ࡱ> ` Rbjbjss2W;v>>>>D?\ZAAn?n?n?n?n?n?n?n????????$3BhDB?5n?n?n?n?n??n?n?@???n?n?n???n?????n?b? `:/ >n???A0AA?Dn?D?D?n?n??n?n?n?n?n???n?n?n?n?AAn?n?n?n?ZZZ#;ZZZ;r RN NQwƋpw0SW MODULE1 10Y galways ,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, once a....,every...(uN,s(We ,{N0NNy YpeTߍR͋Sb_ ,{ NNyUSpeTߍR͋R's'/'es'0 20Y gnow ,look! ,listen, at the moment ....(us(WۏLe ~g/fbe (am, is, are) +v-ing 30Y gtomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, in +Nke, some day, next....(uN,\ege ~gwill + vS \ be going to +vSl gR͋(ube 40Y gyesterday, ......ago , last....just now.....(uN,ǏSeR͋Red give sb. Sth.=give sth. to sb. ~gNgir every dayk)Y, write down Q N Nwrite it (them) down everydayk)Yv e8^v, how about doing sth.=what about doing sth.ZP....`HN7h each other Nv. thanks a lot= thank you very much^8^"" VT{That's all right. =You're welcome.= That'OK.= It's my pleasure.=Not at all.Why don't you+VS...=why not+...VS :NNHN N help sb. with sth. (Wgeb.^R+RN help sb. (to )do sth..^RgNZPgN with one's help=with the help of sb.(WgNv.^Rhelp oneself to sth.(uߘir watch sb. do sth. w0RgNZPNgN s(Wl gZP ZPǏ watch sb. doing sth. w0RgNck(WZPgNck(WZP see, hear{|mNS/S send upS\. all the timeNv enjoy oneself=have a good time=have a great time=have fun, s_ a_ lots of =a lot of =many(Spe)\much( NSpe)Y , , spend : sb. spend some time on sth.gN9eZPgN sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. gN9eZPgN Sb. spend some money on sth. gN9pNgir Sb. spend some money (in) buying sth.gN9pNgir Cost: sth. cost sb. some money girSgN pay: sb. pay some money for sth. gN/eN Take: It takes (took) sb.some time to do sth.ZPgNSgNe ask for Bl Bl, ask sb. for sth.TgNgir ask sb. to do sth.BlgNZPgN a piece ofNWW enjoy doing sthU"kZPgN.finish,practise, mind, miss ,consider,keep, continue,ُN͋TߍR T͋b__V-ing place sth.in =put sth. in bgir>e(W& ̑b else8^Op N[N͋ sQ|N͋boR͋ _NSOpall, much,littleI{ elseMONvQT0@b geT V 1,speak 2.sayQ[ 3,talkN 4,tellJTɋ V w 1,watch‰ w5uƉ k[Tho 2,see wN 5uq_ ;Su Θof 3,read wfN b 4,look1\ w0 w:W5uq_(usee fN wb(uread 5uƉ0bgR0k[ Q/fho(uwatch,observe~‰[ Nela(unotice. make+[+eb_[͋ OgNgir`HN7h0 .make+[+do gNZPgN make+[+ǏSR͋ OgN`HN7hmake friends with sb.NgNN gS hear of,T hear from6e0RgNvegO be bad for[& g[ it is +adj.+of sb +to do sth.Q'`\ sell out VSIQ, at the end (W~_ge, have been toSǏs(W N(W?Q ,have gone to SNs(W N(W݋0W everyday Englishe8^ first priceNI{VY The most exciting experiencegoRN_v~S before long NEN long before=soon=a little later_ENNMR no probleml have a problem in doing sth.ZPgN gV work out a problem㉳QN*N invite sb to do sth,gNZPgN invite sb to some placegNSg0W, one day,gN)Y ǏSb\eg some daygN)Y\eg , ޏ|R͋ N/fbe (am, is ,are ,was ,were,)Naɉfeel NOckeep NSbecome, get turn Vwegtaste ,smell , look, sound Tߍb_[͋\Oh0 N[N͋somebody, some onegN anybody,anyoneNUONnobody,no one lNeveryone,everybodyk*NN,somethinggir ,anythingNUOir,nothinglN,everythingNRNir OpNNvb_[͋>eT0 different kinds of =all kinds of N Ty{|v TyT7hv by the end of 0R& +g:Nbk NߏN give a concert=give concerts>NRPNO in the end =finallygT ~N take a photo=take photosgqv ^ cook sth for sb.