ࡱ> '` R0bjbj{P{P8::/ppppppp9999d9]`:::::[;[;[;_______$ahadZ*_pd<[;[;d<d<*_pp::`MMMd<&p:p:_Md<_MM\|pp]:t: 9> \^$-`0]`]dKd$]]|dpt^l[;0;"M;;[;[;[;*_*_ M[;[;[;]`d<d<d<d<)/ /pppppp kQt^~ N ,{NUSCQYef[YeHh o\ fS~e-Nf[kQt^~Y~ Unit one : Will people have robots ? I. Teaching goals: 1. Words & phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc . 2. will gbvN,\ege`vHS0&T[S0uSSVT{. 3. There be SWvN,\ege. 4. more , less , fewer v(ul. 5. f[`NN,\ege`vvsQwƋ f[O[*gegۏLKm. 6. [five years ago , today , in five years {mV~NU\gve_ 4я[E&{Tf[u_t oSf[`NtQ. 7. Ǐe[k Y`NN,ǏSe`0N,s(We` ]VN,\ege. II. Important and difficult points : 1. willgbN,\ege`vS_0 2. There be SWvN,\ege`0 3. more , fewer , less v(ul0 III. How to make predictions ^9eYef[YeHh The First Period of Section A( 1a ---- 1c ) I . Teaching goals : 1). New words : will robot won t they ll everything paper 2). New phrases : in the future on computer live to be 200 years old in 100 years 3). New sentences : I think every home will have a robots . Do you think there will be robots in peoples home ? Yes , there will . People will have robots in their homes . People wont use money . Will people use money in 100 years old ? Yes , they will . / No , they wont . 4). New grammar : The Simple Future Tense II. Teaching Aim : Be able to talk about our lives in the future with will ; be able to ask and answer with Yes / No questions . III. Teaching points : The Simple Future Tense IV. Teaching steps : Step 1 . Revision I . Duty reports : II . Greetings : III. Review : 1. Talk about our winter holiday with the Simple Past Tense 2. Be going to do sth Make new sentences with it . Step 2 . New Lesson I. Lead- in 1. T : We have talked about our holidays with the Simple Past Tense and we will learn how to talk something about our lives in the future . At first well learn some new words about our future . Pronounce the new words by students . 2. T : What do you think about in the future ? Maybe there will be more cars , buildings --- etc . Talk about it . Then T : Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes ? What will they do ? Talk about it . II . Come to 1a . 1. Do 1a and then let the students say out their answers . 2. Read the sentences by some students . III. Come to 1c 1. Ask and answer in pairs about the predictions in activity 1a . 2. Read 1c together IV. Come to 1b . 1. Listen to the tape and circle the predictions we hear in activity 1a . 2. Check the answers . 3.Read the conversation of 1b . V. Language point . 1. I think --- Do you think --- ? 2. on computer 3. in the future in future 4. live to be 5.People will use money in 100 years . Will people use money in 100 years ? Yes , they will . No , they wont . People wont use money in 100 years . Make new sentences with them . VI . Exercises Fill in the blank with the correct forms . 1. Tom __________ ( buy ) a new car in two days . 2. I think people ________ ( live ) to be 200 years old in the future . 3. _______ people ________ ( have ) robots in their homes ? Yes , they will . 4. We often _______ ( use ) computers to search the information . Step 3 Homework 1.Do the exercises of test paper . 2. Prepare for Page 3 2a---2c . gfN Unit 1 Will people have robots ? Section A ( 1a --- 1c ) 1. I think every home will have a robots . 1. in the future be going to Do you think every home will have a robot ? in future 2. People will use money in 100 years . 2. live to be Will people use money in 100 years ? 3. on computer Yes , they will . No , they wont . ( will not ) 4. N,\ege People won t ( will not ) use money in 100 years . S + will + do TS` ُ/f,gUSCQv,{Ne (WُN-N bNRekN㉂YUOЏ(uN,\ege (Wd~vǏ z-NR:_f[uva l g~e`0(Wd~Ǐ z-N_NQsf[ucc N/f_}Yv FO(WN NvYef[-NS Y~`N f[u\Occ}YN,\ege0 The Second Period of Section A:(2a 2c) ITeaching aims: 10Aim of knowledge: 1)Key vocabulary fewer pollution tree 2)Key structures: a: Will there be less / fewer / more& & ? Yes, there will No, there won t. There will be more / less / fewer& . b: Kids won t go to school. C:f[OO(ufewer, less , moreegSpe T͋N NSpe T͋0 20Aim of ability 1)Be able to talk about what will happen in the future using the target language. 