ࡱ> RTOPQ#` RDbjbjmm<`*8ʛL<*.^^^^^$/hJ66^^4:^^lX^R + kųŴ|*D0 TXX $TxJ: 66EX***hm-***m***  ؚN N _ON Unit1 Friendship W@x͋Gl]V ͋'`lbc 1. ignore vt. ________ n. 2. German adj. __________n. 3. power n. _________ adj. 4. dusty adj. __________ n. 5. recover v. __________n. 6. exactly adv. ___________adj. 7. dislike n.&vt. _________(SIN͋)unlike _________; likely ___________. 8. disagree vi. ____________ n . ___________(SIN͋) 9. entire adj. ___________ adv. 10. settle v. __________n. ___________n. US͋kXzz 1. The business is owned by two _________(TON) 2. Before the __________(U^^) went up, the dancers took their places on stage. 3. When his wife died, he was very ____________(d[US) 4He had broad shoulders and____________(:_ gRv)arms. 5He used to smoke a _________(\S) of cigarettes a day. 6. He wants a job that will let him work o_________. 7. The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 i___________. 8. The phone rang, but she i______________ it. 9. It took a long time for him to r____________ from a bad cold. 10. It was e____________ my own fault. 11. The boy's poor health c_____________ his parents. 12. She helped the child l__________ the laces of his shoes(&^). 13That's e______________ what I expected. 14. Put on your o________. It is quite cold outside. 15. I am g___________ to have you help me repair the house. b͋~kXzz in order to no longer/not& any longer suffer from on purpose be concerned about go through set down get/be tired of get along with join in calm down add up I__________________ watching television; let's go for a walk. We started early ______________ arrive before dark. The country has _______________ too many wars. 4. They are going to ____________ the singing. 5. She _______________ your safety, you should come back earlier next time. 6. She often ______________ headaches. 7. Although I am a new comer, I __________________my classmates very well. 8. I didn't do it ________________. It was an accident. 9. ___________3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12. 10. I have ________________everything that the teacher said. USy b 1I have to __________all the books before the exams. A. go through B. go over C. go up D. go out 2. His illness _________ the familys trouble. A. add up B. add up to C. add to D. are added to 3. As far as I am_________, I agree with what you said. A. concerning B. concerned C. faced D. known 4. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 5. We have been getting _______ our students since we came to this school. A. along well B. along well with C. well along with D. well with 6. Dont ______in the exam. A. calm B. cheat C. list D. ignore 7. _________ peoples discussion and you will know a lot. A. Join B. Join in C. Take part D. Add up 8. Holiday is coming. Students are busy _______ their things in the suitcase. A. pack up B. packing up C. packing off D. pack into 9. ________ down what the expert will say at the meeting, will you? Which of the following is not right? A. Put B. Set C. Write D. Take 10. I t is not a serious illness. I guess she will ______ soon. A. remove B. recover C. replace D. reduce SP[ы 1. QY N N/fEeaُ7hZPv0calm down on purpose 2. gNN:N N'Yf[/fl gaINv0There is no point (in) doing sth. "NN Na0RǏ0(upset) =\{N NU"kf[`N N؏/fReQNOPN0dislikejoin :NN Nߏ0R Nw^_e0in order to 6rk^8^sQ_bNveP^0be concerned about Unit 2 English around the world I. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given words. include modern present identity government standard recognize direction play a big part (role) in such as even if (though) be based on a number of l ) The price ______________ dinner, bed and breakfast. 2) The film ____________a true story that happened in the 17th century. 3 ) We should replace the equipment with something more ___________. 4) ____________ great ____________ high school teachers are needed in Shenzhen. 5) I couldn't _____________ my friend because I hadn't seen her for seven years. 6) Large classes ______________ great problems to many teachers. 7) The ______________ has announced plans to make the city more beautiful. 