ࡱ>     #` Rbjbjmm<5M@@@8x\4llllloqqqqqq$h@,YD"DDllbbbDV llobDobbl` v^@:\04lTlt l7:bu204DDDDMQ$FQ Section A (3a-3c) f[`Nvh &wƋvh cc,gUS͋Tw clear clear out bedroom no longer own railway certain honest truthful to be honest part part with while &Rvh N-N_*NNirTvvsQOo`0 &`avh cknxYtv^EQR)R(u]v^eirT0 &Yef[Ǐ z Step 1 New words 1. bedroom n. gS[ 2. railway n. S 3. junior adj. 0WMO (bLMO0~+R) NO Nv junior high school R~-Nf[ e.g. We could give the job to somebody junior. bNSNbُN]\ON~LMONOvN0 4. own v. b g g e.g. Most households now own at least one car. 'YYpe[^s(W\ gN}lf0 5. truthful adj. ڋ[v[v e.g. He was not always truthful. Nv^^;`/fw݋0 Step 2 Fast reading 3a Read the article written by a father for a newspaper. What is his family going to sell at the yard sale? Keys Son : a train and railway set; the toy monkey Daughter: certain toys Father: football shirts Step 3 Careful reading Read the passage and choose true (T) or false (F) 1. My daughter is 15 and my boy has already started junior high school. 2. Our house really get smaller. 3. My son was quite sad at first. 4. My daughter felt happy to part with certain toys. 5. I want to give up my football shirts. Keys: FFTFT 3b Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. Why did they decide to have a yard sale? Because the fathers children get bigger and their house seems to get smaller. 2. What do they want to do with the money from the sale? They want to give the money to a childrens home. 3. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set? Because he has owned it since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. 4. How can the old toys be useful again? They can be sold to the people who need them. 5. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise? Yes, I have. I would give it to the charity Step 5 phrase practice Find the words or phrases in the article which can be replaced with the ones below and write them next to the words. lose part with kids--_______ truthful--_______ many -- _____ some time--______ even though--_____ quickly--______ older--_____ keys: children to be honest a lot of a while although fast bigger Step 7 homework Recite the article. You can use the sentences according to the keys of 3b. Step 2 |pb s(W[be h:yNǏS]~_Yc~0Rs(WvR\Obr` SNTh:y NǏSgNe;R^~0Rs(WvNker ޏ(u Y for + ek 0 since + ǏSep 0 since + ǏSevNS 0 since + Nke + ago 0NforNsince_[verSNvNlbc0 e.g. My uncle has worked at this factory for ten years. = My uncle has worked at this factory since ten year ago. I velivedheresince1990 N1990t^Negb1\OO(Wُ̑0 Ihaven tseenhimforthreeyears. b Nt^l g wNN0 She sbeenatthisschoolsincefiveyearsago. NNt^MRNegyY1\(Wُ*Nf[!h0 Section B 1a^1d f[`Nvh &wƋvh cc,gUS͋Tw search among crayon shame regard.. as count century according to opposite especially memory consider hold &Rvh N-N_]hTVvNirSSvvsQOo`0 &`avh s`]hTVNirvSS ai`>yO Glb>yO sQ1rNN0 f[`NǏ z Step 1 Warming up Talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown? Do you like your hometown? What are some of the special places in your hometown? Step 2 Group work 1a Check (") the places or things you can find in your town or city. ____ a museum ____a primary school ____ a bridge ____ a zoo ____ a park ____a hill ____ a library ____ a river Step 3 Listening 1b Listen and answer the questions 1. Does Martin like Jennys hometown? Yes, he does. 2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown? No, she doesnt. 