ࡱ> :<99 R.bjbj2>Al  ,o 4> > > > > > > >  $ X -> > > > > Z > > ) Z Z Z > > > Z > Z |Z  > 2 8 > ? 0o >  Z -Nwe9e!jb~ՋST{Hh㉐g N We ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____ 00buy a new color television set and I m not 2. _____ 00sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____ 00one. If we buy a small one we might have 4. _____ 00to change for it in a few years time for a bigger 5. _____ 00one. My husband thinks it s no necessary to buy 6. _____ 00a very big one. He said our sitting room isn t very 7. _____ 00big. If we put in a very big television they will 8. _____ 00be bad for our eyes. Anyway we d better to make 9. _____ 00quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____ 000T{Hh㉐g0 001. in9e:Ninto0in (W& & ̑ hY`vMOn; intoRhR`vMOn a:N ۏeQ 0 002. and9e:Nbut0MRTSKN/flbsQ|0 003. a9e:Nthe0ُ̑hyrc cpNv5uƉ:gv'Y\0 004. dkLcknx0 005. Sc,{N*Nfor0 bAirbcbBir vh/fchange A for B0ez-NSSa:N Qt^KNT1\b\5uƉbcb'Y5uƉ 0 006. no9e:Nnot0V:Nno/fb_[͋ Op T͋ necessary/fb_[͋ @bN(uoR͋notegOp0 007. said9e:Nsays0V:N N Ne/f(uvN,s(We ُ̑cs(Wv`` s(Wv`l0 008. they9e:Nit0ُ̑cv/fthe big television0 009. Scto0had betterTcR͋Sb_0 0010. quickMRRa0make a decisiona:N \OQQ[ 0 N I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________ 00He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________ 00hard work he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________ 00young he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. __________ 00Father knows little about English and other subjects 5. __________ 00but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________ 00to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ 00but also very strict in me. With his help I ve made 8. __________ 00great progress. I ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________ 00me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________ 000T{Hh㉐g0 001.was 9e:N is09hnc N Neve`Sw0 002. ,{N*Nyear9e:Nyears0V[S forty-five vOp0 003. old 9e:N older0VvQT gh:ykv than0 004. Scis0kused to=ǏS~8^ be used to=`N`N0 005. dkLe0 006. advices 9e:N advice0advice :N NSpe T͋0 007. good 9e:N well0OpR͋(uoR͋ N(ub_[͋0 008. in 9e:N with0be strict inTcgN be strict withTcgN0 009. Scto0VRR͋willTcR͋Sb_ Nc N[_0 0010. best MRR the0b_[͋gؚ~MR8^R[Q͋0  N Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. __________ 00summer English course in your school. As for my 2. __________ 00choice of the two courses I d prefer the five-weeks 3. __________ 00course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. __________ 00time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. __________ 00language. I d like to do some traveling and make 6. __________ 00a few new friends. In all the subjects I m learning 7. __________ 00at school I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. __________ 00chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. __________ 00as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _________ 00in England this summer. 