8 ) He set himself such high _____________ that he often disappointed himself. 9 ) Are you sure we are in the right ___________? 10) Her lather has never ___________ in her life. 11) Police are trying to discover the ________________ of a baby found by the roadride. 12) Some flowers ________________orchids and roses are becoming rare in this town. 13) 1 can still remember the accident, ______________ it happened long ago. II. Complete the sentences with proper words. 14) My grandfather doesn't like the W ____________way of life, so he came back to our hometown last year. 15) She has a very large v____________ and she can read English novels now. 16) Being deaf and dumb makes c_____________ very difficult. 17) His n___________ language is not Chinese but he can speak it fluently. 18) Everyone went to see the film, me i_______________. 19) He made repeated r______________ for help but nobody noticed that. 20) He spoke for an hour but didn't a___________________ say anything important. III. Translate the following phrases into Chinese or English 21). play a role (in) 22) because of 23) come up 24) such as 25) one s native language 26) hQ 27) (W-NVvgN0We 28) vvW^ 29) hQNLu 30) N& & N_ IV.SP[ы 1Ye(WNNvu;m-Nw@w͑v\O(u0(play a/an...part) ________________________________________________________________________ 2ُ,gfN/fNN*NSu(W1930t^vw[EeN:Ǹofv0(base v) ________________________________________________________________________ 3S_NNb4NVXe NNSNBlVEcR0(make a request) ________________________________________________________________________ 4f[!h̑ NbkN*NN|0(more than) ________________________________________________________________________ 5NN_YQYUO)R(uُN:gO0(make use of) ______________________________________________________________________ Unit3 Travel Journal W@x͋Gl]V ͋'`lbc 1. journal. n ________ n. 2. prefer vt _________n. 3. disadvantage _________ (SIN͋) 4. graduate v__________ n. 5. finally __________( TIN͋). 6. organize. V ___________ n. 7. determine v ____________ adj. 8 transport v _____________n (N]wQ ) 9 trip n ___________v 10 bend ____________( ǏS_) US͋kXzz 1. After the work, he took a deep_____________(|T8T) 2. Our teacher ___________ZWc that we leave at once. 3. He is_____________(ZW:_). 4Different people have different____________(`^). 5Are you _____________(q`) with what he said ? 6. You can t i__________ what he said yesterday 7. She was a gentle girl, but sometimes she was as s__________as a mule 8. Tom tried to p__________ his father to give up smoking , but he failed 9. Last year, Mary and her friends had an interesting e__________ in Kunming. 10. Please fill in the blanks with a p_______ word. 11 He g_________ from Harvard with a degree in law. 12 Excuse me, what is the f_______ to Paris? Is 10 dollars enough? 13 Most students keep a d________ of their everyday life. 14 He was c_________ along the street when he was knocked off his bike. 15 The plane is flying at an a___________ of 10,000 feet. N b͋~kXzz be fond of , care about, change one s mind , make up one s mind, give in, give up as usual, prefer & to , be familiar with, find out, give out , bring up Can you _________ what time the train leaves? Children are _________ in a better way by their educated mothers. Many boys ___________ playing football after school. 4. Li Ping _______ watching TV at home_______ going out for playing. 5. Are you _________________the popular song ?. 6. She is a brave fighter, she never ______________ 7. Once he has ________________, nothing can change it. 8. My brother does not ___________ the details of the book. 9. His father gets up early ________ and does exercise outside. 