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E8FoF:}ۂo n9˭:YCM#__Civ}㢃/ Pա+PVC?Dt9s"`VlzKX_i^xHdNDexR<6ċ2kh*pHԞ1gDE@xpEk64ؑ h3|b3CuD-D1kiX?bqӴ:Z޽/cf5ΊƋ_ ѝyfu@bh0I8˹:2DkF#;Y NMNePB< jOvvU6CD(čT_=}=ֵޛ[9Z㒲\x܃ {Z׉DDQgf"Vx5];cb8h"I,S j7_C"0P6q} :#X| xa?0Nc sbDH =G9i*!lx$N&)j|4r3bP9D ղց4({TiH'<ЯqAuLl:$ye<+(-UrHxM>?1w6$-#` @oGC1#[.'^-8#9>"'u"X2ʼn^󉩎x=4=ZXrpm-:RE'$:Ά^c}qȇƓxW1Yy-G!G uacr Eg!ǘ<蘭ЗNsDžlC\.Gk;@{ -s(qr>?tagTG"_B6cԉyOLuuLRZX#dsw $vI Ht.lk8};ȉ6ƻ8 3ki:},Ӊ<7[jK/{Ww!wx:T/qG4ԍ(g;R罬2ι/{g'^<c:vIENDB`gDd =(   PN9KSKSߌU4)5X!t`$I'v7y,$*h)*4'6Zz, Unit 3 Life in the future USCQ~KmwSN e80R nR100R `!. USykXzzqQ15\k\1R nR15R 1. Having __________ no-meat day would be a good way of encouraging __________ low-carbon lifestyle. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a 2. He got angry __________ we asked him where the raised money had gone. Which of the following is NOT right? A. the moment B. the minute C. the instant D. the time 3. The young man __________ the car hoping to arrive at the station to meet his girlfriend on time. A. gave up B. turned up C. picked up D. speeded up 4. Among the 1, 000 stock investors __________ last month, 90% were found __________ in basic financial knowledge. A. surveyed; lacking B. having been surveyed; lacking C. surveyed; lacked D. to have been surveyed; lacked 5. At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was __________ . A. out of sight B. out of reach C. out of order D. out of place 6. I watched her walk down the road until she was __________ by the darkness. A. covered B. buried C. swallowed D. shallow 7. We re __________ to listen to her __________ voice. It s __________ to hear her sing. A. pleased; pleasing; pleasure B. pleased; pleasant; a pleasure C. pleasing; pleased; a pleasure D. pleasing; pleasant; pleasure 8. __________ that the government can lead us out of the financial crisis, we are optimistic __________ the future of our country. A. Convinced; about B. Convincing; of C. Convinced; of D. Convincing; of 9. She loves reading and soon becomes a __________ customer of the bookshop. A. often B. constant C. frequently D. instant 10.  I tried to ring you back, Bryan, but I could not get through.  You might have __________ my number incorrectly. A. looked up B. taken down C. worked out D. brought about 11. Before the sales start, I make a list of __________ my kids will need for the coming season. A. why B. what C. how D. which 12. For years workers have to __________ low wages and terrible working conditions. A. preserve B. prohibit C. ignore D. tolerate 13. The Opening Ceremony of the 16th Asian Games was strongly impressed __________ me. A. to B. over C. by D. on 14. He walked so slowly __________ he had hurt his leg. A. that B. as though C. even though D. though 15. Robert __________ business two years ago, but he didn t get along well at first for __________ experience. A. took up; lack of B. put up; short of C. set up; need of D. pick up; want of a!. [b_kXzzqQ20\k\1R nR20R If you talk to any person that has achieved his/her goals despite great difficulties, one thing remains the same. That person never failed to stay 16 : The goal was always in sight, and the wish to 17 that goal never waveredRGd . This story is an example of this: When she looked 18 , Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body felt 19 . She had been swimming for nearly 16 hours. 20 she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at the age of 34, her 21 was to become the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel. That morning the sea was icy cold and the fog was so heavy that she could 22 see her support boats. She struggled on, 23 the frigid[Qv grip of the sea, hour after hour. Alongside Florence in a boat, her father offered 24 . He told her it wasn t much farther. 25 all she could see was fog. He urged her not to 26 . She never had& until then with only a half mile to 27 , she asked to be pulled out. Still warming up her chilled body several hours later, she told a reporter, Look, I m not 28 myself, but if I could have seen 29 I might have succeeded. It was not the extreme 30 or cold that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. Two months later, she tried again. This time, 31 the same dense fog, Florence Chadwick swam with her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that 32 behind the fog was land, and this time she 33 it Let this 34 forever be kept in your mind. 35 take your eyes off your goal, even when you cannot see it. 16. A. careful B. able C. proud D. focused 17. A. reach B. set C. see D. break 18. A. back B. below C. away D. ahead 19. A. soft B. sensitive C. numb D. flexible 20. A. Soon B. Never C. Already D. Likely 21. A. direction B. goal C. result D. role 22. A. even B. almost C. mostly D. hardly 23. A. against B. for C. behind D. by 24. A. assessment B. commitment C. encouragement D. adjustment 25. A. And B. But C. Or D. So 26. A. give up B. go ahead C. hold on D. set out 27. A. go B. stay C. remain D. turn 28. A. caring B. excusing C. permitting D. scolding 29. A. land B. sunshine C. father D. fog 30. A. excitement B. tiredness C. loneliness D. fear 31. A. considering B. besides C. despite D. from 32. