ÐÏࡱá>þÿ çéþÿÿÿãäåæÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿì¥Á'` øR¿öIbjbjVwVw2Z44Êþÿÿÿÿÿÿ€Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò æ ÎíÎíÎí8ïDæ =%N ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ>ò&dò pò@BBBBBB‹'hó)RBµÒ ¡ >ò>ò¡ ¡ BÒ Ò ñ ñ4÷$GGG¡ ÎÒ ñÒ ñ@G¡ @GGŽ„hÒ Ò T ñþð  bð=ãýÍÎío^ìüD %0=%üXE*ÍE* TE*Ò Tšxòæ^ú€G„†xòxòxòBBãdxòxòxò=%¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ æ æ æ €pŠ~Doæ æ æ Š~æ æ æ Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò ÿÿÿÿ  ؚNñ‚í‹Ò[GP\ON ,{N)Y Nÿ9hncåSP[Ó~„g„ví‹Õl'` ÿ(W Nb—zzN __vote___ 4ۏ;e ;eûQ šbûQ _attack_ 5 Ye²€ ­‹Ã~ _educate__ 6 ÷‹Bl ^NBl _request_ 7 $R³Q £[$R _sentence__ n. 1 (Ï‘ ÁT(_quality_ 2 êb ꁫŽ _identity__ 3 qQŒTýV qQŒT?eSO__repulic __ 4 ÕlR ŸSt ŸSR_principle_5 ºN{|_mankind_ 6‹_^_lawyer_7 cü[ †˜ü[_guidance __ 8O9 f[9__fee__ 9R—t^ R—t^öeg_youth_ 10 Tßv T€ßv T€TO _league_ 11‚ðS 6–µk öeg__stage_12 Ûkïk ïkP[ _blanket__ 13²Nb ²N^\ _relative__ 14P`` ïS`„vºN P``öeg P``;mšR ___terror__ 15‹kÍ_ ‹kw‘__cruelty__ 16 ¥bl‘ VYё __reward__ 17O• !h• Lˆ• _president_ 18 Žf›R ŽfLˆ _violence_ 19aÁ‰ ;N _ _opinion__ II expressions 11YN _out of work__ 2 ‹Nž[ N _as a matter of fact__ 3 (WqSi– ðVŸ–I{¯sƒX-N_in trouble_ 4Bl©RŽN ô›RŽN __turn to_ 5 'N1YÇRlbáOÃ_ __lose heart___ 6S_Cg NðS ___come to power__ 7 ú^Ëz __set up__ 8 «ˆ$RY& & ÿ{kR ÿbe sentenced to III.(uìb÷S…Q@bÙ~US͋„vcknxb__kXzz0 1. After _graduating_ from college, he chose to follow his own plan. (graduate) 2. She is a _determined_ woman who often gets the things that she wants. (determine) 3. He has a _perfer_ for apples over other fruits. (prefer) 4. I offered my _ congratulation _ to him on his success in the driving test. (congratulation )5. The goods to the disaster area were _transporting_____ by train. (transport) 6. The new machine has its _shortcoming_, but on the whole it is good. (shortcoming) ,{kQ)Y Close A When we were 13, a teacher asked us in a class, "What do you want to be remembered for?" None of us could give an 21 . So, he smiled and said, "I didn t 22 you to be able to answer it at once, but if you still can t at 50, you’ll have 23 your life." Sixty years later, we met again at a reunion. One of my former classmates asked, "Do you remember our teacher and his 24 ?" All of us recognized it had made a big 25 to each of us, although we hadn’t understood that until we were all in our 40s. At 25, some of us had 26 to answer it but, on the whole, we were all unsuccessful. Even Schumpeter, the great economist (Ï~Nmf[¶[) had trouble answering it. At 25, Schumpeter said he wanted to be remembered as the bravest 27 in Europe and the most 28 economist. By age 60, when thinking of the same question again, he no longer talked of being a policeman and only wanted to be remembered as the man who had given the world an early warning of the 29 of inflation('šÀ€). That s what he wanted to be remembered for. He said it s 30 to be remembered. A21. A. answer B. explanation C. instruction D. action C22. A. persuade B. agree C. expect D. hope B23. A. damaged B. wasted C. remembered D. understood D24. A. teaching B. education C. smile D. question A25. A. difference B. mistakes C. disadvantages D. trouble C26. A. forgotten B. determined C. tried D. failed D27. A. sportsman B. artist C. teacher D. policeman A28. A. famous B. clever C. powerful D. effective C29. A. source B. time C. danger D. truth B30. A. useful B. wonderful C. necessary D. grateful B Many educators feel a need to control the lives of their students through rigid (;RgYeag„v) courses. As a result, many students who are otherwise creative, find themselves in a(n) 21 situation: they must complete the process and 22 graduate in order to be accepted by 23 . Rather than considering a person s ability, our society only places 24 on a person s certificates (Á‹fN). In schools, students must use their brains mostly for 25 rather than developing their interests, 26 their ideas, or solving problems. Even 27 , much of what they are asked to memorize is irrelevant (ëk Nøvr^„v) to their world. When we force them to memorize certain facts and to copy those facts on a test, we are 28 that we have successfully controlled them, but educators must stop 29 and instead, start managing. Unfortunately, most 30 are not able to understand what is happening to them in the present educational system and, very often, this causes students to feel angry or simply tired of studying. C21. A. unuseful B. unpopular C. unpleasant D. unsuccessful B22. A. fortunately B. eventually C. possibly D. nearly B23. A. family B. society C. public D. government A24. A. importance B. nature C. rank D. quality D25. A. reading B. preparing C. writing D. memorizing D26. A. supporting B. holding C. thinking D. expressing A27. A. worse B. better C. more D. less C28. A. interested B. tired C. pleased D. frightened B29. A. teaching B. controlling C. learning D. helping D30. A. parents B. educators C. schools D. students ,{]N)Y Revision of book I unit 5 N Words filling 1 Which do you think is more important while shopping, price or quality_. 