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Today we are going to learn how to make a banana milk shake. How many bananas do we need? How much milk do we need? S: & . Teacher shows the pictures to students, and makes students know the process of making milk shake. Then write down the key words on the blackboard. 2. Do 1a. Ask Ss to write the names of the actions. Choose the correct words. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own. Then check the answers. Step 3. Listening 1b Listen and put the instructions in order. Step 4. Game 1. Show some pictures in the big screen. 2. Let Ss tell what they can see. 3. Let Ss try their best to say how to make a banana milk shake. Step 5. Pair work Work on 1c: 1. Let Ss read the model with a partner. 2. Use the information in 1b. Ask and answer with a partner. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the chart. Step 6. Listening Work on 2a: 1. Let Ss look at the pictures below. Let one student read the words in the pictures if necessary. 2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and complete the chart. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: $V\  * , . 2 6 8 : D B ԷԅriԅrZKZh\2 CJOJQJ\aJo(h]hCJOJQJ\aJo(h]hCJaJo($h\2 h]hB*CJOJaJo(phh\2 B*CJOJaJo(phh]hCJaJh\2 h\2 5OJQJo(h\2 h]h5OJQJh\2 h]h5OJQJo(h]h>*CJOJQJaJo(h]hCJOJQJaJo(h]h5>*CJ OJPJaJ o(h]h5CJ OJPJaJ o($ 0 vv $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$ckd$$Ifo&4'04'44 la$IfWDd`gd]h$a$00 2 < 4 D  N vvpppppp$If & F$If $$Ifa$vkdy$$IfE0&J!04'44 la  8 bbb$ & Fhdgdd$If[$\$^ha$gd\2 $$Ifa$vkd$$If0&J!04'44 la8 : D ^^^!$ & Fhdgdd$If[$\$^h`a$gd\2 $$Ifa$vkd$$If0&J!04'44 la ww $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$vkd&$$If+0&J!04'44 la * 4 }ww$If $d$Ifa$vkd$$IfE0&J!04'44 la4 6 \ RvpgUgggggd$IfWDd`gd]h d$If$IfkdD$$IfZFz!&M04'    44 la B \ &2BPRVX~ 0]^mR]*`+l++,--ƺƺƺƺƫƺƺƺƺƺƺƜӊƫƫƺƺƺƫƈƺƫU"h\2 h\2 CJOJQJ\aJo(h\2 5CJOJQJaJo(h]h5CJOJQJaJo(h]hCJOJQJaJh]hCJOJQJaJo(h]hCJOJQJ\aJo(h]hCJOJQJ\aJh]h5CJOJQJ\aJo(50^mG>}*++,,,b-- d$If1. Let Ss read the chart below. Tell Ss that they should write the ingredient under the correct amount in the chart. 2. Play the tape for the Ss to write the correct answers in the chart. 3. Play the tape again to check the answers. Step 7. Pair work 1. Tell Ss to ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad. 2. Give a model to the Ss. 3. Ss work in pairs. Try to ask and answer about how to make fruit salad. 4. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.  Summary  1.words: first , next ,then , finally shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, peel, pour, yogurt, honey, watermelon, finally, 2.Sentences: 1)%How do you make a banana milk shake? %First, peel the bananas& 2)%How many bananas do we need? %We need three bananas. 3)%How much yogurt do we need? %We need one cup of yogurt.YeTS` -----------------$If--.L./8///0F0000vppppppppppp$Ifkd$$IfZFz!&M04'    44 la ---000 h]ho(h]hCJOJQJ\aJo(h]hCJOJQJaJo(h\2 CJOJQJaJo(h\2 CJOJQJaJ0000pnkd$$IfFz!&M04'    44 la$If0182P. 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