3. What is behind the science museum? What do people do there on weekends? A big park. People go there to let their kids run around and climb the hills 1c Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jennys hometown. Place New or oldHow long has it been there?Town libraryOld for hundreds of yearsScience museumNewsince last AugustRestaurant down the streetoldfor as long as Jenny can rememberStep 4 group work 1d Talk about your town/city with a partner according to the conversation. A: My city is lovely. B: What are some of the special places there? A: Well, theres a concert hall there. Its been around for at least 20 years. Step 5 Language points Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Search(u\O NSirR͋e a:N d"}dg 0wsearch for a:N d[ ~b[ 0 e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses. Nck(W~bNv*Y3\0 0bU\0\OSirR͋ a:N (Wdg b dg 0 e.g. They searched the forest for the lost child. NN(Whg̑[~b*Np1Yv\i[0 Section B 2a^2d f[`Nvh &wƋvh cc,gUS͋Tw search among crayon shame regard.. as count century according to opposite especially memory consider hold &Rvh N-N_]hTVvNirSSvvsQOo`0 &`avh s`]hTVNirvSS ai`>yO Glb>yO sQ1rNN0 f[`NǏ z Step 1 Warming up How often do you visit your hometown? What are the changes in your hometown? Step 2 2a careful reading Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out your answers are the same as in the passage. 1. Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year? To search for work in cities 2. How often do you think these people visit their hometowns? I think they visit their home towns once or twice a year 3. What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages? Large hospitals and new schools 2b Find expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases. 1. look for search for 5. go back return 2. consider regard 6. changes developments 3. across from opposite 7. area place 4. in ones opinion according to Step3 Exercise 2c Complete the summary with words from the passage. You may need to change the forms of the words. Many Chinese people these days leave their _________ to work in _______. They usually _____ to their hometown one or two times a ______. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has been working in a _____ factory in Wenzhou for the past 13 years People like him are _________ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the ___________. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are ______ because things need to change in order to become better. But he also thinks some things _________ change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood_________. Keys: hometown cities return year crayon interested government good will never memories Step 4 Group work 2d Think of changes that happening in your town or city today. Which changes are generally good? Which changes could be seen as bad? Step 5 homework Write something about changes that are happening in your hometown. Section B (3a-3b) f[`Nvh &wƋvh Y`N,gUSCQ@bf[US͋Tw _US͋ sweet honest shame century memory hold soft search regard especially memory consider hold 8^w how long not& anymore a bit check out no longer to be honest according to millions of at first ~xQSW 1. How long have you had that bike over there? I ve had it for three years! 2. Jim has been in Japan for three days. 3. I used to return home at least once a year, but I haven t been back for almost three years now. &Rvh QN{sQN]NirSSvez0 &`avh s`]hTVNirvSS ai`>yO Glb>yO sQ1rNN0 &f[`NǏ z Step 1 Summary N0_US͋ Let students read and spell the words in groups. N08^w Let the students say them in groups, then make examples in pairs. Section B (3c- self check) step 10~xQSW Let the students make new sentences in pairs. 1. It is +adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth. ([gNeg)ZPgN/f& & 2. want to do sth. `ZPgN 3. love doing sth. U"kZPgN 4. decide to do sth. Q[ZPgN 5. have been in + 0Wp (WgY_NYEN 6. hope to do sth. ^gZPgN 7. one of + the+ b_[͋gؚ~+Spe T͋ Ype gKNN Step 2 Group work 3a Think about your favorite things from childhood which you still have. For example, it can be a toy or a book. Then take notes using the questions. 1. How long have you had it? 2. How did you get it? Did someone give it to you? Who? 3. Why do you like it so much? Why is it special? 4. Can you say anything more about it? Step 3 Writing Write three paragraphs about your favorite thing. Use your notes in 3a to help you. In the first paragraph, introduce your favorite thing. In the second paragraph, talk about why it is special. In the third paragraph, write about a story or memories. Se My favorite thing My favorite thing from childhood is a toy car. I have had it for 6 years. My father gave it to me when I was five years old. I like it so much because I played with it every day until I went to school. Its special to me because it was my fifth birthday gift that my father bought. The toy car has given me many memories. I remember when I was seven I still played with it. I would never go to bed without it. One day I couldnt find it after I returned home from school. I asked my parents to help me find it. We looked for it everywhere until my mother found it under my bed. Step 4 h~`N Self-check 1. Complete the sentences using for or since. 1. I haven t been to a museum & 2. I haven t written a letter & 3. I haven t ridden a bike & 4. I haven t seen a movie & 5. I haven t played computer games& Answer: 1. for two years/since two years ago 2. since I was ten years ago 3. for five years 4. since 2010 5. for one year 2. Complete the conversation A: Hey Eric, _______ you enjoyed your time in Beijing so far? B: Yes, it ___ been great! Everyone is so friendly. A: How long _____ you been in China now? B: Oh, I __________ here _____ about two years now. A: Wow, that means you havent ______back to the US for two years. "$R > @     & 4 < > B F R V \ ɿжЯ吆ymymymmmmhuhuCJ\o(huhu6CJ\]huhuCJ\huCJ\o(huhu5CJo(huhu5CJ hdh~CJo(huhuCJhuhdh~CJo( huCJo(huhdh~CJhuhdh~5CJo(hu5CJo( hI5CJhuhdh~5CJ*$0>R@ N t ^  8 $XdhVDUWD^`Xa$gdu$idhVDUWD^`ia$gdu$hdhVDUWD^`ha$gdu $dha$gdu $dha$gduX   ( * . 