ࡱ> Z\WXY)` Rx*bjbj2d{{V ؃؃؃8Df TTT$&h2rTTrr HzLLLr  LrLLD hzc؃F & 01fDLT+ Tf$Lޏb TTTRTTTrrrrJtOd4tO Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Yef[vh 1vhcc,gUSCQ͋Gl ,Ta0ccfNvPge0 2 bvh,TaPge cc,Tvb]1\elc^ ccV{euaN~ TWvez0 3 `avhǏ_U\҉rhoI{;mR W{Qf[utQ0Ǐ,gUSCQv W{Qf[uvef[tOR vQ```d0 Yef[͑p (1) w: hear of, be like ,go out ,full of, finish doing sth., be about, grow up,put down, hurry up, arrive on this island, make a boat, bring back, give up, wait for, cut down, build a house, killfor food ,the marks of another mans feet, who else, see sb. doing sth., run towards, help sb. do sth., name sb.,teach sb. sth., be interested in ,cant wait to do sth., used to, fight over, return home ,on the radio, make sb. do sth., think about, come to realize ,ever since, the home of, such as, belong to, be kind to sb., trust one another, remind sb. that,have been to, do research on ,hope to do sth. introduce & to (2) SP[:Have you ever read Little Women yet? What s it like? Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. How long have they been here? So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died, but the other ran towards my house. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. Every time she is in the library, Sally looks at the many books she hasnt read yet and cant wait to read them. When Sarah was a teenager, she fought over almost everything with her family. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. It reminds us that the best thing in life is free. Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. Hes sold more than 120 million records. Have you introduced the singer to others? (3)ls(W[be Yef[ps(W[beNN,ǏSev:S+R. eRR Section A1 1a  2d Section A2 3a-3c Section A 3 Grammar Focus 4a-4c Section B1 1a-2e Section B2 3a-3b Self check Summary Section A1 (1a  2d) Step1 Presentation 1a Look at the picture. Have you read these books? Check (") the ones you know. ___ Alice in Wonderland ___ Little Woman ___ Treasure Island ___ Olive Twist ___ Robinson Crusoe ___ Tom Sawyer Step 2 Learn the new words treasure, island, classic, page, hurry, due Step 3 Listening 1. 1b Listen and complete the chart. Book TitleNameHave they read it?What do they think of it?Treasure Island NickJudy"excitingRobinson CrusoeSandyAlan"wonderfulLittle womenKate "fantasticHarryStep 4 Speaking 1c Practice the conversation. Then talk about the other books in 1a. Examples A: Have you read Little Women yet? B: No, I havent. Have you? A: Yes, I have already read it. B: Whats it like? A: Its fantastic. Step 5 Listening 2a Listen. Who has read these books? Circle the names. 1. Treasure Island Mark / Tina 2. Olive Twist Mark / Tina 3. Robinson Crusoe Mark / Tina 4. Tom Sawyer Mark / Tina Keys: 1. Tina 2. Mark Tina 3. Mark Tina 4. Tina 2b Listen again. Write T for true and F for false. 1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. ( ) 2. Robinson Crusoe is a classic. ( ) 3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book. ( ) 4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom. ( ) Keys: FTTF Step 6 Speaking 2c Use the information in 2a and 2b to talk about the books. A: Has Tina read Treasure Island? B: Yes, she has. She thinks its fantastic. A: Whats it about? B: It s about& . 