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere 33. A. took B. got C. made D. set 34. A. impression B. lesson C. task D. time 35. A. Always B. Ever C. Never D. Hardly b!. tqQ15\k\2R qQ30R A In space no one can hear you scream or listen to your iPod which is probably just as well for game designer Richard Garriott who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to become one of the world s first space tourists a couple of years ago only to discover he could neither listen to his iPod nor play video games in space. Yes for fear of flames and hacking. Back in 2008 Garriott paid large amounts of cash to be slingshoted into space by shuttle and stay at hotel International Space Station for a truly  out of this world experience . And where better to kick back at zero gravity and play some MMORPGs'YWYN(W~҉rnbo8nՋ rightWrong. Because despite the fact that the ISS does have an Internet connection, NASA and their Russian counterparts are apparently extremely concerned that may spawnb a serious space hacking attempt, one they don t feel able to cope with. Garriott told gaming site Kotaku  they were so worried about people tunneling backwards to the ISS and wreaking havoc that it became a non-starter . Yes beware the MMORPG playing teen for they are more dangerous than alien life forms creeping about your space ship and killing you in the dark. As if that wasn t bad enough Garriott also wasn t allowed to kill the gameless hours in orbit by listening to his iPod either as apparently the lithium battery was considered a fire danger.  They make you take the battery out and all kinds of crap. It s a pain in the ass  he said.  You had to have the lithium battery pulled out because hypothetically it s a fire danger it s not reallyit s actually much worse after you crack the whole thing open, rip the battery out and put wires into it but anyway, it costs you so much money to even take the iPod so it just wasn t worth it. With no music to float about to, and no gaming to pass the time it sounds rather like the whole trip wasn t really worth it to be honest. But what else do rich folks have to waste their money on these days 36. The best title for the passage can be __________. A. Go sightseeing in space B. No gaming or iPods allowed in space C. The world s first space tourist D. Flames and hacking in space 37. According to the passage, we can see the following are right EXCEPT that __________. A. back in 2008, Garriott paid large amounts of cash to be slingshoted into space by shuttle B. Garriott stayed at hotel International Space Station for a truly  out of this world experience C. in space you kick back at zero gravity D. Garriott played some MMORPGs in space 38. Richard Garriott is __________. A. an astronaut B. a scientist C. a clothing designer D. a game designer B Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable humans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.  I think we are knocking at the door of immortality8lu , said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future.  I think by 2075 we will see it and that s a conservative estimateO[v0O . At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nano technology~s|b/g make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. There is a great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years, he said.  Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years. However, many scientists who specialize in aging are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years. Even with healthier lifestyles and less diseases, they say failure of the brain and organs will finally lead all humans to death. Scientists also differ on what kind of life the super aged might live.  It remains to be seen if you pass 120, you knowcould you be healthy enough to have good quality of life? said Leonard Poon, director of the University of Georgia Gerontology Centre.  At present people who could get to that point are not in good health at all. 39. By saying  & we are knocking at the door of immortality , Michael Zey means __________. A. they believe that there is no limit of living B. they are sure to find the truth about long living C. they have got some ideas about living forever D. they are able to make people live past the present life span 40. Donald Louria s attitude towards long living is that __________. A. people can live from 120 to 180 years B. it is still doubtful how long humans can live C. the human body is designed to last past about 120 years D. it is possible for humans to live longer in the future 41. The underlined word  it (Paragraph 4) refers to __________. A. a great push B. the idea of living beyond the present life span C. the idea of living from 200 to 300 years D. the conservative estimate 42. What would be the best title for this text? A. Living Longer or Not B. Science, Technology and Long Living C. No Limit for Human Life D. Healthy Lifestyle and Long Living C Have you ever wondered? 1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east? It can take five hours to go west-east from New York (NY) to London but seven hours to travel east-west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet (U\) stream. The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. The planes moving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the west-east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction. 2. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off? Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other structures (^Q{ir) float away? What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth. The Earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something around your head on a string (~~), it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Then it flies off in a straight line.  