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Yg8h[ Q[S hQ萘v\O[NT N~g8h[0kX[zz}vT ͑hQe ُ_N/f㉘Ǐ z-NsQ͑vNs0dkeu[ez]~ gNN*Nv[[tevN [ezvt_N1\fۏNNek _N1\xdnNezQ(WSU\v;sQ|0 Yg(WdkeQNMez 1\ gSOSsNNvQNSegl gla0Rv _N1\Y9hnc[{vtSQ(WvT| S Ycre k_ T N bN*Nf&{TezaINvT{Hh vQel/f:bweޏ T@b T{Hh~NM Qweg+RmbbT{HhenxRbcv0WeR+R Neg 6qT\k*Nzz}vYNvQv[^vV*NT{HhN[gq RBlNNǏsQ MQWo0SsS@b T{HhN Yge@b T{Hh N T N%`Nm9e _weL8h[T QQ[S 0 SY (Ws^ev~`N-N [kN{[b_kXzzGWS͑ Y\O NQM ǏS Yv~`N NFOSNbrV0Wcc@bf[W@xwƋ NYcؚ[b_kXzzv^ՋR0 (A) Jack is an English teacher at a collegeHe moved to New York City with _41__familyJack is an excellent teacherSo we all missed him very much since he _42__Two weeks ago, Jack came back to North Carolina for a short visitThe teachers and students held a small _43__for him At the partyI certainly would not _44__that good chance to learn EnglishSo I tried to think of all kinds of topics to talk _45__ Grace another English teacher Suddenly I heard Jack say to others _46__  I dig New York! I immediately asked Grace  Is it really difficult to find a job in New York? Why does Jack _47__ do heavy work since he is such a good teacher?   Why do you think that? Grace asked me   Haven t you heard him _48__that he is digging New York? Is he building an underground passage? I asked When she finally realized what I meant Grace laughed to tearsShe then asked us _49_we knew the meaning of I dig New York All of us shook our _50__So Grace asked Jack to explain it" It turns out that I dig New York means I love New York in American slang(O) ( )41. A. he B. his C. himself ( )42. A. left B. leaves C. leave ( )43. A. meeting B. party C. lecture ( )44. A. look up B. call up C. give up ( )45. A. with B. at C. of ( )46. A. angrily B. sadly C. loudly ( )47. A. have to B. had to C. has to ( )48. A. talk B. say C. speak ( )49. A. that B. whether C. what ( )50. A. hands B. arms C. heads (B) Have you ever done something silly that made you feel  D F P R dflnpr $&(*>@DFJLrt@jhwVhwVKHUaJhwVhwVKHaJo(hwVhwVKHOJPJaJhwVhwVKHOJPJaJo(hwVhwVKHaJ#hwVhwVCJKHOJPJaJo(B  rJB\68:B| dpWD`gdwV $ a$gdwV $dha$gdwV$" dhWD`" a$gdwV@B48:BFz\jz  n6:r6DT#Y#$,z,|,,,<-F---..Ͽ|zU"hwVhwV5CJOJQJaJo(hwVhwVCJOJQJaJ"hwVhwV>*CJOJQJaJo(hwVhwVCJOJQJaJo(hwVhwVCJOJQJaJo(hwVhwV5OJQJaJo(hwVKHaJo(hwVhwVKHaJhwVhwVKHaJo(0|n !r!!"L"}"""#S#T#Y#|,.01 JdpWD`JgdwV $dpa$gdwVdpgdwV dpWDd`gdwV dpWD`gdwVso embarrassed(4\,\v)?Well I had a really bad Saturday morning I went shopping last week _41__my way home, It began to rainI quickly ran into a phone box _42__I didn't have an umbrellaIt was raining hard and I decided to _43__ in the phone box until it stopped. _44__minutes later , I saw a young man walk up to the phone box , wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a tool box. I didn t want to go out into the rain, so I _45__the phone and pretended I was talking to someone . I thought he would go away but he didn tHe waited in the _46__ rain, watching me wave my hands about and act as if 1 was deep in conversation _47_ the rain stopped after about ten minutes OK Mum  I said loudly into the phone  I ll see you later. Bye! I put the phone down and went out of the phone box.  I m sorry to keep you _48__for so long , I said to the man  Oh I don t want to use the phone, he replied I've just come to repair itIt doesn t work My face turned_49__and I quickly ran off with my head down. That was certainly the most embarrassing _50__of my life! ( )41. A. at B. on C. in ( )42. A. so B. and C. because ( )43. A. stay B. live C. come ( )44. A. A few B. A little C. A lot ( )45. A. looked up B. picked up C. turned up ( )46. A. big B. strong C. heavy ( )47. A. Luckily B. Luck C. Lucky ( )48. A. wait B. waiting C. waited ( )49. A. green B. red C. white ( )50. A. chance B. way C. time C Everyone knows people need water But do you know just how __41 _water is to living things ? Maybe you feel lucky__42 _your life isn t hard . But it doesn t mean that you don t have to worry about waterWe all face serious water __43 _ One of them is water pollutionAll kinds of things from cars , factories , farms and homes __44 _our rivers , lakes and oceans dirty . Polluted water is very bad __45_people to drink . And dirty water is bad for fish, __46 _Now , 34 percent of all kinds of fish are dying out . How do cars and factories make our water dirty ? First they pollute the airThen when it__47 _ the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirtyDirty rain called acid rain is also bad for plants animals and buildings __48 _people have made wells to get clean water from underground . But there still isn t enough . Scientists__49 _ that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won t have enough clean water . When we don t take care of our water we are hurting everyoneIt s time to start learning how to save more water for__50 _ and our children ( )41. A. difficult B. important C. comfortable ( )42. A. that B. whether C. what ( )43. A. events B. problems C. questions ( )44. A. keep B. let C. make ( )45. A. for B. at C. of ( )46. A. also B. either C. too ( )47. A. rains B. rain C. raining ( )48.A. much B. many C. few ( )49. A. talk B. say C. speak ( )50. A. our B. we C. ourselves A 41-45BABCA 46-50CABBC B 41-45BCAAB 46-50CABBC C 41-45BABCA 46-50CABBC .". //X/b/00<0F0T0d00011.2022242\2f22222P3R3`3b333,484F8N88849<9V9X99999:::$:::p;v;;;T<^<==$=V=.>6>>>??????F@H@@޽"hwVhwV5CJOJQJaJo(hwVhwVCJOJQJaJhwVhwVCJOJQJaJo("hwVhwV>*CJOJQJaJo(J12d3P445z55J667|77D8F8N89(:^<*>?@XAA8B dp]gdwV dpWD`gdwV $dpa$gdwVdpgdwV@@,E.E0E2E6EfEhElEEEEEEøøøhwVhwV5CJOJQJaJ"hwVhwV5CJOJQJaJo(hwV5CJaJo(hwVhwV5CJaJo(hwVCJOJQJaJo(hwVhwVCJOJQJaJo("hwVhwV>*CJOJQJaJo(8BB CrCCLDD.E0EfEEEdhgdwVdpgdwV 6182P:pwV. 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