2d Role  play the conversation Step 7 Language points and summary 1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. 0d[?Q 0/fN*N7ui[SwmSsN*NEQns[v\vEeN0 full of n/f& & v( g)'Yϑv e.g. The area is full of beautiful lakes and rivers. ُ*N:SW g'Yϑ=NvVnlTlAm0 2. Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it s about? \`O]~ǏfNv̀b N㉆N[v'YQ['T dkS-NvR͋seeh:y (Ǐg w0Sb,TI{)_n0Ng w0Ss(Oo`bN[) 0\Oُy(ule see8^chow, what, whenI{_[v[NS0 e.g. He agreed to go with me to see what was wrong. N TaߍbSNN NkuQ(WT̑0 First of all, we need to take some time to see how it works. HQ bNNeNN N[/fYUOЏ\Ov0 3. You should hurry up. `OR_^0 hurry up v_(%`_)ZPgN e.g. Hurry up, or we cannot get to the railway station on time. _N &TRbN N cev0RkpfzN0 4. Steve: & The book report is due in two weeks. fNbJT$NhTT_{N0 Amy: Yes, I know& /fv bwS& 1) due adj. [g T_Qgve00WpI{ ؏8^8^gbwbe due (to do something)bbe due (for something)0 e.g. Our plane is due at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 12:30. bNvޘ:gN1230M=(W NwmyehVE:g:W0 Rose is due to start school in January. WNNgN1\_Y Nf[N0 You are due for a medical examination next month. `OvSOhg[(W N*Ng0 2) I knowh:y݋N[@bv‰p0Q[]N eY vS_NIl-N bewSNbhQN ُ7hva` :S+RNYe8^NE:WT-Nh:y bf}vNbwSNbaN v(ul0 e.g. A: It s already very late. You should get some rest. ]~_ZfN `O^Oo`N0 B: Well, I know. Thanks. [ b/fwSv0""0 la S_bNw[ecOvOo`T 8^(uI see. h:y bwSNbf}vNbaN 0 e.g. A: He lives in the countryside but works in the city during the week. NOO(WaN N FO]\Oe(WW̑ Ns0 B: Oh, I see. T bwSN0 Summary Phrases: hear of, be like ,go out ,full of, finish doing sth., be about, grow up, put down, hurry up Sentences: Have you ever read Little Women yet? What s it like? Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? Step 9 Exercises 1. I hear some of us like reading _______ TW . 2. How many _____ (u) have you read? 3. It s already 7 o clock. Let s _______ (v_). 4. The book report is _____ (0Rg) in five days. 5. There are some big _________ (\) in our country. 6. My father has a box full of __________ (s[). Step 10 Homework Learn the new words and expressions by heart. Section A2 (3a  3c) Step1 Presentation Introduce the movieRobinson Crusoe Step 2 Learn the new words ship, tool, gun, sand, else, cannibal, towards, land Step 3 Reading 3a Read the passage and answer the following questions. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? 3b Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. 1. You can use these to shoot things: _____ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _____ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: ______ 4. You can use these to cut things: ______ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: ______ 3c Correct the sentences. 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build a house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another man s feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. Step 4 Language points w: arrive on this island, make a boat, bring back, give up, wait for, cut down, build a house, kill& for food, the marks of another man s feet, who else, see sb. doing sth., run towards, help sb. do sth., name sb. & , teach sb. sth. SP[: 1. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. }6qb1YSNNR FO/fl g1YSu}T0 although }6q =\{ _[ekrNS NNbutޏ(u0 e.g. He is young, but he works hard. Nt^\ FO/f]\O_RR0 2. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. Vdkb N>e_ I{PSNS90 another eS(u\Ob_[͋ _NS(u\ON͋0(u\Ob_[͋e a`/f SNvQNv Op T͋ MON T͋MR(u\ON͋e a`/f SN*N 0 e.g. Just at that time, another man came in. Saying is one thing and doing is another. another؏SNTpe͋ޏ(u 8^>e(Wpe͋vMRb a:N ؏QS 0 e.g. We need another three man to help do the work. 3. How long have they been here? `Oegُ?QYENN how long 8^(uNe a:N YENYe Ns(W[beޏ(u Bl틨R͋_{/f^~'`R͋0 e.g. How long have you had the book? `OpNُ,gfNYENN 4. Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. (WKNT NEN b wNNߘN((WՋV@g{k$N*Neg4x9 NvN0 see sb. doing sth.a:N w0RgNck(WZPgN :_ w0RvR\Ock(WۏL0 e.g. Mary saw him cleaning the classroom. s=N wNck(WSbkbYe[0 see sb. do sth. a:N w0RgNZPNgN :_ w0RR\OvhQǏ z0 e.g. Mary saw him clean the classroom. s=N wNSbkbYe[N0 0Џ(u0 \ NRIlSP[Neыv9SM0 ( ) `$ (f)Yb wyYck(WV̑r^;m0 ( ) a$ (f)Yb wyY(WV̑r^;mN0 A. I saw her work in the garden yesterday. B. I saw her working in the garden yesterday. 5. One of them died, but the other ran towards my house. NNS_-NN*NN{kN FO/fSN*Ngbv?bP[эeg0 run towards g& & э e.g. He ran towards the station. Nэ@wSkpfz0 6. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. b{NSFridayV:N/fbGNvN)Y0 name\OR͋ a:N }T T~& & S T 0V[-dM name + sb. + TW[ a:N ~gNS T:N& &  0 e.g. Lucy named her little son David. 2~yYv\?QP[S T:N4b~0 Step 5 Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Retell the story of Robinson Crusoe. Section A 3 (Grammar Focus 4a-4c) Step 1 Warm up Read the following sentences we have seen. Have you read Little Women yet? Yes, I have./ No, I haven't. Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? Yes, she has. She thinks its fantastic. Have you decided which book to write about yet? Yes, I have. Ive already finished reading it. It was really good. Step 2 s(W[be (ul h:yǏSSub]~[bvgNR\O[s(W bvq_Tb~g0 e.g.  Have you had your lunch yet?  Yes, I have. I ve just had it. (s(Wb NN0) 2. h:yR\Obr`NǏSgNe;R_Y Nv^~0Rs(W NS؏~~ NS0 e.g. I haven t seen her these days. I ve known Bob for three years. I ve been at this school for over two years. er already, yet, just, ever, never, before gb s(W[be/f1u RR͋have / has+ R͋vǏSR͋ gbv ĉRR͋vǏSR͋gbNǏS_v T NĉRR͋vǏSR͋R*N_0 R͋vǏS_vSSTǏSR͋vSSv^ N[hQv T0bN[[N\ONN*N'YvR{|0 (lOP[-NUS͋vSSz^:NR͋Sb_ ! R͋vǏS_ ! R͋vǏSR͋) N0ǏS_TǏSR͋vSSv T ĉRSS 1. N,(WR͋͋>\vcRed0Ypick ! picked ! picked; wish ! wished ! wished; stay ! stayed ! stayed 2. N NSve~>\vR͋TbRd0Ylike ! liked ! liked; hope ! hoped ! hoped; phone ! phoned ! phoned 3. N W[k + y ~>\vR͋ Sy:Ni QR-ed0Ystudy ! studied ! studied; hurry ! hurried ! hurried; reply ! replied ! replied 4. ͋>\S gN*NW[kv͑󗂂R͋ SQW[k QR-ed0Ystop ! stopped ! stopped; clap ! clapped ! clapped NĉRSS 5. N NS^NS0Ylet ! let ! let; put ! put ! put; read ! read ! read 6. -N gSQe RScN*Ne US͋+g>\QRt0Yfeel ! felt ! felt; keep ! kept ! kept; sleep ! slept ! slept 7. ~>\vW[kdSt0Ylend ! lent ! lent; build ! built ! built; send ! sent ! sent 8. S:NN-oughtb-aught~>\0Ybuy ! bought ! bought; bring ! brought ! brought; catch ! caught ! caught; teach ! taught ! taught S_ 1. [S;N + have / has + ǏSR͋ (+ vQN) 2. &T[S;N + have / has + not + ǏS R͋(+ vQN) 3. N,uShave/ has + ;N + ǏSR͋(+ vQN) 4. yrkuS yrku͋ ( N/fSP[;N) + have / has + ;N+ǏSR͋ (+ vQN) 2) yrku͋(/fSP[;N)+have / has+ǏSR͋(+ vQN) alreadyTyetSN\O:Ns(W[bevh_͋ FO[Nv(ul N T0 %alreadyN,(uN[S-N0Y We have already cleaned up our classroom. laalready(uNuS-Ne8^h:y`GY0Y Have you finished your homework already? I can t believe it. %yetN,(uNuST&T[S-N0Y Have you seen her yet? The bus hasn t come yet. ;mf[;m(u Write the forms of the past tense and past participle: drink ______ ______ see ____ ____ find ______ _____ leave ____ ____ tell ____ ____ Why is Mr. Yang still in the teachers office? Maybe he ________ his work yet. A. doesnt finish B. hasnt finished C. havent finished Step 3 Exercises 1. Finish 4a and check the answers. Keys: I have just drunk some tea. Have you found it? He has already left. did he leave She has already seen the film havent told them yet 2. Finish 4b and check the answers. Keys: loves, has read, will be, finished, will write, hasn t read 3. Finish 4c and check the answers. Make conversations and complete the chart. (Follow the conversation on page 60) Step 4 -Nc ( )02013^5/n0  Do you know the movie Lost in Thailand?  Yes. I ______ it twice. It s funny. A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see ( )02013ў_lar9N_l0  Lunch?  No, thanks. I__________. A. will eat B. am eating C. have eaten ( )02013 VnSĞQ0  Where is Tom? We can t find him anywhere.  Perhaps he _____ home. A. has come B. is going C. went D. was going Keys: CCA Section B 1 (1a-2e) Step 1 Warming up Show some pictures about singers and musicians. Ask and answer: Who is your favorite singer or musician? Why do you like him or her? Step 2 New words Learn the new words: pop, rock, band Step 3 Listening 1b Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex and D for Dave next to each opinion. ____ The Toms must be popular. ____ The Toms play pop music. ____ The Toms music sounds more like rock. ____ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up. 1c Listen again. Take notes. Band nameCountry Number of people in the bandKind of musicWhy Alex and Dave like to listen to this bandAlex: Dave: Step 4 Speaking 1d Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel? Make a conversation like: AWhat kind of music do you listen to? B: I listen to pop music. A: Why do you listen to it? B: I like it. A: How does the music make them feel? B: It makes me relaxed. Step 5 New words 1. fan n. rp1r}Y 2. laughter n. {{X 3. beauty n. =N 4. record n. 1UGrU_ v. RTblv " 2 < B F R ` f t v vgZhCoCJOJQJaJo(hCoh,PCJOJQJaJhCohNCJOJQJaJhCohcCJOJQJaJhCoh: mCJOJQJaJhCohjqCJOJQJaJhCoh{CJOJQJaJhCoh}SCJOJQJaJhCoh&ZCJOJQJaJhCoh#$~5CJ OJQJaJ hCoh{5CJ OJQJaJ "T` v Z | Ln dhVDWDj^ `gde HdhWD^`Hgdr dhWDw`gdr dh`gdW dh`gdW hdhWD`hgdWdhgdW $dha$gdW\*v*  #   / < X Z ` b f h " ĸĜ~obSDSDhCohrCCJOJQJaJhCoh}SCJOJQJaJhCoCJOJQJaJo(hCoh,PCJOJQJaJhCohE{CJOJQJaJhCoh_CJOJQJaJhCohCCJOJQJaJhWCJOJQJaJo(hWCJOJQJaJhCoh(~CJOJQJaJhCohZuCJOJQJaJhCoh2CJOJQJaJhCohtCJOJQJaJ" , L N R T z | n@㶪|m]mNhCohE{CJOJQJaJhCoh_CJOJQJaJo(hCohCCJOJQJaJhCoh :PCJOJQJaJhCoh$'CJOJQJaJo(hCoh_CJOJQJaJheCJOJQJaJhCoh(~CJOJQJaJhCohZuCJOJQJaJhCohrCCJOJQJaJhCoh2CJOJQJaJhrCJOJQJaJo(7n-l@<Fl8:<f $dha$gdedhgdW dh`gdW XdhWD`XgdeVdhVDWDK^V`gde  dhWDE` gde@:<XZ\l~ &68ⵦӦәӵӵӵ{n^hCohCJOJQJaJo(h|"%CJOJQJaJo(hCohE{CJOJQJaJhCoh\7CJOJQJaJhCoCJOJQJaJo(hCohccCJOJQJaJhCoh{CJOJQJaJhCoh(~CJOJQJaJhCoh}SCJOJQJaJhCoh&ZCJOJQJaJhCoh,PCJOJQJaJ 