10. The doctor persuaded my father to_________ smoking and drinking too much. V USy b She _________ state secrets to the enemy. A gave in B gave away C gave off D gave up 2 His son has ________ into a hard-working young man. A grown up B brought up C called up D taken up 3 The water here is not good , so I am drinking beer_________. A instead of B instead C too D either 4 Most people prefer ________ money________ it. A spending, to earning B to be spending, to be earning C to spend, to earn D having spent, to having earned 5 I would like to buy a house which has a(n) ________ over the sea. A image B view C sight D scenery 6 __ Does your wife like tea ? __ Well, she does not really________ tea, she likes coffee better. A care for B care C care about D care of 7 She was so _________ that she wouldnt give in until she received a full apology. A simple B lucky C stubborn D proper 8 Betty is very popular because she is easy____________ A ,to be getting along B to be got along with C to get along with D to get along 9 Have you ___________ where to go for your honeymoon? A made up your minds B changed your minds C kept in mind D fixed your minds 10 My father has never liked meat, but he always had a _______ for fruits and vegetables. A interest B hobby C preference D devotion N SP[ы bR6rNbp FON N,T0 persuade Ne`O w[ 1\__0 ( once ) `Oq`ُS5uoNT ( familiar) yYZWcyY/fcknxv0 (insist) Nh` gN)Ys8nNLu0 ( dream of/about) N[SFT(W[̑_N N?aaSFU^0(prefer to----- rather than) Unit4 Earthquakes W@x͋Gl]V ͋'`lbc 1. nation .n ________ adj 2. dirt vt __________adj 3. extreme adj _________ adv 4. injure vt. __________ adj __________n 5. use vt __________adj ___________adj 6. electricity n. ___________adj. 7. frighten vt___________adj 8 express vt___________n __________adj 9 . judge vt. ____________ n 10 suffer vt____________ n NUS͋kXzz It is an area where natural __________~p often happen. The firemen ___________(%Qe) the boy from the burning house. Teachers have ___________ (h) concern about the emphasis on testing. The hurricane left the whole city in __________(%N͑S_c) A great many houses were _________(4xOW)in the earthquakes and many people became homeless. The machine is driven by e_______________. We b_______ into laughter when we heard the funny story. Many men were b_______ underground when the accident at the mine happened. The sun r_______ in the east every day. When food goes bad, it becomes s___________. Back from the cinema, the couple were s__________ on seeing their house broken in. They o__________ the youths to form a group to protect the environment. The soldiers t__________ their enemies and forced them to give in. B________ are still a main kind of building material now. When water is heated to 100!, s________ comes out from it. N b͋~kXzz right away, as if, in ruins, dig out , be buried in , suffer from, be proud of even if , a great number of , at an end , be trapped in , in the endShe was __________her son. He did well at university and now is a doctor. The house began to shake , so all the students must leave the house __________. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay _____________. He acted_________ he was a doctor. Since she left, he is ____________ his work. My father has _____________ his heart illness for about 20 years. The year is ________________. Such _______________people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. The soldiers organized teams to ________ those persons who were__________ the danger. V USy b 1 Weifang is well-known________ its beautiful kites of different kinds. A as B for C to D in 2 ________ last term we had finished our experiments. A At the end of B In the end C By the end of D At an end 3 He is in hospital now after he was _________in the accident. A injured B hurt C wounded D harmed 4 We were ________ at their leaving without saying anything. A injured B hurt C wounded D harmed 5 The level of the water in the river_________ after the heavy rain. A raise B raised C rise D rose 6 Her head was ______ in the book she was reading. A devoted B raised C buried D trapped 7 __ Our food will _______. Hurry to get help from the nearby village. __ No need. It will last us for as long as two weeks. A give out B give off C give away D give in 8 In that big fire all their houses were _________, so they had to build new ones. A hurt B harmed C destroyed D fallen 9 Washington , D. C. , a state in the United States , was named __________ one of the greatest American presidents. A in honour