Switching off' gravity would be like letting go of the string. Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling. Most things outside would fly off into space. 43. What information can we get from the first passage? A. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly. B. Planes go more slowly when they are moving with the wind. C. It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY. D. The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic. 44. The underlined word  shoot in the second passage probably means  __________ . A. send for B. move quickly[egn:Zxxk.Com] C. come out D. grow quickly 45. It can be inferred that without gravity _________. A. buildings and other structures would float away B. trees and buildings would not so easily fly off C. something around your head would not float away D. everything outside buildings would fly off into space 46. Where can we most probably read this text? A. In a research paper. B. In a short story. C. In a travel magazine. D. In a student's book. D With the Tesla Roadster and other plug-in electric vehicles hitting the road demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge them. Carbon Day Automotive a Chicago-based company has now demonstrated a solar-powered recharging point known as the Solar Plug-in Station which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage. The Solar Plug-in Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the city s bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games. According to Carbon Day Automotive the solar-powered recharging station is part of the vital infrastructure required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee. These solar-powered electricity points will be used daily by Chicago to fuel the city s electric vehicles with power from the sun. By producing the electricity from pollution-free solar cells the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. The Solar Plug-in Station consists of giant solar panels that shade the tiny Charge Point Networked Charging Station. The solar panel is connected to an underground battery pack ready for everyday refueling.  Without these stations it would be like driving around traditional cars without the availability of gas stations  says Scott Emalfarb CEO at Carbon Day Automotive.  The day of true plug-in electric vehicles will be here sooner than most people realize and the world needs to be ready to accommodate them. 47. The plug-in electric vehicles have an advantage over traditional cars because __________. A. they are environment-friendly B. they run faster C. they use more fuel D. they are safer 48. From the last paragraph, we can conclude that __________. A. Scott Emalfarb is optimistic about the future of plug-in electric vehicles B. Scott Emalfarb thinks people still like traditional cars C. the Solar Plug-in Station has no connection with electric vehicles D. the demand of plug-in electric vehicles is on the increase now 49. What s the best title of the passage? A. Chicago sets up its solar-powered recharging station B. Chicago will bid for the 2016 Olympic Games C. Plug-in electric vehicles D. Solar energy 50. The underlined word  recharge means __________. A. put more power into a battery etc. again B. ask for more money C. accuse sb. again D. have a rest c!. ͋kXzz(qQ10\k\1R nR10R) adjustment; remind& of& ; make a strong impression on; surrounding; flash; catch sight of; lack of; be uncertain about; worry about; slide into 51. The movie __________ me __________ my life in the countryside. 52. The military parade held on China s 60th anniversary __________ us. 53. The trip was cancelled for __________ interest. 54. __________ her daughter, the mother came to see her yesterday. 55. They __________ what to do. 56. Tired out, he __________ bed and fell fast asleep. 57. The girl was almost frightened to death when she __________ a snake. 58. Why is the driver __________ his lights on me? 59. They are determined to explore the __________ area. 60. In my opinion, we should make a few __________ to the design. d!.fNbhqQ1nR25R [egYvVRT~f[vNNEesa YN~NNsQl0`OU\_S_`a QN{sQNRT~fvwe0 la1.hS_4Y]:N`OQ}Y NeQ;`͋pe0 2.͋pe100]S0 Driver Xiao Li s Lesson Xiao Li used to be a good driver. However, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ T{HhN㉐g `!. 1. B gQ͋v(ul0,{N*Nzz(u N[Q͋Opno-meat day h:y NTvN)Y ,{N*Nzz(u N[Q͋Oplow-carbon lifestyle h:y NyNOxvu;me_ 0ُ$NY/flc Ee By0 2. D 3. D Saُ*Nt^{NR_Nf ^g ce0RfzNsY gS0speed up R &{Ta0give up >e_turn up Qs 2bpick up bw ea-Nf[O0 4. A 5. A Sa(Wkpfz MOkN%cKbTyYsY?QJT+R v0Rkpf w N:Nbk0out of sight w Nout of reach Y N@wout of order QEe gkuout of place NS_01uSaSwAycknx0 6. C SablƉ@wyYlpS v0RyYm1Y(Wўf-N0cover v `Snc bury cv Wl swallow T T Tl shallow Emv 01uSaSwCycknx0 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B take downSa:N Q N U_ vS_Nwrite down &{Ta0 11. B 12. D SaYt^Neg]NN N_ N_SNO]DTkwv]\OsX0Ay Ob Oc By ybk Cy _Ɖ Dy _S [_ 01uSaSwDycknx0 13. D 14. B 15. A SaW/Oyr$Nt^MR_YZPua FOV:N:\~N_YۏU\ N/f_}Y0take up_Y NNput up -d^set up^zpick up acwfor lack of& V:ON& & 0 a!.16. D 9hnczzMRTvnever failed, always, never waveredSwُ̑^kXeQh:y laRƖ-N v͋0 17. A 9hnceaSwdkYh:y [svhva?aN*gRGdǏ 0 18. D 9hnceaSw (WFlorence ChadwickvMRe/f_SvSm0 19. C 9hnczze_ 0 27. A