Focus ,TListen to conversations of polite request and permission.Make polite request and ask for permission.Read an e-mail message about making requests.QWrite an e-mail message to ask for help.R S _Make polite requests Could you please clean your room? Could you please do the dishes? Ask for permission Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can. Could I please use the car? No, you can t. I have to go out. Language Focus  ͋ Gl1. ͑p͋Gl dish, sweep, meeting, hate, borrow, invite, care, feed, mine 2. ͋Gl chore, partner, trash, fold, laundry, snack, teenager, player, disagree 3. w take out, living room, work on, do the chores, make one s bed, do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room, do the laundry, take care of lCould for polite request Could for permission Make versus doStrategy FocusSelf-evaluating PersonalizingII. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging YePgRgTYePg͑~ 1. YePgRg ,gUSCQv݋/fChores Blf[uf[O(uCould you please ...TCould I please ...egYIZ0WcQBlb_Bl+RNvSNSYUO g$$Ifl4wFb [! t0J!6    44 laytDXZl zzzzzzllzzz dhWD`gd)dhgd)}kd$$Ifl 0b | t0J!644 laytD ".8:dtTz,Rdhgd))!D!o!!!!*"+"]"""""##!#O##$,$=%>%d%%%%dhgd)(!)!,$d$e$+%['n'o'G(.^... /0/2/h/// 0D00D1r11 2T25\5^55555-66666677#7$7H7777<8c8d888888[999:;*;+;2;;m<n<<#=0=1=?=@=!>>>> hKCJo(h)h)CJh)h)CJo(h)h uCJh)hXCJh)hXCJo(O%&&&&&&&-'\'G((())"))****++,,,,"-F-G-dhgd)G-^-_-*.^... /h//// 0D00D1r11 2T2V2x2N33N45F555dhgd)55-6R6l6666H7I7p77<8d889-9[9:D:v:::;2;\;j;;;dhgd);;;<<==#=1>`>>>>>??e?f????? @,@AABEB0Cdhgd)>>G?H?,@2@3@AAAEBBB0CECDDDFFFFFFFGG9G:G]G^GhGGGG HdHH,I|II JhJJKLhLL*MPMMNN&OOO$PnPQSRSUXVVVZ[[[[\ \E\V___``"`,``````bhDh)CJ hKCJo(h)h)CJh)h)CJo(T0C1CECDDDEFGFFFF0GhGnGGG HdHH,I|II JhJJ"KpK & Fdhgd)dhgd)pKrKKKKLhLLL*MPMMNN&OOO$PnPpPP2RbRRRR*SRSSdhgd)SSSTUUFVXV~VVVV0WXWWWWKXXXXX|Y$ZNZZZV\\dhgd)\\]]]]4^^^^^V_"`,````bb bdh$IfgdDl dhgd) b"bFbbbbbc\ccdbdd8eVeveedhgd)jkd$$Iflj t0644 la<ytDb"bbbc8eeeeee fffg.g|ggggLhlhhh`iii(jjjj\k^kl llm4mmm^nnnSoTooo[ppJqKqqqqqqrrrWstFtuuwvvv1w2wewfwwwwwwwx$y(y)y;yvMv]vsvwvEwwwwxxx$yOyzyyyyHzhzdhgd)hzzzzz2{J{n{{dh$IfgdDl & Fdhgd)dhgd)z2{H{J{l{n{{{{{{{||*|,|L|N|V|Z|p|r|||||}}~f #$9:Qij !+~2h)h)>*CJo( hKCJo(Uh)h)CJhDh)CJo(hDh)CJh)h)CJo(M{{{{|q[[[dh$IfgdDl kd$$IflF     t06    44 laytD||,|N|X|q[[[dh$IfgdDl kd$$IflF     t06    44 laytDX|Z|r|||q[[[dh$IfgdDl kdF$$IflF     t06    44 laytD|| }T}}}}}qiiiiiiSdh$IfgdDl dhgd)kd$$IflF     t06    44 laytDte, borrow, some, have to, work on, any, make the bed, do the laundry, take out the trash, could you please, could I please, sweep the floor1. A: Could I use your computer? B: Sorry, I am going to ___ it. 2. You can not watch TV now. You ____clean your room first. 3. I ___ some chores but I like other chores, such as sweeping the floor. 4. Could I ___ your bike? I want to go to the bookstores. 5. I dont have ____ money. Could you please lend me _____? 6. The floor is dirty. So my mother says, Could you please _____? 7. When the trashcan is full, I always ____. 8. My mother always _____ at about seven in the evening. 