ࡱ> )` RbjbjUU8??Hddddd ddhDy@lepepepepeKfKfKfswuwuwuwuwuwuw$zh|weKfKfKfKfKfwpepexvvvKfpepeswvKfswvvvpe`e `Id1ovswy0Dyvt}vt}vvHt}7w<KfKfvKfKfKfKfKfwwv KfKfKfDyKfKfKfKfhhhD&>D&hhh>` Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceYeHh - 0Xd0 NbQ[/f\:N`cOvRNYeHh ^gdkez[Ye^_YePgQ[ QnxbcYePgv͑pNp g@b.^R ۏ byf[0p`S_vYef[el f}Y0W~~Yef[;mR cؚYef[(ϑ0 f[`Rg ,gUSCQ/fNYeHrevhNt^~ NQ,{]NUSCQ _N/fgTN*NUSCQ0;NV~ School subjects ُ*N݋U\_ v^a_TVT{gU"kvf[yTU"kvSV NSfgvh0f[uf[ǏNkQ*NUSCQvevh [te*N zvYef[!j_ gNN[vN wQYN[v,T000QvW@x0[NyrkuSvSWTvsQvb_[͋Segvh]~ g@bc :N,gUSCQvf[yTfgvhSb NNW@x0Ǐ,gUSCQvۏNekf[`N Of[uYfRq~0WЏ(uvhۏLNE;mR0 YePgRg Unit 9 N School subject :N݋ PgNf[uve8^u;m ASR&{Tf[u[E0Nt^~vf[u_Yf[`NTyyv틇e0pef[00uir0SS00Wt0/g0PNI{0f[`Nu;m gN'}Qv[c k)Yv zc_nnv0NN_NN[O g]U"kvyv g]vf[`NR0Ǐf[`N YcؚNNvf[`NtQ ۏLTtvf[`N[c0Section A ;NǏ,T0Tv;mRf[uN`7h(uTVT{gU"kvf[yTU"kvSV NSُNf[yvN^0v^f[O(ufun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxingI{b_[͋egh]U"kg*Nf[yvSV0f[Oe͋GlT(uyrkuSWhat s your favorite subject. Why do you like...? Who is your ...teacher? I{SWegۏLS틤NE0Section B zhv[c fgQ Qp NNHNI{0f[uf[Ofgvhv^~Tf[yvhۏNekcؚS틤NER v^Ǐ!n0Rt㉌TfNbh W{QvQTQ\OvR0v^bЏ(u0Re8^NQ\OTh W{Qf[u(W[Eu;m-NЏ(uhvR0 USCQYef[[c 1. ,gUSCQR:N5*Ne k*Ne:N45R0 e Yef[Q[ W ,{Ne P49-50 1a-2d ,T􋓏eQ ,{Ne P51 3a-3c ~T^(u ,{ Ne P52-53 Section B 1a-2a ,TR ,{Ve P53 2b-2c  ,{Ne P54 3b-3c+self-check Q\O 2. ;`SO` te*NUSCQvYef[bN/fV~@wf[yTfgvh:N;N~v Section A /f gsQf[yvh TVT{gU"kvf[yTU"kvSV0Section B/f gsQfgvh0(Wev[c NbNW,g cgqNYePgvc`Tz^ v^(We[cvǏ z-NZPNNNte0;N/f(WgTNQ\O-N bNbself-check \O:NQ\O N[MRbQ[v Y`N\O:N[eQ v^_YQMR;mR0 USCQvh (N)wƋvh 1. ͋Gl favorite, subject, science, P.E. Music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, Monday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, for sure, free, cool, A.M. P.M., useful, from, from...to..., Mrs., finish, lesson, hour. 2. SW What s your favorite subject? Why do you like...? Who is your...teacher? When is the class? It is on... (N)Rvh 1. ccyrkuSvSWyrp0 2. f[O(uyrkuScTVT{0 ( N)`avh f[u]gU"kvf[y W{QNN[f[`NvtQ aSf[`Nvb1\a0 zhv[c f[uY[]vf[`Nu;m g*NTtvĉR {Qbo}Yvf[`N`N`0 (V)f[`NV{eu 1. f[V{euR] gvwƋ 9hnc`XcKm@bhva` ];`~R_~f[ǏvwƋ0 2. T\Of[`NV{euSN[gU"kvf[ySvQSV f[yvN^v h]v‰p f[ONNNT\Of[`N0 ,{N Rg,geunit 9 v,{Ne (W,gUSCQvYef[-Nw[eQ\O(u0wYef[vh/ff[uccv^f[OЏ(uf[yvhe_ v^Nf[OЏ(u gwhat _[vyrkuS0,ge;NN,T:N;NۏLYef[ :N,gUSCQc Negvf[`NTЏ(uSbW@x0 W,T􋓏eQ e45R Yef[vh 1. wvh (1) key vocabulary Math, science, P.E, history geography, art, music, computer (2) key structure What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is & Why do you like& ? Because it is& 2.Rvh (1) communicative function: to ask questions and talk something about subjects (2) language skills: listening and oral skills (3) learning strategies: cooperative learning, apperceive, experience 3.`avhTell the students to learn their subjects well and love their teachers Yef[eltask-based language teaching method, situational and communicative approach, video-audio method ,cooperation. Yef[Ǐ z Teaching steps Name of the task Teacher s activities Students activities Step 1 Lead in Guessing and expressing Lead in with an interesting question: what is your favorite fruit? Show a picture in ppt And then show the new unit: my favorite subject is science. Students listen to the teacher s question and answer the question. Purpose ǏN*N gv_wf[uvtQ TeSN.