of B instead of C in favour of D by means of 10 _______ children whose parents had died in the earthquake ______ sent to live with families in other cities. A A great number of, was B A great number of , were C The great number of , was D The great number of , were N SP[ы 1 St^NNNv(u!p l g(u5u0 ( instead of) MOyf[[[dkNNe@bw V:NNNv(WZPNvxvz]\O0( be buried in) 0WKNT ^W^bN^X0(in ruins) N(W0ȗcQNN{v0 ( dig out) yY[yYvi[P[NvbRa0R^8^j0( be proud of) Unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero W@x͋Gl]V ͋'`lbc 1. self n.. ________ adj._________(SIN͋)__________ adv. 2. devote vt. __________adj. ________ n. 3. peace n. _________ adj. 4. legal adj. _______ ((SIN͋)______ adv. 5. hope n. __________ adj. ________(SIN͋) 6. violence n. ___________adj. 7. willing adj. _________(SIN͋) 8. equal adj. __________ adv. _________ n. ________(SIN͋) 9. fair adj. ___________(SIN͋) 10. educate v. __________adj. ___________n. 11. cruel adj. ___________ n. 12. active adj.________ adv. __________n. US͋kXzz 1. He worked hard but without much ___________. (bl) 2. From whom did he ________(^N)this money? 3. _________(a) differ on this matter. 4His ________(_^) decided to take an appeal to a higher court. 5Her husband is very _________(TlU) about money. 6. The enemy a________ our airport all night. 7. The matter will be decided by v________. 8. He has d__________ his whole life to benefiting mankind. 9. Mount Vesuvius is an a_________ volcano. 10. He is always w___________ to help anyone who is in t__________. 11. Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h________. 12. We should pay more attention to the q_________ as well as the quantity. 13People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p______ life, that is they hope to live in p______. 14. In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e______ to men. 15. Since I was better e________, I got a job working in an office. b͋~kXzz out of work as a matter of fact blow up in trouble turn to lose heart come to power set up be sentenced to reward sb. with sth. the first time escape The school has __________ a special class to help poor readers. Nobody seems to understand. I dont know who to _________. 3. Mr. Li is a good teacher. He always helps us when we're ___________. 4. My wife is _____________ now, so we have to cut down our living expenses. 5. As long as you dont ___________, you will succeed. 6. They showed great interest in everything they saw ________ they visited the Science Museum. 7. Robert ______________ be in prison for 3 years for stealing, but was released a month ago. 8. She _______ the boy ________$10 for his help. 9. _____________, I have never been there before. 10. It was a prison from which no one _________. USy b A fund will be _______ for the dead men s families. A. set about B. set up C. set off D. set out 2. He visited Shanghai ________ he went to China. A. at the first time B. for the first time C. it is the first time D. the first time 3. The news that those who are ___________ will be provided with enough food and clothes for the winter pleases us. A. out of order B. out of date C. out of work D. out of control 4. I dont think he is a person you can ________ for help. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn to D. turn out 5. She started singing to the baby and was _______ with a smile. A. awarded B. rewarded C. prize D. valued 6. Almost all the blacks are fighting ______each other ______ freedom as the white have. A. against; with B. for; with C. with; for D. with; against 7. You need special _______ to work as a nurse. A. qualities B. quantities C. shares D. adventures. 