ࡱ> )` RbjbjUU<??B&vvvvVVVjBBB8BD*Cjjw.CC"DDDOGOGOGuuuuuuu$xh{vVQFOGQQvvvDD$whhhQ2 vDVDuhQuhh5th@VquDC [XB\6 tuT:w0jwt{4g|{ qu{Vqu(OGI:hAJ=KOGOGOGvvg^OGOGOGjwQQQQjjjD=BjjjBjjjvvvvvv Unit 10 If you go to the party, you ll have a great time! Section A1 (1a-2d) N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋ meeting, video, organize, potato chips, chocolate, upset, taxi, advice ccN NSW `$ %I think I ll go to the party with Karen and Anna. %If you go to the party, you ll have a great time! a$ %What will happen if they have the party today? %Half the class won t come. 2) NN Nl cc+TifagNrNSv;NN YTSv(ul0 3) (uif _[vagNrNS\OQGP (uwill~g0 2. `a`^Ne(WNw gbN*NSP[0 (gT SN~f[uNċegc>N*N\~vEeN/fg}Yv0 e!. Exercises (uR͋vS_b__kXzz0 1If she ______ (finish ) work early, she ______(go) home. 2If the weather _____(be) fine we _____ (go)for a walk . 3. If I_____(have) time tonight, I _____ (finish) the book I m reading. 4. If it_____ (rain) next weekend, we_____ (not be able to ) plant the vegetable . 5. If it_____(rain), we______(stay)at home 6. If she______(arrive), she _____(phone) me . Homework 1. Y`NGrammar Focus -NvQ[0 2. \3cvwe Q[te0WQNM0 gfN  Section B1 1a-2e N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋travel, agent, expert, keep& to oneself, themselves, teenager, normal, unless, certainly, wallet, worried, mile, angry, in the end, understanding, careless, mistake, himself, careful, advise, solve, step, trust, experience, in half, halfway 2) ccN NS_~g `$ %What do you think I should do? Can you give some advice? %I think I should go to college. a$ But If I go to college, I ll never become a great soccer player. 2. `a`^NAA $dha$gd:q7^8z88899:;8<==@@@AAADBFBBBDCFCCCCCCDD D,D.D0DMdMxM$dh`a$gd:q$dhWD`a$gd:q $dha$gd:q$ dha$gd:qxMzMMPQQQRt(tDtLtttttttttuuBuDufuuuz{~~JdNj$Љ܉މ"FP૝hJnh:qKHOJQJhJnh:q5OJQJaJo(hJnh:q5OJQJaJh:q5OJQJaJo(hJnh:q5OJQJUhJnh:q5OJQJ\hJnh:qOJQJ\hJnh:qOJQJ(jhJnh:qOJQJUmHnHu2xMMMMNNOO PvPPQQ(tDtttttuDuhuu$hdh^ha$gd:q$;dhWD`;a$gd:q$dhWDd`a$gd:q $dha$gd:q get an education& b!. Talking 1. What is the most important thing to you? be happy go to college Be famous Travel around the world Make a lot of money Get an education 3. Let Ss ask and answer in pairs. c!. Listening Work on 1b: 1. Tell Ss to listen and look at the list in 1a. Put an  A before each thing the soccer agent talks about and a  P before each thing Michael s parents talk about. 3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write. 4. Check the answers: Work on 1c: 1. T: Now please read the sentences in 1c. Try to understand the  if clause or the  will sentences. ,TRc[ ,gBl/fehQifagNSTbvwill;NS Vdk^\͑p>e(W,T+T will v;NS N0 yr+R/f,TnSP[vMR$N*NUS͋0 2. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to choose the right answers. 3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. 4. Show the tape scripts to the Ss on the big screen. d!. Pair work Work on 1c: 1. Work in pairs. Student A is Michael, Student B is his friend. Student B gives student A advice. 2. Ask two students to read the conversations to the class. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Work on 2a. 1. T: What kinds of things do you worry about? Who do you usually go to for help? Now ask and answer the questions with a partner. 2. Let some pairs ask and answer their questions. See what kind of worries they have. e!. Reading 1. T: Read the three statements below and then skim the passage. Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage? 2. Let Ss read the passage quickly and try to find the right statement. c[ HQRgSaa. YgNN g NN^S_TN[Bl^0 b. YgNN g NN^S_RRO[y[0 c. YgNN g NN^S_T+RNɋ0 3. Check the answers with the Ss. f!. Reading 1. T: Now let s work on 2c. First, let s read the questions and make sure we know the meanings of all the questions. Then read the passage again and try to answer the questions. 2. elc[HQ ^aN*Nva`6qT &^@wُN*NQ!kwwevQ[ yr+R/fwwe-NNgvsQvR NO9hnc N NeaSte*Nk=va`egnx[YUOVT{ُ*N0 ~T N Neva` nx[g4RvT{Hh0 3. Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions. 4. Check the answers with the class. g!. Reading 1. T: Now let s read the short passage and the phrases in 2d. Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. If you don t sure about what to fill. You can go through the passage in 2d. 2. elc[HQ ُmQ*N͋~va`6qT Qُ{\weva` 9hnc]vpSa (ueFhȇvUS͋kXzzwtk*NzzNRPNO b\O9_OY T[0 Ygb b\SSR~s|vZO0 Work on Self check 2 1. Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with the words in the blanks. 2. Give Ss some directions: [݋NM t[݋v'Ya fnxzzb–ܖҗԗ|\ LN"Рl<LڳhJnh:q5OJQJ\o(hJnh:q5OJQJhJnh:qOJQJ\hJnh:q5OJQJ\hJnh:qKHOJQJhJnh:qOJQJBʎ*lޏFؑ`zҒʓ>bz–ޖԗ $dha$gd:q$dhWDd`a$gd:q~\N"z$ & Fdha$gd:q$ & Fdha$gd:q$idhWD2`ia$gd:q$ & Fdha$gd:q $dha$gd:qV`<\Pĥ8JԦ(f$ & Fdha$gd:q$ & Fdha$gd:q $dha$gd:q$dh^a$gd:qLNʥ&d$P~ī¬ĬȬʬάЬԬ֬ڬܬ ۠un hBh$zh:q0JmHnHu h$z0Jjh$z0JUh$zjh$zUhj&hJnh:qOJQJo((jhJnh:qOJQJUmHnHuhJnh:q5OJQJ\hJnh:qOJQJ\hJnh:qOJQJhJnh:q5OJQJhJnh:q5OJQJo(+$PL0~¬ƬȬ̬άҬԬجڬ $dha$gd:qڬ 2Lܭ^̮4|~ȰV hWD`hgd:qgd:q$a$gd:qh]hgd$z &`#$gd$z  fhЮҮfh|~ưȰذV^β 8Ljl468ƿƵƿƭۥ֙֐֐ց h.yh:qhk, h:qo(h:qOJQJo(h:qB*aJo(phhg)h:q\hh:qo(h+2h:q\o( h+2h:qh+2h:q\h+2h:qo( h:qo(h:qh;h:qCJOJQJo(h;h:qCJo(h;h:qCJ2`βʴb68h^ڹgd$z ;WD`;gd:q$a$gd:qgd:q\lhj&h$zh:q h:qo( h:q\o(hLTh:q\ :&P 182P:p$z. 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