^Rf[u Y`NǏSf[ǏvSWmy favorite fruit is & _6q0W_QN)Yvf[`N0 Step2 Language points teaching Vocabulary Sentence structure Pair work Role-playing The teacher raise a question again: how many subjects do you have at school? And then show some word about subjects in ppt. there are Chinese, math, science, music, art, and so on. Play a game. Show some pictures in ppt and ask students to guess what subject it is. And then ask students to finish the excise 1a. Show the main sentence structure in ppt : what is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is... Why do you like ? Because it is Listen and match the subjects with the descriptions. 2b Teacher picks up a student to read the conversation with her in 1c. and then ask student to read the conversation with their partner. Ask students to make a new conversation. Ask students to read the conversation with their partner. Students pay attention to the teachers question and answer the question. Students look at the ppt and guess. Students finish the excise 1a. Students listen to the tape and finish the excise. Students read the conversation with their partner. Students make new conversations. Read the conversation with their partner. Purpose Ǐ^uvsyvUS͋eg;mÍXll TeS Tf[N{f0Wf[OُvUS͋06qTQǏ~`N[݋ Tf[q`N)YvSW, gRN;pf[uvhTЏ(uR0 Step 3 Play a game Show some famous people s picture and their favorite subject in ppt and ask students to keep them in mind. And then ask what those famous peoples favorite subjects are. Students look at the ppt and keep them in mind. Students answer the questions. Step 4 Fill in the blanks Ask students to finish the excise in ppt Students fill the blanks in ppt. Translation exercise Show some useful related sentence structure in ppt. When do you have + subject? I have + subject on Ask students to translate the sentences in ppt into English. Students pay attention to the ppt. Students finish the translation exercise. Purpose Ǐ)R(u gNffvgqGrNSNNU"kvyveg_wf[uvtQNSRmf[u[US͋TSWvtNЏ(u0 QǏkXzz~`NTы~`Neg]Vf[uvwƋ0 Step 4 Homework 1. 6R\ON*Ns~ve zh NN0 2. [b~`NQvunit9vsection A R0 Purpose .^Rf[u Y`NUS͋ThKmf[u[,gvcc z^0 1gfN language goals: different name of different subjects sentence partners: What is your favorite subject? Why do you like & ? Because it is & TS` te*NevkTt _eQuR6q 4R Of[u_fNv;N݋ T*NYef[ekTc6q0Ǐ^AmEu0Yef[elk0N[0Y(uN*N gNRWYef[ Ɖ,TWYef[ ؏ g_Y;mR f[u(W4R틃X-NSOOTccvh0 ,{N ,gN NNvsQ'`Rg(W,{Nf[u]~[Tyf[yvhTb_[f[yvb_[͋ g@bN _Nc扆NvsQTVT{gU"kf[yNSN^vhe_ ,g~~1\f[yvhI{wƋۏLV~ v^(WdkW@x NbU\yrkuSvSW(ul f[uf[OЏ(uyrkuSvSWۏLcTVT{0v^Ǐgve_f[uNvNTgU"kvf[yTSV v^ZPb\bJT f[uf[O(Ww[`of NO(uvh cؚNAmR0 W~T^(u e45R Yef[vh Y`Nf[yvhTTVT{gU"kvf[ySU"kvSV bU\Џ(uyrkuSvSW0v^(Ww[̀of N~`NSW0 `avhǏNvN Tf[KNgU"kvf[y Xۏ Tf[KNva`0 Yef[V{euCommunicative approach, task-based language teaching method, cooperation . Yef[Ǐ z Teaching steps Name of activity/task Teacher s activities Students activities Step1 Revision Warming up Ask and Answer Ask some of the students what s their favorite subject and why do they like the subject. The student being asked should use the sentence pattern: My favorite subject is...; Because it is... Then the student being asked should ask other students what are their favorite subjects? And use the sentence pattern: whats (his, her, Bobs...) favorite subject?; Why does Bob like...? When is your...class? Whos your...teacher? And answer like: His/her favorite subject is... Purpose .