8. A _______ person always thinks about himself. A. selfless B. selfish C. selflessly D. self 9. Mike, I really appreciate your _______, without which I would have failed the interview. A. view B. mind C. opinion D. advice 10. ---Ouch! You hurt me! ---- I am sorry, but I ___________ any harm. I ____ to drive a rat out. A. didn t mean; tried B. didn t mean; am trying C. haven t meant; tried D. didn t mean; was trying SP[ы NPNNRN0 ( be willing to) 2. dlYT~ؚv T (equal) 3e(WUOeYNVX bNN[ N'N1YO_0 (in trouble; lose heart) 4. NgfVwPz$RY Nt^vy0 (sentence) 5. ,{N!kb wُ5uq_e1\U"k NN[0 (the first time) ؚN N _ON Unit1 Cultural relics W@x͋Gl]V N͋'`lbc 1. rare adj. __________ adv. 2. amaze vt. __________ adj. 3. value n. _______ adj. _______(SIN͋) __________adv. 4. survive vt. ___________n. 5. decorate v. __________n._______ adj. 6. wood n. _________ adj. 7. doubt n. vt. ________ adj. _______(S) 8. evidence n. ________ adj. 9. formal adj. __________(S) 10. culture n. __________ adj. NUS͋kXzz 1. Can I buy lunch for you __________ (\O:NbT{) for your help? 2. This vase is valued __________(\N) 40 dollars. 3. Those two countries have been ___________(Nb) for a long time. 4. The machine has already been ____________(b_). 5. John mentioned several judges names, but he didn t ____________(ċNؚ) them. 6. There is no d_______ that he will get the first prize. 7. Pandas are a kind of r_______ animals. 8. That dictionary isnt mine; it b_______ to the library. 9. She is an able girl and she d_________ all her dresses. 10. I f________ hes pretty happy. 11. She r________ the painting to another wall. 12. He bought me a v_________ diamond ring as a birthday present. 13. The great hall was d_________ with flowers. 14. That novel isnt w________ reading. 15. Catherine works at the l________ post office. b͋~kXzz at war belong to less than take apart in return to one s surprise in search of think highly of look into there is no doubt that rather than in other words A team of 350 experts were sent to the desert _____________ the buried ancient city. The police have received the letter and they are _____________it. I gave him some apples _____________ his help. The headmaster ______________me because of my good performance. Recently Ive found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I dont know whether it should ___________me. The old man saw some Germans _____________ the Amber Room and moving it away. He is an explorer ___________ a sailor. When two countries were __________, troops of armies were sent to battlefront to fight. He is not _______ interested in composing music _______Jane. Much ______________, the task was finished in only one week. USy b Though he is a murderer, he should receive a fair _______. A. experiment B. trial C. doubt D. test 2. As is known to all, the financial crisis firstly broke out in the United States which _______ the group of developed countries. A. belonging to B. was belonging to C. belongs to D. is belonged to 3. The little boy was the only one who ______ the earthquake in his village, and the government sent him to a city school after that. A. experienced B. escaped C. survived D. suffered 4. Theres no doubt ________ international cooperation is the key to ______ with cybercrime.(Q~rj) A. whether; doing B. that; dealing C. whether; do D. that; do 5. I m so busy while he is _______play. A. on B. at C. on the D. at the 6. Teenagers shouldnt be ________ from school although they dont do well in studies. A. disappeared B. gone C. removed D. beaten 7. Whether by accident or _______, he arrived too late to help us. A. purpose B. aim C. design D. chance 8. The countries have been _______ for more than a century. A. at rest B. at war C. at table D. at school 9. What he did _______ what he said moved us. A. more than B. rather than C. less than D. no more than 10. There was ______ time ______ I hated to go to school. A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when SP[ы keuN/fMOpgQvz/g[0(doubt) l`0RNZPُ7hvN0 (fancy) bS[~bRlzpN}ll0 in search of ُLf/fs=Nv0 (belong to) 5. NNyYNNsptNT{"yYv}Ya0 ( in return ) Unit2 The Olympic Games W@x͋Gl]V N͋'`lbc 1. compete vi. ____________ n.; ______________ n.; ________________ adj. 2. regular adj. ________________adv. 3. athlete n. ___________________adj. 4. admit v. ________________ n. 5. responsibility n. ___________________ adj. 6. advertise v. _______________ n. 7. foolish adj. ______________ n. __________ v. 8. hopeless adj. ____________SIN͋ ; ___________v.; ______________n. 9. pain n. ___________ adj.; ___________ adv. 10. physical adj. ________________ n. ________________n. N. US͋kXzz 1. This is an ____________(Sv) custom. 