=cook sb.sth. :NgNZPmbuy,make such+a /an +adj+USpe T͋=so +adj+a/an+USpe T͋ ( TMRsuch b_oRso YY\\_N(uso,little^\yrk  \ (usuch,\(uso.) N]wQvXNPW take the(a) +N]wQto , =go...by+N]wQ=go...on /in+a(the)+N]wQ(\}lfS(uin vQYOvS(uin ,on); walk to some where=go to...on foot; fly to somewhere.=go ....by plane ride to somewhere=go...by bike, drive to somewhere=go to by car, a kind ofNy , be kind to sb[gNSU since thenNew take off 1 N wޘ GP, reckon=consider =regard =thinkQ :N, be reckoned (to be) ,N:N reckon....as... vS_N regard ...as...bS_b in the photo,(WgqGȓ go abroad,QV be abroad,(WVY travel abroad,0RVYeL sell out,VSIQ sell to , VS~gN sell wellVS_}Y , V*N_Nalso,[ LMRbe Ttoo[ S+geither,&T[ S+gas well,[ S+g0 go to sleep,Sawɉ the price of,....vN@*,XZ* , &!(!!!!!!!t"v"""X#Z#####B$D$$$.%0%T%V%%%& h'o(h'h'CJaJ h'aJo([(!!!v""Z###D$$0%V%%&& ''(n((&)X)))R**&+++ d,4$gd'&&&& ' 'D'F'''((l(n((((($)&)V)X)))))))P*R***$+&+++++R,T,,,,,d-j-z-|---,.......>/@/////H0J000001111222242z2|22222>3@33344z4|444x5 h'o(h' h'aJo(h'CJaJ\+T,,,f-j--....@///J00112|22@334|44z55b66 d,4$gd'x5z555`6b6667788,8.8H8J8\8^88888t9v9*:,:::v;x;<<r<t<<<<<`=b===B>D>>>0?2???8@:@@@@@PARA`AbAAABBTBVBBBCCrCtCCCDZzZ|ZZ[[[[[ \"\\\\\>]@]Uh' h'o( h'aJo(h'CJaJ[67.8^888v9,::x;<t<<b==D>>2??:@@@RAbAABVBBC d,4$gd'CtCC|Z[["\\@]]](^^_T__(`v``4a8aabbcZcc&dd d,4$gd'..,S‰... for a visit S‰, pay a visit to ,b as ...as....T....N7h not as ...as..=not so ...as NY, so ...thatYdk...NN....YgthatT/f&T[,1\SN(utoo...tolbc,Yg/f[1\(u,b_[+enough(for sb )to do sth. be famous for V...bW T(SV), be famous asN...NbN0W W T prefer doing sth. to doing sth.=like doing sth better than doing sthfU"kZPgN, prefer to fU"k... prefer to do sth rather than do sth.[?aZPgN N?aZPgN, return from a visit to N...ԏV, be named after N...v TW[}T T, be proud of N....j, be up to sb.1ugNQ[, up to NNN,_N, space station(W*Yzzz, show sth to sb.=show sb sthbgir~gN w, on businessQ],V...lQN, (W...v Nb over,(W.. Nb,ck Ne,-N gkzz,SIN:Nunder on (W... Nb,4@wirh,SINbeneath, above(W.. Ne,ؚQ,SINbelow in the sky=in the air(W)Yzz-N, by air=by planePWޘ:g, in the last three years(WǏS Nt^̑,(uNs(W[be, none (uN N*NN NvhQ&T[ SIN:Nallneither$N*N N SIN:Nboth, the lastest news,gemo` share sth.with sb.NRNgir MODULE4 get on /along with sb,N...vY, get on well with sb.N...vY=m hear about ,hear of ,T, in fact[E N, the Hope Schools, ^gf[!h look after=take care of =care for,gq~ drop out of school,f[ take part in, SR pay for ,/eN,N how long ,Ye how soon,YEN get on badly with ,N...vY N}Y hear from sb.6e0RgNvO NI{ on the farm ,(WQ:W N in the last+Nke,in th past +Nkein the recent+ Nke,ُ N*N(uNs(W[be because ofV:N...... , sell sth.to sb.=sell sb .sth.,bgirVS~gN buy sth from ...buy sth for sb..