ࡱ> q` RbjbjqPqP<::3':::86;;z.<<"<<<??? yyyyyyy${hD~23y5LN?|?LL3y<<hzZZZL&<< yZL yZZSh|@i<< Dj:Thhx~z0zhv~cW\v~$iiv~mD ?pBZTDE???3y3yY^???zLLLL$399 nit 4 What s the best movie theater? Section A 1 (1a-2d) N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably, No problem ccN NSW `$ It has the biggest screens. a$ It s the most popular. b$ Which is the best clothes store? c$ You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. d$ They play the most boring songs. 2) NN Nl ccb_[͋SoR͋vgؚ~b__(ugؚ~b__egcNbirvyrk0 2. `a`^Neg]vPN0 I think 970 AM is _______ _______. It has the ______ ________. 2. f[uN9hnc_ w'YO\U^eg[bkXzz~`N0 3. f[uN[bkXzzՋT SNSb_,ghgT{Hh [vSP[ USrۏL:_S_0 b!. Try to Find N0b_[͋ToR͋vgؚ~b__vgb 1. f[uN‰[O͋ SsNNvĉR N Tf[N v^ Neg0 2. gT 1uT\~egNNN\~@bZPv;`~0 3. 'YO\U^Q:yb_[͋ToR͋vgؚ~b__vĉR f[uN_b(W{,g N0 N0(ugؚ~egcNirbNirvSW\~ 1. A + be + the b_[͋gؚ~ + h:yVvN͋͋~ 2. A + R͋+ (the) oR͋gؚ~ +h:yVvN͋͋~ OS Dream Clothes is the worst in town. The DJs choose songs the most carefully. c!. Practice Work on 3a: 1. Tell Ss to read the sentences in 3a and try to fill in the blanks with correct forms of the words in brackets. 2. elc[^hQS ccwe'Ya6qT 9hncSaSSP[-N gl gh:yVv͋~ egnx[zzNN Tf[uegT Tf[NGlb]\~v`Q0 (gT SN~f[uNċegc>Ng gRv\~ e!. Exercises If time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen. (u@b~US͋vS_b__kXzz 1. Lily is ______ (early) than Lucy. 2. Who goes __________ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3. This book is _______________ (interesting) than that one. 4. She is ____________ (careful) in her school. 5. Who is _________ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think beef noodles is ________________ (delicious) of all. Homework N N]s~v s~KNg Who s the tallest? (the smartest, the tallest, the heaviest, the friendliest, the thinnest, the most beautiful, the busiest, the funniest, the most popular& ) I think & is the tallest. gfN  Section B 1 1a-2e N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) ccN NUS͋creative, performer, talent, common, all kinds of, beautifully, role, winner, prize, everybody, make up, example, for example, poor, seriously, give 2) ccN NSW `$ Who was the best performer a$ All these shoes have one thing in common. b$ That s up to you to decide. c$ But if you don t take these shows too seriously, & d$ They usually play a role in deciding the winner. 