2. The _______________(_?a) for community service are doing a good job. 3. He made a __________ ([gv) visit to his parents. 4. This store often ____________ (N "}9) only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs. 5. The theater _________ ([~) 1000 people. 6. The death of her son gave her infinite p__________. 7. Our position is h_____________; we'll never get out alive. 8. These toys are a real b______________ at such low prices. 9. The driver paid a fifty-dollar f___________ for speeding(). 10. The Olympic M_________ is  Faster, Higher, Stronger 11. As a husband, he often went home late. He is completely lacking in r___________. 12. China is the h______________ of tea. 13. They found themselves c_____________ with foreign companies for a share of the market. 14. Beijing h__________ the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which was quite successful 15. Their claim had no b__________ in fact (=it was not true). b͋~kXzz take part in; stand for; as well; in charge; one after another; for the honour of; every four years; make a bargain; deserve to do sth; volunteer; be admitted to; compete for; be replaced withI am sure that he will ______________ Beijing university this summer. More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to __________ the first prize. Every four years, many athletes from different countries _____________the Olympic Games. Every one in our class is fighting _____________________ our class in the competition. I'm coming to London and my sister's coming ______________. The American flag ____________ freedom and justice. John was late again. He ______________ be punished. The monitor will be _______ when the head teacher is away. She ________________ with the bookseller over the price. After the class, the students left ___________________. VUSy b 1. Our headmaster will_______ us in the discussion this afternoon. A. take part in B. join in C. join D. attend The students competed ____ the honor of winning ____ each other _____ the school sports meet. A. for, against, in B. in, with, against C. against, for, at D. about, in, with 3. Dont worry. Ill help to _____ the guests. A. hold B. wait C. accept D. host 4. Her mother _______ having read the letter. A. thought B. considered C. admitted D. advised 5. It was lucky for him to be admitted ____ the dream university he had longed for. A. as B. to C. with D. for 6. I went to see a film _____________ last year. A. every three weeks B. every third weeks C. each three weeks D. each three weeks 7. I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real________. (2008q\N) A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business FHlnpq"2LMJ3"5"~$$j&b***ٿٸٮ١ٔ١يـypgpgpgpg^Th h9CJo(h h CJh h CJh h`'CJ h[CJo(h h CJo(h h9CJ\h h9B*CJphh h9B*CJphh h9>*CJ h1CJo(h hs CJ!h h9B*CJKHPJphh h9CJ!h hHB*CJKHPJphh hHCJKHPJ:HRj  r &bgd9 & Fgd9 ` 1$WD`` gds 1$WD`gds 1$WDR`gds $ 1$WD` a$gd 8CD/ `DR\]rjjj & Fgd9lkd$$IflQ%% t0%644 layts $Ifgd wl & Fgd9gd9 .{P",3n"o"LM WDd`gd dgd9 & Fgd9gd9@"$<>$a$gd`' & Fgd9 & Fgd9gd9NyD- z !5!!!3"a""#dhgd`'$a$gd`'#Z###*$~$$$$$%% &(&@&T&j&|&&X''2(~()D))*dhgd dhgd`'***********************++gdH & FgdH ` 1$WD`` gd G1$WDs`Ggd dhgd ****B+`+z+|+++,,,,,,,-4-6-x------11333333,?.?P?R???HHbUUUUUwh h,CJmHsHh h^pCJmHsHh[CJmHo(sHh7CJmHo(sHh hHCJOJQJ h[CJo(h hHCJKHPJ hs CJ hs CJo(h hebCJ!h hHB*CJKHPJphh hHCJ h CJo(.+&,,..x../~//10y001E1y111|223'4$Ifgd"l & FgdHgdH'4(4V4445D5y555`66 7^7} & F gdHgdH & FgdHlkdS$$Ifl!! t0!644 layt" ^778Z8889A9999:`:::';`;;;<8=====&>(>\> & F gdHgdHh^hgdH\>^>>>>>*?,?.?0?2?4?6?8?:??@?B?D?F?H?J?L?N?P?R? $1$a$gdH $1$a$gdH & F gdHgdHR?v???@c@@ AQA B|BBCCDDhEE'FTFFF2GmG@H & FgdHgdH & F gdH$1$WD@`a$gd7 $1$a$gdH@HRHIII#JsJJJJAK`XXXXXX & F gdHlkd$$Ifl &r& t0r&644 layt[$Ifgd"lh$IfWD`hgd l@&gdH AK_KKL$LLMM NNNNNOJOOOO4PnPPQ@QQRtRRXWD^X`gd gdH@&gdH & F gdHRSTXTZTTTTTUU\U^U`UbUdUfUhUjUlUnUpUrUtUvU$}1$WD`}a$gd  & F gdHgdH@&gdHXWD^X`gd vUxUzU|U~UUUUUUUtVVbWW:XXLYYYZZZ[[gd8v & Fgd8vgd3 & FgdH$ 1$WD{` a$gd $}1$WD`}a$gd UUUUUUVVTVrVVVVVVWW.W:WNLN!k0(every four years) 4. ُMOЏRXT(WeYg9SKQЏRO N_$NWWёLr0(gold medal) 5. Sb{t/fSO;mRvNyb__0(physical exercise) 6. `Ol gQY1\S^Ջ/fa"v0It is foolish of sb to do sth Unit3 Computers W@x͋Gl]V N.