ࡱ> IKH[ RJ>bjbj8Lΐΐtzzd;,gggggbbb!!!!!!f!^!ubbbbb!ggbggbgL_b 0,!b:!!Pbbbbbbb!!bbbbbbb!bbbbbbbbbz : Unit6 Period One Section A1a-2d Ye Hh :W-Nf[ HsO 2015t^03g12e Unit6 Period One Section A1a-2dYeHh :W-Nf[ H sO N0Teaching GoalsYef[vh 10Knowledge and skill(wƋNb) Vocabularyshoot,stone,weak,god,remind,bit,a little bit,silly, instead of. Structures`$Conjunctions:unless as soon as,sothat a$Sentences--How does the story begin? --Once upon a time,there was a very old man. --What happened next? --As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continu to move the mountains after he died. --Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? --Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. 20process and methodsǏ zNel Pair-work,Group-work,Listening,Speaking,Reading. 30Emotinal attitudes and valuesLet Ss regard Yu Gong as model, to be a consistent great man like Yu Gong. N0Importance and difficultyYef[͑p 10Importance͑p: Vocabularyshoot,stone,weak,god,remind,bit,a little bit,silly, instead of. Structures`$Conjunctions:unless as soon as,sothat a$Sentences--How does the story begin? --Once upon a time,there was a very old man. --What happened next? --As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continu to move the mountains after he died. --Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? --Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. 20Difficultyp: How to make the Ss be interested in the topic and enjoy give their ideas. N0Teaching methodsYef[QY PPT0listening material V0ProceduresYef[Ǐ z Step 1 Greeting 30 seconds Step 2 Pre-task 3 minutes Leading in]R`of 6q[eQ 1a N_Y ~f[u 0[*h_TQ 0vEeN v^Nb[Nُ*NEeN̑v;NNlQv wl0KNT Tf[N/f&TwS+Rv gvEeN ߍbNRNN N0f[uO1\_Y(u-NeN4VkQ N0 gv Tf[S w0R,gUSCQ,gvVGr OVGrvEeN0 T Some day you make a new forein friend,do you want to tell him/her the meaningful/interesing stories? SsYes,I do. T:So,you should know how to tell the stories in English.First, you should to know the names. For example,the four pitures in page 41.Can find their correct names in 1a?,please match the story titles with the pictures. T check the answers:b,d,a,c Step 3 Listening Section A 1b 5 minutes TAfter we know the title, let s listen a story that Wang Ming and Anna is talking about, check the facts you hear. Step 4. Pair-work 1c 10 minutes. Let Ss think of the other three stories,and discuss with their partners.Let some pairs to share.For exampleDNPTXtd_Z_U_E5hh%h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h|h|CJ OJPJaJ o( hyo( h|o( h%o(h|h|CJ,OJQJaJ,o(h|CJ,OJQJaJ,o(hrCJ,OJQJaJ,o(h CJ,OJQJaJ,o(h CJ,OJQJaJ,hRepCJ,OJQJaJ,o(h\nCJ,OJQJaJ,o(hReph>CJROJQJaJ,o(hRephRepCJROJQJaJ,o(h>h>CJ4OJQJaJ,o(h>h>CJ4OJQJaJ,@BDHJLPRTVXh J J $vd`va$gd`$vd`va$gd!& $da$gd)9 $da$gd%$a$gd|$a$gd>   8 F H J L `   H J ŵyl_lylRlRE8RlhnCJ OJPJaJ o(hbwCJ OJPJaJ o(h`CJ OJPJaJ o(hF\CJ OJPJaJ o(h!&CJ OJPJaJ o(h!&CJ OJPJaJ h>h!&CJ OJPJaJ o(h>h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h>h'CJ OJPJaJ o(h>hKCJ OJPJaJ o(h>h*CJ OJPJaJ o(h*h|CJ OJPJaJ o(hPCJ OJPJaJ o(hdHCJ OJPJaJ o(J L ^ ` d  " l  4 B xzؾtdWJWh8}CJ OJPJaJ o(hef{CJ OJPJaJ o(h>hB[CJ OJPJaJ o(hxCJ OJPJaJ o(h`yCJ OJPJaJ o(h>hoCJ OJPJaJ o(h>hOCJ OJPJaJ o(h>h*CJ OJPJaJ o(h|'CJ OJPJaJ o(h/Q8CJ OJPJaJ o(h[CJ OJPJaJ o(h`hCJ OJPJaJ o(h`CJ OJPJaJ o(  l B ztCYO  $da$gd|$vd`va$gd P$vd`va$gd"$vd`va$gd!