6 8 . 0 6 J L T Z t J L V d f   ɿɧvofhu5CJo( hu5CJhuh)CJ huCJ huCJo(huhdh~CJhL.hdh~CJhGhuCJhGhuCJ\o(huhu5CJo(huhu5CJhuhdh~5CJhuhu6CJ\]huCJ\o(huhuCJ\o(huhuCJ\( 0 J t L  R;G{/a$xdhWD2`xa$gdu$dhWD,`a$gdu $dha$gdu$hdhVDUWD^`ha$gdu TUYefGJy/5<ghilm !{|Ằ᪺᪺ẰẰ᠔ʁ᪺whGhnS%CJo(hL.hdh~5CJhuhL.CJhL.hL.5CJo(hL.hL.5CJ hL.CJhuhdh~CJo( hL.CJo(hL.hdh~CJhL.hL.CJo( huCJ huCJo(huhdh~CJhuhdh~5CJhuhu5CJo(+a;i !3| $@$XdhVDUWD^`Xa$gd8Y $dha$gdnS% $dha$gdL.$xdhWD2`xa$gdu $dha$gdu "$XZ ">@JL&(\ǻΞΗΉ΂xhZ>hZ>CJ\ hdh~CJo( hOCJo( hZ>CJo( hwUCJo( h8YCJo(hZ>hOCJ\hZ>hOCJ\o(huhdh~5CJo( hO5CJhuhdh~CJhOhdh~5CJo(hOhO5CJhOhdh~5CJhf5CJo(+@(`Nnp}}}} $dha$gdu $dha$gd^:$dhWD`a$gdf$dhWD`a$gd$dhWD`a$gdZ>$dhWD`a$gdP2$dhWDd`a$gd8Y$dhVDUWDd^`a$gd8Y\^`dlNlnp DRhviYh62h62B*CJ\o(phh625B*CJo(phh62h\| 5B*CJphhuhGCJhuh\| CJhf5CJo(h^:5CJo(h^:h\| 5CJ hf5CJ hfCJo(hNhdh~CJo(hhCJ\o(hhCJ\hZ>hZ>CJhZ>hZ>CJ\hZ>hZ>CJ\o(8Dhnd'Lr$dhWD,`a$gdu$dhWD`a$gdu $dha$gd62$ & Fdh^a$gdu $dha$gduln|%'TUryTVWƷyj]Q]D]8h62B*CJo(phh62hGB*CJphhGB*CJo(phh62h\| B*CJphh62hG5B*CJphhG5B*CJphh625B*CJph h\| CJo(huh\| CJhuhGCJhuh\| B*CJphh62h\| 5B*CJphh625B*CJo(phh62h62B*CJ\o(phh62h62B*CJ\phh62h62B*CJph0T$dh$Ifa$gdu $dha$gdu$dhWD,`a$gd62$dhWD,`a$gdu$dhWD`a$gd62 W #$?ijp|YZ_`apqµviZiJhhf5B*CJo(phhhf5B*CJphhf5B*CJo(phhf5B*CJphh62h62B*CJ\o(phh62h62B*CJ\ph h\| CJo(h62hGB*CJphhuhGB*CJphh62h\| 5B*CJphh625B*CJphhuh\| B*CJphhuh\| B*CJphhuh\| CJ$dh$Ifa$gdu^kd$$IfF      6    34a #$dh$Ifa$gdu^kd$$IfF     6    34a#$?DU_i$dh$Ifa$gdu^kd$$IfF     6    34aij| Zqb q`$gdhVD^ga$gdf$ & Fdha$gdf $dha$gdf $dha$gd62 $dha$gdu^kd$$IfF        6    34a q!!!!!!!!r#|#~##$$$$3$%%ƽ͚{k\OBhuh\| B*CJphh62h\| B*CJphh62h\| 5B*CJphh62h625B*CJo(phh62h62B*CJ\o(phh62h62B*CJ\phh625B*CJo(phhf5B*CJphh^:hf5CJhf5CJo( hf5CJhf5B*CJo(phhfhf5B*CJo(phhuhfB*CJphhuhfCJb !x!!!!!!!!""#,#f#r#$ & Fdh^a$gdf $dha$gdf $dha$gdu$dhWD,`a$gdf$dhWDd`a$gdf $dha$gdf$hdhWD`ha$gdfr###$3$$$%C%|%%%F&t&&&&'d'i()) *3*$dhWD,`a$gdu$dhWDd`a$gd62 $dha$gd62 $dha$gdu%%E&F&R&\&m&t&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''c'd'G(J()) *$*%*Ѷªzm`huh\| B*CJphhuhGB*CJph hGCJo(huh\| B*CJphhh\| 5B*CJphh5B*CJo(phhf5B*CJphh62B*CJo(phh62h\| >*B*CJphh62h\| B*CJphh62h\| B*CJphhuh\| CJh62B*CJo(ph %*&*,*3*5******** ++++++ +,>,@,--&0(040>0ǾǾtktaZZQJ h +5CJhuhHCJ hHCJo(h7h\| 5CJhf5CJo(h7h75CJo( hf5CJh7h75CJhGh\| CJo(h5B*CJo(phhf5B*CJphhuhCJo(huh\| CJhuh\| B*CJphhh\| 5B*CJphhhG5B*CJphhf5B*CJo(ph3***+!+ ,,4,>, ----R...////&040T0d00 $dha$gd + $dha$gdH dhWDA`gdu) $dha$gdu>0@0B0D0T0X01111Z1j1n1111 2 2P2T22263<3>3333333344=5ֿ֚֚֚֔֍փwne_e h +CJhuh\| CJhl~5CJo(h +h +5CJo(h +h\| 5CJ hCJo( hCJ hG$CJo(hfhf5CJaJo(hf5CJo( hf5CJh7hf5CJ hOCJo( hOCJhuh +CJ h +CJo(h +h +5CJ h +5CJh +5CJo("00Z1112p222 3F3x3334445>5M55566 $dha$gdt m $dha$gdKz $dha$gdu $dha$gdf $dha$gd +=5>5C5D5E5M5566669:::.:0:6:::::::; ; ;;D;F;¶|ueu^RuLL h1XCJh1Xh\| 5CJo( h1X5CJjh1XCJUmHnHu h1XCJo(hI"h\| 5CJhI"h1X5CJo(h1Xh\| 5CJhuh\| CJo( hKzCJo(huh\| CJht mh1XCJ\o(hKzhKzCJ\hKzhKzCJ\o(h5lh\| 5CJh5lhl~5CJo(h5lhl~5CJ h\| CJo(6667}89:0:::;H;;;<5<N< $dha$gd1X$\hdhVD8WD^\`ha$gd1X$\idhVD8WD^\`ia$gdI"$hdhWD`ha$gd1X$hdhWD`ha$gdu $dha$gdKz $dha$gduF;H;z;|;~;;;;;<<<4<5<?