9. Who ____ after you have dinner? My mom does. 10. If you want to borrow a dictionary from your partner, you will say, ____ lend me your dictionary? N0USy b 1. I telephoned you but you ______ at home. A. were B. weren t C. are D. aren t 2. Next week my father and I ______vacation. A. am going to B. am going on C. are going to D. are going on 3. This is your English-Chinese dictionary. ______ is over there. A. His B. My C. Her D. Yours 4. He ____ a few birds ______ in the tree when he went back home. A. hears, sing B. hears, singing C. heard, sing D. heard, singing 5. Must I go to school, Mum? No, you _____. A. may B. need C. neednt D. may not 6. Its time to get up. Dont forget ___ your bed. A. make B. makes C. making D. to make 7. Could I invite my friends _____ to our house? Yes, you can. A. come B. to come C. comes D. coming 8. He doesnt like doing his homework ____ its boring. A. so B. because C. and D. but 9. _______ do you sweep the floor? Every day. A. How B. How long C. How often D. How soon 10. The girl often helps her mother______ chores. A. do B. does C. doing D. did Key: 1-5 BDADC 6-10 DBBCA V0[b_kXzz Two women were quarrelling (5Tg) on the train. One wanted to open the window, and 1 wanted to close it. Then the conductor came to them. One woman said to the conductor, If this window is open, I will 2 a cold. And perhaps I will die of cold. The other woman said, But if the window is 3 . Ill feel hard to breathe and I may die. The conductor didnt know 4 to do. One man said, Ive been listening to them 5 the time. I dont think 6 of us can help them. Its 7 to leave them alone. Then the man sitting 8 to them had an idea. 9 , open the window and that will make one die, he said, next 10 it and that will make the other die, then well have peace ([[). 1. A. other B. the other C. another D. one 2. A. catch B. had C. caught D. get 3. A. open B. close C. closed D. leave 4. A. which B. who C. how D. what 5. A. all B. along C. whole D. around 6. A. some B. one C. any D. none 7. A. good B. better C. best D. well 8. A. beside B. next C. by D. behind 9. A. At first B. One C. The first D. First 10. A. leave B. open C. taken D. close Key: 1-5 BACDA 6-10 DBBDD N0t 9hncezQ[$Reck0 Once an American was in Africa (^2m) and wanted to go to a small village in the hills. He got on a bus and the driver said,  The yellow ticket is one dollar (CQ). I have two other tickets. The red one is fifty cents (R), and the green ten cents.  A green one please, said the man. Now the bus is going up a hill. Suddenly it stopped.  Yellow ticket passengers (XN[), said the drive,  stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door, and push (c) the bus. ( ) 1. The village was in America. ( ) 2. The driver had three kinds of tickets. ( ) 3. The American bought the green ticket because he didn t have enough money. ( ) 4. No one bought the yellow tickets. ( ) 5. At last the American had to push the bus up the hill. Key: FTFFT mQ0fNbh ُ*NhT+g`ON6rkSwm[^GP `Ov[ir\+s}YSTed.^_gq~0(u Nbvc:y͋~TedQNYu0 take care of, take for a walk, feed and give some water, play with him, clean Teaching resources Yef[Dn^ I. l㉐g N0h:yW^irkQ\ rubbish n. (Bri. E) a trash-canN*NW>W{ Could you please take out the trash when you go out? `OQSebW>WbQST 2. chore n.Spe T͋ BgR BgN e8^vnf]\O housework[R do the choresZPBgR, do houseworkZP[R;m She often helps her mother do the chores. yY~8^.