2. `a`^N@Bjlܽƫܫƫzqqhh*Qrh: CJh*QrhlCJh*QrhsCJ\h*QrhlCJ\h*Qrh*JCJ\h*Qrh: CJ\h*QrhpUCJh*Qrh*JCJh*Qrh1#CJh*Qrh2CJh*Qrhs5CJh*Qrhs5CJQJh*QrhsCJh*QrhoCJh*QrhP!CJh*Qrhz0CJ( .,HBLl"&( & Fdhgd[}dhgd[} dhWDd`gd*Qrdhgd*Qrdhgd3"$.468HLPRbdvz>@D~߹߯߃zqhqq\h*Qrhs5CJ\h*QrhmCJh*Qrh09CJh*Qrhz0CJh*QrhICJh[}5CJaJo(h-h[}5CJaJh-hs5CJaJh*QrhsCJo(h*Qrh9CJ$jh*QrhsCJUmHnHuh*Qrhs5CJh*QrhsCJ h[}CJh*Qrh: CJh*Qrh[}CJ(*,.02468v@R b t ! hdhWD`hgd3 XdhWD`Xgd[} dhgd*Qr $dha$gd*Qrdhgd*QrP V ` z !!!t!!!!!."X""""#>#r###"$f$$$$N%r%%&\&dhgd[}dhgd*Qr hdhWD`hgd*Qr$$$$$$$L%N%P%p%r%%%%%&Z&\&^&&&&&&&& '8':'<'^'`'''''''''''b((((() ) ))))0)2)h*QrhwCJh*QrhsCJh*Qrh?285CJh*Qrhs5CJh*QrhSCJh*Qrhn[CJh*QrCJ\o(h=xCJ\o(h*QrhnrCJ\h*Qrh:CJQJ\h*Qrh:CJ\h*Qrh:CJ7\&&&&:'`'''d((( )2)t)))*h***+V+p++p,f--*. dhWDd`gd*Qrdhgd*Qr2)r)t)))))*&*H*J*f*h******++T+V+n+p+++n,p,v,,,,$-.-0-4-R-T-X-d-f-j-¹zqh*QrhCJh*Qrh:CJh*QrhsCJh*Qrhs5CJ h=xCJ\h*QrhnrCJ\h*QrhwCJ\ h*QrCJ\h*Qrh:CJh*QrhwCJ)j-l----*.J.x.z. /F/H////////B0D00000000011*1P1n111111*2+2g2h2r2222222~~h*Qrh%7CJ\h*Qrh=(&CJ\h*QrhCJh*Qrhz0CJh*QrhsCJh*Qrh5CJh*Qrhs5CJh*Qrh=(&CJh*Qrh"OQCJh*Qrhn>CJh*Qrh'CJh*QrhbCJh*QrhN CJh*Qrh%7CJ1*.D.z..H////D00011111+2h22233\555555 xdhWD2`xgd*Qrdhgd*Qr2334F4z44Z555555555555566B7Z7\7`777777728L8889⻲|u|l|l|f|l| hICJh*QrhpCJ h3CJo(h*Qrhk, CJh-h}/5CJaJh=x5CJaJo(h-hs5CJaJh*Qrh%7CJo(h*QrhsCJ$jh*QrhpCJUmHnHuh h=(&CJo(h*Qrh%7CJ\h*Qrhs5CJh*Qrh=(&CJh*Qrh=(&CJ\$55555555556D7\7772889"9|999 dhgd*Qrdhgd3 hdhWD`hgd3 hdhWD`hgd*Qr $dha$gd*Qrdhgd*Qr9"9x9z999999::<:L:N:t:v::::::&;x;;;;;;;;;;;]<^<a<<<<<<4=>>>>>ĽĽĴ״׫״vh*Qrh\atCJh*Qrh 5CJh*Qrh:CJ\h*Qrh:CJ h CJh 5CJ\h*Qrh~$[CJh*Qrh9CJ h3CJo(h*Qrh}/CJh*Qrhs5CJh*QrhsCJh*QrhpCJKHh*QrhKCJh*Qrhs5CJ\-999(:8:J:v::::$;;;^<<<5=>>8??0@N@h@dhgd3 dh`gd*Qrdhgd*Qr dhWD`gd*Qr dhWD`gd3>>6?8?:?>?,@.@0@J@L@N@h@n@v@|@@#B$B%B'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBC,CnCoCpCDrr.r0r`rtrɿɶӶ嶀ӉӭӶwwuwwwUh*QrhCJh*Qrh8iCJh*Qrh%7CJh*QrhvCJh*QrhnCJh*Qrh0CJh*Qrh(CJh*QrhCJh*Qrh75CJh*Qrhs5CJh*QrhsCJh*Qrh7CJh*Qrh CJh*Qrh\atCJh*Qrhz0CJ.h@$BBBBqCr0sssttDuuuvwx.xyJzz {8{b|}}}~dhgd*Qr,TRc[b+RN[NNk*NNvċN@bv͋Gl _N1\/fNh:yċNvb_[͋boR͋vgؚ~b__0Vdk(W,TveP ^͑p>e(W[NirvhoۏLċNvgؚ~b__ N0 2. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks. 3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. d!. Group work 1. Work in groups. Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation with your partner. 2. Make a model for the Ss. 3. Tell Ss to make a conversation about all the performers. 4. Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss. e!. Reading 1. T: Do you often watch TV? Do you like China s Got Talent? Today we ll learn a passage about talent shows. 2. Let Ss read the passage quickly and find out  Which three talent shows are mentioned?  