2 On his return he was arrested and was sentenced_ to five years in prison. 3 After liberation, people in that village lived a peaceful_ life; there was no wars again soon. 4 We tried to persuade_ him to give up smoking, but he didn’t listen. 5 He was against violence_; he thought everything could be settled in a peaceful way. 6 Ted is a selfish_ boy who always think of himself only, never others. 7 During their stay in camp, they got attacked______ by a wolf but they successfully drove it away. 8 Be brave enough to show your opinion_______ when discussing with your classmates. 9 Hawking has devoted_______ his life to science researvh and has made great achievements in physics. 10 No one is willing______ to be fooled on April 1st. 11 He didn’t attend school; that is to say, he was not educated_________. 12 Under the right guidance_ of the Party, China has made great achievements in every field. 13 Compared with men, women can’t still get the equal___ pay though doing the same work as they. ŒNPhrases 11YN_out of work__ 2S_Cg ÿ NðS_come to power_ 3«ˆ$RY00000ÿ’_R ÿ_be sentenced to__ 4'N1YÇRlbáOÃ___lose heart_ 5Bl©RŽN ÿô›RŽN_turn to__ 6(WqSi– ÿ×SZ ÿÛuæ‚I{„vYƒX-N_in trouble_ 7ù[0000'Y¹e__be generous with_ 8Šb000!.sÙ~0000_devote to_ 9åNŽf6RŽf ÿåNYr؏Yr__answer violence with violence__ 10žpÁk ÿÙ~000EQl_blow up__ 11‹Nž[ N__as a matter of fact__ 12Šb000•bۏÑvñr_puy000in prison_13ž[°sbìN„vŠhó`__achieve our dream__ 14PNaZPÐg‹N___be willing to__15ú^Ëz ÿRžR__set up__ 16N000øvI{ÿøv T ÿÿÿ›Rl ÿÇRl ÿý€›RI{ ÿý€Ü€ûN„v ÿý€”^ØN„v__be equal to__ 17áOûNÐgºN_believe in__18:NÍSù[000 €b_fight aganist_ ͋Ä~kXzz 9hncåSP[Ðc›O„v틃X ÿÎNåN N͋Ä~-N N*NS_„v͋Ä~v^(uvQ(u„vb__kXzz0 1ÿThe earnings can t meet the needs of the family, for he _has been out of work_for some time. 2ÿNelson Mandela never _lost heart_even when he was in prison. 3ÿNever laugh at those__in trouble_ . 4ÿ__As a matter of fact_, no language is very easy to learn. Keep up, everything will be ok. 5ÿPeople were glad to hear that the terrorists _were sentenced to_death. 6ÿ_Answering violence with violence_is not his principle. It is beyond our imagination. 7ÿI failed once again. How I __am jealous of_your easy success. 8ÿIf the newly-elected president __comes to powers__, everything will be changed. I am sure. N°‹Æ_SentencesèlaўSOèR 1 After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. 2 There/ this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. 3 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. 4 We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government. 5 Only then did we decided to answer violence with violence. 6 I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal. 7 I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. 8 He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. ,{AS)Y USy˜kXzzÿqQ15\˜˜ÿÏk\˜˜1R ÿánR15R ÿ A1.  I think teachers and students should respect each other.  _____. That s important. A. I m with you B. I don t think so C. It doesn t matter D. I m sorry D2. The murderer, who was _____ to death by the judge last week, was only 20 years old. A. made B. caused C. killed D. sentenced B3. The buses, _____ were already full, were surrounded by anxious people. A. all of them B. all of which C. they all D. all which C4. I refuse to lie about it, because it’s against my _____. A. rules B. orders C. principles D. laws A5. This factory _____ produced paper was closed yes-terday because it had caused too much pollution. A. which B. where C. it D. what B6. He was educated at a famous university, _____ he went abroad and settled there. A. after that B. after which C. in which D. in that C7. A large number of people are _____, and how can the local government ignore the problem? A. at work B. in work C. out of work D. after work B8. The kind lady devoted all her life to _____ those homeless children. A. help B. helping C. be helping D. being helped B9. Advertisements are not allowed to be _____ on this wall without special permission. A. set up B. put up C. set out D. put on C10. What _____ the foreigner most was the great num-ber of bicycles on the streets. A. attacked B. hit C. struck D. caused B11. The young man won the best actor _____ after he played a brave policeman in the film. A. reward B. award C. prize D. quality D12. A lot of praises have come from those _____ pa-tients because they are getting better after taking the medicine. A. peaceful B. hopeful C. successful D. grateful C13. The politician was deeply hurt when many of his former supporters voted _____ him, and he lost his place in the government. A. for B. to C. against D. at A14. Only _____ people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist. A. educated B. devoted C. concerned D. relaxed C15. The black hero fought all his life to make black and white people _____. A. fair B. same C. equal D. legal ”N–û‹ NRíw‡e ÿÎNÏk˜˜@bÙ~„vÛV*N y˜ÿA0B0CŒTD ÿ-N ÿ úQgsO y˜0 A & Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interest-ed in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there. By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land. Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly. Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (-pN). Each year, Alaska s natural resources(Dn) have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska be-came the 49th state of the United States. 1. The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because __C____. A. they thought it wasn’t a good place B. they thought it didn’t belong to Russia C. they couldn’t find enough seals there D. they wanted to earn more money from the U.S. 2. When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought __C____. A. it was a successful deal B. it had its true value C. he wasted U.S. money D. he was clever 3 Which of the following things was found first in Alaska? D A. Gas. B. Coal. C. Oil. D. Gold. 4. Before 1959, the United States had __B____. A. 37 states B. 48 states C. 49 states D. 50 states 5. The best title for this passage would probably be _C_____. A. Alaska, a beautiful place B. Alaska with natural resources C. Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S. D. Alaska, home to seals B && My wife passed away seven and a half years ago, and I went through a huge depression (ˆm‰l), the worst time in my life. I even wanted to end my life. I continued to work as a small-town doctor at my medical clinic in Kilauea, Hawaii. My kids had gone to live on the mainland, and I was alone. On a family trip, we turned on the TV and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. I said to my kids, “I’m going to Afghanistan.” International Medical Corps sent me to set up 20 clinics in some provinces where people had no health care. Eventually, the clinics were serving 27,000 patients a month. I had such a sense of accomplishment, a sense of purpose. My depression went completely away. I go wherever disasters strike: Indonesia after the tsunami, Pakistan after the earthquake. I was just in Kenya. After their presidential election, at least a thou-sand people were killed and hundreds of thousands were forced out. We set up mobile clinics in an area with 19,000 refugees (Ÿ–l). Measles broke out, one of the biggest killers of kids in refugee camps, and it spread like wildfire. Water and medical equipment were also problems. When my wife passed away, I thought my life was done. But really, it was just getting started. At the end of her life, my wife fell into a coma (f÷). I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would visit, the exciting adventures we would have. I think about this moment many times during my  adventures . I did not know then how prophetic (HQåw„v) those words would be. She is with me still. 6. The first country where the author provided people with medical care is __D____. A. Indonesia B. Pakistan C. Kenya D. Afghanistan 7. The underlined word “Measles” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to __D____. A. a kind of fire B. a kind of polluted water C. a kind of medicine D. a kind of disease 8. The author and his wife __B____. A. experienced a lot of exciting adventures B. loved each other very much C. lived on the mainland D. would travel to many places together 9. From this passage we know that the author _B_____. A. is a famous doctor B. got over his wife’s death C. is always in depression D. experienced many disasters 10. Which of the following word can best describe the story in this passage? C A. Sad. B. Exciting. C. Inspiring. D. Disastrous. ,{ASN)Y Å_îO2 Unit1 ,{NèR0úW@xKmՋ A. US͋üb™Q ÷‹9hncIlí‹Ðc:yb–™W[Ík™QúQUS͋„vcknxb__ 1. The __vases______ (±‚öt) belong to the Ming Dynasty. 2. The Great Wall is one of the ____wonders_______ (GYù) of the world. 3. We are going to buy some ___furnitule_______ (¶[wQ) for our new house. 4. You shouldn t __pretend_______ (GPň) to know what you don t know. 5. I don t like the colour of the car. ___Besides__ ( €N), it s too expensive. 6. Train fares are likely to remain_ unchanged. We can still buy cheap tickets. 7. These houses are made of bricks and sank_. 8. When heated_, the amber can be made into any shape. 9. The family jewel_ are locked in a safe. 10.We should do everything we can to protect cultural_ relics instead of destroying them. B. åS‹Wlbc 9hncAåSåSIN ÿ(u,gUSCQ@bf[„våS‹Wbíw틌[bB åS,OvQåSINøv Tbøvя0 11. A: Once heated, the amber can be made into any shape. B: Once _it_ _is__ heated, the amber can be made into any shape. 12. A: It took a team of the country’s artists ten years to make it. B: A team of the country’s artists __spent_ ten years _in_ _making_ it. 13. A: I don’t know what he’s doing. I don’t care, either. B: I don’t know what he’s doing. _Neither_ _do_ I care. 14. A: She went into the kitchen to look for a drink. B: She went into the kitchen in _search_ __of__ a drink. 