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T: OK, youre right. Thank you. Please write a students name under thequestion on the blackboard. Who can do it? OK, Yang Fan, please. S2: Li Gang. T: OK, Li Gang, please come to the blackboard. Do you have an alarm clock? Guide him to answer Yes, I do. /No, I dont. S3: Yes, I do. T: Now, please write four questions like this. After that ask students to say other things they might ask. As the students complete the questions, move around the classroom checking progress and offering suggestions as needed, at the same time ask students to move around the room, asking their questions and writing in names. In this way the students learn the target language easily. Step 6. Todays homework 1. Write a story about your /his /her collection. 2. Make up dialogue with Do you have? 3. Finish off all the exercises on the small blackboard. ;NYNNgvhT cHhN: O(ue,{ hTfg Period Five Writing Language goals (vh) 1. Words & expressions: basketball, tennis racket, baseball bat, ping pong ball,soccer ball, volleyball, interesting, boring, run, difficult, relaxing, TV 2. Key sentences: (1) Do you have a ball? Yes, I do. (2)  Let s play soccer.  That sounds good./It s boring. Ability goals (Rvh) Train students writing abilities. Emotion & attitude goals (`aT`^vh) Learn to talk about ownership and make suggestions. Strategy goals (V{euvh) Enable students to form wide interests and hobbies. Culture awareness goals (eSaƋvh) Enable students to understand the different countries have different suggestions and hobbies. Teaching important & difficult points (Yef[͑pTYef[p) Learn to how to talk about ownership and make suggestions. Teaching procedures & ways (Yef[Ǐ zNe_) Step 1. Revision Before class ask a few students to read aloud the stories about themselves, and then have some pairs act out dialogues about ownership. Also give students three minutes to have a free talk. Step 2. Words checking This activity provides a comprehensive review of key vocabulary presented in this unit. T: Now lets go over key vocabulary in this unit. I speak Chinese, you speak English. First answer my questions one by one, and then answer my questions together. OK lets begin. gv eJv Ov& & {t Qttb& & Ss: Interesting , boring, relaxing& T: OK, so much for this. Now take out your English exercises books, write five new words in it, and then share your lists with your groups. Step 3. Reading and writing This activity focuses on students understanding of the target language in the unit. T: Please read aloud the following sentences in 3a, and then number the sentences to make a conversation that follows the situations in the pictures by yourself. After a while, check the students answers. The answers are: 5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7. After checking the answers, ask the students to act out the dialogue and recite it. T: Now look at the chart on the blackboard with the names of five activities and five words at the top: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing. And then make up a dialogue talking about ownership and making suggestions. interestingboringfundifficultrelaxingPlay baseballWatch TVStudy mathPlay soccer Talk