ࡱ> )` Rzbjbj21 *J*J*J8bJNKaLLLLLZMZMZM$Ah:ΤM7QRMVM7Q7QΤLL4/]/]/]7QpVLL/]7Q/]/]ʘ(rLL І1*JT6,|10aܜ'Z;lrr*4$ZMM^/]usually>often>sometimes>hardly ever(QNNl g) >never and let them understand their differences at the first time. Step 3 Guessing Presentation and Practice. Encourage Ss to tell us about themselves,using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever(QNNl g) or never. .Do it like that with some activities. And during this part, present surf the net exercise and go skateboarding. Step4 .Do a survey: ActivitiesHow oftenTake a showerWash your hairexerciseClean your roomAsk and answer: How often do you take a shower? How often does he take a shower? Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever(QNNl g) or never. Step 5: Homework 1.Do exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook to practice the language presented in this unit. 2.Remember what we learn today. Period Two Teaching Aims: 1. Students can learn to talk about activities and how often to each other 2. Students can listen, talk ,read and write these words correctly Teaching Difficulties: 1. Words: high school, most, no, result, active, for as, for about 2. Phrases: for as, for about 3.Sentence patterns: How often do you shop? I shop once a month. How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV.. Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-Media. Teaching Procedures: Step One Greeting. Step Two Leading  in Drills: T: What do you usually do on weekends ? S1: I usually play soccer . T: How often do you play soccer ? S1: I play soccer twice a week . T: How often does he play soccer ? The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week . Repeat for three times . Step Three Pre-task Review the grammar box . Step Four While-task 1. Call attention to the survey . Make sure the Ss understand the chart . T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ? 3. Ss answer .If necessary , give them help . 4. Review the information in the green box with Ss . 5. Read the article first by the Ss . 6. Check the answers . 7. Practise reading . Step Five Post-task 1.T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g. read English books, practice reading and speaking ) How often do you ? 2.Think of more things you can do to improve your English and write them here . 3.Ask several Ss each question . 4.See: Who is the best English students in the class Step Six: Homework: 1.Revise the new words . 2. Preview the next section Period Three Teaching Aims: Learn to talk about how often they do things to keep healthy. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Words: junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, drink, health, how many, interviewer. 2.Phrases: how many, be good for, be bad for, every day. 3.Sentence patterns: How often do you drink milk, Liu Feng? How many hours do you sleep every night? She says its good for my health. Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-Media. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greeting. Step 2 Warm-up 1.Enjoy an English song. 2.Free talk. Talk with Ss about the following questions: Do you like fruit vegetables? Yes, I do.I love it/ them. It s/They re delicious. And it s /they re healthy food. It s/They re good for our health. Or No, I dont. Its awful. I cant stand it. Ask Ss: How often do you eat fruit vegetables? Step 3: Presentation 1.Teach milk. Do you like milk? Do you drink milk every day? Why /Why not? 2.Then teach chip /cola/chocolate/coffee in the same way. Dont