~gNpNN get an educationcSYe, take part in=joinSR, in good/bad healthSOeP^/ NeP^, care aboutsQ_,(WNN, take care S__, how oftenYENN!k, stop doing sth.\PbkZPgN, stop to do sth.\P NegSZP+RvN, dress /undressr+N, put on/wear/take off+c, drop out Q,y, drop in zOeg, drop out of school f[ point at c@w, point to cT put on one's clothesz Nc g with the help of sb.=wiht sb's help (W+RNv.^R N without the help of sb.eN.^Rv`Q at home and abroad(WVQY ^^~'`R͋S:N^~R͋ buy--have open--be open join --be in borrow--keep die ---be dead leave--be away come here---be here go there--be there begin--be on finish--be over make friends--be friends get ready--be ready buy--get /have arrive/get to /reach/come--be in \be at /stay, put on--have on /wear get up--be up S^~'`R͋ NSNNfor bsince ޏ(u ^^~'`R͋v&T[__NSNTfor /sinceޏ(u. othervQNv SYv +Rv anotherSN*NNbNir the other$N*N-NvSN*N the othersvQYOv iR NvNbNir othersvQNv SYv +RvNbir MODULE 5 on earth ,vzz 0R^ S(u(Wwhen ,what ,who,where,how ,which,why I{KNT vS_Nin the world,(u(W&T[S-NvS_Nnot ...at all a fan of ,...v give a concert =give concerts,>NLPNO be famous for ,V.. W T(T+Nbirgebvyrp,yr) be famous as ,\O:N... T(T+NLN) at the age of =when sb.was...years old, (W...\veP not only....but also.. NN.. N(1\яSR) N classical music,SxQPN belong to ,^\N sth belong to sb. ir^\NN across ,NN[VQvN0RSN,hbۏLthrough,N-NǏbzǏ,̑bۏL;over NeǏ, Nchb; hear of ,T, be bornQu, go throughzǏ, I'm not sureb Nnx[, I'm sure[, make sb.+adjOgN`HN7h, make sb .do sth.OgNZPgN, take sb. around&^NVYpp, a piece of musicNPNf, in addition to d...NY,buy him a guitar=buy a guitar for him~gNpN TN, go on with sth.~~ZPgN, go on doing sth.~~ZPgN, die of `.. {k,8^chunger, cold, illness,cancerQ萟SV, die from1uN.., {k,8^ca wound ,an accident,carelessnessY萟SV, learn to do sthf[ZPgN, learn from sb.TgNf[`N, Learn...by heartq,̀, learn one's lesson from...N... -N8TSYe, SauS: 1.HQe"[",$Re/f&T[b[. Y gnot ,never, few, little, hardly, no ,nobody,seldom,nothingI{͋,R/f&T[,Tb(u[. 2.T~b"R",‰[MRbvR͋,+T gb``R͋vc(u,:N[INR͋Sb_,(udo, NUS(udoes,ǏS_(udid, had better(uhad 3.bcN,;N틚[N͋, NUS(uhe ,she ,it , Y(uthey we ; somebody,nobody {|e_, give out RS, give a way to [...ek, on the earth(W0Wt N, both....ande....S..... 1\яSR neither....nore N....S N,1\яSR either...orHN....HN.there be, not only...but also1\яSR,, may beS/f. maybe=perhaps'Yi,_N In addition to ..d...NY(؏ g) =besides, but d..KNY,,8^N&T[aIN͋ޏ(u,S_butMR gdoebutTcSb_, except,d....KNY( NSb) on holiday^GP, of course=,sureS_6q all types of|Ty , part time job,NN|QL]\O on one's ownr , be led by1u....&^ MODULE 6 ǏSۏLe (ul1.h:yǏSgNe;Rck(WۏLvR\ObckX[(Wvr` N,8^Tat that time, at pyesterday, then, last night,this time yesterday ,the whole morning,when I arrived I{yr[vǏSeޏ(u0 2.h:yN*NǏSR\OSuebSuKNT,SN*NR\Ock(WۏLb$N*N^~'`ǏSvR\O TeۏL,8^Nwhen,while_[verNSޏ(u0 ~gwas /were +V-ing go on ~~, go on doing sth~~ZPgN( TNNN), go on to do sth ~~ZPgN(SNNN), go on with sth~~ZP TNNN,FO-Nf\PǏ, How is it going ?