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Does it make you happy ,relaxed ,excited , or angry ? _[f[uIt makes me excited/ relaxed& 6qTd>e N TvPN f[uNSPNv Tec N T{|WvPN&^~NNv N TaS0 Guess how they feel.Nf[uatQvVGrQS)R(uYZSON `NNMRNfeeling gsQv͋Gl happy/sad/nervous/tense/ stressed excited/sleepy/surprised 0aV0ǏU\:yh`~vVGr _[f[u‰[VGr SOT Y`NNfeeling gsQv͋Gl w0R)nEe we Te:N NekecZPW Step 2 Presentation 1.1a Look and talk. T: Now , my two friends Amy and Tina are going to have a dinner .There two restaurants around their home .They don t know which to choose .Can you help them ?Look at the picture in 1a .Talk about it with your partner .aV9hnc$NE^V;u _[f[uQ[v wl eN~T Y`NN;N͋Gl g:N,TRZP}YW f[uZP0R_-N gpe gY ,T0 Te NeoST_[f[uvf[`NtQ :NNNcOfY`TR veTzz T: Which would you like to go to? Why? S1: & & S2: & & S3: & & 2.1b Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. 0aV0f[u][v wlT Q,TAmy TTina v[݋ NNN[v N T`^ Te]V,gv͑pSW0 3.( 1c).Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina.(Student A is Amy. Student B is Tina . Student B ask Student A about her feeling.) 4.( 2a). Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them. T:You will hear Tina and John talking about what Tina and Amy did last night .The four pictures show something that Tina did last night . Listen to the tape now. Play the tape for the students . For the first time ,students just listen .Play the tape again ,then ask students to number the pictures when they listen. At last ,correct the answers with the class. 0aV0)R(uYZSON R,TRQ[Qsv;ub v^M Nv^vPN NN.^Rf[utwea` fOf[u4NvQXvaɉ 8T_f[ulaR cؚf[`NtQ0 2b Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina__________ (crazy). 2. Amy said loud music made her__________ (nervous). 3. Loud music makes John_____________. (want to dance) 4. T e movie was so sad that it made Tina______. (cry) 5. Sad movies don t make John cry. They just make him______________ (want to leave). 0aV0ǏۏNekv,TR~`N ~~]V;NSW Te(W,TvǏ z-N _[f[u,TsQ.͋TsQ.S cؚ,TRb]0 6. Role-play the conversation. 2c Pair work : Go over the activities in 2a and 2b .Then try to role-play the conversation between Tina and John in pairs .You may use the example to begin with your conversation. John : Did you have fun with Amy last night ? Tina : Well& yes and no . John : Was Amy late as usual ? Tina : Yes , she was . & & John : Sad movies make me want to leave ! Tina : You behave just like my brothers ! 0aV0dks:N,TTvc6R~`N Nf[u[,TRQ[vcc`Q _N\,TRlS:NS~`N ef[u,TR g]VN,gv;NwƋ0 DPresentation Ye^ċNh ċNQ[A(}Y)B}Y C(N,)1.Syg2.SQnx3.6q'Ye4.T\ONAm5.N N!kvk g'YۏekStep 3 Summary Task 1 Ask the students to read the following sentences in groups first , and try to get the meanings. You have made me feel safe . YNX 4 6 J L \ ^ @   {{r{j{j{r{{_{_{hh$CJaJhCJaJh_CJaJo(hCJaJo(h9ihCJaJo(hh$CJaJo(h9ih$5CJaJo(hPThPT5CJ aJ o(hPTCJaJhPTCJaJo(huzCJaJo(h9i5CJ aJ o(hPTh`5CJ aJ hPTh$5CJ aJ huz5CJ aJ o(!X @  (  VD^gdIogd & Fgdgd$ ,WDd`,gduz$a$gdPTgduz\YY & ( , $ & t $ , . L R T V ¶|seZh 