15. A: This dictionary is very useful in our English study. B: This dictionary is _of_ __great_ __use in our English study. C. Œ[båSP[ 16. We can give them something _in_ __return_ ___for__ (\O:NÞV¥b) their help. 17. This kind of wood can _be_ __make_ __into_ (6Rb) fine paper. 18. The child is lost in the mountain. The police _are_ searching_ the mountain _of_ (û[~b) him. 19. I don t know what he s doing. _Neither_ ___do___ __I__ __care__ (b_N NsQÃ_). 20. He _could t_ __have_ __gone__ ( NïSý€»S) to Beijing last night. I saw him just now. í‹ÕlkXzz 21Real friendship is more __valuable__(value) than money. 22.I was absolutely __amazed__(amaze) when I heard he'd been promoted. 23.They searched for _survivors_(survive) but it was hopeless. 24.The house was surrounded by a tall, __wooden_ (wood) fence. 25.Many unearthed __cultural_ (culture) relics were exhibited at the museum. 26.Finally I decided to stay in Chongqing, __where__ I finished my college study. 27.__As__ is known to all, China will be a powerful country in 20 or 30 years' time. 28.He was always speaking highly of her role in the play,__which__, of course, made the others unhappy. 29.The house _where_ he used to live is his uncle's. 30.The house __that_ he used to live in is his uncle's. 31.I still remember the day __when_ I won the medal. 32.I still remember the day __on__ __which_ I won the medal. 33.It was not until 11 _that__ he got home last night. 34.His _physical_ (physics) and mental health had got worse. 35.Forty __competitors_ from 204 countries are competing in the fierce _competed__(compete) 36.How long have David and Vicky been __married__ (marry). 37.___Personally__(person), I don't think much of the idea. 38.We haven't found the __solution__ (solve) yet. 39.——The window is dirty. —— I know. It _hasn’t_ (clean) for weeks. 40.I 'll tell you all _that__ I know about the accident. 41.Alice received an invitation from her boss, _which_ came as a surprise. 42.China is a developing country, _as_ we all know. 43.He kept looking at her, wondering whether he __had seen_(see) her somewhere. 44.Millions pounds' worth of damage __has been caused_(cause) by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. 45.Good teamwork is a _powerful__ (power) tool for _effective__(affect) management. 46.In modern times, everyone longs to be _successful_. However, how to achieve __success__ remains an unsolved puzzle.(succeed) 47.At this time tomorrow we'll __be flying_ (fly) over the Atlantic. 48.I have to go to work by taxi because my car __is being repaired_ (repair) at the garage. 49.A new cinema __is being built__ (build) here. They hope to finish it next month. 50.She has a talent for __music_. She dreams of becoming a well-known _musician_ (music) 51.Last month, I issued (ÑS) an _invitation_ to Marie, _inviting_ her to my wedding.(invite) 52.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of _which_ was very reasonable. 53. The girl _whose_ hair is red is very different from others. 54.Tom asked the policeman with __whom_ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident. 55.The gentleman about __whom__ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. ,{ASŒN)Y III –û‹t㉠A Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali(:_±x) sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United states. Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”--- the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place. Here nature created a lot of surprising scenes, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable(ØSS„v) parts of Death Valley is the Devil s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen. 56. __D____ is the lowest place in the desert. A. Tomesha B. Death Valley C. Nevada D. Badwater 57. The present name of the valley comes from _B_____. A. an Indian name B. the death o the miners C. the local people D. a National Movement 58. From the passage we can learn that __C____. A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners B. it’s still not easy to travel across the desert C. people can find gas stations, cafes and hotels in the desert D. people have changed the natural sight of the desert 59. Devil Golf Course is famous for __C____. A. the frequent wind B. the colors of the sand C. dream-like sights D. the sand sculptures 60. From the passage we can see that the writer __A____ Death Valley. A. appreciates B. is fearful of C. dislikes D. is tired of B Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict( g>v„vºN) he jokes.  I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled. Today David wears casual clothes khaki pants and a sports shirt to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie.  I am working harder than ever, David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.” More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes? In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday). This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing,” said business consultant Maisly Jones. Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code.” “A lot of young people don’t want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative (ÝOˆ[„v) dress code. Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress has a negative morale (Ã_ƒX ÿëXl). Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative influence on productivity. Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money.  Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.” 61.David Smith refers to himself as having been “ a clothes addict,” because_C___. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt B. he couldn’t stand a clean appearance C. he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time D. he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes 62. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because_A___. A. they make him feel at ease when working B. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes C. he looks handsome in casual clothes D. he no longer works for any company 63. According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE? D Many employees don’t like a conservative dress code. Comfortable clothes make employees more productive. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees. All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear. 64. According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? C Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago. 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Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people. 65. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT_B_. A. saving employees’ money B. making employees more attractive C. improving employees’ motivation D. making employees happier ,{AS N)Y B2 Unit 3 ûы NRUS͋bíwí‹ 1ÿqQ gÿqQ(u ____in common____11ÿ㉳QN*Npef[˜ __solve a mathemationcal problem_2ÿ(W& „v.^©R N _with the help of_12ÿAQž‹ÐgºNZPÐg‹N __allow sb to do_3ÿpÇÿǏ»S _go by_13ÿnAmZPÐg‹N ___take turns to do sth_4ÿ(WÐgÍy zŠ^ N __in a way_14ÿ=\¡{ÿ}†6q _even though__5ÿ wˆ[ÿÑvƉ __watch over___15ÿÏkt^N!k ___once a year____6ÿO& wÿnc& €‹:N_according to__16ÿ·ƒ—_,{N T __win the first prize_7ÿYtáOo` _deal with the information__17ÿN& qQ«NáOo` _share information with sb_8ÿbyeˆÿeˆ³_make up_18ÿgbLˆcäN __follow in struction__9ÿ€b/gi—}T __techological revolution__19ÿúQ°sÿÑSu _arise__10ÿ:NºN{| g¡R _serve the human race_20ÿnfM„vÿ(u„vÿ_universal_(uåN N„vUS͋ŒTíwí‹kXzz0 1.You must _make up_ the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight. 2.Could you___watch over_ my clothes while I have a swim? 3.The new reforms have not met with __universal_approval within the government. 4.As time_gose by__, my memory seems to get worse. 5.Don’t lose heart.__After all_, you have tried your best. 6.I haven’t a thing__in common_ with my father. 7.His parents doesn’t _allow_him__to_ go out alone at night. 8.__With the help of_his teachers and parents, he has made rapid progress. 9.__In spite of_all the efforts, he failed. 10.__In a way_I can see what you mean , even though I don’t share your point of view. ŒN. 9hncåSP[a`ŒT@bÙ~–™W[ÍkÐc:y ÿ™QúQUS͋„vcknxb__0 1. We should explore_ new ways to solve the problems that we are facing. 2. Simplify_ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone. 3. After years of hard work, his dream has become a reality_. 4. She suggested that I put some artificial_ flowers around the house to make it more colorful. 5. The article concludes that one’s handwriting style is closely related to one’s character_. 6. The policeman signaled_ to the car to stop. 7. Unlike other girls, Daisy doesn’t pay much attention to her appreciate_. 8. According to the distance from the village to the city, we calulated_ that they would arrive at about 3 p.m. 9. With the application_ of the new technology, the production of steel almost doubled. 10. Make sure the program that you want to download_ from the Internet is safe and is from a reliable source. ,{ASÛV)Y 9hncåSP[a` ÿÎN Nhˆ@bÙ~„v͋Gl-N úQT„vUS͋b͋Ä~ ÿv^(uvQcknxb__kXzz(vQ-N g N*N:NYYOy˜)0 do with, with the help of, logical, selfish, electronic, deal with, as a result, watch over, personal, on earth, goal, after all, total 1. If you don’t set yourself _goals_, you will often find yourself wasting time. 2. She is used to _dealing with_ all kinds of people in her job. 3. __With the help of__ his friends, he overcame (b܀) his difficulties successfully. 4. As an elder brother, you have the responsibility to _watch over_ your sister. 5. The cold weather has frozen the river. __As a result_, he can t go boating as he usually would. 6. The _total_ cost of these things is 900 dollars. 7. You have to rewrite the marked sentences to make them more _logical_. 8. Don’t scold the boy. _After all_, he is only 6 years old. 9. _Personally_, I don’t think there is any intelligent life on other planets. 