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Someone is practicing playing the piano. ,T gN(W~`N9_4t0 practicen. [~`N~0Y:N NSpe T͋0Y Practice makes perfect.[]qu]0 Have you had any practice in nursing the sick? `O gbtuNv~T 2. promise 1 b Give me your promise that you'll never be late again. T{^b`O~ NQߏ0RN0 2 ^g MR The young man shows promise as a poet. ُMORt^ gb:N׋Nv ^g0 3 vt.AQ T{^ He promised me the book. NT{^~bُ,gfN0 He promised to help us. NT{^.^RbN0 4 ~NN& & vcg g& & vS It promises to be fine tomorrow. f)Y g ^g/f*N}Y)Yl0 3. go on ~~ Go on to to sth 1\/f>e NKb4YvNSZPSYNNN eg. after he finished his homework, he went on to learn English. go on doing sth1\/f~~ZP TNNN eg. after resting for a few minutes, he went on doing his homework 4. agree Ta agreevt.  vi. W,g(ulY N 1 USrO(u h:y Ta0T{^I{0Y I asked him to help me and he agreed. bBlN.^_ NT{^N0 2 ߍN͋withޏ(u0 h:y" Ta^b""N& & NlP ߘir T"0 OY I don"t quite agree with their methodsopinions, ideas 0 3 ߍN Ttoޏ(u h:y" Ta^bc0[c0RI{ "0OY I agree to the proposalthe plan 0 b Taُ*NcR 0 4 NN͋onޏ(u h:y"[& & S_Na";N틀__/fOSFUNNNvNNbUSMO Tb8^ch:ywQSOOSveN0R0LRI{ T͋ 0OY The date for the next meeting was agreed on. N!kOvegbNNvOS0 5 ߍ N[_\O[ h:y" TaZPgN"0OY He agreed to get someone to help us. N Ta~bNeg.^bNv_0 6 ߍNS h:y"N􁤋:N0 Ta"0OY At last, the boss agreed that I should do the work. gT g TabegZPُy]\O0 5. whenTwhile v:S+R `$when/fat or during the time that, ecep _NScNke while/fduring the time that ScNke Vdkwhen_[verNS-NvR͋SN/f~bk'`R͋ _NSN/f^~'`R͋ whileNS-NvR͋_{/f^~'`R͋0 a$when fNSvR\OT;NSvR\OSN/f Te _NSN/fHQTSuwhile R:_;NSvR\O(WNSR\OvSuvǏ z-Nb;NNS$N*NR\O TeSu0 b$1uwhen_[verNS ;NS(uǏSۏLe NS^(uN,ǏSeYgNST;NSvR\O TeSu $NS(uǏSۏLeveP Y(uwhile_[ Y a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. S_dkS9eS;NNSvMOne R:N While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. c$whenTwhile ؏S\Ov^Rޏ͋0whenh:y (We whildxNd$&(2(@(J(P(p("+<+J++--8//z0001b335\6p88Z;\;~;;;;;;;;;;ҼҼҼҼҼҺҼҼҼҼҼҼҼҼҼҼҼҩh .jh .Uh'Q!h'QCJKHOJQJ^JaJo(!h/1"CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(U*h'Qh'Q5CJKHOJQJ\^JaJ$h'Qh'QCJKHOJQJ^JaJ3h'Qh'Q5B*CJKHOJQJ\^JaJph5f\;^;`;b;d;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &dPgd'Qgd'Q $1$a$gd'Qeh:y tS h[gqsQ|0 a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike. i[P[NckэǏS,d_s| ُeNN,T0RNidXbfvX0 b. He is strong while his brother is weak. N__~[ N__tS_&v1_0 6. everydayTevery dayv:S+R everydayb_[͋ a`/f k)Yv e8^v 0 OYShe changed from her everyday clothes into her Sunday best.yYbO gbcbvň0 It's very important to remember some everyday English.OONNe8^/f_͑v0 every day(WS-NEQS_r w@woR͋v\O(u0 OYParty membership is growing every day.ZQXTvpeϑenXR0 0lR_~0 N,\ege 1. N,\egevR͋b__ N,\egeh:y\egg*Ne\SuvR\ObX[(Wvr` _Nh:y\eg~8^bS YSuvR\O0N,\ege1uRR͋shallbwillRR͋Sb_g b shall(uN,{NNy will(uN,{N0 NNy0FO/fs(W,{NNyN,_N(uwill vQ:S+Rv^ Nf>f0b be going to + R͋Sb_ 8^Ntomorrow, next& , in the future soon, in five days in two weeksI{ޏ(u0 YI shall not come if it rains tomorrow.0Yf)Y Nb1\ Neg0 My father will leave for China next week.0bv8r8r Nfg0R-NVS 2. N,\egevSW 1 [S;N+shall /will+R͋+vQNbN The workers will build a new school here next year.]NNft^\(Wُ?QvN@bef[!h0 We shall have a delicious dinner tonight. NZfbN\N0 2 &T[S;N+shall /will+not+R͋+vQNbN She won't come back this week.ُNhTyY NVegN0 I will not go shopping one hour later. N\eKNTb NOS-ir0 3 uSshall /will+;N+R͋+vQNbN Will you be back in ten minutes? ASRT`OOVegT Will you please open the window? `OSb_z7b}YT Shall we get something hot to drink? bNUNNpn`HN7h 4 yrkuSyrku͋+shall /will+;N+R͋+vQNbN Where will you go next week? Nfg`OST What shall I do?b`HNRbT How many books will they get? NN\ gY\,gfN 3. will, be going to & be to& be about to& v:S+R 1 be going to + N[_ h:y\eg0h:ySb{0QYZPvNbsS\Sub[SuvN0be going toTwillvk be going to8^h:y;N‰ will8^h:y[‰0 What are you going to do tomorrow? f)Y`OZPNHN Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. w wُNўN \ gN:WfΘ0 It's going to be a fine day tomorrow.f)Y\O/f*N}Y)Y0 It is going to rain. N薆N0 2  be to+R͋Sb_ h:y cRSuvNb_Bl[ea0ُy~gh:yR-N~[vb cL#0INRBl_{SZPvNbsS\SuvR\O0 We are to have a meeting next Saturday. N*NhTebN g*NO0 The boy is to go to school tomorrow. ُ*N7ui[f)YS Nf[0 Are we to go on with this work? bN~~r^T The president is to visit China next week.;`~ NhTeg-NV0 3  be about to+R͋Sb_ h:ysS\SuvR\O a:N__ l N0TbN, Nߍer0ُN~g(uNh:y[‰1\SuvN h:yl N1\Su0N, NQNerޏ(u0 Don't go out. We're about to have a meeting. +RQSN bN__1\_ON0 I was about to start when it began to rain.bRQS1\ NwegN0 He is about to leave for Shenyang.N\y_Sl30 We are about to leave. bNl N1\p0 The film is about to begin. 5uq_l N1\_YN0 4. laNy 1 be about to NNtomorrow, next week I{h:yfnx\egeverޏ(u0 2 Let's & vDRu8^O(u & shall we ? 0 Let's have a rest, shall we? 3 S/f Shall&  T{S1\(u shall ~  S(u Will&  T{S1\(u will ~  0MRTOcN0 Shall you go to school next week ? Yes, I shall . We'll have an exam . Will you have an exam tomorrow? Yes, I will. / No, I won't. ,ge1u "}Wf[b tet     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h .h'Q ;;;;;gd'Q6182P:p/1". 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