on the phone Ask two students to act out the dialogue. S1: Lets play baseball! S2: That sounds interesting, but I dont have a baseball. S1: S2: Step 4. Group work T: The class ball games will be held soon. The students in the class are training recently. Please give suggestions to your group and ask them to train after class. As you make up conversations, please use the drills Do you have a? /Yes, I do. /No, I dont / Lets /No, its boring. Step 5. Homework 1. Finish off all he exercises in the workbook. 2. Talk about your friends hobbies. (play basketball /soccer ball /pingpong ball /watch TV /play computer games /play sports every day) Y~x~{ T Yex~~[yb1+1ċ t^ g e Teaching Resources (Yef[Dn^) l (1) T͋ YpevgbSĉ_ gbelO͋N,(W͋>\R-s 1.-s (WnT /s/ 2.(WJmTCQT /z/worker workers, picture pictures, e mail e mailsNs, x, sh, ch I{~>\v͋R-es (ge, se~>\v͋SR-s) 0-es /iz/box boxes, age ages, sunglass sunglasses Nf (fe) ~>\v͋Sf (fe) :N-ves 0-ves /vz/knife knives, wife wives, half halvesNW[k +y ~>\v͋ Sy :Ni T Q-es 0-ies /iz/family families, city cities country counties, body bodiesN  W[k +o  ~>\v͋ Yg/f gu}Tv͋R +es ; SKNR+s 0-es (-s) /z/ tomato tomatoes, potato potatoes, photo photos, zoo zoos yr+Rc T͋ Ypev NĉRSS/f`$ SSCQW[k Yman men, woman  women, foot feet, policeman policemen a$ US Ypeb__N7h Ya fish some fish, a Japanese  some Japanese b$ vQ[SS Ychild childrenI{0 (2) N,s(We i_h:y~8^b`N`vR\O bh:yNirs(Wvyr_0r`S[‰wt0gbb__R͋bevN,s(Web__:Nis, am, are R͋have d,{ NNyUSpe(uhasY vQYON_(uhave0 L:NR͋vN,s(We d,{ NNyUSpe1uR͋Sb_R͋>\ sb esgb vQYON_(uR͋Sb_0W,g(ulh:y~8^vb`N`'`vR\O0We often play games after school. h:yNirs(Wvyr_0r`0We like English very much. h:y[‰wt0The earth 3lmn\R4z dWD,`gdD P dWDL`P gdD dWD`gdD dWD`gdDdgdD$ 9xdWD2`xa$gdn~ $d a$gd\ dWD,`gddw .>DFHNRVZ\t:<P RZ\bdȾzttzzz h\CJ h\CJo(h ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(h@h\5CJh'h\5CJh ? h\5CJo(h ? h\5CJhXSh\5aJhXSh\5CJaJhn~5>*CJo(h% hn~5>*CJo(hn~5CJo(h% hn~5CJo() 4fxz~ XZ\^!&(89:(,48rt6<ʺʺʬʬԳʺʺʺʬʬʺʺʺʺԳ h\CJo( h\5CJh ? h\CJ h\4CJo(h ? h\CJo(h ? h\5CJo(h ? h\5CJh ? h\CJ\h ? h\CJ\o(DZ!8.v9.ght{ d$IfgdD dWD,`gdD FdWD]`FgdDdgdD HdWD^`HgdD %&*+,./4K[$%\]tuz{|imxy ;<}üüh\45CJo( h\5CJh ? h\5CJo(jhn~CJUmHnHu h\CJ h\CJo(h ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(E{5kd$$IfTlֈ \(064 laT d$IfgdD5kd`$$IfTlֈ \(064 laT d$IfgdD5kdA $$IfTlֈ \(064 laT d$IfgdD d$IfgdDA55555 d$IfgdDkd" $$IfTlֈ \(064 laT5kd $$IfTlֈ \(064 laT d$IfgdD5' dWD`gdDkd $$IfTlֈ \(064 laT d$IfgdD6pv|6}~246\^ d WDJ`gdD TWDt`TgdDgdD d WD`gd\ XdWD`XgdDdgdD dWD,`gdD026DFNPX\^&*.JLnpPTVXblnpx|Żh ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(h ? h\5CJ\o(h ? h\5CJo(h ? h\5CJh\45CJo(h% hD5>*CJaJo(h/rKhDaJo(hD5CJaJo(h% hD5CJaJo(8^ Qkd $$IflF Q   06    4 la d $IfgdSd gd\ & Fd gd\ d WD `gd\ ,Lp&Prkdh $$IflF Q   06    4 la d $IfgdS PR~rrrr d $IfgdSkd $$IflF Q   06    4 la &,4:"(PRTh\`t $&L4*48444444Uh ? h\5CJo(h ? h\CJ^Jo( h\CJ h\CJo(h ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(N,B~~rrrrr d $IfgdSkd$$IflF Q   06    4 la2Vz~rrrrr d $IfgdSkdQ$$IflF Q   06    4 laL|ttthh d $IfgdSd gd\kd$$IflF Q   06    4 laLNX&uuu & Fd $IfgdS d $IfgdSnkd$$Ifl0H 064 la&(2,4uuu & Fd $IfgdS d $IfgdSnkd8$$Ifl0H 064 la goes around the sun.eralways, usually, often, sometimes, in the morning /afternoon / evening ,every day /year /week /month& yrk(ulh:y cRb[c\SuvR\O SPbe, leave, go, start, beginI{R͋0School begins on September 1. (uNNgNhere, there _4YvSP[ h:ys(WSuvR\O0There goes the bell. /Here comes the bus. (uNb_fN-N0^JT-NbR6e0RvO-NvS0  What does the notice say?  