ࡱ> A  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BCDEFGRoot Entry F @GuSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8WordDocument.t  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@AOh+'0 4 D P\dltѐ  Normal.dotmAdministrator17@*p@VFu+Microsoft Office Word՜.+,D՜.+,d    _o-NV2 (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-\ Data  P?KSKS.t|| |lliZ  $hWJT - l N0f[`Nvh: A.US͋Tw pair, correct, spelling, word, practice, match, meaning, complete, sentence, dictionary, grammar, letter, look up, mistake, make a mistake, understand-understood, advice, should, possible, write down, notebook, forget-forgot, pronounce, aloud, radio, key, main, excellent, agree, agree with sb., vocabulary, ask for, improve, basic, time, advise, shy, conversation, quickly, natural, suggest, place B.NE(u 1. Ready? 2. That s a good idea. 3. What else? 4. Thanks a lot! 5. Excellent! 6. We should always speak English in class. 7. Let s try to speak English as much as possible. 8. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? 9. It s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud. 10. How about listening to the radio? 11. It s better not to translate. 12. It s a good idea to check new words every day. N0Yef[vh 1. Function: Giving suggestions (English study) 2. Structure: Giving advice: 1) We/You should& 2) Let s try to& 3) Why not& ? 4) It s a good idea to& 5) How about& ? 6) Why don t we/you& ? 7) It s better not to& 3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (English study). 2) Talking about problems in English study and giving advice, conducting conversations in several turns. 3) Reading and finding specific information about English study. 4) Drafting a letter asking for advice about English study, revising through pair discussion. 4. Around the world: English online 5. Task: Writing your English study plan. N0͑pSp: Giving advice: 1) We/You should& 2) Let s try to& 3) Why not& ? 4) It s a good idea to& 5) How about& ? 6) Why don t we/you& ? 7) It s better not to& V0Yef[: Unit 3 Language in use `! Teaching model Revision and application a! Teaching method Formal and interactive practice b! Teaching aims 1. Function: Giving suggestions (English study) 2. Structure: Giving advice: 1) We/You should& 2) Let s try to& 3) Why not& ? 4) It s a good idea to& 5) How about& ? 6) Why don t we/you& ? 7) It s better not to& 3. Around the world: English online 4. Task: Writing your English study plan. c! Teaching aids Tape recorder, OHP, handouts d! Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2. Step 2 Language practice 1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class. 2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box. Step 3 Listening practice. A. Listen and check (") the expressions of advice you hear in Activity 1. 1. Ask the students to read through the seven stems individually. 1. Why don t we& ? 2. How about & ? 3. We should& 4. We can& 5. Let s try to& 6. Can you & ? 7. Remember to& 2. Play the tape. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner. 4. Check the answers: Keys: B. Listen again and answer the questions in Activity 2. 1. Ask the students to read through the questions individually. 1) What s difficult for Charlie? 2) How will Mary help him? 3) When does Charlie think they should meet? 4) What does Mary think about reading newspapers? 2. Play the tape. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner. 4. Check the answers: Step 4 Work in pairs. 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Say what Jack usually does. 3. Write down the ideas, and then check with a partner. 4. Check the answers: Keys: 1. He usually goes to bed late. 2. He usually gets up late. 3. He usually listens to the teacher carefully. 4. He doesn t usually use the dictionary. 5. He often reads English newspapers. 6. He usually writes words in his notebook. 5. Ask and answer: Do you think his habits are good? 6. Give Jack some advice. Keys: 1. He should go to bed before nine o clock. 2. He should get up early. 3. It s a good idea to listen to the teacher carefully in class. 4. He should check every letter and translate every word with the dictionary. 5. It s a good idea to read English newspapers. 6. It s a good idea to write words in your notebook. Step 5 Read and complete. Read Helen s question and complete Diana s answer with the correct form of the word and expressions from the box. You need to use some of the expressions more than once in Activity 5. how about should try to why don t why not2. Read through Helen s question and the Language Doctor s answer. From: Helen To : Diana. How to improve speaking Hi Diana, I like English very much. My reading is good, but my speaking is poor. How can I improve my speaking? From: Diana To: Helen Re How to improve speaking Hello Helen, You need more chances to practice speaking, (1) ___________ you look for some English-speaking people in your town? (2) _____________ saying hello to them and asking them where they come from? (3) _____________ make friends with them and take them around your town. Is there an English club in your town? If there is not, (4) ____________ start one with your friends?