ࡱ>   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F@@SummaryInformation((DocumentSummaryInformation8 WordDocument3 Oh+'0(Xp   'Y^ en.eywedu.net'Y^ en.eywedu.net'Y^ en.eywedu.netNormalhp2@Rp@~^Microsoft Office Word՜.+,D՜.+,\  8fn (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-  P.KSKS3na&&8 z | $[h "3a8:,  Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A 1 (1a-2d) N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋ heel, scoop, electricity, style, project, pleasure, zipper, daily, website, pioneer, list, mention ccN NSW `$  When was the telephone invented?  I think it was invented in 1876. a$  What are they used for?  They are used for seeing at night. 2) irTSfve0Sf hgSfv(u0 2. `a`^NeƉ 06Svwn 0 f[uNN-NVv6eS S6SSfv nn v^NvQSU\Ǐ z0 1. What is the video about? 2. Who is the writer of Cha Jing? Ss try to answer the questions: It s about the tea. Lu Yu. b!. Reading Work on 3a: 1. Tell Ss to read the article quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Ss read the article quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. 2. elc[HQ@b~v NS݋ 6qT_we bOOkNkv;NS ~b0RT{Hh0 3. f[uN c^c[velۏL v^_ N*Nk=0 4. gT Ye^Rf[uVT{T{Hh v^!h[T{Hh0 Para. 1 How tea was invented by accident Para. 2 Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing Para. 3 How tea spread to other countries Work on 3b: 1. JTɋf[uNQ!kweQ[ v^VT{3b-Nv@b g0 2. f[uNHQُN t㉃[Nva` 6qT&^@wvsQN~Vwe v^(WwevvsQOo`YR~0 3. f[uNVT{ v^!h[T{Hh0 `$ It was first drunk nearly 5, 000 years ago. a$ It was invented by accident. b$ Lu Yu. c$ It s about how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. d$ It is believed tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. Tea didn t appear until around 1660 in England. 4. f[uN N]vT{Hh v^9eckT{Hh0 c!. Post reading Read and fill the blanks. Fill the blanks according to the first paragraph. Tea (after water), the most popular drink in the world _______ (invent) by accident. It is believed that tea _______ (drink) 5,000 years ago. It ______ (say) that a Chinese ruler ______ (call) Shen Nong was the first ______ (discover) tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong _______ (boil) drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant ____ (fall) into the water and remained there for some time. It ________ (produce) a nice smell so he ______ (taste) the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the world s favorite drinks _________ (invent). 2. Fill the blanks according to the second paragraph. Lu Yu,  the saint of tea , ______ (mention) Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing a few thousand years later. The book describes how tea plants _______ and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves _______ (produce) and what kinds of water _______ (use). 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms . People believed that tea _______ (bring) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea ________ (not appear) until around 1660, but in less than 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries ______ (take) place in the 19th century. Work on 3c. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. 1. JTɋf[uN,gf[`N;mRvBl(u@b~US͋vS_b__kXzz0 2. f[uN3c-NvQ[ tk*NSP[v'YSOa`0 3. f[uNSP[Q[ V`wevQ[ bp`S_vUS͋v^(uvQp`S_b__kXzz0 4. Yg NvckX N SNQSwe (WvsQvQ[Y QN~ۏL ~b0RvsQOo` v^[bSP[0 5. Check the answers0 ( 1. invented 2. drunk 3. produced 4. brought 5. traded d!. Language points 1. by accident vP6qaY0W e.g. The little girl knocked the glass by accident. \sYi[ N\_x=Nstog0 2. ruler n. ~l/eM rule (~l) + (e)r ! ruler ~l e.g. The new nation needed a modern-minded ruler. ُ*NetQV[NMOsN4Yv~l0 3. boil v. nqlp_ e.g. Boil the potato for 20 minutes. bWFnq20R0 4. remain v. Oc NSiRYO `$ \Oޏ|R͋ Tߍ T͋0b_[͋0 N[_0R͋I{ZPh0cOcgyr`0 e.g. Peter become a manager, but Mike remained a worker. |__b:N~t SȏKQN/f]N0 a$ \O NSirR͋ a:N iRYO 0 e.g. Only a few leaves remained on the tree. h NNiR NQGrSP[0 5. smell n. lsT e.g. The apples give off a sweet smell. gSQ^8^uvsTS0 v. SQlsT0R e.g. I can smell some nice noodle soup.b0RUUvbdlsT0 6. national adj. V[v; lev nation (V[) + al ! national e.g. The group of dancers wore national dress. oXTz@wle gň0 7. without doubt keuvnx e.g. Li Na, without doubt, is the best tennis player in China. keu NgZ/f-NVgOyvQtЏRXT0 8. take place SuQs `$ /f NSirR͋ N(uNR`8^cNHQ[cbNS gVvN`0 e.g. Her sister s marriage took place at 8:00 today. yYYYvZZNL0 a$ ghappenR8^cvP6qSuvN` e.g. I happened to see Peter on my way to the museum. (WSZSirv Nbx]G0Rvyr0 9. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. nc gNMOS\O^yQv-NV~lgeSsN6SNn(u0 It is said that& /f*N8^S_ h:y nc& &  , thatTbc[tevSP[0 e.g. It is said that thirteen is an unlucky number in many Western countries. nc(WYeV[13/f*N N T)RvpeW[0 ,gUSCQ؏ gN*N{|_hSfv0 It _____ _______ _____ Whitcomb Judson. d$ 6SNHNeP&^0RgSv _____ ______tea ________ to Korea? e$ 6S(WmQ0RNN~KN&^0Rg0 It _____ _______ to Korea ________the 6th and 7th centuries. f$ pQmmR(uegZPNHN What ____ the hot ice-cream _____ _____? g$ [(uNc_QvQmm0 It s _____ ______ ______ really cold ice-cream. h$ 5u݋:g(W1876t^\@bSf0 The telephone _____ ________ _____ Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. i$ \N1876t^SfN5u݋:g0 Alexander Graham Bell _________ the telephone in 1876. 2. f[uN9hnc_ w'YO\U^eg[bkXzz~`N0 3. f[uN[bkXzzՋT SNSb_,ghgT{Hh [vSP[ USrۏL:_S_0 b!. Grammar N,ǏSe`vR`vgb g$Ny`;NR`TR`0;NR`h:y;N/fR\OvgbL R`Rh:y;N/fR\OvbS0Y We cleaned the classroom yesterday. bN(f)YSbkbNYe[0 (;NR` ;Nwe/fcleanُNR\OvgbL) The classroom was cleaned yesterday. Ye[(f)YSbkb0 (R` ;Nthe classroom/fcleanُNR\OvbS) N0N,ǏSeR` N,ǏSeR`v~g:N ;N+ was /were +SirR͋vǏSR͋ (+by+R\OvgbL). 0Y Trees were planted last spring. St^%f)YyNh0 1. [S ;N + was/were +SirR͋vǏSR͋ + vQN. Paper was invented by Chinese people two thousand years ago. ~/f-NVN(WNCSYt^MRSfv0 2. &T[S ;N + was/were not +SirR͋vǏSR͋ + vQN. Women were not allowed to take part in the games at first. _YYsY NAQSReYЏO0 3. N,uS Was/Were +;N +SirR͋vǏSR͋ + vQN? Were these pictures drawn by your sister? ُNVGr/f1u`OYY;uvT N0R`v(ul 1. NwS/fR\OvgbL bl g_cQ/fR\OvgbL0 e.g. English is spoken all over the world. hQNLu(W0 2. zQb:_R\OvbS0 e.g. This dictionary is used by most students. ُ,gW[xQ/f'YYpef[u(W(uv0 N0;NR`SR`^lav 1. gNw틨R͋vS_NSirR͋ S:NRSeN͋boR͋ NSc0 They put off the meeting because of the weather. The meeting was put off because of the weather. OV)YlvEecߏN0 2. +T gS[틄v;NRSS:NRSe 8^bc N vc[S:N;N c ir vvc[OYu NSYgbcir vvc[S:N;N R(Wc[MRRtobfor0 My aunt gave me an e-dictionary yesterday. I was given an e-dictionary yesterday. An e-dictionary was given to me yesterday. 