ࡱ> DFC'` RL.bjbj84 zzzzzzz L * $h7TEz zz _ z z  zz vI u0z$      zzzzzz 9e 1. Jim have a dictionary. Do you have one? ( )__ 2. They has a map, and he has a picture.( )____ ____ 3. Kate has an apple. What does you have? ( )___________ 4. We has some fish. What do you have? ( )__ ___ 5. What do Sam have? --He has a tin of chicken.( )____ 6. What are they doing? --They is eating. ( )__ ___ 7. Is Tom clean the windows? --Yes, he is. ( )__ __ 8. Do Sam doing his homework? --No, he isn't. ( )_____ 9. --Are the girls watching TV? --Yes, he are. ( )______ 10. --Is Kate flying a kite? --Yes, she isn't. ( )______ 11. Her friend drawing a horse in that house now. ( )___ 12. My mother is do the housework. ( )__ _ 13. All the students is playing games under the tree.( )____ 14. Lily are cleaning the blacboard. ( )__ _____ 15. Tom can play violin. ( )____ ______ 16. Jim can't skiing. ( )__ _________ 17. The football is under the teachers' desk. ( )_______ 18. Who can find he? ( ) ________________ 19. Can you fly a kite or to skate? ( )____ _______ -20. There are many sheeps on the farm. ( )______________ 21. I have many money in my pocket(S . ( )__ 22. He like his Chinese teacher very much. Do you like yours? ( )_____ 23. My schoolbag is new. How about your? ( ) 24. --Where is Tom? --He is in a books store. ( )__ 25. There are 3 peoples in my family. ( )_____ 26. Is there any fish in the lake? ( )___ ____ 27. There are much people in the street. ( )____ ___ 28.Don't laugh at I. ( )______ _____ 29. My mother wears new trouser today. ( )__ ____ 30. He can play the volleyball. ( )__ _______ 31. Can you put the toy car in your head? ( )_ ______ 32. He can have a ice-cream. ( )__ _______ 33. Can he ride a bike? Yes, he can't. ( )___ ____ 34. Do you like sking? No, I don't. ( )__ ________ 35. How many vase are there in the shop? ( )_ ___ 36. What do you like? I like pumpkins masks. ( )___________ 37. They don't go to school in sunday. ( )_____ ___ 38. He would like go to the supermarket. ( )____ ___ 39. Are you need a tape? Yes, I do. ( )___ _____ 40. How much is the trousers? Fifty yuan. ( )___ __ 41. Do you like swimming? No, I do. ( )____ __ 42. Shall we listening to music now? Good idea! ( )________ 43. Are there some pictures on the wall? ( )___ _____ 44. Kate and Jim has two boxes of chocolates. ( )__________ 45. What does you have? ( )____ "(<@DNVprz  ( 0 ` f r z     3 5 6 < -hhh${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy-hhhDB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy0hhhh>*B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJyhhhhCJKHaJ-hhhhB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy: tT  I ~ * d + $dd1$[$\$a$gdh>kd$$Ifj 6 -6-34a$$& #$/-1$Ifa$gdhL.< D E L O S X h k p r z {      . 8 9 @ A H I V h q r w x { | -hhhDB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy0hhhh>*B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy-hhh${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy-hhhhB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy?       # $ / 2 3 8 9 ? 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What shape are the bag? ( )________ _____ 52. How many computers can you look at in the picture? ( )________ 53. There are three windows and a door on the wall. ( )___________ 54. Her friend drawing a horse in that house now. ( )______ 55. Do they wactching TV now? ( )_______ 56. I have many money. ( )__ _______ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-- - ---------.-8-@-A-J-K-R-S-Z-|-------------ѸѸќѸѸѸѸѸцѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸѸ*h${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(phJy6hhhh6>*B* CJKHOJQJ]^JaJphJy0hhhh>*B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy-hhhhB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy-hhh${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy4--------......".#.$.(.).*.../.3.4.9.B.C.K.L.кУУИhhhhCJaJ-hhh${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy*h${B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(phJy-hhhhB* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy0hhhh>*B* CJKHOJQJ^JaJphJy6182P:pD. 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