^Rf[uV~]~f[Ǐvf[yh bU\Џ(uyrkuSSW0 Step2 Grammar focus Explaining Guide students to understand how to use what, who, why, and when to ask questions and how to answer the question including what, why, how, and when. Listen carefully and answer the teacher s question. Purpose ǏʑyrkuSvcTVT{ f[uZP NNekv;mRZP}YQY0 Step3 Guessing game Game playing Show some pictures of the students in the class and ask other students to guess their favorite subjects. And use what, why, who, and when to ask and answer questions. Guess the favorite subjects of the students in the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Purpose Ǐ8nb_wf[utQ v^(W[ES틤NE-N^(uyrkuSvSW0 Step4 Practice Pair work Ask students to make dialogue with their partner use the sentence pattern: What s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is...Why do you like...? Because it is... Who is your...teacher? My...teacher is... When is your...class? It is on... Discuss and make dialogue with their partner and show thir dialogue to the class. Purpose Ǐ[݋~`Nf[uf[OЏ(uyrkuScTVT{0 Step5 The usage of the language points Fill in the blanks Guide students to do the exercise in 3a and 3b, and then check the answers. Do the exercise carefully and exchange their answers with their partner to make sure the answers are correct. Purpose ]VlwƋ Ǐ~`Nf[uccyrkuSvSWyrpTЏ(u0 Step6 Interview and report Guide the students to do the interview in 3c. The students are divided into several groups. Then give the survey to the students to discuss and show an example for them how to fill out the survey and do a report. Whats more, they should find out the one who has the same favorite subject. Students are required to do the survey in their group Name Favorite subject Reason Teacher and then the group leader should make a report in front of the class. Find out those who has the same favorite subject. Purpose f[u(WccNvhlwƋvW@x NۏNekb͑lTSW^(u0Rw[`of-N [slwƋNNE;mRv~TЏ(u0 Summary Review the sentence patterns What s your favorite subject? Why do you like...? ... Homework Review what we have learned this class. Do the after-class exercise on Grammar. gfN Unit 9 My favorite subject is science? What s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is... Why do you like... Because it is... Who is your...teacher? My...teacher is... When is your...class? It is on... TS`,gV~lwƋvt㉌T^(u f[uekccyrkuSvcTVT{ [vh gfmB\v]V0ǏgbJT :_SNlwƋv[E^(u0v^(WbJTT~bQ gv TgU"kvf[yv Tf[ SNOf[uKNNvN Xۏ Tf[KNva`0Xn;mRY:Nf[uKNvNAmNR Ygf[uW@x NY}Y NYMT S1uNeP6R Nz)R[b,gvNR N0Rgvv0 ,{ N ,gN NNvvsQ|Rg: ,ge/fُ*NUSCQv,{ N*Ne f[u(WMRbvȇ]~f[`NNYsQNf[yv T͋NSc[gNf[yv`a`^0,ge;N/fǏ,TRtegf[uۏNek]VُRW@xwƋ (WwQSO틃X-N;p,TRtR0,T[,gPgeT f[u؏\N T4OۏL ]gU"kvf[y ُ/ff[u`a`^NNn:P$dh1$`a$gd u? $dh1$a$gd u?