&z~tv ϿsfsfVFVF9hyDCJ OJPJaJ o(h>h PCJ OJPJaJ o(h>hyDCJ OJPJaJ o(h"CJ OJPJaJ o(h"CJ OJPJaJ hrbh CJ OJPJaJ o(hrbh"CJ OJPJaJ o(hrbh PCJ OJPJaJ o(hrbhd7CJ OJPJaJ o(hrbhyDCJ OJPJaJ o(h[h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h[hCJ OJPJaJ o(h[h CJ OJPJaJ o((,@HJhµtdTdDhch^CJ OJPJaJ o(hJhx CJ OJPJaJ o(hJh^CJ OJPJaJ o(hZHCJ OJPJaJ o(hLCJ OJPJaJ o(hMNCJ OJPJaJ o(hMCJ OJPJaJ o(hhyCJ OJPJaJ o(hLpCJ OJPJaJ o(hFh|CJ OJPJaJ o(hyCJ OJPJaJ o(h:8@h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h|h|CJ OJPJaJ o( J*0:0F0r0~000$vd`va$gd& $da$gdI$d`a$gde-$vd`va$gd^ $da$gd| $da$gdMNh²~qdWJdWd=Jh(4CJ OJPJaJ o(h}CJ OJPJaJ o(h8CJ OJPJaJ o(he-CJ OJPJaJ o(h5CJ OJPJaJ o(hCJ OJPJaJ o(h:TCJ OJPJaJ o(h~"CJ OJPJaJ o(h%CJ OJPJaJ o(h|h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h^CJ OJPJaJ o(hch^s CJ OJPJaJ o(hchCJ OJPJaJ o(hch~"CJ OJPJaJ o( }~ؾtdtTD4h|h|CJ OJPJaJ o(hUWh|CJ OJPJaJ o(hUWhzCJ OJPJaJ o(hUWhCJ OJPJaJ o(hUWhc CJ OJPJaJ o(hUWh~"CJ OJPJaJ o(hN3CJ OJPJaJ o(hICJ OJPJaJ o(h|hECJ OJPJaJ o(h{CJ OJPJaJ o(h CJ OJPJaJ o(hECJ OJPJaJ o(h|CJ OJPJaJ o(hOfCJ OJPJaJ o(<>&(*0000̼|l_RECE_7hCJ OJPJaJ Uh}nCJ OJPJaJ o(hjCJ OJPJaJ o(hCJ OJPJaJ o(hqhCJ OJPJaJ o(hqhj CJ OJPJaJ o(hqhLgCJ OJPJaJ o(hqh|CJ OJPJaJ o(hqh&CJ OJPJaJ o(h|h|CJ OJPJaJ o(hG" CJ OJPJaJ o(h&CJ OJPJaJ h&CJ OJPJaJ o(he-CJ OJPJaJ o(: A:How does the sory begin? B:... A:What happened next? B:... A:Where would they ... B:... Step 5 Listening 2a&2b 8 minutes T:OK,thank you for your sharing.Now ,let s share another story called <Yu Gong move a Mountain> together.Please listen and number the pictures in 2a(1-4) in order to tell the story.And then, circle the word you hear in 2b. T check the answers, explain some important points. Step 6 Game You say,We guess! 2c 5 minutes Let a few Ss to tell the class some stories in their own words as many as possible.But the teller shouldn t tell the title at first. The other Ss try to guess which stories they are telling! T give some necessary help to the Ss.Step 7 Group-work 2d 10 minutes Teacher explain some diffcult points in 2c and teach Ss to read the conversation.Then 2 minutes for the Ss to ready. And then, let a few groups to read. Step 8 Summary 5 minutes e͋journey,move,shoot,repair,stone,weak,remind , as soon as...N...1\...unless,so...that...Ydk...NN... eSHow does the story begin?EeN`HN_Yv What happened next?c NegSuNNHN Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? (_[f[u];`~ k*N͋vaIN (ul >NOP[) Step 8 Homework 10Recite the new words. 20Discuss a story with your partner, write down your conversation on your exercise book. N0LayoutgfN Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Period One Section A 1a 2d Vocabularyshoot,stone,weak,god,remind,bit,a little bit,silly, instead of. Structures`$Conjunctions:unless as soon as,sothat a$Sentences--How does the story begin? --Once upon a time,there was a very old man. --What happened next? --As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continu to move the mountains after he died. --Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? --Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. 000001111R1T11222(33X4Z4ҲsfYfI<0hV@CJ OJPJaJ hV@CJ OJPJaJ o(hhV@CJ OJPJaJ o(h cCJ OJPJaJ o(h-s~CJ OJPJaJ o(hCJ OJPJaJ o(htCJ OJPJaJ htCJ OJPJaJ o(hp"CJ OJPJaJ o(hp"CJ OJPJaJ hqhCJ OJPJaJ o(hqh4CJ OJPJaJ o(hqh$CJ OJPJaJ o(hqhkCJ OJPJaJ o(hCJ OJPJaJ o(012(335566\778H8888&99$vd`va$gd)+$vd`va$gd9$vd`va$gdO-}$vd`va$gdV@$dWD`a$gdp"$vd`va$gd&Z4N5\5v5x5|5555546>6666667Z7\77ؾؤ}m]mPCP6hq{CJ OJPJaJ o(h0CJ OJPJaJ o(hoCJ OJPJaJ o(h2QhTCJ OJPJaJ o(h2Qh$`CJ OJPJaJ o(h$`CJ OJPJaJ o(hc?CJ OJPJaJ o(hO-}CJ OJPJaJ o(hCCJ OJPJaJ o(h%~CJ OJPJaJ o(hz#kCJ OJPJaJ o(hy#CJ OJPJaJ o(hB CJ OJPJaJ o(hCJ OJPJaJ o(hV@CJ OJPJaJ o(77777 88H8888888888$9&99˾˱zm`PCm6h)+CJ OJPJaJ o(h0CJ OJPJaJ o(h)+h)+CJ OJPJaJ o(h|CJ OJPJaJ o(h9CJ OJPJaJ o(h|hqYCJ OJPJaJ o(h y\CJ OJPJaJ o(hqYCJ OJPJaJ o(h2eCJ OJPJaJ o(hq{CJ OJPJaJ o(hRjCJ OJPJaJ o(hw%CJ OJPJaJ o(h!CJ OJPJaJ o(h+ CJ OJPJaJ o(h0CJ OJPJaJ o(9999::::; ;H>J>¶ªh|hqCJ OJPJaJ o(h8CJ OJPJaJ o(h8CJ OJPJaJ h3?CJ OJPJaJ h3?CJ OJPJaJ o(hMkh= %CJ OJPJaJ o(hMkhCCJ OJPJaJ o(h|h0CJ OJPJaJ o( 99P::;;;0<\<J==H>J>$vd`va$gd8$vd`va$gd8$vd`va$gd3? 6182P:p|. 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