forget to ask them Are they/Is it healthy food /drink? Theyre /Its healthy/unhealthy/ junk food. Dont eat /drink them /it too often. Step 4: Pair work Ss make a similar conversation by themselves. A: How often do you{ eat? drink? B : I eat/drink every day/. A: Do you like it ? B: Yes, I do. Its good for my health. /No, I dont. But my mother wants me to eat/drink it. Step5 : Presentation The teacher asks Ss other questions: How often do you exercise/watch TV/read English/play computer games? How many hours do you exercise/watch TV/read English/sleep/play computer games? Step 6: Pair work Get Ss to make a long conversation by themselves. Step 7: Listen (work on 2a) Get the Ss to listen and circle the answers to each question .Later check the answers. Step 8: Work on 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks in the survey. Then check the answers. Step 9 .Group work Role play. Student A is the interview. Student B is Katrina. Student C is Bill. Try to act the conversation out .They can use their own words. Step 10.Task Get the Ss to ask their classmates as many questions as they can about their lives. The questions above (2b) can help them. After that they can give a report in front of the class. Step 11. Homework : 1. Finish the exercise in this period. 2. Write the report in the exercise book. Period Four: Teaching Aims: 1. Learn following expressions: 2. Learn to write ones own habits. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Words: habit, try, lifestyle, grade, better, same, as, different, difference, maybe, although, for, keep, must. 2.Phrases: eating habits, look after, healthy lifestyle, unhealthy lifestyle, good grades. 3. Main task: How to write a composition of ones habits. Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-Media. Teaching Procedures: Step1: Revision 1. Free talk: 2.Ask and answer How often do you exercise? How often do you eat vegetables/fruit/junk food? How often do you drink milk/coffee/tea? How many hours do you sleep every day? Use he/she/they ask and answer these questions. Group works Step 2.Presentation and Practice Free talk. What is a healthy lifestyle. After that, T can show a picture with healthy lifestyle and unhealthy one: eat fruit never eat vegetables/fruit vegetables drink coffee/wine too much drink milk never drink milk sleep 9 hours sleep 5 hours do exercise never do exercise healthy lifestyle unhealthy lifestyle T: And you know: Healthy lifestyle can help us get good grades. Good food and exercise help us to study better. My student Katrina has a good lifestyle. Lets see it. Step 3.Read 3a. Compare the passage with yourselves. Explain: of course , pretty healthy/good ,unhealthy ,a healthy lifestyle, try to do sth.., look after, help sb. to do sth., study better, the same as, be different from Give more examples. Step 4. Finish 3b. Sep 5.Homework: Read the text for many many times. And correct your composition referring to it. Period Five Step1 Greetings & free talk . Step2 Discussion Work in groups, discuss which kind of life is healthy. $%389>RSYbcd ( l ˾yhYLh/h7^B*CJphh/h7^5B*CJph h=Wh7^B*CJ\aJphh=Wh|o(h=WCJ\o(h|h=W5CJ\h=Wh=WCJ\o(h|CJ\o(h13CJ\o(h=Wh=WCJ\h|h|5CJ\o(hh=W5CJ aJ hU[ho5CJ$aJ$o(hU[h0@&5CJ$aJ$o(hU[hV5CJ$aJ$%3S  E o T *jdhgdagd| 4WD`4gd13gd=Wgd$a$gdU[D^xl m  R T r t v x    2 6 N P x | ȩՊzmzzzzZI h/hpd%5B*CJaJph$h/hpd%5B*CJQJaJphh|5B*CJo(phh/h,Y15B*CJo(phh/hpd%5B*CJphh/h7^5B*CJ]phh|h7^5B*CJ]phh|5B*CJ]o(phh/hpd%B*CJphh/h7^5B*CJphh/h7^B*CJphh/hPpB*CJo(ph  "&(*DbfjͽͰͽͣͣͰͰ͈{{ͰͰl]lh/h#B*CJ\phh/h,Y1B*CJo(phh&~B*CJ\o(phh/hpd%B*CJQJphh&~B*CJo(phh0@&B*CJ\o(phh/hpd%B*CJphh/h,Y1B*CJ\o(phh/hpd%B*CJ\ph h/hpd%5B*CJaJph$h/hpd%5B*CJQJaJph"&2 i+Jfl`(Hdhgd##< hdhWD`hgd##< $dha$gdadhgda&28  (1ghikѦѦїއwhhYH8h/h B*CJ\o(ph h/h,Y1B*CJKHo(phh/hrB*CJKHphh/hrB*CJ\phh/hr5B*CJ\phh/h}-5B*CJ\phh##<5B*CJ\aJphh/hrB*CJphh/hto2B*CJph!h/hto20JB*CJPJphh/h B*CJph#h/h 5B*CJ\aJphh/h B*CJ aJ phksu)*+Iķo[L;+h##<0JB*CJPJo(ph!h/h}-0JB*CJPJphh##<5B*CJ\o(ph&h##<h##<5B*CJ\aJo(ph'h##<h##<0J5B*PJaJo(phh 0JB*CJPJo(ph!h/h{S^0JB*CJPJph%h/h{S^0JB*CJOJQJphh/h{S^B*CJphh/hrB*CJphh/hrB*CJ\phh/h B*CJ\phh/h 5B*CJ\phIJLMdef˺𺚈teVeF6Fh/h}-5B*CJ\phh/h 5B*CJ\phh/hpd%B*CJ\phh/h B*CJ\ph&h/h<5B*CJ\aJo(ph#h/h 5B*CJ\aJphh##<h 5B*CJph!h/h}-0JB*CJPJph!h/h{S^0JB*CJPJph!h##<0J5B*CJPJo(ph'h##<h##<0J5B*CJPJo(phh##<0JB*CJPJo(phlHJ'(΅uδfffYYHY!h/h L0JB*CJPJphh/h LB*CJphh/h,Y1B*CJo(phh/h{S^5B*CJ\phh/h}-5B*CJ\phh/h>|LB*CJ\o(phh/h{S^B*CJ\phh/h B*CJphh/h{S^B*CJphh/h 5B*CJ\phh/h{S^5B*CJph#h/h 5B*CJQJ\phH\q,Bkdh$Ifgdal0 HdhWD^`Hgda dhWDd`gdadhgda <Z\'(,ŴŴփփtdtTh/h L5B*CJ\phh/h,Y1B*CJ\o(phh/h LB*CJ\phh/h}-B*CJph$h/h 0JB*CJPJo(ph!h/h 0JB*CJPJph!h/h{S^0JB*CJPJph!h/h L0JB*CJPJphh/h LB*CJphh/h/h0B*CJo(phh/h/h0B*CJphJ$ݼݬݜ|ll\L\h/h}-5B*CJ\phh/h 5B*CJ\phh/h,Y1B*CJ\o(ph h/hB*CJQJ\phh/hB*CJ\phh/h<B*CJ\phh/h5B*CJ\ph"h/h,Y15B*CJ\o(phh/h LB*CJ\phh/h L5B*CJ\ph#h/h L5B*CJQJ\phH"48p`SF9SFh/h B*CJphh/h\rB*CJphh/h}-B*CJphh/h5B*CJ\ph"h/h,Y15B*CJ\o(phh/h 5B*CJ\phh/h B*CJ\ph h/hB*CJQJ\phh/hB*CJ\phh/hB*CJphh/h5B*CJo(phh/h5B*CJph#h/h 5B*CJQJ\ph *,nzkd$$Ifl09  t0644 ladh$Ifgdal0,.LNnndh$Ifgdal0zkdQ$$Ifl09  t0644 laNPbdnndh$Ifgdalzkd$$Ifl09  t0644 ladfnndh$Ifgdalzkd$$Ifl09  t0644 laH4#2~|||||||q|||| $dha$gdadhgdazkdD$$Ifl09  t0644 la "#25VWden~˾~n~^OB5h/h B*CJphh/hTZB*CJphh/hQB*CJ\phh/hQB*CJ\o(phh/hn5B*CJ\ph"h/hQ5B*CJ\o(phh/hnB*CJphh/hQB*CJo(ph#h/h7^5B*CJ\aJphh/h7^B*o(phh/h}-B*phh/h7^B*phh/h}-B*CJ\o(phh/h\rB*CJo(ph&'./89;Oz{ ƶէ|jVjFh/h7^5B*CJ\ph&h/h 5B*CJ\aJo(ph#h/h7^5B*CJ\aJphh/h7^B*CJphh/hQB*CJo(phh/h3B*CJo(phh/hQB*CJ\phh/hQB*CJ\o(phh/hnB*CJ\phh/h7^B*CJ\phh/hnB*CJphh/h B*CJo(ph9{ N ^ *!l!! 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We think we should eat fruit and vegetables Step3 Self check Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Then make your own sentence with each word. 1. wants 2.exercises 3.help 4.try 5.have Step3 Key vocabulary 1.ever adv. f~ 2. once0adv. N!k 3. twice0 adv. $N!k 4.internet0n.NT 5. program n. vUS 5u z^6. hilltop0n. q\v 7. result0n. ~g bg8. key . c c:y ~"} T{Hh 9. translate0v. ы 10. song0 n. Lkf 11.junk0n. W>W 4xpir ^_veir12. milk0n. [rvY 13. interviewer0n. Ǒ 14.habit0n.`N` `N'`15.difference0n. N T ]_ :S+R 16.grade0n. Rpe b~ t^~17. although0conj. }6q sSO ~6q18. unhealthy adj. NeP^v NveP^v19.skateboarding n.nngЏR Step4 Key phrases: 1. how often 0YENN!k 2. as for00N sQN 3. junk food00W>WߘT 4.eating habit 0nߘ`N` 5.of course00S_6q 6.look after 0 gq~ gq w 7. start with 0 N& & _Y 8. make a difference0O_~g N T g͑'` 9. go shopping0S-ir 10.have a party ZO 11. go to the movie0S w5uq_ 12. once a week0khTN!k 13. hardly ever0 _\ 14. twice a week0 khT$N!k 15. three times a week00khT N!k 16. watch TV0 w5uƉ 17.on weekend0 0(WhT+g 18. do homework0 ZP\ON 19. a lot of0Y 20. try to do00ՋVRR ZPgN 21. help sb (to) do sth.0.^RgNZPgN 22. the same as00T& & v T 23.keep in good health0 OcSOeP^ Step 5 Grammar 1.ccSW 1)What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. What does she do on weekends  She often goes to the movies. What do you usually do on weekends? 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