8:<NPRTbdfnprįĄn^O=-hUGh5CJOJQJaJ"hUGhe5CJOJQJaJo(h#5CJOJQJaJo(hUGhcc5CJOJQJaJ+hs9h5B*CJOJQJaJo(ph+hs9hs95B*CJOJQJaJo(ph(hs9hcc5B*CJOJQJaJph(hs9hE{5B*CJOJQJaJph(hs9h5B*CJOJQJaJph%h{5B*CJOJQJaJo(ph%h|"%5B*CJOJQJaJo(ph f,~ V&2<Rd dh$IfgdUGdhgdUGdhgdW*,F^ *,TVhӴӧuueVeG8hUGhTmCJOJQJaJhUG5CJOJQJaJo(h#5CJOJQJaJo(hUGhTm5CJOJQJaJ"hUGhUGCJOJQJ\aJo(hUGh#CJOJQJ\aJhUGhUGCJOJQJ\aJh8z`CJOJQJaJo(hCohccCJOJQJaJo(hCohJ:mCJOJQJaJhCohZuCJOJQJaJhCohccCJOJQJaJhCohCJOJQJaJhjxz02:<bdóylZKZKZKZKhUGhUGCJOJQJaJ"hUGhUG5CJOJQJ\aJh8z`CJOJQJaJo(hCohZuCJOJQJaJhCoh8z`CJOJQJaJhCohccCJOJQJaJhUGCJOJQJaJo(hUGh8z`5CJOJQJaJh#5CJOJQJaJo(hUGhTm5CJOJQJaJhUGhTmCJOJQJaJhUGhJ:mCJOJQJaJ|||| dh$IfgdUGvkd$$If8\X c-!  q    K!634a(,.0248@DFHJL^`df|~hUGh#CJOJQJaJh#CJOJQJaJhUGhuOCJOJQJaJ%h#h#5CJOJQJ\aJo(hUGhUGCJOJQJaJ"hUGhUG5CJOJQJ\aJhUGhuOCJOJQJaJo(h#CJOJQJaJo(4{{{{ dh$IfgdUGxkd$$If4S\X c-!` q   K!634a*04{{{{ dh$IfgdUGxkd$$If4S\X c-! q   K!634a468BJ`{{{{ dh$IfgdUGxkd$$If4S\X c-!` q   K!634a`b~{{{{ dh$IfgdUGxkd$$If4S\X c-! q   K!634a{{{{ dh$IfgdUGxkd$$If4S\X c-!` q   K!634a7BS_óscPc@1h#hccCJOJQJaJhGhJ`w5CJOJQJaJ%hGhG6CJOJQJ\]aJhGhGCJOJQJ\aJhCoh|#XCJOJQJaJ"h#h#CJOJQJ\aJo(h#h#CJOJQJaJo(h#h|#XCJOJQJaJhGh[_5CJOJQJaJh#5CJOJQJaJo(hGhTm5CJOJQJaJhUGhUGCJOJQJaJhUGhuOCJOJQJaJ7Bewiiiii dhWDd`gdGdhgd#dhgdWxkd$$If4S\X c-! q      K!634a  !AL`p񰠍qbqPAhCohccCJOJQJaJ"hGh#CJOJQJ\aJo(hGCJOJQJ\aJo(h#CJOJQJ\aJo(h#CJOJQJ\aJ%hGhG6CJOJQJ\]aJhGhGCJOJQJ\aJh#hJ`wCJOJQJaJo(h#hd,CJOJQJaJ"h#h#CJOJQJ\aJo(h#h#CJOJQJaJo(h#hJ`wCJOJQJaJ>m+AL]VTdhWD^`gd#; 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(v.) *N:ghVck(WU_0 5. forever adv. 8l܏ Ne0W e.g. The little boy is forever asking questions. ُ\7ui[/fl[lNv0 6. abroad adv. (WVY 0RVY go \ study abroad e.g. Are you going abroad for your holiday? `OSb{SVY^GPT 7. actually adv. w[0W N[ N  in fact e.g. Actually, that s not quite right. [E N N[hQ[0 8. southern adj. WSev e.g. She lives in southern Italy. yYOO(Wa'Y)RWS0 9. modern adj. sNv S_Nv e.g. What do you think of modern art? `O[sNz/g`HN w 10. success n. bR  a great success; successful; successfully e.g. He had finally achieved success. N~N_NbR0 11. belong v. ^\N R_^\  belong to (N͋ +N e.g. The British and Dutch belong to the same race. VNTwpQN/f TNye0 12. million num.N~vN  two million; millions of e.g. The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. NS]N120NXR0RN180N0 Step 6 Discussion & Reading 2a Discuss the questions with a partner. Do you have a favorite singer or band? 2. Do you have a favorite song? 3. What facts do you know about your favorite singer, band or song? Reading guidance 1. Read the passage and make notes or underline the main idea of the text. 2. After reading, write a short summary in your own words. Reading tasks Read the passage and complete the fact sheet. Country Music Fact Sheet Where it is from: ___________________ What kind of music it is: _____________ A famous country music place in Nashville: _______________ A famous country music singer: ____________ The number of records he has sold: _____________ 2c Read the passage again and underline the main ideas. Then use the underlined text to write short answers to the questions below. First paragraph Who is Sarah? Where is she from? What does she like? Second paragraph What is country music? What is country music about? Third paragraph What is Sarah s dream? Who is Garth Brooks? Step 7 Language points When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. used to ǏS8^8^ TߍR͋S e.g. She used to sing this song, but now she doesn t. yYǏS~8^1UُLk FO/fs(W N1UN0 2. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. ever since then NeNeg Ns(W[beޏ(u BlR͋_{/f^~'`R͋0 e.g. Ever since then, I have lived here. NeNegb1\OO(Wُ?Q0 3. It reminds us that the best thing in life is free& . reminds sb. that+NS OgN`wgN e.g. This book reminds me that I should study hard. ُ,gfNcb^勪RRf[`N0 4. Sarah hasn t been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. It is her dream to + do sth. ZPgN/fgNvh` e.g. It is my dream to go to America. SV/fbvh`0 5. I hope to see him sing live one day! 1) see sb. do sth. h:y wgNZPgN 0{|NRs:WoOY0 Step 8 Writing 2d Use the notes you made in 2c to write a short summary of the passage. Write no more than 100 words. :yO Sarah is an American girl. She likes country music. She is a fan of country music. Country music is a traditional music from the southern states of America. Many songs are about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success. Sarah s dream is to go to Nashville because Garth Brooks is there. She likes to listen to his songs. Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. Step 9 Summary & Exercise 2e Tell something about country music you remember. List questions about what other facts you would like to know about country music. used to ǏS8^8^ fight over N5T return homeV[ on the radio(W6e:g N make sb. do sth. OgNZPgN think aboutQ come to realizenƋ0R ever sinceN& & Neg the home of & & v[ such as OY belong to^\N be kind to sb. [gNS}Y trust one anotherNvON remind sb. that& OgN`w have been toSǏ do research onxvz hope to do sth. ^gZPgN ‰[N` have been to N have gone to e.g. (1) I have been to Beijing. (2) Where is he? He has gone to Beijing. _____________f~SǏg0W s(W N(W̑ ]~VegN0 _____________SNg0W ؏lVegb(W N S؏(W̑0 ;mf[;m(u 1. Where is John?  He ______ the science lab. A. has gone to B. has been to C. went to 2. Where is my sister, mum?  She ___ to the library. She will be back soon. A. has been B. is going C. has gone D. will go 3. May I speak to Lin Tao?  Sorry, he is not in.  He ______ to Changsha. A. has been B. has gone C. went Answers: ACB Step 10 Homework Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Write an article about your favorite singer. Section B 2 (3a Self check) Step 1 Revision Fill in the blanks according to the article. used to, hear, call, with, from, abroad, change, not see, hope, success Sarah ______ fight over almost everything ____ her parents. Later she _____ a song when she studied ______. The song _______ her life forever. The song is ____ a country music singer _____ Garth Brooks, the _____________ musician in American history. Sarah _________ the singer yet, but she has listened to many of his songs. She _____ to see him one day. Key: used to, with, heard, abroad, changed, from, called, most successful, hasn t seen, hopes Step 2 New words 1. introduce v.N~ _P introduce sb. to sb. bgNN~~gN e.g. A: Who can introduce them to us? B: The man is Robert Pattinson and the woman is Adele. They are both famous in the world. 2. line n. Lc v. c e.g. Pleaselineup one after another. cz^c0 The ball went over theline. t~QLuN0 Step 3 Writing 1. 