ࡱ> SURq` REbjbjqPqP2L::vvvvvvv!!!!,!,16"6"6"6"6"6"6"6" 11111112h<5:1v$6"6"$$1vv6"6"1---$Jv6"v6" 1-$ 1--50`vv06"*" 07!Q)0 11010,v5'-v500v5v006"v"T-#DD#6"6"6"11- 6"6"6"1$$$$$$vvvvvv ؚ N Y`NYeHh [NS ( Attributive Clauses) Teaching Aims: To ask the students to master the usage of Attributive Clauses and use it freely when communicating with each other. Difficulties and Emphasis: ** How to distinguish the Attributive clauses. **How to tell the attributive clause from the appositive clause . Teaching Progress : Step 1 Introdution [INSvsQ/g [NSOpgN T͋bN͋vNSS[NS0[NSN,'}ߍ(W[@bOpvHQL͋KNT0R:NP['`[NST^P['`[NS0 HQL͋ [NSOpv͋SHQL͋0 sQ|͋ _[[NSv͋SsQ|͋0 R:NsQ|N͋TsQ|oR͋0sQ|N͋ g that ,which ,who ,whom,whose, as I{sQ|oR͋ gwhen ,where ,why I{0 sQ|͋v\O(u A . _[[NS B . NfHQL͋ C. (WNS-NbS_N*NbR The seaon which /that comes after spring in summer. which / that (WS-N_[[NS Nf the season ,v^(WNS-NZP;N0 Step 2. presentation sQ|N͋ cN who whom that Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning . He is the person who /that /whom you are looking for . Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way . Mr. Li is the person (whom / who/ that )you talked about on the bus . S(uwho N(u that h:yNv Ny`Q Anyone who breaks the law will be punished .( HQL͋:NcNvN͋ Yanyone ,one ,all,none I{ Those who want to go there raise your hand .(HQL͋:Nthose) There is a young man outside who asks for you .((Wthere be ~g-N) :S+R  He is no longer the naughty boy ( that ) he was ten years ago . He is no longer what he was ten years ago . cir that which This is the desk that /which he bought yesterday . The book that / which he picked up this morning is Jack s . S(u that vQy`Q a . S_HQL͋:N everything ,anything ,nothing ,(something dY) all , none , few , little , some I{N͋e bHQL͋S every ,all ,any some , no , little ,few , much I{N͋Ope0 All that can be done has been done . There is little that I can do for you . Have you taken down everything (that )Mr. Li said ? b. S_HQL͋^pe͋bgؚ~Ope The first place that they visited was our school . This is the best film that I have seen . c. S_HQL͋ the very ,the only Ope This is the very book that I want to buy . After the fire in his house , the old car is the only thing that he owns . d. S_HQL͋:NNTire Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street . e . S_HQL͋MRb gwho ,which I{uN͋e Who is the man that is standing by the gate ? Which is the shirt that fits me most ? S(uwhich v`Q a . N͋+ which hir The school in which I studied is very small . b. (W^P6R'`[NS-N I will study in the school , which is famous for Premier Zhou . whose8^cN _NScir (W[NS-NZP[0 I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country . I once lived in the house whose roof has fallen in . la cire whose S(u the + T͋+of which egNf The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired . Do you like the book of which the cover is yellow . I lived in the room , whose window /the window of which /of which the window faced north . N͋+sQ|N͋ _[v[NS The school in which he once studied is very famous . This is the boy with whom I played tennis yesterday . N͋+sQ|N͋ MR؏S g some ,any, none ,all ,both,neither,fewI{N͋bpe͋0 He loves his parents deely , both of whom are very kind to him . In the basket there are uite many apples , sLjT X Z b d   @ D F R ` n x Ųtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdth15CJOJQJ\aJo(h15CJOJQJ\aJh15CJOJQJ\h15CJOJQJ\aJ%h15B*CJOJQJ\aJph%h15B* CJOJQJ\aJph(h15B* CJOJQJ\aJo(ph"h15B*CJ$OJQJaJ$ph%h15B*CJ$OJQJaJ$o(ph$LjT n Z F  p r `UD WD]^`gd1^gd1H^Hgd1gd1$a$gd1E ( < > B \ n r 28vV^ĹĹīĝĝĝĹĹĹĹĹĹĹĹĹĹĝďĹīāh15B*CJaJphh15B*CJ aJ phh15B*CJaJphh15B*CJ$aJ$phh15CJaJo(h15CJaJh15CJOJQJ\aJo(h15CJOJQJ\aJ%h15B*CJOJQJ\aJph2`,40t\ "pH^Hgd1gd1^gd1^gd1.FbvPX .62: JRHPpt"^h 0Rh15B*CJaJphh15CJaJo(h15B*CJaJphh15CJaJRp$\D&:0l00V11:22$3633"44gd1,FHnprdv$`x 00:0B000101x1112P2z222$34363<3>3T3V3r3t3z33333333304:44445 565@5b5r5t5|5~55555Uh15CJaJo(h15B*CJaJphh15B*CJaJphh15CJaJQome of which have gone bad . sQ|oR͋ when where why I never forget the days when /in which we studies together . I never forget the days that / which we spent together. This is the shop where / in which I worked two years ago . This is the shop that /which I visited two years ago . The reason why /for which / that he came late is that he fell ill . The reason that he gave us is that he fell ill . ^P6R'`[NS yrp (uS  N;NS_ ы:Nv^RSsQ|͋ Nweu  N(uthat _[ N(uwho Nf whom His mohter , who loves him very much , is strict with him . China, which was founded in 1949 , is becoming more and more powerful. as /which _[^P6R'`[NSe v Tp/fSNZP;Nb[ N Tp/f as _[vNSS>e(W;NSKNMR _NS>e(W;NSKNTwhich_[vNSS>e(W;NSKNT vS_Nand this0that0it 0SY as 8^8^ g ckY ckP v+TIN0 As is known to all , China is a developing country . What is known to all is China is a developing country . It is known to all is that China is a developing country . S_;NSTNSKNX[(W@w; NvVgsQ|e sQ|͋__S(uwhich 0 Tom was late for school again and again, which made his teacher very angry . S_HQL͋Sthe same bsuch Ope sQ|͋N,(uas I never heard such stories as he tells . This is such a difficult problem as nobody can solve . This is such a difficult problem that nobody can solve it .^[NS This is so difficult a problem as nobody can solve . way ZPHQL͋e(ulY N I don t like the way in which ( that ) he speaks to his mother. Step 3 explanation [NSN TMONSv:S+R [NSvHQL͋ǏsQ|͋(WNS-NbS_v^vSP[bR sQ|N͋(WNS-N\O[e8^Sweu0 TMONSOpv͋(WNS-N NbS_bR 8^(uthat _[ that Nweu TMONS_N1u where ,when ,who , how ,whether ,what I{ޏ͋_[ 0 The news (that /which) he told me is true .( [NS ) The news that he has just died is true .( TMONS ) The problem ( that /which )we are facing now is how we can collect so much money .( [NS ) The problim where /how / whether we an collect so much money is difficult to solve . ( TMONS ) The question ( that /which ) he raised puzzled all of us .( [NS ) The question whether he is sure to win the game is hard to answer . ( TMONS ) Step 4 Practice 9e This is the school where I visited yesterday . I ll never forget the days when we spent together . Is there anything which I can do for you ? I study in the same school which you do . The book , which cover is broken , is not mine . There was nobody to who I could turn for help . The pen with that I wrote to you is on the desk .\ Who is the man who is talkig to you ? Is this museum that we visited 3 years ago ? That s all what I want to say . Mr. Smith is one of the foreign experts who works in China . I ,who is a Party member, should think of others first . The workers , most of them are women , are out of work now . He didn t pass the eaxm , it is a pity . The man I met him in the street is my boss . Homework Do some exercises and go over the usage of the Attributive Clauses . 445667J77*8|88p999v:::;6<<V=>>@?f?l??2@@ & Fgd1gd15557*7,7:7F7H7777788 888"8`8d888`9n99999:B::::;;>;H;N;X;p;;;;;;;(<0<H<R<<<<<F=N=n==>>6>L>>>>>.?8?f?j?EE h1h h15CJaJo(h15B*CJaJphh15CJaJH@@>AABPBBBdCCPDDDEEEgd1 & Fgd10182P. 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