$d,1$@&]a$gd u?$RfnP`p|*N $dh1$`a$gd u? 0"T` !7!!!!!!{""(#L#k#$dh1$`a$gd u?k####8$$%_&~&&&&&+'G']'''((( )L)X)))&*L*$dh1$`a$gd u?L*l*N+V+,,,n--P.\.../L/|1:2 4Z46699; <>> ?n@$dh1$`a$gd u?n@~@@@A$A6AAAA.BBB:C~CDDEhFFF,G*HHIIItJ$dh1$`a$gd u?tJJJKKK5LxLLLM"MNNNO@PPQdLeefFggZh|hh~i$dh1$`a$gd u?ks about on this schedule. 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and catch what they should do. 2. Concentrate their mind on the tape and get the answers for questions. Purpose ,g;mR/ff[uf[O(W,TRPge-NS@bvOo` ǏnNN N͑vOo`0 Step 4 Post-listening 1. Ask students to find out the characteristics of a schedule and conclude some main points. 2. Discuss with partners about their favourite subjects using the examples in the right form. 3. Pair work presentation. 1. Find out characteristics of a schedule with partners 2. Talk about their own favourite subject to partners. 3. Presentations Purpose Ǐ SNf[ufRq`T{|f[yTYUOhR TecؚhR0 Homework Take 1c as an example, write down your schedule of a whole week in details. TS`;`SO ُۏL_kz)R f[u[bNRvHesؚ NteSOyg'`}Y0FO1uN,gvQ[v^ NY ewƋ_\ S[RkOyv Tf[vBlw2k_ N0Rn0SY Yef[Q[kUSN ibU\vQ[ NY f[u[fa0Rl NTvYef[QY-N^la9eSُy`Q0 ,{V ,gN NNvvsQ|Rg: ,ge/fُ*NUSCQv,{V*Ne f[u(WMRbvȇ]~f[`NNe͋GlTeSW gNN[vwƋW@x0ُ;N/f:_SُNwƋ v^f[ubُNwƋЏ(u0Re8^u;mvh-N0 WW e45R Yef[vh 1. Improve the ability of reading a. Learn to grasp the keywords and then to pick up the information needed. b. Learn to find the information from the passage. c. Master the skill of finding the mainline of the passage. 2. Revise the forms of the letter. 3. Learn to make a suitable timetable. Yef[͑p 1. Learn the words about subjects: P.E., science, history, biology, math, English, Chinese. 2. Learn the seven days of a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3. Learn the description words: busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict. Yef[p 1. Learn to make a suitable timetable. 2. Learn to write a letter. Yef[eltask-based teaching method Yef[Ǐ z Steps Name of activity/task Teacher's activities Students' activities Step1:Warming-up and revision Ask and say 1. Ask questions to help Ss to review: What s your/his/her/ favorite subject? Why do you like P.E.? Who is your art teacher? When do you have math? 2. Ask Ss which day is their favorite day and write down the schedule and then report it. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Write down the schedule. 3. Do the report. Purpose ,g;mR;N/f:NN.^Rf[u Y`NMRbwƋ v^N\f[u_ۏv݋0 Step 2: Pre-reading 1. Give questions to Ss before they read the passage. (1)Underline the things Lin Mei likes and circle the things she doesn t like. (2)What s Lin Mei s favorite subject? (3)Does Lin Mei like math? Why? (4)Who is her music teacher? Does she like her music teacher? Why? (5)Complete Lin Mei s schedule with the information from this letter. 2.Let Ss read the passage and find out the answer. 1. Read the questions 2. Read the passage and find out the answers. Purpose ,g;mR;N/ff[u&^@wS g['` cؚHes0 Step 3: While-reading 1. Ask Ss to be concentrated. 2. Get Ss to guess the meanings of the new words in the passage according to the context. 