ُ̑/f y\S gJS̑N ُ/fN*Nwithv YT~g0 28. B Tbv݋ wwegP/f(W:NyY]~bPS0 29. A k+gc0Rv her goal 1\/f8n0R\ sS land :NyYvvv0W0 30. B 9hncMRe-Nv She had been swimming for nearly 16 hours. Sw yYb[vVXdN[QY ؏ gu`0 31. C ُ̑kXdespiteh:yek0 32. A 1uNSm yY w NnvhvwQSOMOn FOyYZWOvhvX[(W Vdk(usomewhere0 33. C make it h:y bR 0 34. B lesson(Wُ̑a:N ~ Ye 0 35. C 9hnceaSw dkY^/f\OJTɋNN N\vIQNvh Ny_0 b!.36~40 BDDCD 41~45 BAABB 46~50 DAAAA c!. 51. reminded; of 52. made a strong impression on 53. lack of 54. Worried about 55. are uncertain about 56. slid into 57. caught sight of 58. flashing 59. surrounding 60. adjustments d!.One possible version: Driver Xiao Li s Lesson Xiao Li used to be a good driver. However, since he got into the habit of drinking wine, everything has changed. He often gets into trouble with the police and his car is scared of him when he drives. Last weekend, he came across an old friend of his and drank a lot of wine again in a restaurant. As a result, he had a terrible accident on the way home his car ran into another one. Luckily, Xiao Li survived the accident. Now he realizes that, as a driver, he should never drink wine before driving in order not to cause any danger to others as well as himself. USCQ~KmwSN e100R nR120R `!. USykXzzqQ15\k\1R nR15R English is understood all over the world ________ Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself. A. while B. when C. as D. since 2. In the activities, we received________ interesting books and magazines. A. a great number of B. a great deal of C. a large amount of D. a good plenty of While shopping, people sometimes can t help ________ into buying something they don t really want. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded Can you ________ Mary becoming famous as an artist? A. think B. make C. believe D. imagine Helen had to shout________ above the sound of the music. making herself hear to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard  Why are you sad every time you see the photo?  Because it ________ me of my father who died in battle. A. reminds B. tells C. remarks D. relaxes Mother is ________ us dinner. We may wash our hands and ________ the meal. A. preparing for; prepare B. preparing; prepare C. preparing for; prepare for D. preparing; prepare for  Can you lend me your book on scientific achievements?  You are not ________ to get this book from me, because I will read it soon. A. possible B. likely C. perhaps D. probable Mr Smith, ________ of the________ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring, boring 10 She ________ me that I hadn t watered the flowers. A. reminded B. wanted C. reminds D. suggested 11. I suddenly________ him in the crowd but soon he disappeared. A. lost sight of B. lost my sight C. caught sight of D. caught a sight of The young man worked with us for nearly a year and made an excellent ________ upon us. A. expression B. instruction C. impression D. inspection Don t ________ me ________ that terrible day. I made such a fool of myself. A. remind; of B. remind; for C. remember; about D. remember; of Are you going to ________ the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing? A. take up B. get up C. stand up D. make up  We haven t heard from Jane for a long time.  What do you suppose________ to her? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened a!. [b_kXzzqQ20\k\1.5R nR30R I was at a coffee shop last night where there was a wonderful folk music performance. I was busy trapping my feet and singing along to the familiar 16 ! As I got up to get a cup of 17 and some cookies, I noticed this middle-aged woman near me. She had 18 been caught in a fire of some sort. Her face was so 19 burned that it looked very 20 . She hardly had a nose and her eyes were extremely 21 . I took a deep breath and went back to my seat. I thought about how brave she was to 22 and appear in public. I also felt 23 of myself for mildly shaking and looking down 24 I headed back to my seat, unable to send even a small 25 her way. As I sipped\SU my coffee and ate my cookies, I just kept 26 endlessly about whether I should ignore this moment and just mind my own 27 or do something about my feelings. I couldn t let 28 go. I went up for a refill on my coffee, but this time, I slowly turned towards the 29 and said, Isn t he a wonderful performer? and I gave her the largest smile I was able to give. To my 30 , she looked right at me and gave me a huge SMILE 31 ! I am sure it took this woman a long time to 32 her smile after her tragic accident. However, she seemed to have 33 to find peace within herself and I am glad she 34 because her smile made her whole face light up last night. She was 35 in some way and I admired her. A. music B. beats C. tunes D. notes A. tea B. wine C. milk D. coffee A. naturally B. especially C. obviously D. actually A. seriously B. severely C. heavily D. bitterly A. tight B. loose C. black D. thick A. bright B. blind C. tiny D. dark A. give up B. come out C. go back D. run away A. ashamed B. proud C. guilty D. afraid A. while B. till C. if D. because A. shout B. gift C. card D. smile A. remembering B. forgetting C. thinking D. doubting A. trouble B. affair C. business D. matter A. her B. them C. myself D. it A. performer B. woman C. stage D. sent A. pleasure B. surprise C. excitement D. happiness A. in tears B. in relief C. in brief D. in return A. find B. keep C. leave D. lose A. expected B. managed C. promised