2)To train students ability of listening and speaking. 3.Aim of emotion Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons preparing their own future. II: Teaching important points. 1. Talk about what will happen in the future. 2. To train students ability of listening and speaking. IIITeaching difficult points 10ccThere will be & SW(ul0 20f[OO(ufewer less moreegSpeN NSpe T T0 IV: Teaching methods 1. Listening ,speaking and reading method 2. Communicative method V. Teaching tools A tape recorder and some pictures. VI: Teaching procedures Step 1: Organization Greetings Step2: Revision 1. Revise the words and expressions and ask some students to make predictions in the future. 2. Check their homework. Step3: presentation: 1. Teaching new words 1) Get the students to look at the pictures and. then talk about what they have seen in it. 2) Teach the new words at the same time Step4: Listening (2a2b) 1.At first ask different students to read the predictions to the class. 2. Then read the instructions and point out the sample answer. 3.Play the recording. Students circle the word they hear in each sentences: more ,fewer, less. (2a) 4.Play the recording again and check the predictions they hear. (2b) 5.Check the answers. 6.f[ucvzless fewer v:S+R Step5:Practice(2c) 1.Get one student to cooperate with the teacher acting out the dialogue in the box. 2.Have the students work in groups of four using the following structures. A: I think there will be& B: Well, I don t agree. But I think there will be C: I agree. 3. Get some groups to make conversations about predictions. Step6: Grammar Focus: 1. Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the statements and responses. 2.Review the concept of countable and uncountable nouns. countable nouns uncountable nouns eggs water apples milk bananas meat 3.Make summaries about fewer and less Step7: Do exercise: (ulittle, less , few , fewer kXzz0 `$There will be people in the park than before. a$ of us can speak Spanish? Who can help? b$We will have homework this year than last year. c$I have money in my pocket. Can you lend me some? Step8: Sum up 1. Get some students to sum up what they have learned in this period ( Grammar Focus) 2. Teacher gives a brief comment. Step 9: Homework: 1. Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus 2. Preview 3a 4 Step10:gfN Unit1 Will people have robots? Grammar: Drills: Words and phrases: countable nouns : eggs apples There will be more fewer pollution uncountable nouns: water meat There will be less...... tree agree with sb. fewer + countable nouns There will be fewer. agree to do sth . less + uncountable nouns Yef[S` (WYef[-NSs f[u(WccfewerT less e [fbُ$N*N͋qN(u (u(WSpe T͋T NSpe T͋-N[fQ (WNTvYef[-NYd~ YZP~`NegR:_f[uvЏ(uR0 Te(W,TRd~-N_NSsf[uv,TR1_ (WNTvYef[-NR:_~0 The Third Period of Section A ( 3a---4 ) N.Teaching aims Aims of basic knowledge: 1.Key Structures: 1).Five years ago, Sally was ... /played... 2).Today Sally is .../plays 3).In five years Sally will be .../will play... Aims of abilities : Be able to use the three different tenses to describe the past, present and future actions or states. Aims of emotion and evaluation: Enable the class to get to know that one creates his own and that only by his hard work can he cherish a bright future. N.Teaching important points The use of will N.Teaching methods 1.Situation simulating method 2.Communicative method 3. Task-based method V.Teaching tools pictures N. Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1.Greetings and free talk . 2.Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(Ye^\OQS_vċN) Step 2 Pre-task 1.Go over what we learnt yesterday . 2.Ǐ Nyev[k{eu Y`NN,ǏSeNN,s(We0 Step 3 While-task SB Page 4 , 3a . 1.Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The fi "Bz  d * , 2 6 : < > R T ^ ` x κti[iMiMhAh15CJaJo(hAh%O5CJaJo(hA5CJaJo(hAhA5CJPJaJo(hK0J5aJo(hA0J5aJo(hAh%O0J5aJhAh%O0JaJhAh%O0Jh&5CJaJo(h15CJaJh15CJaJo(h &~h &~5CJaJo(h15CJ aJ o(h1h15CJ aJ o("Bd D  d , dpgdA$fdpG$H$VD9WDn^`fa$gdA dpWD1`gdA$dpG$H$WD1`a$gdA$ dpG$H$VDBWDT^ `a$gdA dpG$H$gdA$a$gd10, > B f 8n(CV%8I dpWD1`gdA $dpa$gdAdpgdA B h 5oHINZ$%)*3[\޻һһ껲}hTPCJaJhBCJaJo(hTPCJaJo(hWCJaJo(h(j\CJaJo(hACJaJo(h{aCJaJo(hAh{aCJaJhAhl6CJaJhAh{a6CJaJhAh16CJaJhAh%OCJaJhAh1CJaJ1IW7H#4v1dpgdWxdpWD ^x`gdWDdpWD^`DgdTPdpgdA67NO}~ 01STcd-$"$FJ ̴̴̨̼̑̈̈wnhK5aJo(h_bCJaJhKCJaJo(h_bCJaJo(h+h+CJaJo(h_bh_bCJaJh_bh_bCJaJo(h+CJaJhWh+CJOJQJaJo(h+CJaJo(hWCJaJhBCJaJo(hWCJaJo(hTPCJaJo(hTPCJaJ'1ATdv-L\$F $dpa$gd_bdpgd_b dpWD1`gd_b dpWD2`gd+dpgdWpi Dh 0&H\~dpgdA$a$gdAdpgd_b'),-3KQSY^o)-UYi|  2@FHJP`߼߼żżżŤżŗŤżżhKh_b5CJo(hKhK5CJo(hK5B*CJo(phh_bh_b5B*CJphhK5CJo(h_b5CJo(h_bh_b5B*CJo(phh_bh_b5CJh_bh_b5CJo(h_b5aJo(h_bh_b5aJo(2D&H\~ ^ ,!h!!"I"K"L"["""""=#R##$*&P&](s())*@*B*\*f****+´ΨΨΨΟΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨ{·{hAhA>*CJaJhAhACJQJaJhA5CJaJo(hACJaJo(hAhA5CJaJhAhA5CJPJaJhAhACJaJo(hAhACJaJhKCJaJo(h_bhK5CJo(h_b5CJo(hK5CJo(0~ ^ ,!h!!!"1"I"[""""""$#=#R#h####$O$$dpWD^`gdAdpgdA$$7%L%*&P&&''(!(](s(((%)M)v))))@**+p+++, dpWD`gdAdpgdA+++(+p+r+~++++,-&-(---J.K.L.M.[.a.h...//0 00000101416181辶辜q`!hB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ,o(hB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ,hBCJOJQJ^JaJo(hBhB5CJaJhB5CJaJo(hKhAB*CJaJphhKCJaJhACJaJo(h+CJaJo(hAhA5CJaJhAhA>*CJaJhAhACJaJhAhACJQJaJ%,,-n-----;.../+/,/ 0000J1L1N1dwG$H$[$\$gdB$dwG$H$[$\$a$gdB :d4`:gdBd4gdAgdA $dpa$gdAdpgdA81>1B1D1F1H1J1N1P1n1p1111111ѻ{h{S>h*'hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJo((hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJ(hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ hBhBCJOJQJ^JaJ*hBhB0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJ1hBhB0J5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(+hB0J5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(hBCJOJQJ^JaJ!hB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ,o(hB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ,N1p1112.2^2r222p3:4Z4oodwG$H$WDb[$\$`gdBdwG$H$WDd[$\$`gdBdwG$H$WDd[$\$`gdB hhdwG$H$[$\$^h`gdBdwG$H$WD[$\$`gdBdwG$H$[$\$gdB 111122-2.2[2]2^2q2r22222o34484:4X4Z4\444444455585:5J5L5N5ɳܚܚnn+hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJo(*hBhB0J5CJOJQJ\^JaJ1hBhB0J5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(+hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJo($hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ hBhBCJOJQJ^JaJ$hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ&Z44445:5L5~555667@7f77`&aaa&b $ hhdwG$H$[$\$^h`a$gdBdwG$H$WDd[$\$`gdBdwG$H$[$\$gdBN5R5|5~5555555666666677 7>7@7d7f77778````$a&a,aaaaaaa$b&bFbHbNbbbbrctczcccȳȳȳȳȳȳȳȳȳȳȳȳU+hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJo($hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ(hBhB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJ hBhBCJOJQJ^JaJ$hBhB0JCJOJQJ^JaJ%hB0JCJOJPJQJ^JaJo(5rst picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future . 2.Read the instructions . 3.Complete filling in the blanks individually . 4.Check the answers . 5.Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out . SB Page 4 , 3b . 1.Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally . 2.Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class . 3.Practise reading . 4.Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally . Step 4 Post-task 1.Write about yourself . With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write something about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years . 2.Complete the work individually . 3.Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers . Step 5 Homework : Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class . 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