3. Ss read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions. f!. Reading 1. T: Now let s work on 2c. First, let s read the questions and make sure we know the meanings of all the questions. Then read the passage again and find the answers to the questions. 2. elc[HQ ^aN*Nvva`6qT &^@wُN*NQ!kwwevQ[ v^(Wwe-N~bQvsQvVT{Onc0 ~TweQ[NvQ[ nx[g:N4RvT{Hh0 3. Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions. 4. Check the answers with the class. g!. Reading 1. T: Read the passage again. This time you should underline all the superlatives in the passage, then write sentences using at least four of them. 2. elc[HQ (Wwe-NRQb_[͋boR͋vgؚ~b__6qT ~T]u;mbs~-NvNbNireg(uُ*N͋eg N*N]vSP[gT N TMONbc]vSP[ NvhgN N0 3. Ss find the superlatives in the passage. Try to write their sentences. Homework 1. Twe Ջ@w Ye ;`~eQsv͑p͋~She_0 2. [b2e-Nvg v^QQN*NgbJT0 gfN  Section B 2 3a-Self check N0Yef[vh 1. wƋvh 1) Y`Nb_[͋SoR͋vkvgbĉR0ccu͋crowded0 2) Y~TЏ(u@bccvwƋegchTVv0WpSNirvyrp0 3) ǏchTVv0WpSNireg~TЏ(u@bf[vb_[͋SoR͋vkv(ul0 2. `a`^NNNُ N[q_gRbvhyNTown Cinema 12CQScreen City10.50CQMovie World 10CQ0 3. f[uN[bՋv^fSV0 Homework 1. Review Section B. 2. Imagine you going to a talent show of famous people. Write an article about the talent show. gfN      PAGE  PAGE 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably, No problem Sentences Structures `$ It has the biggest screens. a$ It s the most popular. b$ Which is the best clothes store? c$ You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. d$ They play the most boring songs. Section A 2 Grammar focus-3c 3a: worse, the worst; better, the best; more expensive, the most expensive; most comfortably; the most interesting 3b: New World has the best service in town. Big Mouth has best food. Red Tea House has the best service. 3c: Danny s is the best one because it s the closest to my home. Blue Moon is the best one because it has the most delicious food. Section B 1 1a-2e New words: creative, performer, talent, common, all kinds of, beautifully, role, winner, prize, everybody, make up, example, for example, poor, seriously, give Sentence Structures: `$ Who was the best performer a$ All these shoes have one thing in common. b$ That s up to you to decide. c$ But if your don t take these shows too seriously, & d$ They usually play a role in deciding the winner. Section B 2 3a-Self Check 3athe best; the fastest; the most crowded; the most creative 3c: one possible version: The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it is the most beautiful. The best supermarket is New Century Supermarket because it has the best quality things and the best service. The