( 5) ______________ playing a few games and listening to some music? You can watch an English film together, and (6) ____________ speaking English all the time. You (7) ____________invite your new English speaking friends to your club! Best, Diana 3. Complete the Language Doctor s answer with the word and expressions from the box. 4. Ask the students to check with a partner. 5. Check the answers: Keys: 1. why don t 2. How about 3. Try to 4. Why not 5. What about 6. try to 7. should 6. Read the passage together. Step 6 Work in pairs. 1. Read the problems of Student A and Students B. Student A s problemsStudent B s problemsI like listening to English songs, but there are too many new words.I can t speak English well.I want to read an English book, but I don t know what book to choose.It s difficult to remember new words.2. Take turns to give advice. Use the expressions in the box to help you in Activity 6. ask your teacher read aloud talk to your classmates use a dictionary3. Now write down your advice. You should use dictionary to find the meaning of new words. Step 7 Complete the conversation. 1. Ask the students to read the words and expression in the box in Activity 9. advice check forget improve possible2. Read through the conversation. Helen : How can I (1) ___________ my reading? James : Here is my (2) ___________. Choose a newspaper to read. First, think about what s happening today. What will be in the newspaper? Then read the titles of articles and choose one to read for more information. Don t stop to (3) ___________ every word. You don t need to know every word to understand the article. You can also learn some new words from the article. Try to use them as much as (4) ___________. Then you won t (5) ___________ them easily. 3. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words from the box. 4. Ask the students to check with a partner. 5. Check the answers: Keys: 1. improve 2. advice 3. check 4. possible 5. forget  "@ B P R d f D F   ¹zqh_VMDB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ5aJ5aJaJaJ5aJ5aJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5 NPDFFHRT|yvspmjgda^aJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5B*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ#TVX ">@rtvxXZ¼|tnheb_\aJaJaJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5aJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5aJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5 CJ aJ 5 CJ aJ 5 CJaJ5 CJaJ5aJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5aJaJaJaJo(aJaJ"NPRTJLNPjl\^`b "ļ~{wspmjgaJaJaJaJ5aJ5aJaJaJo(aJaJ5aJ5aJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5aJaJ CJaJ5 CJaJ5CJo(aJ5 CJaJ5aJaJo(aJo(aJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJ'Z\jl&(RT Ǿ~ulcZWNEB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJ\aJaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJ5aJ5aJ ~ !X!Z!!!!!"":"<"h"j""""##@#B#yuqne\SJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJ5aJ5aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJ\aJaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB########,$.$d$f$$$%%d%f%%%%&&(&Z&ú{ri`]TKBB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJZ&\&f&h&n&r&&&&&&&v'x'~''((r(t(((Ǿ}ri`WNE<B*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ())b***** +l+p+r+++++++,,,,,,--Ļ|sjaXOFB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJ5aJ5aJ-,-.-@/B/1111112222223,3.33333~ulcXODB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJ\aJaJB*`JphaJaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ33333&4(42444R4T44444 555555^6`66ývmd[RI@B*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ5aJ5aJ 5o(aJ5aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`Jpho(aJB*`JphaJ66@7Z7\7^777,8.8888889999 :":&:(:::>ƽwtkhe\SJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJ5aJB*`JphaJ55aJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJ>> >>>>>?????B*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJB*`JphaJaJaJB*`JphaJ\aJaJB*`JphaJaJB*`JphaJ "B R f F  dhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhPFHTXdhdhdhdhdhVD^WD.`.dh dhVD3^dh^WD `dhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh@tZPTLdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9D dhWD ` dhLlb"\lTdh9Ddhdhdh9Ddhdhdhdhdh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9D !Z!!!<"j""#B####.$f$$dhdhdhdhdhdh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddh9Ddhdhdh9Ddhdhdhdhdhdh$%f%%(&\&h&&&x'(t(()** dh$Ifdhdh9Ddhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh**r++++,,,-.-B/{vqlgbdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhk$$If:V 44l44l01[ B/11123.333(4T4445 dh$If dh$Ifdhdh9Ddhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh 5555zq dh$If dh$If|$$If:V 44l44l00 55`66zq dh$If dh$If|$$If:V 44l44l00 66^77~u dh$Ifdh|$$If:V 44l44l00 77.88899w dh$Ifdhdh9Ddhdhi$$If:V 44l44l0 99(::>>?>??{vqdhdhdhdhdhdhdhk$$If:V 44l44l01,. 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