It says,  No Parking . yr+Rc ,{ NNyUSpe;N NyN͋he, she, it/f,{ NNyUSpeb__0YIt looks like my cat. c:yN͋this /that, USpeSpe T͋b the +USpeSpe T͋ \O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0Y: A book is on the desk.. The car is made in Japan. USrvN T00W Tby|T\O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0YBeijing is the capital of China. NSpe T͋\O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0YThe bread tastes delicious. laS_ NSpe T͋MR g Ypeϑ͋Ope R(u Ypeb__0YThere are two pieces of bread on the table. (upeW[bW[k\O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0Y 8 is a good number.  I is a letter. uN͋what N[N͋everyone /nothing I{\O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0 YIs everyone here today? There is nothing wrong with the watch. v+ing b__Sto do b__\O;Ne /f,{ NNyUSpe0Y Walking is good for your health. To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding. (3) HyOS h:yBl0}TNI{vSP[ 8^weu;Nyou0[~g-NN_(uR͋Sb_vQ&T[b__(WR͋Sb_MRRdon t08^v{|W g DoWDon t + R͋Sb_Come here. Don t go again.Be WDon t + Be +hBe quiet. /Don t be frustrated. LetWDon t + Let +[+[e Let sb. (not) +do sth.Let me in. /Don t let him do it. /Let him not go. ,4.4845 d $IfgdSnkd$$Ifl0H 064 la44545H5J5j5r55555D6|666667$7<7h7p7x7z7777777777768j888 9H9999::":*:4:D:F:X::::; ;;8;:;;;;<<J<T<f<j<p<z<|<~<<<<<<<<<<< h\CJh ? h\5CJ\o(h\5CJ\o(h ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(R5555D6v666uuueMhd $IfVDWD^`hgdSd $If^gdS & Fd $IfgdS d $IfgdSnkdb$$Ifl0H 064 la66667h76889:v:::;~~~~~~p~ hd WD`hgd\ & Fd gd\d gd\nkd$$Ifl0H 064 la :;~;;;;f<n<<<<<\kd$$IflF  06    4 la d $IfgdSd gd\ hd WD`hgd\ <<<<<.=0=6=8=:=<=F=L=V=h====NNNNNOOOPPZP\PpPrPPPHQJQQQRRtRxRSSZT\TTTͻ!h ? h\6CJKH]^Jo(h ? h\CJKHo(h ? h\CJKH&h ? h\5B*OJQJ\o(ph#h ? h\5B*OJQJ\phU h\5B*OJQJ\o(phh ? h\5CJo(h ? h\CJh ? h\CJo(0<<.=0=:=h===r`xd $IfWD2`xgdSkd7$$IflF  06    4 la d $IfgdS===NORST~oocSSCd 7$8$H$`gd\d 7$8$H$`gd\ d 7$8$H$gd\d [$\$gd\kd$$IflF  06    4 la2. _Ye One of the oldest hobbies around the world is kite flying. People have been flying kites for a long time. Nowadays, many people fly kites as a hobby, but some people fly kites as a competitive sport. Lots of young people are taking up skateboarding as a hobby these days. Skateboarders practise at skate boarding parks and there are international competitions where skateboarders do high jumps and other amazing stunts. Skateboarders even have their own fashion, usually really big baggy~g_v trousers and shirts. Another popular hobby is flying model airplanes. People stand on the side of a hill or mountain and fly small planes by remote control. The  pilots can make the planes do stunts, like flying upside down and diving. Not everyone likes such excitement for a hobby. Some people prefer to stay indoors and play computer games. And others simply like to read.     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