^RyYYYr^BgR;m0 Who does the housework in your house? (W`O[ZP[R 3. hate v.Sah`av` hate to do / hate doing sthSr^gN like to do / like doing sthU"kr^gN hateTlikec N[_bR T͋(Wa` Nl gY'Y:S+R0N,`Q N N[_h:ygN!kbgQ!kvR\O R T͋h:y~8^'`vL:N0 I like swimming. bU"k8nl0 He hates getting up early. NSew0 I hate to trouble you. b N?aap`O0 4. borrow v. Pۏ Peg lend v. PQ boX?xfdhgd)jkd|$$Ifld t0644 laytD^5wQj+DY~&dhgd)&CdH NB<T,v|Pfdhgd)28;<wx,3HJP h,PR|fz02|~:JLz|:P"Xdv88U hKCJo(h)h)>*CJh)h)CJh)h)CJo(h)h)>*CJo(QftxzT`:h:P".bdhgd)VXlrdH :~2vBdhgd)rrow sth from sb. TgNP& & lend sb sth=lend sth to sbb& & P~gN You can borrow some money from your brother if you want to buy the CD player. Yg`O`pN*NCD:g `OSNT`OvTTPN0 Who lent you the bike? P~`OLfv la(Wh PNYe e sS N(uborrow_N N(ulend V:N[N/f~bk'`vR͋0(ukeep0OY How long may I keep the book? ُ,gfNbSNPYe 5. invite v. invitation n. g invite sb to do sth/to dinner/to the party/to one s house gNr^gN/Tm/SRZfO/SgN[ They invited me to go for a picnic with them last Sunday. Nfg)YNNbTNNNwSΑN0 I got his invitation to his exhibition. b_0RNNU\ȉOv0 6. teenager n. R\t^ ُ*N͋1uteenASQ\ N13-19 R Nage QR Nr h:yN0 Teenagers are not allowed to drive. R\t^ NAQ_f0 7. feed v. U{Q ~Nߘir feed sb with sth / feed sth to sb(u& & U~gN feed on=live onN& & :Nߘ III. ͑pw take out ... b& & bQS do the dishes mwQ = wash the dishes do the laundry mc g = wash the clothes do chores YttNr^[R = do housework go to a meeting _OcSR,T = have a meeting hold a meeting _OcSƖO work on + T͋/v-ing NN_N& & sweep the floord0W make one s bed/make the bed/make the beds^ fold the clothesSc g do the laundrymc g stay out late(WYFT0R_Zf have/take a testSR gۏLՋ take care of=look aftergq w play with sb/sthT& & Nws forget/remember to do _/OOSr^gN forget/remember doing_/OOr^ǏgN have/hold a school party>NLf[!hZfO IV. ͑pSP[ 1. You have to clean your room first. `O_HQb?bSbkbr^Q0 have to /f``R͋ N_ N h:y[‰ _{ [wQY[INR͋vyrp-- gNyTpevSS Sb&T[b__eRRR͋ don t/doesn t/didn t S:Nub__e RRR͋ Do/Does/Did ... OY You don t have to go there now. `O N_s(WS̑0 My friend doesn t have to go to school by bus because he lives near the school. bv gSl_PWfS Nf[ V:NNOOvyf[!h_я0 Do you have to be there by six o clock? `O_{(WmQpMRv0ȒT 2. Thanks for taking care of my dog. ""`O.^bgq wr0 Thanks for/Thank you for ...  for :NN͋ (W-N N͋Tbc T͋bR T͋  sSR͋TbR-ingb__ OY Thanks for your help/your invitation to your party. ""`Ov.^R/`OvZOg0helpTinvitationGW:N T͋ Thanks for helping me/inviting me to your party. ""`O.^Rb/bSR`OvZO0 helpingTinvitingGW:NR T͋ 3. Take him for a walk. &^[Sceceek0 dk{|SP[:NHyOS weuN;N You h:yBl }TN ^I{I{0OY Give him water and feed him. ~N4lU ~NUߘ0 Then wash his bowl. 6qTbNvxmr^Q0 Don t forget to clean his bed. N_~Nntawɉv^0 4. I went to your home, but you weren t in. bS`O[N S`O N(W0 be in(W[h:yr` V. ̀ofwƋ In the U.S., it is believed that children with regular household chores have a better self-image, become more responsible and competent, and feel more closely connected to the family. Household chores are assigned to each family member. Many families use a chart to record which chores each family member will do during the month. Chores are assigned by the parents to each child and are selected to match the ability of the child. More difficult chores are usually assigned to the older children, and children are usually paid an allowance each month. The older children usually receive a larger allowance, which reflects the quantity and the type of chores that they do. The following are some typical chores of them. Daily Tasks Making your bed (younger children) keeping your bedroom clean Washing and drying own dishes (as they use them) Putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket Walking / feeding the dog Major Chores Doing the laundry Sweeping or vacuuming Cooking Taking out the garbage Mowing the lawn / weeding the yard Washing the dog Washing the car Cleaning the windows Dusting the house 8R8&@ 28N(dhgd)&>@ BD$ &   4 8:pr.0~^` hKCJo(h)h)CJh)h)CJo(C(LvPD0r&X&"j `dhgd)<| $ & 6 z8p.d~^dhgd)0182P. A!"