5CJaJo(h9ih9i5CJaJo(h`CJaJo(hIoCJaJhOk1CJaJo(h_CJaJo(hIoh$5CJaJo(hIoCJaJo(h-#CJaJo(hh$CJaJo(h-#h$5CJaJo(h-#h-#CJaJo(h-#5CJaJo(h$5CJaJo(h-#h-#5CJaJo(xzVXhjDhjrxHNVúúvvvvmaXhBF@CJaJo(hrbhxGCJaJo(h\gCJaJo(hrbhrbCJaJo(hxGCJaJo(hrbCJaJo(hMCJaJo(h MCJaJh Mh MCJaJo(h_CJaJo(h MCJaJo(h`CJaJo(h9ih$5CJaJo(h9ih`5CJaJh9ih$5CJaJh9ih`5CJaJo( jZ| VDO^gd>"Vgd;QS$a$gd;QS$a$gd9i$a$gdxG $ & Fa$gdrb WDd`gd Mgd M & Fgd Mgd9iXZ^z|2UVWX}tttktbtbhOk1CJaJo(h$CJaJo(h>"VCJaJo(hBF@CJaJo(hhCJaJhCJaJhCJaJo(hh$CJaJhh+OuCJaJh+OuCJaJh+OuCJaJo(h9ih$5CJaJo(h9ih+Ou5CJaJo(h9ih9i5CJaJo(hrbhMCJaJo(&|pth4*h.`& WD2`gdBF@tWD^`tgdBF@VDCWDd^`gduztWD^`tgdALgd$ WDd`gduzX rt (*fhxz.DFz , 4 6 > @ J L V Z f p | ǼǪǟǪǪǖۖynynynynynynyhqXhr/oCJaJhqXhr/oCJaJo(hr/oCJaJo(hmCJaJhmCJaJo(hhALCJaJhOk1CJaJo(h$CJaJo(hh$CJaJhALCJaJo(hhI= CJaJhBF@CJaJo(hI= CJaJo(h^ CJaJo(h>"VCJaJo(+&z , 6 @ L X $Ifgd$gd$ WDd`gduz WD2`gdBF@X Z h j l n ^UUUU $Ifgd$kd$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqXn p ~ ^UUUU $Ifgd$kd$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqX ^UUUU $Ifgd$kdF$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqX ^UUUU $Ifgd$kd$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqX $!f!z!!!!!!!!!"DZD\DEE^F`FFFFFFGGHHVIIͿxocxhHjhHjCJaJo(h'/CJaJo(hHjCJaJhHjCJaJo(hOaCJaJUhuu=CJaJhuu=CJaJo(hOaCJaJo(hO?CJaJo(hr/oCJaJo(h9ihr/o5CJaJo(h9ih!q75CJaJo(h9ih9i5CJaJo(hqXhr/oCJaJo(hqXhr/oCJaJ& ^UUUUU $Ifgd$kd$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqX !!DDFEE`F^YYYYYYYYgd$kd/$$Ifl\8 RRSS t0644 laytqX ou may take a horse to the water ,but you can t make him drink . What makes you change so quickly ? Then help them to write out the sentence structure :make+[+v. According to the sentence structure ,make up sentences in groups . Task 2 Ask the students to read the following sentences in groups first , and try to get the meanings. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse . Trying to comfort her only made things worse. Well , sit down and make yourself comfortable . Then help them to write out the sentence structure :make+[+adj. According to the sentence structure ,make up sentences in groups . Task 3 Ask the students to read the following sentences in groups first , and try to get the meanings. What made them so frightened ? This has made them interested in physics . You must make yourself understood . Then help them to write out the sentence structure :make+[+ǏSR͋. According to the sentence structure ,make up sentences in groups . Task 4 Do you know ? Make your enemy your friend .SLe:NS0 You may take a horse to the water ,but you can t make him drink . urlя4lf W@WDWXWtWvWxWWWX\Y^Yż}rdVMEjh+Uh*CJaJo(h9ih5CJaJo(h9ihS3 5CJaJo(h9i5CJaJo(hCJaJo(hS3 CJaJo(hhwCJaJo(hwhwCJOJQJaJo(hwCJaJo(h!q7CJaJh!q7CJaJo(h9ih$5CJaJo(h9ih!q75CJaJo(hhaeCJaJo(hBF@CJaJo(haeCJaJo( W@WvWxWW\Y`YbYfYhYlYnYrYtYYYYYYYYYh]hgduz &`#$gd+gdo#8gd$ & Fgdw^YbYdYhYjYnYpYtYvYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYh*CJaJo(huz0JmHnHuhuz huz0Jjhuz0JUjh+Uh+0182P. 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