10. If you don’t have the book, you can read the _electronic_ version on the Internet. ÛV åS‹Wlbc ÿÏkzzN͋0 1. The first calculating machine was the size of a house. ’! The first calculating machine was _as__ _big_ __as_ a house. 2. With time going by, he made more and more progress. ’! __As_ time __went_ by, he made more and more progress. 3. We have improved our living conditions over the last twenty years. ’! Our living conditions _have_ _been_ _improved_ over the last twenty years. 4. The child is not only clever but also very hard-working. ’! The child is clever _as__ _well_ __as_ very hard-working. ”NÿŒ[båSP[ 1.b¡ló`0R`O°s(WO(Wُ̑0 I never_thought you were here_ now. 2.bœU"k«ˆøvݍeÜ Ný€€NŒ„vºNìN(ueg|_dkT€û|0 I _like being used to connect people_who can t chose enought to speak to each other. 3.ÎNÐgÍy zŠ^ N ÿyY„vñ‚í‹ gۏek ÿFOù[yYegô‹ ÿSïØˆ_•0 _In__ _a_ _way_, her English has improved but _there s still a long way to go. 4.ÖNd–†NžL€+Ràe éb0(choice) He had_no_ _choice_ _but_ _to_ _resign_ design. 5.þfÏ~ g*N6–µkb„vYb_Œ[hQ9eØS†N0(when_ü[„vš[í‹ÎNåS) There were _times_ _when_my size was_totally_ _changed_. mQ Œ[b_kXzz ÿ–û‹ Nb—íw‡e ÿŒcácvQ'Ya ÿ6qTÎN21 ~ 30T˜˜@bÙ~„vA0B0CŒTDy˜-N ÿ úQgsO y˜ ÿv^(WT{˜˜aS N\å‹y˜‚mў0 While I was growing up, I came across many people of my age. They had strong 1 for their fathers who always drank alcohol. Through it all, I have learned to 2 my father in more and different ways. My father 3 for the government here in central Texas. He helps people deal with computer problems in his office. He has also 4 my brother a lot about computers. My brother can 5 your computer inside out and find almost every single 6 with it. He can also reset (͑ň) all of your individual preferences (*NºNŸ‹n) if your computer stops working. He can even get you the 7 Internet and maybe even show you how to cheat on computer games. He has developed a strong 8 in the inner workings of computers through my father, who has taught him the lesson that with 9 knowledge of a computer you can do 10 . How great my father is! C1. A. attitude B. characters C. dislike D. opinions A2. A. hate B. appreciate C. doubt D. amaze A3. A. works B. prepares C. searches D. lives B4. A. forced B. taught C. suggested D. given D5. A. operate B. put C. change D. turn A6. A. problem B. chip C. network D. virus C7. A. most B. slowest C. fastest D. least D8. A. action B. emotion C. word D. interest B9. A. little B. enough C. poor D. many D10. A. less B. more C. nothing D. anything ,{AS”N)Y í‹ÕlkXzz –û‹ Nb—íw‡e ÿ cgqåSP[Ó~„g„ví‹Õl'`ŒT N N‡eޏ/„v‰Bl ÿ(Wzzp„†”–ª¬ҍԍêìŽŽ0Ž4Ž>ŽBŽXŽZŽ‚ŽžŽ°Ž²ŽæŽèŽöŽøŽˆŒŽ¢€Šȏʏ"#LMTUV{|‰Š‹”•³ŽïßÕÌÕÌÕßïßÕßïßÕßïßÕÌÕßïÕßïßÕßïßÕßïßÕßïßÕßïÕïßÕÀïÀÕÀßïßÀÕÌÕÀßïßÕßïßÀÕÌÕÀßïßÕÌh4Fhëo>*aJo(h4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(hÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýh™6?>*B*aJo(phÿLhŒjŒžŒތàŒ(tµ¬¬b¬¬Jkd$$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëo $IfgdëoJkd $$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëotv˜؍ڍ ŽDŽµ¬¬b¬¬JkdØ$$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëo $IfgdëoJkdp$$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëoDŽFŽ†ŽŽŽ¶ŽЎræCv±µ¬¬b]]]]]]gdëoJkdš$$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëo $IfgdëoJkd@$$If–lÖ0”ÿ9ø%¥¿öd&6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöytëo Žº»ĐƐϐАѐôõ÷øýþ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"‘2‘3‘k‘l‘m‘x‘y‘˜‘š‘¢‘£‘€‘ɑʑΑϑ:’V’b’d’Ԓâ’ä’ “ޓê“ì“”#”%”«”³”Ž”¶”õìõÜÌÜÀõìõÀÌÀõÀÌÜÀõÀÌÀõÀÜ°ÀõÀ°Àìõìõìõª°›ì°›ìª‹›ì‹›ì‹›ìhÿDýhÜ*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJphÿ hÿDýaJhÿDýhŸ9Ô>*B*aJo(phÿh4Fhëo>*aJo(hÿDýh™6?>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(6±á‘i‘•‘ë‘:’̒t“ð“X”¶”å”1•¡•ù•Ζؖ<— —˜6˜k˜úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúññññ $Ifgdëogdëo¶”ȔϔД%•.•0•Q•p•x•y•¡•®•ž•¹•J–X–\–Ζؖ<—X—b—ê—𗘘*˜,˜G˜J˜j˜k˜l˜m˜‹˜˜Ијݘޘÿ˜™™™š|šìš››t›v›Œ›úêÛÒêÛÒúêÛÒúêÛÒêÛÒ孟­Ÿ­Ÿ­Ÿ­Ÿ­Ÿ–ºÒêÒÛêÛÒº†ê†ºÒêÛÒÛêhÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿhKa-hëoaJhKa-hëoOJQJaJo(hKa-hëoOJQJaJh4FhëoaJo(hPŸhëo5CJ aJ o(h4FhëoaJhÿDýhëo>*B*aJphÿhÿDýhÜ*B*aJo(phÿ hÿDýaJ4k˜l˜m˜Ÿ˜ÿ˜|š›ä›&œoœ¬œûœRžŽž ŸzŸ“ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽgdëolkd$$IfT–lÖÖ”ÿœ tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6öÖÿÖÿÖÿÖÿ4Ö4Ö laöytKa-ŠTŒ›Ž›ò›ô›þ›œdœeœlœmœˆœ‘œ’œ¯œ°œºœ»œ-7QžŽž؞ܞޞâžäžêžîžòžöžøž ŸzŸ‚Ÿ†Ÿ–Ÿ˜Ÿ ŸìŸx ª ² Ž ž À  Ä Æ Ö Ø Ú ¡Š¡¶¡ñèñØñèñØñèØñèñØñèÑèÇèÇØ·Ç·Ø·ÇØ·ÇèÇØÇ·ØÇèǧ—ǧ—Ç—§—ŠÇèÇhÜ*B*aJo(phÿhÜ*B*aJo(phÿhÜ*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJo( hÜ*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJhÿDýhëo>*B*aJphÿ6zŸìŸx ¡Š¡¢¢.¢v¢š¢R£Ž£,€V€¶€ö€l¥î¥ÉŠªÛª«S«‘««ù«Z¬ʬúúúúúúúïúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú „ÒWDd`„Ògdëogdëo¶¡ž¡Œ¡À¡¡Ä¡Ì¡ΡСÔ¡Ø¡Ú¡.