3a Read the questions about a singer or writer. Make a list about the singer or writer. Think of the following: 1. Who is the singer/writer? 2. When did the singer/writer first become famous? 3. How and why did he/she first become famous? 4. What famous songs/books has he/she recorded/written? When? 5. How many CDs/books has he/she sold? 6. How did you find out about him/her? 7. Is he/she still popular today? 8. Have you introduced this singer/writer to others? 9. How do you feel about his/her music/ books? 10. Have you ever played/sung his/her songs yourself? 3b Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use. the first line in the song/book the book/song was written/recorded by enjoyed success in successful song/CD/book I listen to this song/read this book when & The song/book makes me feel & 2. Q\Oc[`7hQNirċN0 1. _(uNirvN\OT cQ0 2. \OTegnv^_QċNv[a0 3. gq_TRv\OT/fNHN0 4. \OTvq_T0 5. aSbS/TS/fNHN0 6. hglT͋pe0 3. One possible version:  The string broken, no matter how even &  is the first line of the song called  Broken String . It was recorded by Jay. I enjoyed success in listening to it. It is a successful song. I listened to it when I was sad. It made me feel happy. My favorite singer is Jay. I like his songs very much. Step 4 Self-check 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box. down, of, about, back, up 1. What do you think _____ this dress? Do you think it looks on me? 2. The little boy was so hungry that he didn t put his spoon _____ at all. He just kept on eating. 3. She grew ____ in a small town, although she lives in a big city now. 4. For homework, our teacher told us to write _____ our summer vacation. 5. At the end of the day, the bus brought us _____ to our school. Keys: of, down, up, about, back 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. I _______ (join) the book club last month and I _________ (read) five books already. 2. I only _______ (start) taking French classes last week and I ___________ (learn) 50 French words already. 3. Tony ________ (buy) a pop music CD yesterday but he ____________ (listen) to it yet. 4. They ___________ (listen) to many songs by The Beatles, but they cannot ____ (sing) any of them. 5. She ____ (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she _________ (have) anytime to read it yet. Keys: joined, have read, started, have learned, bought, hasn t listened, have listened, sing, saw, hasn t had 3. Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you haven t done yet this week. Then ask two other students. 4. Make a conversation. A: Have you done your homework? B: Yes, I have. What haven t you done? No, I haven t. What have you done? A:I haven t & .\I have & . B: Ah, you should hurry up.\You ve done well. Come on. Step 5 Revision Important phrases. Important sentences. Step 6 Exercises Fill in the blanks. 1. His name is on the book, so it b______ to him. 2. M_____ of people go abroad every year. 3. What ____ (+Rv) would you like? 4. Hainan Island is in the ________ (south) part of China. 5. He works hard. His s______ is due. Keys: belongs, millions, else, southern, success Step 7 Homework Write an article about your favorite band, use the useful phrases and sentences above.     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