͋'`lbc 1. simplify vt. __________ adj __________ adv 2.operator n. ___________v. ________ n. 3. solve vt. ____________n. 4. explore v._______________ n. _________________ n. 5. reality n. ____________ vt. _____________ adj. ____________adv. 6. application n. _____________ v. __________ adj. 7. finance n. _______________ adj. 8. appearance n. ______________ v. 9. logical adj. ______________ adv. ____________ n. 10. happiness n. _____________ adj. ____________ adv. N.US͋kXzz 1. As soon as the students of geology arrived on the island, they were eager to ______c"} . 2. You should ________({S) the procedure it s too complex ( YBgv). 3. Music is the ________ ((uv) language of human beings. 4. He set a ________ (vh for himself of exercising at least three times a week. 5. They ____________ ([OW) their child with too much praise in the past. 6. We have a lot in c________, so we often have a lot to talk about. 7. She didn t like the plan, but p__________ I see nothing wrong with it. 8. They get along with each other quite well though their personalities are t________ different. 9. We are all persuaded by his _____________ argument. 10. Unexpected difficulties a________ in the course of their experiment. 11. With the help of his friends, he finally s_________ the problem. 12. It may rain, but a_________ I will go out playing basketball. 13. We can d____________ many songs from the internet nowadays. 14. There are different t________ of blood, as you know. 15. He said he wouldn t come, so his sudden a____________ surprised all of us. N. b͋~kXzz in common go by deal with in a way share& with as a result as well as make up with the help of after all watch over win second place be filled with 1. Will you please _________ my child while I am out? 2. Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________. 3. When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _________ for the missed lessons. 4. __________, he has been very successful. 5. I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door. 6. I made great progress in English ___________ Mr. Lin. 7. Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of six. 8. Three months _________ before I knew about it. 9. Your unbelievable story should be _____________ us. 10. When we got the news that we won, the room _____________ laughter. V.USy b 1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than ________, for it was not a(n)____ day. A. common; usual B. usual, ordinary C. usual, normal D. common, ordinary 2. How do you ____ it and what should ____ it? A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do with 3. I can t tell you the exact time I ll get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. ____, I ll be there as early as I can. A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore 4. The new dictionaries are very useful. They _______ well and ________ already. A. sell, have been sold out B. sold, had sold out C. sell, sell out D. are sold, have been sold out 5. -- John failed his final exam. -- I m not surprised at the news _______. ________, he is never seen busy with his lessons. A. at all, After all B. in all, After all C. above all, In all D. at all, In all 6. There used to _________ a truck ____________ and I can t get through. A. be, in the way B. be, in a way C. being, on the way D. being, by the way 7. _____ you grow older, you ll know better and better about yourself. A. Since B. As C. Before D. So 8. Tom is ___________ that he can t go to school. A. so a young boy B. a so young boy C. a such young boy D. such a young boy 9. _______will be years ______ we meet again. A. Theresince B. Thereafter C. Itthat D. Itbefore 10.________ I could get in a word he had left. A. Until B. Before C. After D. 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