best restaurant is Rui Jia Restaurant because it has the most delicious food and it is the cleanest restaurant. The best clothes store is Fashion Kids because it has the best quality clothes and it plays the nicest music. The best theater is Hanhai 3D Theater because it has the biggest screen and it has the most comfortable seats. trrrrr*s,s.s0s2s6srsssssssttttuuFuJuuuuuuuuuvvvvwwwwwxxxƽƴۡۛ咉剒wh*Qrh~CJh*QrhCJh*QrhCJh*QrhCJ h CJh*Qrhww5CJh*QrhwwCJh*Qrh8iCJh*Qrhz0CJh*Qrh1CJh*Qrhs5CJo(h*Qrhs5CJh*QrhsCJh*QrhCJh*QrhCJ-x*x.x@xbxdxyyyyyyyyyyyyzz$z.z2z4zFzHzJz|zzzzz{{ {&{4{8{>{D{`|b|x||||| }}f}v}}}}}}}~Ƿٷٷⷤ뷛h hWNCJo(h*Qrh1CJh*QrhgACJh*QrhWN5CJh*QrhWNCJ h CJo(h*QrhRCJh*QrhCJh*Qrh~CJh*QrhsCJh*Qrhs5CJh*Qrh5CJ9~ ~2~4~8~D~F~Z~\~^~p~t~~~~~~~~~~<>uj_TjI@h*QrhGCJh*QrhVG_CJKHh*Qrh~ CJKHh*Qrh4CJKHh*QrhGCJKHh*QrhrjCJKHh*Qrh~ 5CJh*Qrh~ CJh[5CJaJo(h]>5CJaJo(h-h~ 5CJaJh*QrhsCJo(h*QrhGCJ$jh*QrhsCJUmHnHuh*Qrhs5CJh*QrhWNCJh*Qrh1CJh*QrhsCJ~8~D~H~J~L~N~P~R~T~V~X~Z~\~^~~~~>" dhgd*Qr hdhWD`hgd*Qr hdhWD`hgd3 $dha$gd*Qrdhgd*Qr>@Dl "&V\`jʀ̀ր,2txā*,2vxĂƂƄ̄żѼżїzppgh*QrhHfCJh*QrhCJ\h*Qrh8iCJ\h]>CJ\o(h*QrhHfCJ\h*QrhkCJh*QrhrjCJh*QrhS~5CJh*Qrh0ZCJh*QrhS~CJh*QrhS~5CJ\h*QrhsCJh*Qrh4CJKHh*Qrh4CJh*Qrh~ CJh*Qrh5CJ("\l~̀,x,Ƃ^DƄDzLz dhWDd`gd*Qrdhgd3dhgd*Qr̄&<BDxz…JLxzΆІ҆ֆ68^`ƽƟ||sh*Qrh^}CJh3CJ\o( h3CJo(h*QrhCJ\h*QrhCJ h CJh*Qrh5CJ\h*Qrh8i5CJ\h 5CJ\h*QrhS~5CJ\h*QrhsCJ h]>CJ\h*QrhCJh*Qrh8iCJ\h*QrhCJ\,zІ8`Љl(lHX dhgd3dhVDrWD^`gd3dhgd*QrʉЉ։jlxzjlrzDFHTVX Şwʼnwmmh*Qrh0CJ\h*Qrh0CJh*QrhkoCJh*QrhCJh*Qrh5CJ\h*QrhCJ\h*Qrhj]CCJh*Qrh#H75CJh*Qrh"=5CJh*QrhS~CJh*Qrh8iCJ\h*Qrh#H7CJ\h*Qrh#H7CJh*Qrh5CJh*QrhS~5CJ) |֏Nb,j̑’~̕blr dhVDr^gd3dhgd3 & Fdhgd*Qrdhgd*Qr$xz|֏܏LN`b*,hj̑ґԔ ܿܵܿ{rkrbh*Qrh[uCJ h3CJo(h*QrhuCJh*QrhuCJ\h*QrhS~CJh*Qrh8i5CJh*Qrhu5CJh*QrhS~5CJh*QrhCJh*QrhCJ\h*QrhCJh*Qrhj]CCJ\h*QrhCJ\h*Qrhj]CCJh*QrhCJh*QrhyCJh*QrhUKCJ# ~ȕ̕ҕ`brvhpr—>@z:N8:<>Jȿȿypyfyffyph*Qrh3CJ\h*Qrh<[CJh*Qrh3CJh*QrhYc5CJh*Qrh*5CJh*Qrh*5CJ\h*QrhFCJ\h*Qrh*CJ\h*Qrhz0CJh*Qrh*CJh*QrhS~CJh*Qrh[u5CJh]>5CJo(h*QrhS~5CJh*Qrh[uCJh*QrhYcCJ(r—@v:Nz:>JNPRTVXZ\^`bfhlnrtdhgd*QrJL`bdhjnptvz~šĚȚ"̛,.nptv֝Φ~w~w~ h=xCJo(h h1CJo(h[}h1#CJo(h[}h[}CJo(h[}h1CJo(h[}h1CJh 0JmHnHu h10Jjh10JUh1hzdjhzdUh*QrhsCJo(h*QrhS~CJ$jh*QrhS~CJUmHnHu-txz|~ؚ*lJdhgd[} hdhWD`hgd[} $dha$gd[}h]hgdJW &`#$gd`k &dPgd0Z̝H̠ 6t΢ zʤdhgd*Qr $dha$gd*Qrdhgd $dh1$a$gd $dha$gd dhgd=x $dha$gd=x֝(fpTbh̠ 46:ڢܢ (4tvz|ȤʤΤȾ밾ޝyh*Qrh3CJ\h*Qrh1CJh*Qrh3CJo( h]>CJo(h*Qrh1CJo(h hMCJh hMCJOJQJo(h hMCJo(h hMB*CJo(ph h[CJo(h1h h1CJh h1CJo(h h%7CJo(."ިh*QrhsCJo(h8koh1h*Qrh3CJo(h*Qrh3CJ\o(h*Qrh3CJ\h*QrhFCJ\dhgd*Qrgd<[:&P 182P:p^. 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