D. pretended A. was B. might C. would D. did A. kind B. honest C. beautiful D. great b!. tqQ20\k\2R nR40R A The round-the-clock availability that cellphones have brought to people s lives may be taking a toll on family life, a new study suggests. The study, which followed more than 1, 300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone throughout the study period were more likely to report negative  spillover between work and home life and, in turn, less satisfaction with their family life. Spillover actually means that the line between work and home began to become unclear. Work life may invade home life when a parent is taking job-related calls at home, for instance or family issues may start to take up work time. For example, a child may call mom at work, telling her  the microwave exploded , explained Noelle Chesley, an assistant professor of society at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the author of the study. The problem with cellphones seems to be that they are allowing for ever more spillover between work and home. This may be especially true for working women, the study found. Among men, consistent use of mobile phones seemed not to allow more work issues to creep\oeQ into family time. But for women, the spillover tended to go in both directions being  connected means that work cuts into home time, and family issues come into work life. Cellphones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchange among family members. But there may be ways to control the spillover, according to Chesley. Employers, she said, should look at their policies on contacting employees after working hours to make sure their expectations are  reasonable . For their part, employees can decide that cellphones go off during family time, Chesley said. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase taking a toll on in Paragraph 1? A. Explaining. B. Protecting. C. Extending. D. Damaging. The example  the microwave exploded in Paragraph 2 is used to ________ . show the microwave is of poor quality indicate how dependent the child is indicate family issues affect work hours show work time creeps into family life It can be inferred that Chesley probably thinks that ________ . employers shouldn t call employees after work one can t separate work hours from family time family members should exchange stress people can turn off their cellphones after work What is the main idea of this passage? Cellphones offer 24-hour availability. Cellphones get life and work mixed. Women don t use cellphones in an effective way. Men are better at dealing with family problems. B Need another reason to quit smoking? Cigarette buttsp4Y , one of the most common forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be poisonous to saltwater and freshwater fish. Even with a small amount of unburnt tobacco, a single cigarette butt soakedxml for a day is enough to turn a liter of water sickly yellow brown and kill 50 percent of fish swimming in it. Without tobacco, it takes about 4 smoked filtersǏn4V to do the same job. That s a lot of butts in a small area, and a research team recently pointed out that no research has been done yet to test how much poison from butts gets into ponds, lakes, streams and the ocean. Still, humans are unintentionally carpeting the planet in cigarette butts. It is said that some 4.5 trillionNN filters from spent smokes make their way into the environment every year. Team member Richard Gersberg said that some states have begun to move toward a law that would ban smoking on beaches, where butts are commonly thrown away. However, such measures are brought up largely because the filters make for ugly trash that is hard to pick up.  I ve been a biologist for thirty years. I ve even smoked some cigarettes, but I never thought about the chemicals they could produce when being soaked, Gersberg said. He compared the vast number of butts to the swirl)om of plastic and other refuse in the North Pacific Ocean known as the  Pacific Garbage Patch .  In my view, cigarette butts are more poisonous than a bunch of plastic floating around in the ocean, he said.  We ve got to become intolerant towards this kind of litter, the same way we are towards larger forms of litter, said Kathleen Register, director of Clean Virginia Waterways.  In beach cleanups around the world, cigarette butts are the number one thing volunteers pick up, she added.  So obviously we have a huge education challenge to inform people about this problem. From the first two paragraphs we can know________ . fish will die after swallowing cigarette butts we are covering the earth with cigarette butts a smoked filter is more harmful than a butt with tobacco cigarette butts are the most common trash in the world Some states forbid smoking on beaches mainly because cigarette butts________ . give out a lot of chemicals are more dangerous than plastic make beaches unattractive form the Pacific Garbage Patch Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase? Be used to. B. Be afraid of. Be familiar with. D. Be tired of. What s the main idea of the passage? Cigarette butts are dangerous to fish. Smoking isn t allowed on beaches. Even small amount of tobacco can kill you. New reasons are needed for people to stop smoking. C For thousands of people around the world, the work week begins and ends inside their own homes. These workers have discovered the advantages of