1. To be concentrated on reading. 2. Guess the meanings of the new words in the passage according to the context. Purpose ,g;mRvvv/ff[u(W-NƖ-N|^y v^NcؚNN)R(u N NesUS͋vaƋ0 Step 4 Post-reading 1. Ask Ss to answer the questions. 2. Explain the new vocabulary. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Learn the new vocabulary. Purpose ǏVT{ f[u[ezvNf{_;v^f[OЏ(uez̑bvhegc]vf[`N Neh0 Homework Write out your schedule of school day. TS`ُ;N/f:NNcؚf[uvR0(WMR~QNezvsQv f[u g['`vS NNb_bo}Yv`N`0Tf[uT{ R:_NN[ezvt0 ,{N ,gN NNvvsQ'`RgǏMRQ[f[uKNgU1rvyv :NNHNU"kgyv (ub_[͋cyvvyrp cTyvve[cI{vf[`N ,gO͑~f[uv틙Q\OR Ǐ[ z[cvteTI{NNvsQv;mR_[f[u(WQ\O-NYtOo`vRT[]vf[`Nu;m g*NTtvĉR {Qbo}Yvf[`N`N`0 WQ\O e45R Yef[vh 1.wƋRvh a. Help students to master some writing skills about the Email; b. Let the Students be able to use what have learned in the writings and learn to connect the knowledge 2. `a`^vh a. Develop students good habits of studying and life and the ability to use the multi-media to communicate with others b. Develop students writing interests Yef[͑p ͑p1.Review the words like subject science physical education P.E. biology math gymnastic Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday why because and so on and some phrases :What s your favorite subject?/Why do you like...?/ Who is your...teacher?/When is the class? It is on... 2. Consolidate what have learned about describing the characteristic of different subjects; p1. The writing skills about writing an email; 2.To write an email Yef[elCommunicative Approach; Task-based Teaching and learning approach; Revision; Discussion Yef[Ǐ z Steps Teacher s activities Students activities Step1: Review and lead-in 1.Greetings 2.show the cover of books about different subjects to the Ss, and ask them to say them in English as soon as possible. 1.Greetings 2.Answering the questions Purpose Y`N@bf[ gsQyvvUS͋ _wf[utQ ۏeQf[`NvsX0 Step2: Exercise Ask the Ss to finish the exercise in self check and discuss it after finishing Doing the exercise and discuss with the partner Purpose VR_,g ۏNek]VMRQ@bf[vUS͋SW f[uYZP0R)nEe we w0Rb N/T Nv\O(u0 Step3: Pre-writing 1. lead in the the writing of an Email: ask the students to think about if you want to send a letter to a friend as soon as possible, what is the best way? 2. show the style and format of email to the Ss and teach them how to write an email: the similar as writing a letter 3. Ask the Ss to finish 3a and then read together 4. Ask the Ss to use the knowledge in self check finish the blanks in 3b and talk about it the the partner 1.look at the screen and answer the questions 2.Follow the teacher s instructions and get about the format of email 3. Finish the exercise in 3a and find the correct answer, then read together 4. Finish the exercise in 3b according to the instructions Purpose ~f[uYvOo`eQ _[f[uccQEmailv$dh1$`a$gd u?2x :ʠgd u?$dh1$`a$gd u? 6182P:p u?. A!"5#$%S N@N cke $1$a$$CJKHPJ_HaJmH nHsH tH$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfh@EHL~qZ,  . \ / Biot|()HQbt}37'F_q K  [ b Z  7 {(Lkr_~+G]5<Xu%\emlkxEh\ ) - 6 ^ !8!Z! 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