¢0¢<¢>¢h¢l¢t¢v¢š¢ª¢¬¢®¢¢Ä¢ð¢ò¢££ £"£Ž££”£–£š£œ£ž£ £€£ª£ê£ì£ö£ïßïÕïßïÕïßïÕÌÕÀ°ÀÕ¡ÕÌÕÀ°ÀÕÀ°’°ÀՂ°‚Õ‚°‚Õ°ÕÀrhÿDýhí<>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhÜ*B*aJphÿhÿDýhëoB*aJo(phÿhÿDýhÜ*B*aJo(phÿh4Fhëo>*aJo(h4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(hÜ*B*aJo(phÿhÜ*B*aJo(phÿ,ö£ø£(€*€d€h€j€n€z€€€†€ˆ€Œ€€’€”€–€¢€€€²€¥¥¥&¥@¥N¥T¥b¥î¥šú©~ªªªžªœªªÛªܪêªîªûª«««2«8«S«T«o«w«‘«’«š«£«©«ñáÕËá»ËáËá»Ëá»Ë»á˱˪˪˪˪ˡˡˡ’¡Ë¡’¡ª¡Ë¡’¡Ë¡’¡Ë¡’¡Œ¡ hí<aJhÿDýhí<B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJ hí<aJo(hÿDýhëoaJo(hÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJo(h4Fhëo>*aJo(hÿDýhí<>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhí<>*B*aJphÿ7©«­««ëÔ«Û«ß«ù«ú«¬"¬*¬Z¬\¬~¬’¬š¬ʬ̬ì¬þ¬­0­2­4­R­`­h­œ­ž­š­¯¯¯¯¯”¯š¯ž¯°°° °Þ°â°è°ê°D±F±N±P±ò±ô±²²D²õìÝ×ìõìÝ×ìõìÝÎÅ»ÅÝ×ìõìÝõ×ìõìõ­õõõõõõõhÿDýhí<>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿhPŸhëo5CJ aJ o(hÿDýhëoaJo(hÿDýhëoaJhÿDýhí<aJ hí<aJhÿDýhí<B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(7ʬ0­ž­š­Ž­Z®y³fŽ†ŽŠŽŸ¶¶¹¹‚º†º†ŒŠŒFŸJŸŒÀÒÀœÁ\ÂæÂÖÃÌÄúúúúúúúúòçòçòçòçòçòçúúúúúú „€WDÈ`„€gdëo$a$gdëogdëoD²y²{²~²²œ²ž²£²€² ³³³b³d³e³f³j³k³x³†ŽŠŽŠ¶¶ž¹‚º†º„ŒŠŒFŸJŸJÀŒÀÒÀÔÀÖÀœÁžÁ Á\Â]Â^ÂæÂçÂèÂÖÃ×ÃØÃÌÄÖÄØÄîÄtÅ÷èØè÷èØè÷èØ÷èÈèØè÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ÷Ÿ¯Ÿ÷¯Ÿ÷¯Ÿ÷¯Ÿ÷¯Ÿ÷¡Ÿ•Ÿh4Fhëo5aJo(hPŸhëo5CJ aJ o(hÿDýhí<B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJo(hÿDýhëo>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhí<>*B*aJo(phÿhÿDýhëo>*B*aJphÿh4FhëoaJ4ÌÄÖÄØÄìÄîÄDÅÐÅ"ÆlÆŠÆÕÆÇ<ÇfÇ£ÇáÇ ÈAȍÈÂÈùÈ5É™ÉÍÉÊFÊ„ÊÁÊúòòòúêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê & Fgdëo$a$gdëogdëotÅ|Å~ÅöÅøÅÆÆBÆKÆLƗƘƚƛƎƵÆÁÆÂÆæÆçÆíÆÇ ÇÇ<Ç=ÇAÇBǏǐǙǚǥNJǩǎÇòÇóÇõÇ#È(È)ÈJÈKÈMÈNÈvÈwÈ~ȚȩȰȱÈÜÈàÈáÈÉÉÉÉhÉjÉoÉpɝɞɠɡɀÉÒÉÓÉÞÉßÉêÉ/Ê0Ê9Ê:ÊXÊdÊŸÊïßÕßïßÕïßÕßïßÕßïßÕßïÕßïÕßïßÕßïßÕÌÕïÕßïÕïßÕßïßÕßïÕßïßÕïßÕßïßÕßïßÕÌÕßïÕÌÕßïÕßïßÕïÕh4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(h²LÚhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh²LÚhí<>*B*aJo(phÿPŸÊ Ê¯Ê°ÊÐÊ×ÊØÊ Ë ËËËLËMËTËVËgËhËwËxË}ˮ˺ËÌÌ0Ì2Ì’Ì–ÌþÌÍÍ Í(Í2Í\Ír͂͆̀͢͟ÍÄÍÔÍØÍêÍðÍÎ ÎÎ Î8ÎHÎRÎnÎpΐΒΌÎÔÎØÎìÎîÎüÎÏ ÏïßïÕßïÕïßïÕïßïÕÌÕïßÕŒÕïŒïÕŒÕïŒïÕ®¢ÕŒïÕïŒïÕïŒïÕïŒïÕŒïÕïŒïÕŒïÕïŒÕïh4Fhëo5aJo(hPŸhëo5CJ aJ o(h²LÚh#7í>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJh4FhëoaJo(h²LÚhí<>*B*aJo(phÿh²LÚhëo>*B*aJo(phÿ@ÁÊòÊ7ËnË©ËíËXÌÄÌ(Í2Í4ÍZÍÄÍ Î”ÎØÎBÏ€Ï0ÐhÐÑ~ÑÒgÒ£ÒåÒ/ÓˆÓ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷òêêòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò$a$gdëogdëo & Fgdëo ÏÏ&Ï(Ï>ÏBÏRÏrÏtτφϠπϲώÏÂÏÄÏàÏâÏ,Ð.ÐhÐvІЈÐ>ÑFÑHÑÌÑÔÑÖÑ/ÒNÒXÒYÒsÒ’Ò™ÒÙÒâÒäÒÓÓNÓTÓžÓ¿Ó"Ô2Ô8ÔÜÔÞÔêÔìÔÕ0Õ2Õ²ÕŽÕÂÕïåÕïÕåïÕåÕïÕåÕïÕåŵÅå¬ï¬ï¬ï¬——ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬åÕïÕåïÕåÕï h²LÚaJh²LÚhëo>*B*aJphÿh4FhëoaJh#7íh#7í>*B*aJo(phÿh#7íhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh²LÚhëo>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJo(h²LÚh#7í>*B*aJo(phÿ;ˆÓÎÓ8Ô~ÔÕ–Õ Ö®Ö ×r×ü×FØÙœÙÚŽÚnÛþÛ%ÜlÜ©ÜùÜ6ÝhݺÝûÝ€úúúúëëëëëëëëëúúúúúúúúúúúúú„Ò„.ÿWDœÿ^„Ò`„.ÿgdëogdëoÂÕÄÕTÖhÖÐÖÜÖ ×4×6א׀×Ø Ø.Ø0ØfØhØvØTÙfÙÚPÚ\ÚÛÛNÛZÛ†ÛˆÛ˜ÛšÛÜÜ"Ü#Ü=ÜDÜEÜrÜsÜ{Ü|Ü·ÜžÜÀÜÂÜÝÝ Ý ÝMÝNÝXݭݮݷݞÝíÝîÝøÝïåÕåÕåÕïåÕåïÅïåïÅåŸåµåµåµåµŠÅŠµŠÅŠµÅŠµŠÅŠµŠÅŠµŠÅŠµŠÅµŠÅŠµŠ–h²LÚhà|Ä>*B*aJo(phÿh²LÚhëo>*B*aJphÿh4FhëoaJ hBhVaJo(h²LÚhBhV>*B*aJo(phÿh²LÚh#7í>*B*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJo(h²LÚhëo>*B*aJo(phÿ;10. His rude language brought back her most _painful_ memories. ,{ASkQ)Y ÛV –û‹t㉠–û‹ NRíw‡e ÿÎNÏk˜˜@bÙ~„vÛV*N y˜ÿA0B0CbD ÿ-N ÿ úQgsO y˜ A Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events-love, sadness, good times, and bad times. It tells real-life, stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more complicated( YBg), it is good to hear music about ordinary people. Country music, sometimes called country-western, comes from two kinds of music. One is the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern Unite States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the west. The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. At first city people said country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army campsÿ›Q%„ ÿin the South. They learned country music. Slowly it became popular all over the country. Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canada in small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people. About 1, 200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty-four hours a day. English stars sing it in British English, and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. The music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world. C1. It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from . A. the Northeast and Midwest B. factories and army camps in the South C. the Appalachian Mountains and the West D. real-life stories in small towns A2. Before World War II country music was popular mainly in . A. the south B. the north C. the Midwest D. the Northeast C3. During World War II many Southerners went to the Northeast and the Mid-west because . A. they wanted to take music with them B. they wanted to make other people like country music C. they wanted to work in the factories there D. they wanted to make country music popular D4. Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the world today because . A. city people said it was low class B. people could sing it in many different languages C. it started with cowboys and poor Southerners D. it is loved by different kinds of people in the world B5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Country music is about human feelings and events. B. Country music is sung by stars all in English. C. Country music is popular among city people today. D. City people didn t like country music at first. B Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the most important thing in her life and, to tell you the truth, she took lessons for years, and practiced every day, but in spite of all this, her voice didn t improve. Honestly, it didn t get better, it just got louder. Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lessons, but Alice refusedÿÒbÝ~ ÿto give in, and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her teacher to attend. The teacher was very worried about what to say after the concert. She knew it would be terrible and it was. She didn t want to tell a lie, but she didn t want to hurt Alice s feelings, either. Finally, she got an idea and went backstage (TðS) to greet her pupil.  Well, said Alice,  what did you think of my singing?  My dear, said the teacher,  you ll never be better than you were tonight. D6. Alice wanted to be a singer because she . A. was good at singing B. could do nothing but sing C. had a good teacher D. was most interested in music A7. Alice s teacher stopped the lessons because . A. Alice didn t make any improvement in singing B. Alice s voice became louder and louder C. Alice didn t work hard enough D. Alice was so proud and wouldn t listen to her C8. What made Alice decide to give a concert? A. She wanted to prove that her teacher was wrong. B. She wanted to please her teacher. C. She was sure that she could sing beautifully. D. Somebody else wanted her to do so. B9. What is really meant by saying  You ll never be better than you were tonight. ? A. You gave a wonderful concert tonight. B. You won t make any improvement in future. C. You have never sung so well before. D. You did much better before than tonight. D10. If Alice s teacher had told a lie, she might have said . A.  I don t like the concert. B.  You have made no progress. C.  The concert tonight is terrible. D.  Your concert tonight is excellent. C If parents bring up child with the aim of turning the child into a genius()YMb), they will cause great damage to him. According to several leading educational psychologists(Ã_tf[¶[), this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally, the child will understand very well what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic( N°sž[„v) parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible ( gtzf„v) way, the child may succeed in doing very well  especially if the parents are very supportive (/ec„v ÿŸ±R„v) of their child. Michael Li is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometres twice week for violin lessons. Although Michael s mother knows very little about music, Michael s father plays the trumpet (\÷S) in a large orchestra (¡{&_PN–). However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Michael s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win.  When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered. Winston s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. C11. The main idea of the passage is . A. how parents should make a child a musician B. how parents should bring up a child C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents D. what aim of a child can be much easier to reach A12. Michael is lucky because . A. his parents help him in a sensible way B. his family is rich enough to have a car C. his father is a musician in a orchestra D. he is free to do anything that he likes best C13. Winston s parents set so high a standard for him that . A. he has to do his best to do everything B. he has made greater progress in music C. he is afraid he may disappoint them D. he often wants to kill himself some day D14. It is one of parents worst mistakes if . A. they want their child to be a musician B. they help their child to win music competitions C. they don t care for their child s education much D. they make their child try to achieve too much B15 According to the author s opinion, . A. it is unimportant to let the children develop in the way they want B. parents should be supportive of their children C. all sensible parents can train their children to succeed in everything D. unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children      øÝûÝZhj~€Š–˜ŒŸÀÂÄÆÈÊÞ&*X`®°ž ¢(4prtèô–˜šFRØÚÜ÷õ÷åÖ÷̺š•Ì÷Ì÷Ì÷Ì÷Ì÷Ì÷Ì÷‡÷xÌ÷n÷xÌ÷n÷xÌ÷n÷xÌh4Fhëo>*aJh²LÚhà|ÄB*aJo(phÿh4FhëoaJmH o(sH %h4FhëoB*CJOJQJaJph"h4Fhëo5CJOJQJaJo("hPŸhëo5CJ OJQJaJ o(h4FhëoaJo(h²LÚhëo>*B*aJphÿh²LÚhà|Ä>*B*aJo(phÿUh4FhëoaJ+€Š˜Þà䐞8vÌ$pøD–VšzØ– ä òòííåÚÑÈíííííííííííííí턳`„³gdëo„Ž`„Žgdëo „ÒWDd`„Ògdëo$a$gdëogdëo „VDWD`„gdëo܆ ’ *","."' 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