telecommuting, a work-at-home arrangement between employers and employees. Telecommuters often have the same responsibilities and workloads as their office colleagues, but they can perform their duties without a daily commute N Ns z to a centralized location. Not all occupations are suitable for telecommuting, but the practice is usually seen as a win-win situation for both employers and employees. Some of the advantages of telecommuting are economical and environmental in nature. A telecommuting worker does not have to use a gas-burning vehicle to reach his or her workplace. There is no specific dress code for most telecommuters, so there is little need for expensive dry cleaning of business clothing. Instead of spending significant amounts of money on restaurant food, telecommuters are free to prepare more economical meals at home. Many work-at-home employees discover more benefits over time. They can avoid the tense atmosphere of telecommuting of a typical centralized office space. Telecommuters may have to make occasionalvP\v trips to the company for conferences, but they need not attend time-consuming daily meetings. One of the main advantages of telecommuting is avoiding many of the interpersonal problems of a traditional office environment, such as office politics or distracting co-workers. Although there are some definite flaws in telecommuting, such as personal loneliness and the potential for delay, many work-at-home workers find that the advantages of telecommuting far outweighǏ these limitations. Simply having the ability to sleep in and work in one s nightclothes, can be reward for telecommuters, such as the author of this very article. The author s attitude toward telecommuting is ________ . supportive B. uncertain C. critical D. doubtful According to Paragraph 3, telecommuting workers ________ . are frequently under pressure often have to attend regular meetings can work in a relaxed atmosphere still have many relationship problems The underlined word  flaws in the last paragraph can best be replaced by ________ . benefits B. drawbacks improvements D. changes We can infer from the passage that ________ . A. most people are fit to telecommute B. telecommuters often lack confidence C. telecommuting involves more costs D. the author is a telecommuter D Robovie helps your grandma with her shopping? What could be more attractive? Robovie is a three-foot-tall robot developed by Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International. ATR is testing a special version of their robot at the Apita-Seikadai supermarket in Kyoto until July 2010. Robovie and its associated system also monitor your grandma s health and even suggest specific dishes to improve health. Shoppers begin by using a special menu-driven device ňn to select items for purchase. Then, when the shopper arrives at the store, the robot and the device communicate with each other. Now, Robovie knows what you want to purchase. In a demonstration video, the child-sized robot goes with a 67-year-old woman while she shops for oranges and broccoli. Robovie cheerfully carries the shopping basket and reminds her to get the oranges, recommends the apples, reminds her to get the broccoli, and suggests including lettuce in her salad along with the broccoli that is already on the list. The robot also takes care to state how delicious the items look.  I d be appreciative of a robot that reminded me about what I had decided to buy; I m not so sure about a robot that tried to  oversell me once I got in the store, said a 62-year-old granny. Fans of Philip K. Dick have been cringing from this possible future since the publication of his short story Sales Pitch in 1954. In the story, robot salesmen are everywhere, gesturing, begging, and screaming. One started after him and he quickened his pace. It hurried along, trying to attract his attention, all the way up the hill to his living place. It didn t give up until he bent over, picked up a rock, and threw it. He walked into the house and closed the door heavily after himself. The robot hesitated, then turned and raced after a woman with an armload of packages walking up the hill. She tried to avoid it, but without success. Which of the following is TRUE about Robovie? It is working in many supermarkets now. It reminds shoppers and offers them suggestions. It prepares delicious dishes for old people. It knows what shoppers want to buy when seeing them. The underlined phrase  cringing from in the last paragraph probably means________ . expecting B. avoiding judging D. describing In the story Sales Pitch, robots ________ . aren t tired from serving customers are helpful to customers become a burden to people understand what customers think of The purpose of this passage is to________ . advise old shoppers to receive help from robots predict the wide use of robots in the future warn people of the trouble robots will bring introduce a new robot helping old shoppers E A couple of years ago, my teachers asked me to take part in a program that unites able-bodied students with those who have physical and mental disabilities. Each week, I spent an hour in the classroom assisting children with schoolwork, art      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~ projects, games, and everyday activities, including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children; however, I discovered that working with children