=How are you getting on /along?яQYUO? by the river,(Wl at this time yesterday(f)Y vُ*NeP, in a tree=in the tree ,(Wh N(Yegir) on a tree =on the tree,(Wh N,(h,gv) smile at sb. g@wgN_{, laugh at sb.2V{gN fall into ,cۏ,̍eQ fall off c Neg, fall behind ,=T,ߍ N N fall in love with,1r N be careful,\_ by mistake1uNQ at that /this time(W/ُe have nothing to do lNSZP, nothing strangelNHNGY*`v take sth. out of .... b...N...bQeg, happen to do sth.x]ZPgN a[R͋see ,hear ,watch,feel ,notice,smell,tasteT+ T͋bN͋+R͋Sb_(h:yR\O]~Su)T+ T͋bN͋+Ving(h:yR\Ock(WۏL) under th hedge(Wh{ Nb, go down NS, think about Q, think of`w :N , think overN~Q, think out,`Q think hard,RR` RR` What happened to sb.?gNSuNNHNN be on No go offqmp \P -NS_Q*NUSpeNy Te\O;Ne HQTz^/f N0 N0N not ...untilv0R....Mb......(;NS-N8^(u^^~'`R͋) till/untilv0R......:Nbk(;NS-N8^(u^~'`R͋) something wrong with...,QNku, lie in bed (W^ N, jump out ofN...Qeg ,on one's way to someplace,(WgNSg0Wv N on one's way home(WgNV[v N,from ....to,N...0R....(R͋+Ving) when,while ,asv:S+R S_...eP WhenSNc~'`R͋ޏ(u,h:y"Nke,"_NSNwf'`R͋ޏ(u,h:y"e;R".;NSvR\OSNNNSvR\O TeSu,_NSNHQTSu.Yg;NNS/fwf'`R͋e,S(uWhen Whileh:y;NSTNSvR\O TeSu.vQNSvR͋_{:N^~'`R͋,NSY(uۏLe`,_NS(uh:yr`vR͋vN,e`.Yg;NNS/fۏLe,S(uWhile asNWhen TIN,FOasc;NSvR\OTNSvR\ONfۏLb TekSU\. wear out zOW,ze,(uOW, cheer up O/cKY;OtQKY, follow one's advice,TNgNv^, look intoT...v̑b w, stop to do sth. \P NZPSNNN stop doing sth.\PbkZPgN stop ...from doing sth.;bk....ZPgN, what kindTy, a kind ofNy, all kinds of =different kinds of TyT7hv, kind of =a bit=a little gp, walk alongl@w....p, by mistake 0W ea0W, by oneselfUSr rz0W, by the way, zO Xvhb(uon XvQ(uin have something to do gNSZP ,have something to eat gSTvN , have nothing to drinkl gNHNUvN feel tireda0RuR no one,N, NNofޏ(u R͋(uUSpe ScN N,(uegVT{who none ,SNofޏ(u R͋S(uUSpeb Ype cNbir VT{how many /how much_[vS NS+Tany+n vN,S Nothing cir R͋(uUSpe without doing sth.lZP be tired=get tired/}N during the day Nte)Y R`v~g/fbe+SirR͋vǏSR͋ Sl1;N++[.\[S\O;N,\SR`,\;NSby[. 2.;N++[+v[ \c[S\O;N,SbR`,vc[ NS. 3;N++v[+[+tobfor \vS;N,\SJT,vQYO NS.byS;N 4.;N++[+[e[\O;N,S,vQYO NS,byS;N. 5.;N++[+[e(let,see,make ,hear,watch ,feel, help, notice,observe,look at ,listen to )S:NRe TRto 6.;N+w틨R͋+[ [\O;N wS vQYO NS,byS;N. 7.&^ gbe going to,be about to ,be to ,have to ,used to ,be supposed to ,be sure to I{\toTegR͋SNR @]l]n]]]]]]]]]&^(^2^4^^^__R_T_X_Z___&`(`t`v`~````2a8aaaaabbbbbcXcZccc$d&ddd6e8eee2f4fffffFgHggggghh&h(hhhhhhhLiNijiliiijj&k(kkk8l h'o(h'CJaJh' h'aJo([d8ee4fffHgghhhNiliij(kk:lllmm|nnohooZpp d,4$gd'8l:lllllmmmmzn|nnnooToVofohoooXpZpppppVqXqqqqqVrXrtrvrrr:s^`TV‚҂Ԃ46<>.0NPZ\8:z|Z\̉ΉTVrt h'o(h' h'aJo(h'CJaJ\t}}}~$L̀>`V‚6P:| d,4$gd'|\ΉVtPލ\Ď0L֐vʑf d,4$gd'NP܍ލ Z\prŽĎڎ܎.0JLԐ֐tvȑʑdf h'o(h'CJaJ h'aJo(h'8 d,4$gd'0182P. 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