#$%S $$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4; t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4, t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4; t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4 t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l48 t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4 t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55[5!#v#v[#v!:V l4w t0J!6+55[5!ytD$$If!vh55|#v#v|:V l  t0J!655|ytD$$If<!vh5#v:V lj t065a<ytD$$If!vh5 5 5 #v #v :V l t065 5 ytD$$If!vh5 5 5 #v #v :V l t065 5 ytD$$If!vh5 5 5 #v #v :V l t065 5 ytD$$If!vh5 5 5 #v #v :V l t065 5 ytD$$If!vh5d#vd:V l t065daytDb 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A $ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfh3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlYMoE#F{oc'vGuرhF[x=ޝzvg53NjHHzZ $ʯI)*E_N&IA!>Ǽ3xN>UWL0Č߫߿z}rx{h9T8T/χ?xY'~3S~O_|w)ӈHt=a+d NG1-RlƁ1RJwT蠯M1K"o he˓ێ½PL-|%EhY7'qP.\L=dqķ3Iofi.ñBRb-JP_pG ݢiKtdӌhFio7;7Q2ȾD>a/Q>XW ˔M_uHq)h +:Viw4rBqϫ"r!2laCbU|!8^8>ܠ,AбVt׎~ls14_=,ɬožTV G"ѦbH'.4x޵w-ϷE|F;v`b3"G 'e\fHO '$i_wp >*8i&LY%\,xҕ= r6f 3Tʅ):ªZKLs&C Mܛ0 [˫p@ע`j۽7 YHxHicT5Ar@HZAZC}i' RQ\m,zo,gQu{Y\,Nר/=L _.̇Y7C6-fSh62"5NHT[X65̫4X%Yֳ2fkhi~tCKF#b +w1m|4`!:U!p5a:~{4mmio ήc8mDJpSǹ橠V1?#Si?3E'pS2W`qB]( 08w nA[s)k8= Aa?R dڒɾcUӽ˲d)#Queb}C!&i0>4S7{z F} 4sKvUKoȳh~1jYUVH5U8Vk;֜L9ŰD ?*|FL "A3>g]dm2iVֵ褽mg u  >bz2?HNSY^y0 \  B %G-5;0CpKS\ be"kFthz{|X||&f(@ABCDEFGIJKLMOPQRTUVWXZ[\]_`abvwxz{8@0(  B S  ?KPPԲPTPPPԳ P* P* P+ PT+ P+P+P,PT,P,P,P-PT-P-P-P.PT.P.P.P/PT/P/P/P0 PT0!P0"P0#P1$PT1%P1&P1'P2(PT2)P2*P2+P3,PT3-P3.P3/P40PT41P42P43P54PT55P56P57P68PT69P6:P6;P7<PT7=P7>P7?P8@PT8AP8BP8CP9DPT9EP9FP9GP:HP<IP|JPKPLP<MP|! 9,X{, 0 G G Y3(|"v#1-46Z7]8a9a999::D:D:e:;;==>@@@DDiIIIII J JOJJJ MN[aacKqKqu      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ# ;.Z}. 2 N N [5*~"x#1/46\7_8f9f9::$:$:I:I:j:;;==>@@@#D#DkIIIIIJJQJJJMN[aacOqOqu  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ95*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace84*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCityB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region<K*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagschmetcnv Y0123aCFalseHasSpaceNegative NumberType SourceValueTCSCTrueUnitNameK    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    54K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    K    545454545K    K    54554K    54K    545445K    54K    K    K     555>D\])*,-/023"#%&*.qu"+157>DL`bt!#DFZ]^c  9;=ABD]_xy,./1<AXZ89UYZ[d J N  t y osCG|&*"%&+   **--....l/p/////$0(00011`1d111G5H5}5~55555-A.AkAlAAAAAAABBBB CCBCLCwCCCCCCADEDZD_DDD EEfEjEEEFFpFwFLLQRpS~SVVZZZZ]]____P`R```a aaabbbbcccczccccccccdd*d.d=dAdNdSdTdYdbdedsdxde"eJeQeleteue{e}eeeeeeeeeeef ff%f)fZf_frfzffffg g ggg,g0g\gigggggggggggg.h@hFhbhhhhhhhhhhhhh2i9i;iIiaijikiiiiiiiiiiiiii0j7j8j:j;j?j@jDjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj%k.k:kAkckjkzkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl&lFlOlZl\lcljlzl|lllllllllllmm*m0mGmImJmPmfmhmimommmmmmmmmmnn-n=n@nbnknnnn o2o;o^o{oooooooooooppp p)p*p2p8pQpXpYphplp}ppppppp!q,q2q:q?qCq!t"tEtFtatbtttttttttuuuu4u5uXuYuiujuzu{uuuu)u*^)4'6 --!V>t>>-??@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F`ԟ=Data 1Table{HWordDocument2SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObje  F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 ĵ MSWordDoc9q