with special needs would change my life forever. Each Tuesday I was greeted by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey, and Missy. Thomas is wheelchair-bound. He communicates with gruntsTTX and simple words like yes and no. Joey always welcomed me with a smile and a big hello. Missy was born with inappropriately sized organs and is extremely small for her age. Her voice is muffledONOl by a voice box, but she loves to talk. In a typical classroom, it would not be uncommon to hear a teacher hush a child who was tapping his pencil, or making unnecessary noises. However, here, screeches, yells, and other noises are encouraged. They are signs of excitement and different ways of communicating. At first I thought it would be nervous to be surrounded by children who are so different, yet there is something special about these unique students. One teacher asked me to do an art project with her young students who are mentally challenged. It was rewarding to see the beginning, middle, and end of the process. It felt good to see the children s smiles. Today I still volunteer in the special education program. Working with special-needs children has changed my life. It has increased my awareness of others needs and made me see that I would like to take up a career working with these children. One of my teachers believes we should be part of something bigger than ourselves. I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference. What can we know from the passage? The author likes joining in children s games. The author learns a lot from her mother. The author wants to have a different life. The author is a teacher with special needs. According to the second paragraph, Thomas, Joey and Missy ________ . can only speak simple words are all naughty love smiling and talking are all disabled The classroom is different from others in which the students can ________ . show their excitement enjoy all kinds of class activities communicate with each other make various noises Working with special-needs children made the author realize that everyone should ________ . make friends with special-needs children volunteer in special education programs do something to help others get out and do something different c!.we9e(qQ10\k\1R nR10R) Dear Annie, You asked me about the relationship between our 56. ________ students in China. To tell you the truth, I was not 57. ________ clear about it, either. You see, some boys and girls begin to make friend with each other at too early 58. ________ age, though they know little about love and responsibility. 59. ________ Another thing that bring us trouble is 60. ________ parents and teachers often mistake us for the normal relationship 61. ________ between which we have in or out of school. For 62. ________ example, if a girl student accepts a call from a boy, 63. ________ her parents would sometime like to be told who has 64. ________ made it. Will you often have such kind of trouble in your life? 65. ________ Yours, Wang Ying d!.fNbhqQ1nR25R vMRf[!h̑X[(W*N+Rf[uK`1rvsa NhTN`ONs\>NRN!k -Nf[uS NSNK`1r v;NsO0GP[1u`O\O;`~S ͑pf[!hNS^ybkf[uK`1rvt1u09hnc Ǹof TtS%c`a H N*NybkK`1rvt1u v^(WgThf]v‰p0BlQQN{120͋]SveS?z0 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ T{HhN㉐g `!.1. A dkYwhile (u\Ov^Rޏ͋ a:N  0 2. A B0C$NyTc NSpe T͋ Dy~g0 3. C dkYh:y NN` Nꁁy0W g-pN& &  0 4. D imagine TcR T͋ S-NMary :Nbecomingv;;N0 5. D dkY N[_h:yvv herself NhearKN/fRsQ| sS +RN,T0R 0 6. A remind sb. of sth.a:N OgN`wgNcgNgN vQN͋l gُy(ul0 7. D prepare sb. sth.a`/f :NgNQYgir prepare for a:N :N& & ZP}YQY 0 8. B (uN\O;N틄vS glikely vQN yl gُy(ul0 9. A tired of .../fǏSR͋w\Or boring/fs(WR͋\O[0 10. A ,ggR͋g0NSP[~geg w B0D$Ny NT V:Nwant N, NcNS suggest TcNe^RtoQNe`eg w NS-N(uNǏS[be ;NS-N(uN,s(We1\ NTN EecdC0Vdk A0 11. C gw틨g0catch sight of a:N w lose sight of a:N NQ w 0Saz6qb(WN-NwNN FO__N1\m1YN0 12. C gV[-dM0make a/an... impression on/upon sb.a:N ~gNYu N& & pSa 0 13. A remind sb. of sth.a:N OgN`wgN 0 14. A gR͋w틨g0Sa`OSb{cSc~NhT NNvcbTtake up a:N cSǑ~ get up a:N w^ 0stand upa:N zweg make upa:N ~b   0EeAy&{TSa0 15. C gV[SW0SW:N YBgvyrkuS by:NS͑uS0vQ~g:Nu͋+do you +vt.+vQN0 NRSirR͋S(uN NSWthink believe, suppose, imagine, expect, sayI{0know NS(uN NSW0,g^(us(W[be`h:yNs(W gsQv`Q Ee C0 a!. 16. B \O/f(WTaU^#kON:WPNho 1udkScw yYdkeN(uSb@wbP[ NT@wq`vPNOYbeats 1U@w0 17. D N Ne As I sipped my coffee Scw Dy0 18. C N Ne[ُ*NYsYb[vcScw dkYa`/f _>f6qobviously yYfmGǏkp~p 0 19. B N Ne[yYv;P[0f__\tiny 0 22. B \OaS(Wُ7hv`Q N yY؏pQ[come out Qs(WlQObMR yY/fYHNRbeJU 23. A Ne-Nc0R*NYsY_Rbe T| NeSw\OV[`*NYsYmbfv8 SO gp?QSb NO@w4Y Nbe wyY ُ7hvS]O\O[]vL:Na0R'aashamed 0 24. A \OpV^MOe V[`*NYsYmbfv8 SO gp?QSb NO@w4Y Nbe wyY0while(Wdk_[erNS0 25. D N Ne\OS`NjuKNT ;NRNyY-d݋v^TyY_{Scw dkY\O:N][`*NYsYvb[ NbegyY2QT`/f_\v{[smile a0R'a0 26. C 27. C ~ǏRMbvNU^ \ONv(W`thinking /f&T^ N{RMbN;RSuvN` 1\S_l g w0Rُ*NYsY SsQl]vN`business 0 28. D it cN\ONv(WQvُNN0 29. B N Nev and I gave her the largest smile Scw ُ!k\OlT*NYsYwoman ;NR-d݋v^gyY_{0 30. A 31. D Sab#kpapleasure v/f yYck w@wb _NVbin return ~bN*Nppv_{0 32. A \Os` ~SNُy``vN`T ُ*NYsYN[N_eMb~bVfind ]v{[0 33. B manage to do sth.lZPbgN0 34. D Sab_ؚtQyYnx[ZP0RNdid ُNp0 35. C V:N Necُ*NYsYp$Ovb[Na0R gp?Q[` 6q yYv{[ _v^ N}Y wv8pQONPN‰ ُO_\Oɉ_yY(Wgy z^ N/f=Nvbeautiful /fN6qwlev0Eebeautiful &{T틃X0 b!.36. D ͋INsKm0 Ne0RKb:gONNv]\OeTu;meKNvLuPS_!j| Kb:g(W&^~NNO)Rv Te _Nq_TNNNv[^u;m01udkScwDycknx0 37. C ct$Re0Chesley >NdkOvvv(WNfkN(W]\Oei[P[v5u݋Sbpb0i[P[ [̑v_lppN Vdkcw[^NRq_TN]\O0[egn:Zxxk.Com] 38. D ct$Re0NezgTNk+gS-Nv employees can decide that cellphones go off during family time ScwDycknx0 39. B ;Ne'Ya0 ezvS1\pfN,gev;NKb:g24\e_:g~NN&^egeOv Te _NOu;mT]\OKNvLuPS_!j|0 40. B ~t㉘0N,{Nk-Nv Still, humans are unintentionally carpeting the planet in cigarette butts. Sw NNck(WeaƋ0W0RYqNTbp4Y e~gvsX̑]\O0 46. B ͋INsKm09hnc;u~US͋@b(WS-Nv such as personal loneliness and the potential for delay Sw ܏ zRlQ_N gd[rTb^I{ EeS(udrawbacksegfbc0 47. D ct$Re09hncezgTNS Simply having...such as the author of this very article. Sw \O1\/fNMO܏ zRlQ0 48. B ~$Re0N,{VkvN~ Robovie cheerfully carries the shopping basket and reminds her to get the oranges, recommends the apples, reminds her to get the broccoli, and suggests including lettuce&  Sw ُ*N:ghVNYc~[ ؏cQ^0 49. B ͋INsKm09hnc Nev I m not so sure about a robot that tried to oversell me once I got in the store NS NeP(u\-N[ُ{|:ghVNvSKNYvcScw NN[NN:ghVN_S01udkScw w틄va`/f _ 0 50. C ct$Re0NgTNk-Nv It didn t give up until he bent over, picked up a rock, and threw it. T She tried to avoid it, but without success. SwُN:ghVN.UXTvSKNY [N]~O_NN_Sp FO/fSel Vdk[NbNNNvb0 51. D \OaV0 ,ge;NN~NNySN.^Rt^-irv:ghVN ُy:ghVNSNcNNv^~NNcQ-irv^ @bNDy&{T\OvaV0 52. B ~t㉘09hnc,{Nk-Nv  My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children&  Sw \OmSyYYYvq_T0 53. D ~t㉘0 ~T,{Nk-N[ N*Ni[P[vcS,{Nk-Nvf with those who have physical and mental disabilities Sw NNvqQ Tyrp/fNN/fku?Qz0 54. D ~t㉘0 9hnc,{ Nk-Nv In a typical classroom, it would not be uncommon to hear a teacher hush a child who was tapping his pencil, or making unnecessary noises. However, here, screeches, yells, and other noises are encouraged. Sw XvyrkKNY(WNi[P[NSNSQTyX0 55. C ct$Re09hncgTNk $\vQ/fvQ-Nv my awareness of others needs ,  be part of something bigger than ourselves T should get out and do something that makes a difference S$Re N.^Rku?Qzv~S-N\OaƋ0R kN*NN^ZPNN`eg.^R.^RvN0 c!. 56. our !us gN͋v(ul09hnc Ne SN wQez/fNN*Nf[uvNegSv Ee^9e:N[eeN'Yϑv)n[lSO NN^(WQ\)n[lSOc>e NȏQNek 0 11. A Sa:N ^JTɋbN NR[[̑vNUON d^bNSR 0unlessTb/fSP[vweu ^:Nunless we were told to do so,O(u N[_vweu~g ^OYuto0 12. A observe sb. do sth. (uNR`e Tbߍ&^tovR͋ N[_\Oe0Sa:N N‰[0R``0Wnۏ h?bP[ ;NN؏l gVegdbSN]U"kvN 0 13. A SP[v;Nthe foodNtasteKN/f; Nv;NRsQ| Ntaste/fޏ|R͋ N(uNR`0 14. D SP[v;NheTinspireKN:N; NvRsQ| EedkY(uǏSR͋\OSVr vS_NSVrNSas he was inspired greatly by what he had heard and seen0 15. C ,ggNE(u0Sa:N bb`Ov^U_6R Neg`OONaT  Np?Q_N N U_'T 09hncTJSST{Sw Ta[eU_6R0Never mind. lsQ| 8^(uegh:y[pabVT{+RNvSIkNo way. (uegZWQ0Wb~+RNNot at all. Np?Q_N N 8^(uegh:y Ta+RNvlbZPl You d better not. YIZ0WJTɋ+RN NZPgN0 a!.16. C gR͋w틨g0A _S B ԏV b` Y C V~ D %_e 0 NNSc0Rbegan to reflect on what it had meant dkYc V~ bN0Rv,{N*NZf N0 17. B bNۏeQُ*NW^Uv^:W :Nv/ft^{NSOO0R[v;mR0so thath:yvv _[vvvrNSnow that e6q as if }YP N[O even if sSO 0 18. D NecQW^u;m cgq8^tW^,g/f[ՈA~NSvofa FOTbtScQNW^̑u;mgpvwzN ُ/fNNYe NSv NNa0R T` 0 19. C V[v NNN^eh N ~Ǐ Ǐ 0 20. A entire te*Nv hQ萄v normal ck8^v average s^GWvN,v nfv general 'YSOv <{~v 0 21. D dkYh:yvv  :NN^ǏNZf N Ee(uN͋for0 22. C +VrQkbNt^{v T4ON@b`a0Rv||_Y0 23. B 1u NS-Nvan air of sadness settled over the groupSw`$OvllV~@wXT _YN_`NO=0give up >e_ break down O a`1YSc6R set off QS _w hold on ZWc bOO N>e 0 24. A (WُysX NSbSekN*NN`0RNNS;NIN0 25. C )YZf N bNNpe\ebNv@b@b0inspect Ɖ[ attempt OV witness vQ challenge cb 0 26. A dkYa`/fbR'Y[Q_vaS0 27. D dkY:NN͋T T͋vV[-dM  VbN*NW (uin a circle0 28. C gN͋g01ueveryone had a chance to speakSw 'Y[ g:gOS @bNl gN/fd[zv 'Y[SN|_dkNAm^NTꁄvS^0 29. A 1ubased on my& in poverty-stricken areasSwN g(W+wz0W:Sv ~S 0 30. B bc=\{bN_u FO/fُyu悄v`a(W.^RbNTMRSU\ N T7h͑0while g }6q =\{ KNa h:yek0 31. D 'Y[VbN*NWNv(W0(WNAm @bNgT'Y[bqQƋ0agree Ta ^ T &{Ta0 32. C Ne'Y[bqQƋ bN@b0RvNN N勍QSu nowdkY:Nl͋ \O(u/f zR\PN_w+RNvla 6qT~~݋ 9eS݋ Ee Cy0 33.B suffering u 悾 cNe[SR_vN@b~Svu0 34. C RgR͋wfocus onTSP[the could doSw:\[ A0B0D Ny N(u S(uwhat_[ُN[NS0 35. A dkYa`:N 'Y[ gNZPNvQ_ HQMRv`$ONl'N_N1\KNfNN 0replace/f Nf va`0 b!.36. B ~t㉘01u,{NkSw NN[yf[v‰pe g[vNb _N gb_vNb fNN[yf[v`^ YBg0 37. C ~t㉘09hnc,{ Nk-NvThis belief is dangerous too, because it fuels a sense of hopelessness and discourages them from making efforts to build a safer world.SwCycknx0 38. D ~t㉘09hncgTNkvgTNSSw S gNNV~RR Mb;bkyf[(u v^ON{|v\egfR}Y0 39. B ;Ne'Ya0 ,ge;NNyf[T}YveT؏/fOWveTSU\ ;N/f1uNv`^Q[v0 40. D ~t㉘09hnc,{Nk,{NS-Nvlater speakers are often long listenersSwf[݋ߏ i[P[,Tve1\0 41. A ~t㉘09hnc,{Nk,{NSSw R_YQ*NgSQvN$N*NXhfNNvؚtQ0u0S}YI{h`0 42. B ct$Re0,{ NkNtZ?Qf[ YY :NO fُy!jN/f:NN}Ys v^l gaIN gT6rkYei[P[ee i[P[/f&Tf[0RNHN [dka0R`u Sُv^ N͑ e-NSwhat a child means by a wordOt^ SS Vdk By0 43. A ct$Re0N,{ Nk-Nv Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. SceQsSOi[P[Nf[N݋ NNN6qO~~!jN0Vdk yAcknx0 44. D \OaV0\Ov;NaV/ffSOZi[P[v^ Nwck0WYeNN0 45. C ~t㉘01uez,{NkSw g92%vN:NSbi[P[ ge/f_v _N1\/fSN\O:NNyYei[P[ve_0 46. C ~$Re01uez,{NkT,{ NkSw \Ov^ N/fN*N[v[ _\&^i[P[SlQV N~8^(uRve_Yei[P[You re not my favourite, but you re getting pretty close. 0ezv^l gc0R\O/fNew Weeklyv0 47. A ct$Re01u勵kvgTNS݋Swassaultva`^NbutTʑv  reasonable parenting va`vS0 48. B ~ce09hncez,{NkS,{Nk,{NSThe unpunctual man, however, never does what he has to do at the proper time.ScwdkT{Hh:NBy0 49. D ~ce09hncez,{Nkv,{mQSThe unpunctual man is forever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset "N as well as others . ScwdkT{Hh:NDy0 50. 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