<M<N<X<b<c<m<y<z<}<<<=||||} }}}}}}~쯨~tkch`CJPJh\| CJ\o(h5lh5lCJ\h5lh\| 5CJh5lh5l5CJo(h5lh5l5CJhuhZCJo( h\| CJo( hZCJo(Uhuh1XCJo(h1Xh1XCJo(h1Xh1XCJh1Xh1XCJ\ h1XCJ h1XCJo(huh\| CJhuh\| CJo(&N<c<z<<< =3=g==[|| }}n}}(~ $$Ifa$ $dha$gd5l $dha$gdu $dha$gd1XB: No, I ____ been back twice_____ moving to China.____ you been to the US before, Li Juan A: Yes, I went there once when I _____ 10 years old, but I _____ not been back _____ then. Answer: have; has; have; have been; for; been; have; after; Have; was; have; since Step 5 Homework 1. Write a short passage about your favorite thing, use the useful sentences in 3b. 2. Remember the words, phrases and sentences in this unit. 5.Yef[Ǐ zsectionA1A 2DYef[NR Ye^;mR f[u;mR aVSDnQY Greetings Greet the Ss Greet the Ts Xۏa`W@x Task1. Organization Lead-in 2minutes 1.Talk about the place .  Where have you ever been to? What did you buy? How long have you had it? 2.Next, show some pictures . Ask:  How long have you had-------? 1.Listen and answer. According to the facts answer questions. 3.The students listen and answer the teacher s questions. Ǐ^u[݋ ŏp Y`N+T gbeenTever vs(W[be~g v^NSe_eQewƋphow long SforTsincev(ul0 Task2.Practice the language goal (3min) According to these pictures, give students several minutes to make sentences.. 2.Give an example 1.Make your own sentences. 2.Call several students to share the answers. Ǐ[ُN:Wofvcf[uW,g NwSNYUOcb ggirYeN Ye^ۏNekcOPge ۏLR /TS _[ .^R vcTċNN :Nte*N[݋hov[b`Y[W@x0 Task 3. Pairwork (4min) 1.First show some pictures to students. 2.Give an example: Ask students to Look at these pictures. 2.Have students work in pairs and role play the conversation. (WُNR bbYePgZPNte 1\/fb1cT2CۏLNT Ɩ-N~`Nb_bd~vteSO'` W,g Nb_bN[v~`N0f[uN T4OT\OۏL_>eNAm qQ T[bf[`NNR W{Qf[uvS틤NERST\OR.HN (W,TRv~`N-N_0RvsQvOo` _N1\/f4l0R nb0ُNRv ;N:N Nbv1b,2a,2b,TR~`NZP}YQY Task4. SectionA1b (2min) Look at the facts.Ask students to read the structure. 2.Play the tape a second time.Now listen again. 1..Make sure the meaning of the sentences. The first time students only listen . 2Check the facts you hear. Check the answers. ~f[u!jNW{Qa STYtOo`vR0 Task5. Prensentation for 2a (3min) Read the instructions. Now look at 2a, we will hear a conversation . Listen carefully.The conversations is about Amys family are giving away the things. 2.Play the tape a second time for students . 1.Listen to the tape. The first time students only listen . 2.Listen again and circle the names.Then check the answers. (W,TR-N~`Nvhv TeW{Qf[`NeeS la0R-NYeSv]_ N㉭^b.UVS bU\f[uNvƉΑ f[Ot㉌T \͑_VeS0 Task 6 2b (5min) 1Read the instructions. 2.Play the tape again. 1.Ask students to fill in the blanks. 