000T{Hh㉐g0 001. binvite9e:Ninviting0s(WR͋\O[Opoffer0 002. dkLcknx0 003. bfive-weeks9e:Nfive-week0 pe͋+ޏW[&{S+ T͋ \O[ vQ-Nv T͋(uUSpe0 004. ballows9e:Nallow0(WRR͋will wouldS``R͋can may mustI{Tb 8l܏(uR͋Sb_0 005. blearned9e:Nlearning0while learning=while I m learning0 006. (WlanguageMRRthe0yrcُy0 007. bIn9e:NOf0subjects yv English/fvQ-NN*N yv h:ygؚ~vkV /fteSON*N+RvsQ| 1\(uof0ce00WpV Mb(uin0 008. Scme0;N ^g]ZPgN vc(uhope to do sth N[ N _N N(uhope sb to do sthُNSW0 009. Sclevel0ُ/f-Ne_0improve=make& better0 0010. bpossibly9e:Npossible0as& as possible(=\& & )/f`N0 V but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 1. _____ 00Guangzhou. We don t look each other very often 2. _____ 00but we re keep in touch all the time. I often write 3. _____ 00to Mary and telling her about the things that4. _____ 00are happened at my company and she often 5. _____ 00writes to me about her work. We talk on phone6. _____ 00once a week. Sometime I call her on her 7. _____ 00car phone or we send e-mail to each other. 8. ____ 00We re really luck. There are so many ways 9. ____ 00we can keep in touch with each other. 10. ____ 000T{Hh㉐g0 001. all9e:Nboth0cMaryT\O$N*NN0 002. when9e:Nandbwhile0V:N$N*NRSl g;NNsQ|0 /fv^RsQ| b g[kb[gqv+TIN0 003. look9e:Nsee0V:NdkSa:N $N*NN N~8^b(see) 0 004. Sckeepbbwe re9e:Nwe0V:Nkeep/fR͋ N/fۏLe`bR` R͋MR N(ube FOS-Nl gR͋e_(ube0@bNSckeepbScare 005. telling9e:Ntell0tellTwrite/fv^R0 006. happened9e:Nhappening0V:Nُ/fs(WۏLe`0 007. phoneMRRthe0V:Non the phone/f`N a:N (u5u݋(N) 0 008. Sometime9e:NSometimes0dkYh:y geP N/fh:y g*N N[veP 0 009. dkLcknx0 0010. luck9e:Nlucky0(ub_[͋\Oh0 009. Scto0had betterTcR͋Sb_0 0010. quickMRRa0make a decisiona:N \OQQ[ 0 N I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________ 00England sometimes write to me ask me how long 2. __________ 00I ll stay here when I m thinking of returning 3. __________ 00home. The answer of their questions is simple I 4. __________ 00do not know when I return home. At the moment 5. __________ 00I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________ 00living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________ 00and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________ 00interested and there are so many things I don t know 9. __________ 00about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________ 000T{Hh㉐g0 001. \come9e:Nbeen0come/f~bk'`R͋ NNekޏ(u0 002. \ask9e:Nasking0s(WR͋\O4Or0 003. (WwhenMRRand0 when_[vNSNhow long_[vNS/f$N*Nv^Rv[NS(\Oaskingv[)0 004. \of9e:Nto0(Wanswer key way entranceI{ T͋T `N` N(uN͋to0 005. (WreturnMRRwill0ُ/f\ege0la NN:Nwhen_[v/ferNS (uN,s(WeNf\ege0N[ N when_[v/f[NS0 006. Scbackb\return9e:Ngo0V:Nreturn=go back0 007. dkLcknx0 008. \travel9e:Ntraveling0V:NtravelingNmeetingv^R \Oenjoyv[0 009. \interested9e:Ninteresting0h:ygNir NN& & v (u-ingb_[͋;-edb_[͋Rh:ygN a0R& & v 0 0010. \it9e:Nthem0V:NdkY/fcmany things0 . v nv%%&..o(0JCJ$aJ$o(B*CJOJQJaJo(phIIIB*OJQJaJo(phIII 0JB*CJ$OJQJaJ$o(phIII(0x^RF4 h H  d v d dWD`$da$d. ~ *8J~f| v  dWD`$da$d$0dvHF, nvXF Z! dWD`$da$dZ!!!"r""f###V$$$%@%%%&&''(())&*** dWD`$da$d* +F++4,,$-:--:...d 0182P. A!"#$%S  iF@F cke $1$a$$CJKHPJ_HaJmH nHsH tHA@ ؞k=W[SOL^`L nf (Web)$dd1$[$\$a$CJKHOJQJW` p5\A>M/j#_h$\;~KY 3>dA F  T $ h  [ , k Cy9`+^i L NXah@C00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. 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