3. ;NRS-Na[R͋see/hear/watch/feelI{TOy_R͋make/let/haveI{Tߍweuto vR͋ N[_ S:NR`e^R N N[_&{Sto0 I saw a heavy man enter the house. A heavy man was seen to enter the house. 4. |R͋0 NSirR͋bgNw틨R͋happen, take place, come true, fall asleep& l gR`0 What happened to Mr. Brown? ^gHQuSuNNHNN c!. Exercises ~N~ \ NRSP[S:NR`0 1. He chose six story books the other day. Six story books _____ _______ by him the other day. 2. Uncle Lee gave Jack a large cake for he painted the wall wonderfully. Jack ______ _____ a large cake for he painted the wall wonderfully. 3. A mouse ate half of the cake last night. Half of the _____ ____ by a mouse last night. \ NRSP[S:N;NR`0 4. Were these machines invented by Edison? _______ Edison _______ these machines? 5. The post card was sent to Linda by Paul. Paul _______ the post card _______ Linda. 6. America was discovered by Columbus. _______ Columbus discovered _________? d!. Practice Work on 4a: 1. Tell Ss to read the sentences in 4a and rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. 2. ZPelpb:yO `$ pbSS:NN,ǏSe` SSv틨R͋:Nsold [:Nthe fridge9e:NR`e ^\the fridge\O;N 틨R͋(uwas soldvb__0 They sold the fridge at a low price. ! The fridge was sold at a low price. a$ pbRgSSvSP[~gSw stole/f틨R͋ my camera/fSP[v[9e:NR`Se ^\my camera\OSP[;N 틨R͋(uwas stolenvb__0 Somebody stole my camera from my hotel room. ! My camera was stolen from my hotel room. f[uN;N\vQN N*NSP[SbR`0 3. gT Ye^N Tf[NNw!h[T{Hh v^[f[uN guv0WeۏLʑ bZPQTtvRgpb0 Where were these photos taken? We were advised not to go out alone. The book was translated into different languages by different writers. Work on 4b: Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the box. 1. f[uNeFh-Nv͋Gl N͋GlSSP[va` :NۏLkX͋ZP}YQY0 eat, like, invite, tell, lock, ring, break, bring2. wk*NSP[ 9hnc N Nenx[zz @ P ſ}uqmia]YS CJo(5CJo(CJo(CJOJQJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJOJQJo( CJo(\ CJo(\CJOJQJo( CJo(\ CJo(\ CJo(\CJOJQJo(CJCJo(CJCJCJo(CJ CJo(5 CJo(5CJo( CJo(5CJo(CJo(CJo(CJOJQJo(5\CJOJQJo(5\CJo(CJo( P R RTVbdvx"(*2DFNjŹ~{wtqmiea]CJ\CJo(CJo(CJ\CJo(CJCJCJo(CJCJo(CJo(CJo(CJCJo(CJo(CJo(CJCJo(CJo(CJo(CJCJo(CJCJCJo(CJOJQJo(^JKHCJOJQJo(^JKH CJo(5\ CJo(5\ CJ5\ CJo(5 CJo(5CJo(CJo( CJo(5#jlt:<dz|DFHJ\^dĸ~xtnf`ZVRNCJo(CJ5CJ5 CJQJ5 CJKH\CJo(KH\ CJKH\CJo( CJo(\CJ\ CJo(\CJOJQJo(^JKHCJOJQJo(^JKH CJo(KH CJo(KHCJOJQJo(^JKHCJOJQJo(^JKHCJOJQJo(^JKH CJ5\ CJ5\CJQJ5\CJCJo(CJo(CJo(CJ\CJo(CJo(d|\^`b ~ 8H{wqkgd`CJo(CJCJo( CJo(5 CJo(5CJ5 CJQJ5CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJ5 CJo(5CJ5 CJQJ5CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo( CJo(\CJo(CJo( CJo(\CJ\ CJo(\CJ\$ Z\^`f\^xzvxý}yuqmieaCJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo(CJo( 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