2.Check the answers and these sentences to practice the target language. ~ ~ ~"~&~(~*~2~4~<~>~F~H~Z~\~^~p~r~~~~~~~~~~~bprЁҁ؁ځBDFHXvxʅǺDZرؘǒǒ h`CJh`5B*CJaJphh`5CJaJo(h`5CJaJh`CJaJo(h`h`CJaJh`CJaJo(h`CJKHaJh`CJPJh`CJPJQJh`CJPJQJo(9(~*~4~>~H~\~ d$IfK$ckd$$IflY#G$044 layt`\~^~r~~~~YNNNN d$IfK$kd$IfK$L$l \.I%2   6044 lae4~~~~~~ YPPPPPE d$IfK$ d$Ifkd$IfK$L$l \.I%2   6044 lae4 ^`bXZ\^`b & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$IfBDYPE8PP & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$Ifkd$IfK$L$l\.I%2   6044 lae4 DFHF d$If d$IfK$FHXxȄʄ΄YPEPP6xd$IfWD2`x d$IfK$ d$Ifkd$IfK$L$le\.I%2   6044 lae4΄ЄJLNʅ̅ & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$If ʅ̅:ކ @ TXZ\|468:Flnxz®ĮƮҮ NPTVZ\bdhj 2§§²h`5CJaJo(h`5B*CJaJphUh`5CJaJh`CJKHaJ h`CJ h`CJo(h`CJaJh`CJaJo(h`B*CJaJphB .0>@YPPPPPP d$Ifkd$IfK$L$l\.I%2   6044 lae4@B VX d$If & Fd$If d$IfK$XZ\jmYPPPE8 & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$Ifkdw$IfK$L$l\.I%2   6044 lae4mn؊يڊۊ܊~ d$IfK$ d$If،܌ VYPEPPEP d$IfK$ d$IfkdW $IfK$L$l \.I%2   6044 lae4V68|~Ekd7 $IfK$L$l\.I%2   6044 lae4 d$IfK$ d$If(Wf[u,TavW@x NۏNekcؚq~O(uvhvR0 Task7. presentation for 3a10min Task8. 3b Groupwork (5min) Play the tape and and ask students to find the answers in 3a. 2.Let students read the passage by themselves to understand the story.(T Walk around the classroom, offering help if they have any words or phrases they don t understand.) Let students read the passage in groups. 1.Listen carefully and answer the question in 3a.(Underline the answers to the question) 2.Students read the passage and Underline the words or phrases they don t understand. 1.Ss read the passage and answer questions in groups.(Discuss these questions ) 2. Share the answers. HTs NR eǏ T{ ve_VGr (W[b NR KNMRNR~`Nf[uS NRMNOQ\O^ (WُNs Ye^;N/f_[.^R :y v^.^Rf[uhzQ\OO V:N3avq~ccvcq_T@w3bT4Rv~`N w@w>N{͑v\O(u0 e(Wq`݋T틃X _^nۏvR:_vhvq~Џ(u oStQ ZP}YQ\OMRvPY0 Task 9 Summary and Homework: (2min) Summarize and show the new words and sentences How long have you had that bike over there? I ve had it for three years. I ve had it since I was a child. 1.Make a list of the important language points. 2.Choose their own homework and finish it. Ǐf[u;Ncvz qQ T;`~Q,gvvh0(WNT{vǏ z-N]Vewv^RmpSa0 ^n\ON Y^8Oُ/fN*Ncb'`_:_v;mR )R(u@bf[vwƋ _Y^(u w w`OYEN w wvgY YUO\݋U\_ \ONRB\Bl N^ N TB\!kvf[u0 100Blackboard design: Unit10 I ve had this bike for three years .^Rf[uV_,g @bf[͑pwƋ ǏўgU\:y;NQ[ {mv‰ ONf[u_0 Key phrases check out,no longer,at least ,to be honest. Sentence patternsHow long have you had that bike over there? I ve had it for three years. I ve had it since I was a child.      t^ g e ,{ hT fg ,{ W d$If®Įخ  d$IfK$ d$If jlnprtvxz & Fd$If d$Ifz|~ d$Ifnpr "$&(*,.02468:<> & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$If>@BDFHJLNPR$&(*,.02468:<>@B d$IfBDFHJLNP468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ d$IfK$ d$If2ZҵԵz|~ԶֶRdj 4BvxκкLNPRܪܢskh`CJaJh`B*CJaJphh`B*CJaJo(phh`CJOJQJh`CJOJQJo(h`CJPJh`5CJaJo(h`CJOJQJaJh`CJOJQJaJo(h`5B*CJaJphh`5CJaJh`CJKHaJh`CJaJo(h`CJaJ&ZµĵƵȵʵ̵εеҵ d$IfK$ d$IfҵԵ~YPPE8 & Fd$If d$IfK$ d$Ifkd $IfK$L$lx\.I%2   6044 lae4~ֶRTVfj d$If d$IfK$ d4$IfTYF1( d4$IfMd$IfVDWD^M`Qd$IfWDw^Q`kd $IfK$L$l\.I%2   6044 lae4Tк LNPRTof`$If d$Iflkd $IfK$L$lI%D% 6044 lae4 d$IfK$d4$IfWD ` d4$IfRTVXZ^`dfjlphu) hu)o(h@jh@Uh5lh`CJ\o(h`CJKHaJh`CJPJTVX\^bdhjnp$a$gdt m $dha$gduckdu $$Ifl#G$044 layt`:&P 182P:pt m. 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